View Full Version : Visiting Corellia

Lady Vader
May 1st, 2002, 02:10:35 PM
*The massive Star Destroyer came out of hyperspace, orbiting a lushes planet of blues and greens, with puffy white clouds scattered across the globe. They passed over the day side of the planet, and approached the night side, the side that held the Sith Order's palace.*

*LV, sitting in her command seat, looked over to her guest seated on the arm rest, observing the many blinkings of the buttons on the console to the right of the chair.*

We have arrived at Corellia, though right now, the Sith Order palace is shrowed in night. But you are in luck, for tonight is a full moon and fairly clear, and you should be able to see most of the landscape and the palace as we fly in.

*She stood.*

It is time to head to the launch bay and take my Sith Infiltrator to the planet's surface.

*She patted her shoulder, inviting her guest to come and sit.*

Are you ready to go, Jhyx?

May 1st, 2002, 06:19:17 PM
Was he ready to go???? Was he ready to go???!!!! Jhyx was on her shoulder in a flash, wrapping his tail securely around her neck for balance. Making sure he was settled comfortably, he looked behind him, and waved a paw at the bridge crew. "Carry on men. It does this admiral proud to see you going about your duties with vigor."

Jhyx turned back, leaning forward slightly to give Lady Vader yet another wide smile. "I'm ready."

Lady Vader
May 2nd, 2002, 12:52:56 PM
*LV chuckled, and proceeded to the hangar bay, and entered her ship, Cat's Claw. She sat in the pilot's seat, Jhyx making himself comfortable in the co-pilot's seat. She punched in a few buttons and pulled back a lever. Soon they were flying smoothly out of the bay, and down towards the planet's surface.*

*Within minutes, the had flown over the calm Corellian sea, blanketed in night, the moon sparkling on it's dark waters. She flew the ship low, and as they came to a cliff, she let the ship climb upward. At the top, a grand palace of black stone greeted them, it's spires reaching it's sharpened points towards the heavens. The palace was surrounded by views in all directions.*

* She pointed to each respective direction, like giving a small tour.*

To the west of the palace, we have a vast view of the ocean. To the south are the sea ports. To the east is one of Corellia's more prosperous cities. And slightly the side, centering between north and east of the palace, is my own personal establishment, The Sith Ladies Lounge. We serve food and drinks there, and even entertain.

*She could see the excitment in the Isnik's eyes. Any more, and those eyes would fall right out of his face.*

In time, I will show you the sites.

*She made one more circle around the palace, and then brought the ship in to settle into one of the hangar bays on chissled into the cliff's face and reinforced with steel.*

*As they landed, the ship's engine went from a full rorar to a soft purr as it settled down through it's shut off sequence. Standing, LV began to walk towards the lowering ramp, Jhyx hopping onto the back of the co-pilot's seat and leaping onto her shoulder, energy peeked to it's limit.*

*LV walked down the lowered ramp, her cloak flowing behind her. There was the usual greeting party of soldiers lined up at attention on either side of the ramp. She stopped momentarily to speak with the head captain of the gathered group.*

Everything is well?

*The man gave a sharp nod and salute.*

Captain: Everything is as it was when you left, Mistress.

*LV nodded.*


*She then continued walking through the hangar, speaking with Jhyx.*

Well pop into the dining hall for a snack and then I will assign you some quarters.

*As they walked through the seemingly endless halls, the red carpeted walkways, and black marble pillars seemed to move and change. The hallways played tricks on the mind, opening and closing, shifting in different directions. And yet, everything seemed to be still. It was the Sith magic that lurked within the shadows of the palace. The place was indeed enchanted, and those that wondered the halls without knowing the way, would most certainly get lost.*

*But LV knew where she was going, and though the halls seemed to laugh at the Isnik, she continued to converse with him, telling him about the gardens, the training centers, and the discussion chambers, telling the story how the palace had been destroyed by a traitor, but then raised up more strong thatn before.*

...it's so reinforced, it would take a barage of turbolasers from our enemies to down this fortress. And even then, they'd have to get through our planetary shields, palace shields, land and air defenses. But even if they did destroy the palace, the could not touch the underground command centers. Those rooms are specially reinforced and sealed.

*She shook her head.*

We spent a lot of money rebuidling, and I wanted to be sure when the palace stood again, it would for centuries to come.

*They finally reached a grand doorway, the large black wooden doors carved with delicate designs. LV waved a hand and the doors opened of their own accord. waiting for them, were a variety of snacks and sweets on a long wooden table, matching the door's color and make.*

Welcome to the Sith Order, Jhyx. Please, make yourself at home.

May 29th, 2002, 04:06:24 PM
And he did just that. The little Isnik jumped from her shoulder and onto the table, his eyes wide as he stared at the food before him.

"WOW!!!!! This is great!!!!!"

He looked at Lady Vader, his grin enormous as his little tail thwumped the table in excitement. "This is fantastic!!!! I love it!!!"

Casting glances every which way, he finally plopped down, wrapping his tail around to the front and leaning back on his elbows.

"So what do you do around here? Does anyone else live in this palace? I'll bet you have a boyfriend, huh? What do you do for fun? How big is this place? How long have you been here?"

The questions just poured out, and he laid back, utterly content and overjoyed. He was on Corellia!!!!

Lady Vader
May 29th, 2002, 11:39:44 PM
*LV laughed and sat down in one of the seats at the table, plucking at a grape and popping it in her mouth.*

Well, we recruit and train our Sith warriors, our apprentices, here at the palace. It also serves as our home, our base of operation. Many others live here, all members of the Sith Order. The troops you saw stationed about the place actually have their own bunkers in an adjoining section outside of the palace. I want to show you the gardens for which the Order is famous for, but it is dark now and there is no moon tonight. So, I will show you the garden tomorrow.

The palace itself is quite large, and it continues even underground. It is tall as it is deep. One side of the palace gives you a view of the city, and the other side gives you a view of the Corellian sea. And the palace seems even bigger on the inside than it really is due to the Sith magic. It plays tricks with your mind and seems to change the placing of the halls, marble pillars, and red carpet. If you don't know the workings of Sith magic, you can get terribly lost in here.

*She raised an eyebrow.*

As to a boyfriend... well, I don't think that would be the word to use... I have given myself to a Sith here by the name of Darth Vader.

*She settled back into her seat, absentmindedly tapping at a jubjub melon.*

As for me, I have been here many years. Almost all my life. But I have enjoyed every minute of it.

*Off to the side, a shadow crept along the wall. Two yellow orbs glinted momentarily before disapearing again.*

May 30th, 2002, 09:15:45 PM
At her mention of showing him the garden's Jhyx's eyes went wide once again. Oh how he couldn't wait!!!!

Jumping to his feet ha danced madly about, so excited was he that he ran circles around the room, and the third time he passed by Lady Vader, he launched himself into the air and landed on her shoulder, maul/hugging her neck.

"This is so great!!!! I love it here!!"

When she spoke of this Darth Vader, the little Isnik made himself comfortable by sprawling along the length of her shoulders; going from on end around the back of her neck to the other. Not a hard thing to do for a creature who seemed more of a liquid than a solid.

"Darth Vader, huh? He's a lucky guy to have someone as nice as you."

Jhyx imagined Darth Vader to be a daring and dashing adventurer; rugged and handsome from countless sorties spanning across the galaxy and back again. Jhyx saw him as a man who threw consequenses to the wind, and who'd become enamoured with Lady Vader, proclaiming his feelings for her under a starry sky.

The look in Jhyx's eyes became distant as his imagination ran off once more; his mind's eye ablaze with how perfect the two must be for eachother.

His tail wrapped and rewrapped itself around Lady Vader's neck as he let himself slide down her front so he could look up at her. "So when can I meet him? Darth Vader? I'll bet he's really handsome, and you two are the perfect couple. I bet all the other women here are jealous, huh."

His smile was a mile wide, and so intent on Lady Vader was he that he didn't notice the motion alongside the wall; nor the two yellow orbs that blinked into, the out of existence.

Lady Vader
May 31st, 2002, 04:27:04 PM
Uh, well, I don't know if the other ladies are jealous or not. But I do consider myself lucky to have "caught" him.

*She gave a quirky smile.*

And I honestly don't know where he is now. he could be in the Palace, or he could be galavanting across the galaxy, commanding his fleet. He's quite a good fleet commander. Though I must say, promotion rates aboard his flag ship have risen as of late.

*She could only hazzard a guess as to why. Hard help was so hard to come by these days, and Vader had a knack for using em up like popcorn.*

*It was at that moment her danger sense caught wind of what was lurking in the shadows.*

May 31st, 2002, 04:31:41 PM
*The shadow lurched forward, gleaming claws and sharp teeth all out, as Iesis pounced on the little Isnik. But it wasn't what LV expected.*

*The female Corellian panther took the creature by the scruff in it's mouth, sat on the floor, wedged the orange bundle in between it's large paws, and became to lick him! Iesis was giving Jhyx a BATH and purring quite happily at her new found playmate.*

Lady Vader
May 31st, 2002, 04:34:08 PM
*LV sat there, stunned. She had felt the danger, but realized it hadn't been danger at all. The big cat was just being... motherly!*

*If it weren't for the screwed look of irritation on the Isnik's face, she would have immediately burst out into laughter over the whole scene. As it was, a tiny corner of her mouth bent upwards.*

Iesis! You know better than that!

*The cat ignored her, giving Jhyx a full-tongued bath.*

Jun 14th, 2002, 05:21:42 PM
Annoyance flashed across the little Isnik's face for a few seconds, but was quickly replaced with a radiant smile as the large cat's tongue ran up along his back. The somewhat prickly surface of the tongue itched the parts that he'd never quite been able to reach, and leaning back, Jhyx made sure every inch was taken care of.

His fur ruffled as it was pushed up, and his tail thumped happily on Iesis' outstretched foreleg.

Holding out his arms so the cat could move on to them, the Isnik looked up at Lady Vader.

"Wow!!! This is great!!! I didn't know you had a kitty!!!" He beamed as the bath continued.

Lady Vader
Jun 16th, 2002, 09:54:24 PM
*LV blinked several times before answering the Isnik. She hadn't expected him to actually take to Iesis. And from the looks of it, Iesis had taken to Jhyx completely.*

Well, yes, I do, in a sense of the term. Iesis isn't really mine. She comes and goes a she pleases. She's the one that actually found me.

*LV took a breath.*

I'd been taking a walk in the forests behind the Palace sometime in the evening when Iesis had appeared. Most Corellian Sand Panthers are the color of sand and quite shy. They don't like to be seen by others. Iesis is unique in the fact her pelt is jet black. And she is certainly not shy at all. Cautious maybe, but not shy.

I have a natural ability with felines, sentient or otherwise, and they seem to trust me. And that's how she came to me.

*LV reached over and scritched the top of Iesis' head, the large cat emitting a rumbling purr that made the little Isnik shake within the panther's paws.*