View Full Version : A renewal... [ALL READ]

Lady Vader
Nov 3rd, 2001, 11:02:49 PM
I will start with a brief history.

When I joined TSE and became a part of it's Council, the deal was to have someone from TSE join here and be a part of TSO's Council (Jedah Lynch was the chosen one seeing as how he was already a part of this group and TSE). This was to strengthen our alliance and make it more of a sisterhood.

Well, not many of you may know this, but about two weeks ago, Lynch resigned from TSE and it's Council. This leaves his seat open here and at TSE, and leaves our sisterhood without a connection.

Yes, I am still a part of both groups and both Councils. But someone from TSE needs to be named to TSO now that Lynch has left TSE.

I have been in contact with Dalethria Mal Pannis concerning this situation. We both believe the sisterhood should remain, but in order for this, we need to agree on someone from TSE to be a part of TSO (if they are willing).

I have considered the possibile Council members from TSE, and I think Dale would be a good choice. I trust her. She has made sound decisions and judgements at TSE. She would treat TSO with the same respect.

I would like to hear from the Council members here on this matter. It needs resolving, and quickly to seal the sisterhood once again.

Seth Darkserpent
Nov 4th, 2001, 10:29:02 AM
I don't like this idea at all. When Lynch was on the both TSE and TSO, things were pretty stable between the two groups. Then you became a member of the Sith Empire, and the bond between us was tightened.

Was it weakened since Lynch has left Roleplaying? I don't think so, from what I've been observing.

Why do we need yet another liason between the two groups to keep the bond strengthened? You're doing a pretty good job of keeping our two groups allied, LV. Although I do agree that if this idea were to pass, Dalethria would be the perfect choice.

This is just MY two cents.

Lady Vader
Nov 4th, 2001, 09:01:53 PM
Thank you for your words, Seth.

Yes, the bond has remained steady and strong.

Basically, by having a Council member from TSE here would keep with the agreement. Dale has approached me with it already. Even though I know they wouldn't take me off their Council or kick me out of their group, I think what we're looking for here is a consistancy with the agreement. Think of it along the lines of "changing the guard".

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 4th, 2001, 09:56:06 PM
I agree with Seth completely and whole heartedly - and yes, given the choice, I would favor Dalethria to be the new laison, should one need to be choosen. That's not to say that no one else is qualified, but speaking from personal experience I probably know her best out of all the Council Members at TSE, and therefor I don't really know enough about any of the others to judge their qualifications.

Oh yeah, and guys, I'm back to the world of RP. :)

Seth Darkserpent
Nov 5th, 2001, 06:04:56 PM
Hooray Jeseth! FINALLY :p

Dale has approached me with it already.

Oh. Interesting, she approached you with the proposal? I thought it had been vice versa. I don't want to point fingers, or sound like an idiot, but could this be an attempt at power grabbing? Dalethria doesn't seem like the kind of person who would do that, but I've been known to be a bit suspicious these days.

Live Wire
Nov 5th, 2001, 11:31:36 PM
I understand thats the agreement. Dales fine by me I supppose. Though who else is on the tse council?

Lady Vader
Nov 6th, 2001, 04:55:05 AM
Sorry Seth, I mis-worded. I was the one that asked her what we should do now that Lynch had left. So, I approached her about it.
What I meant to say is that we have discussed it. I went to her first when Lynch left, and we started to talk about the agreement and what should be done. None of TSE's Council members know of what we have been talking about. I told her I would speak with TSO's Council first, and then let her know the consensus. She agreed. So far, she has been helpful and patient.
(And, no, this is no grab for power. She respects me and TSO. So perish that thought of power-grabbing.)

To answer your question, LW, TSE's Council is going through some changes right now. Due to the delicacy of the matter, I cannot go into detail. Those on the Council at the moment are myself, Dalethria, Havok, Ogre, and Sumor.

Seth Darkserpent
Nov 6th, 2001, 01:17:26 PM
Ahh thanks for clearing that up LV. I didn't think it was a power grab, but the way you worded it made it seem that way. Sorry :)

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 6th, 2001, 10:44:49 PM
Well, I didn't get the impression that it was power grabbing... but I do have a question to ask. Why is it necessary to keep TSE and TSO united in cause?

Lady Vader
Nov 7th, 2001, 02:46:56 AM
The reason it is neccessary is because we help each other when the need arrises. There is no point in alienating them. Besides, with me being there, I show that we at TSO are respectful and aid each other. I bring that example to them.

I like to help ppl. I joined them because I cared about their well-being. Yeah, maybe it makes me look soft, but if we don't take care of our own, who will? The Jedi? Oh, sure, they'll take care of em. They'd wipe em out.

We stay together to keep each other alive.

And also by me being there, ppl remember TSO. When they get fed up for whatever reason, they look for the nearest place to rest their heads. They think of us. And so we continue to help them.

It's not hurting us to be united in this fashion. As a matter of fact, it has strengthened our bond and understanding of each other.

We will continue to remained united through the sisterhood.

(P.S. - LW and I spoke today about a thought in the making. We will bring you up to date on it as soon as we think it is appropriate, which should be any day now. It concerns this unity and such, and perhaps making it into something bigger.)

Seth Darkserpent
Nov 8th, 2001, 01:18:50 PM
"And perhaps making it into something bigger..."

I am usually NOT one to assume, and I know you're against what I'm thinking more then anyone. Are you perhaps talking about the merger of TSE and TSO? I would certainly hope not. I don't mean to assume, but I hope I'm wrong for once.

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 8th, 2001, 02:27:42 PM
I'm not in favor of being TSE's shoulder to lean on, nor would I want them to be ours. If the two groups are divided, then it's for a reason. If the groups each had a common cause, then then wouldn't be seperated to begin with, no?

Lady Vader
Nov 8th, 2001, 06:57:15 PM
As I said, Seth, we will discuss it at a time that is more approrpiate. Don't worry. You know how I feel about mergers. TSO will continue to stay as TSO.

Jes, I know you don't like em much, but I do care about the ppl there. Some are idiots. Others are not. I am not about to punish those that are innocent because of the idiots.

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 8th, 2001, 07:49:26 PM
Don't misunderstand, I don't have anything against them, but in the past I haven't liked TSE's attitude. I have to admit that lately they seem to have lightened up. That still doesn't mean I really think that TSO should ever have to depend on any other group. I also think that if people over there don't like the way things are done, and they think that you're someone who can help them, then they should attain memberships here. There's no rule saying they can't be a member at both places...

Under The Dark Axis, both groups are already allied, but honestly the alliance is lacking and it could be easily shown that there are IC rivalries between some Sith here at TSO and those at TSE. That means some of us here, ICly (not OOCly), wouldn't take well to the idea of the two groups mingling too much. Though, it would be pretty interesting to try for plot ideas and so I wouldn't complain about it.

I just want to make sure this group is never too reliant on any other group.

Lady Vader
Nov 14th, 2001, 03:43:23 AM
Be assured, Jes, it won't be.

TSO stands on it's own two feet, and always will. :)

Lady Vader
Nov 29th, 2001, 10:35:42 PM
TTT... still an important issue.

Live Wire
Dec 1st, 2001, 11:45:27 PM
well with jedah back doesnt this become a moot point? problem solved?

Lady Vader
Dec 1st, 2001, 11:48:33 PM
Well, yes, assuming TSE chooses to put him back on their Council. He's not there yet.

But, it is looking like it might happen. :)

Live Wire
Dec 1st, 2001, 11:53:21 PM
well regardless I think he should have a council seat here.

Seth Darkserpent
Dec 2nd, 2001, 07:04:18 AM
I agree. Currently our council is short 2 or 3 spots. Jedah should be reinstated if he decides to come back to TSO.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 2nd, 2001, 02:24:10 PM
I agree with Seth, and I still would be glad to have Dale join us.

Lady Vader
Dec 3rd, 2001, 03:50:20 PM
Ok, I to want Lynch on our Council, and it would be nice to have Dale join us. But if Lynch is put back on the Council, it may not be neccessary to have Dale on our Council, though she is more than welcome to be a part of TSO.

TSE should finish up their diliberations on whether Lynch wants his Council seat back or not. Just give us a few more days on the matter.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 3rd, 2001, 04:03:09 PM