View Full Version : The History Of SWFans.net

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 23rd, 2001, 04:59:36 AM
This is the begining of a project I've been working on for a year now. I've done my best to search out the original threads, boards, users, and archives. This is the begining of my end result which still needs some considerable work. All of your input would be much appreciated. Lucky for all of you my bus was delayed 24 hours so instead of being on my way to Chicago, I stayed up all night working on just these few paragraphs.

Beleive it or not, I had to sort through 10 archives and interview about 6 people (including Itala) to get this stuff. I'm still missing some info, like who sat on the first Jedi High Council, and where some more of this info that I gathered falls in relation to the older stuff... but enough with the talk, here you have it!

I began roleplaying at SWFans.net October 5, 2000. It was my intention to make a character who was inclined to be a scholar, and a true seeker of knowledge. Though overtime that character, Jeseth Cloak, didn't always stayed true to that mold for which he was created, I have. With this in mind, I present to you what may be the first recording of the history of this message board (and it's predacessors). While it's not complete (and might never really be) I hope that this document will shed some light on a legacy which has spanned throughout hundreds of boards and several domains.

Where It All Began - The Jawa Fortress Network & The Sith and Jedi Councils

The board's origins begin at the "Star Wars vs Titanic" site as part of The Jawa Fortress Network. Among the first roleplayers were Darth Q (who went on to become Darth Turbogeek), Master Yoghurt, DARTH BORICUA (who went on to become Jedi Boricua), Itala Marzullo, Master Yoda, Foxdvd, Jonathan, Lounge Lizard (who went on to become Anbira Hicchoru), and Figrin D'an. The board began as a place to discuss the upcoming release of Episode I: The Phantom Menace, and as with most boards, trolls and spammers came, and flame wars begun.

While not the first person to use the Dark Side of the Force, Itala Marzullo was the first to identify himself as a Sith. It's unknown whether The Jedi Council or The Sith Council came first, but due to a dislike for the Moderator's and Administrators' control over rules and regulations, The Sith Council was the first roleplaying group to create their own board (a tradition still alive today). Among the earliest members of The Sith Council were MADjedi, Trouz (who went on to become Darth Trouz), Darth Menace, SithMaul77, Darth Rage (also known as Mannotaur), Darth Bane, Marie (who later became Lady Vader), and Darth Boricua (the first Sith to betray The Sith Council). Nearly a day later the Jedi decided to create their own board as well and chose the first members of the first Jedi High Council. Moderators and Administrators then created the first exclusive roleplaying forum: "Jedi vs. Sith Battleground."

It was around this same time that the Administrators of Star Wars vs Tianic decided to leave The Jawa Fortress Network and bought their own domain name from Internic: SWFans.net.

Don't show it to anyone outside of this council, since I do plan to continue writing it when I return.

Jeseth Cloak
Nov 23rd, 2001, 09:33:15 AM
It's not showing up in my browser... if for some reason you can't see it, just edit the post and it should show up.

Seth Darkserpent
Nov 23rd, 2001, 01:49:36 PM
It's showing on my browser. Good work so far :)

Lady Vader
Nov 24th, 2001, 12:31:46 AM
That is awesome work, Jes! I am impressed!! :)

When it's all done, and with your permission, I would like to put it up on the TSO website. It'll help to bring hits to the site.

Oh, and we'll have that interview when you get back. :)

Keep up the good work!!

Live Wire
Dec 1st, 2001, 11:48:52 PM
I like what I see so far....lemme know when its done and I'll put it up

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 2nd, 2001, 02:24:48 PM
Next Update: 12.15.01

Lady Vader
Dec 3rd, 2001, 03:52:24 PM
Gottcha. :)