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Jeseth Cloak
Dec 24th, 2001, 11:16:50 AM
Jedah Lynch: One thing. If your rejoining TSO, anything you do will be held accountable to that group since you are a member. Thats a fair warning because I rather not do LW and LV harm. However do not make exceptions either.
God Of The Wired: Yeah, I know that anything I do will be held against me & TSO.
God Of The Wired: But, also remember anything that any member of your group does to me will make them accountable as well.
God Of The Wired: So it goes both ways.
Jedah Lynch: Of course. That is only fair.
Jedah Lynch: Well I rather not wipe out TSO due to my friendship with LV and LW, they are good people and I will hold you personal responsible if you cause something to happen. I do not want to fight them no matter what. They are friends and I have no wish to cause them grief.
God Of The Wired: Wipe TSO out? I don't think TSE can afford another enemy right now.
God Of The Wired: Besides, TSO does have a fleet you know. It's not like you'd be able to just come in and own up on the place. =P
Jedah Lynch: Dont try my patience. I give you a warning.
God Of The Wired: You don't have to get hostile. Sheesh.
God Of The Wired: I'm only pointing out the fact that starting war with TSO, which is a group with a fairly strong fleet (though we rarely ever use it) probably isn't in TSE's best interest right now.
Jedah Lynch: Where LW and LV is concerned I want no screw ups. I want TSO to succeed. Rather not do anything bad against them when they need help and more importantly a chance to get things on track. Thats my reasoning.
God Of The Wired: Well, I don't see why you think you have a reason to do anything bad against them. I'm not planning any attacks on you, or TSE.
Jedah Lynch: I have no reason to do anything against them. I want to make sure it stays that way.
God Of The Wired: And if I do at any point decide to issue any kind of enagement between myself and other members of TSE, I'll give you all ample notice and make sure TSO is aware if it as well. So, don't worry, you'll know if I decide to do anything of the kind.
God Of The Wired: Besides, IC Jeseth hasn't rejoined TSO yet, so until I do that what I do is in my own hands and only I am responsible. Perhaps you guys should take advantage of that and make your move to get me if you'd like.
Jedah Lynch: Actually to be honest I rather not get you. There has been enough OOC mess already, I rather it had time to clean itself up so nothing gets knocked out of place any more than it has. IC it might be okay but rather things cooled down so nothing gets taken the wrong way.
God Of The Wired: Alright. I'm glad to see we're both thinking on the same track.
Jedah Lynch: Indeed

Live Wire
Dec 24th, 2001, 12:20:47 PM
if I dont laugh Im going to cry from frustration!

This has moved from being stupidly petty to unbelieveably petty!

*has a headache*

Seth Darkserpent
Dec 24th, 2001, 12:42:14 PM
It's funny how Jedah views The Sith Order as some minor group that can be destroyed by the flick of a thumb. After Viscera is done with them, there won't be anything left of the Sith Empire to put on a mantle, or on a dinner tray.

Jedah is arrogant, that's his only problem. I always have said it. He needs a reality check.

The way he's talking, it seems that he thinks he has TSO's fate in his palm.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 24th, 2001, 12:54:22 PM
Actually, their Fleeters are inexperienced, their ranks are disorganized, and they don't have the TSD. I am fairly certain that TSE would be fighting a losing battle if the came after us.

Also, I didn't mention to him that I was unaware that TSE had been discussing a possible attack on TSO, regardless of the circumstances. I would imagine he did discuss that with TSE before issuing that kind of threat or statement to me. Though knowing Lynch, he likely didn't bring that up with the rest of TSE.

Lady Vader
Dec 25th, 2001, 12:11:54 AM
Well, Jes, he brought it to my attention BEFORE I read this.

But fear not about what he said. It was all a bunch of hot air.

Honestly, just everyone calm down. No attacks are going to be made by either group. And, yes, he did mention that possible attack. But, after a very blunt anf frank talk with him, and a rather lengthy post in their council, I was able to straighten things out. The reason I didn't bring it up here the moment I saw it was because I wanted to keep the peace, and straighten some misunderstandings out (I did bring it to LW's attention, so you can also varify with her). What went on at TSE I quickly quenched by drowning out a bunch of hotheads that were losing their cool. They're getting ansy and paranoid, especially with TGE's coming attack. As long as I'm there and in their faces, they will not do anything against TSO.

I don't want anyone here to worry about what goes on at TSE. We are HERE, and that means we worry about TSO. Let me handle TSE. If I see anything that I know will cause problems, THEN I will bring it before the Council here.

Live Wire
Dec 26th, 2001, 01:10:57 PM
yes she did bring it to my attention so I did know about it ahead of time. Dont worry everythings being taken care of. TSE wont attack TSO. They'd be stupid to try!

Garrett Blade
Dec 26th, 2001, 06:43:28 PM
(Gav here)

Bah! *Puts TSD back into his trouser pocket.*

No actually LW - I'm just pleased to see you! :)

Seth Darkserpent
Dec 27th, 2001, 08:51:59 AM
Why was it brought to just LW's attention? Don't I recall reading a post that stated we keep no more secrets from ourselves.

Correct me if I'm wrong, wouldn't the other council members have a right to know as well?

Garrett Blade
Dec 28th, 2001, 09:20:06 AM
(This is actually Garrett now.)

I have a surprise of my own planned for TSE.

*Puts on a crown*

This crown gives me a feeling of POWER!!!


Forgive me a cruel chuckle...



Lady Vader
Dec 29th, 2001, 02:02:18 AM
It wasn't meant to be kept secret. When it was brought to my attention, LW was also online. We took care of it right there before it even grew legs and began to run amuck.

So, you can actually thank us for stopping something before it was even started. It's less grief and stress for any of us to deal with.

So, it is of the past. Why beat it to a pulp? It is done and over and we are now moving on.

Seth Darkserpent
Dec 29th, 2001, 10:34:11 AM
Eep. Sorry.

I just meant to ask, seeing as how I question mostly everything that doesn't sit right. Even ask LW.

Lady Vader
Dec 31st, 2001, 01:25:06 AM
It's ok, Seth. Just wanted to make sure all was clear. :)