View Full Version : In regards to Garm's proposal...

Sanis Prent
Jan 30th, 2002, 02:07:34 AM
...why don't we simply scrap the fleets, and keep TSO simply to the corellia sector?

Live Wire
Jan 30th, 2002, 09:32:48 AM
will they let us keep the sector? I thought you had to confine yourself to one planet?

Seth Darkserpent
Jan 30th, 2002, 09:40:24 AM
Blech...Why the Corellia sector?

I'd rather keep a sector with Korriban in it, and all those ancient Sith planets.

Sanis Prent
Jan 30th, 2002, 10:10:30 AM
Well, Corellia system :)

That includes Talus, Tralus, and Centerpoint station.

And if you want Korriban Seth, go take a field trip :lol:

Live Wire
Jan 30th, 2002, 10:13:50 AM
I've been talking this over with both Gav and Charley and Im willing to do it. But I want Corellia, Talus and Tralus.

Honestly Im very very pissed with Garm for pushing this. And quite frankly I kinda wanna kick his ass right now.

Sanis Prent
Jan 30th, 2002, 10:34:48 AM
Well, Corellia you could do. Talus and Tralus are pushing it, but maybe possible, since they're in-system.

Lady Vader
Jan 31st, 2002, 01:58:23 AM
Ummm... but, then what happens with Byss and Dathomir and Korriban? Can't we station like outposts there or something? Get some TSO ppl to live on those planets?

Sanis Prent
Jan 31st, 2002, 02:06:37 AM
They'd be completely up for grabs...but its likely the Empire would nab them, given their almost-german efficiency at the fleet thing.

Lady Vader
Jan 31st, 2002, 02:09:49 AM
Well, looks like there's no need for this. Garm has agreed to drop this RP idea of his. LW and I have proof of this from saved AIM chats. So he can't surprise us.

Gav Mortis
Jan 31st, 2002, 03:15:23 AM
I don't think I like being part of this group anymore. Perhaps we were wrong to blame TSE's presence for our problems.

Sanis Prent
Jan 31st, 2002, 09:26:42 AM
I think we got a well-knit group still, but problems nonetheless.

We could've handled that situation with A LOT more tact.

Live Wire
Jan 31st, 2002, 10:17:43 AM
I warned a head of time that I have no tact whatsoever lately.

My reaction aside I tried talking to him over AIM. I wanted to see if he would be reasonable and see if we could work something out. What his attitude boiled down to is that there is no way we could possibly win and so we're expected to throw the fight. He doesnt believe in fights where the outcome is not already known ahead of time. Which to me thats extremely wrong. In a story rp thats one thing but in a battle you have to go in accepting that just cause you attack doesnt mean you absolutely win.

The other thing is this whole thing is motivated by the fact that he doesnt think its fair that the bad guys win so much and that the bad guys control such an important planet as corellia. He actually said if we pull out of the fleet things hed go to the admins and ask that we be put on another planet. He was going to campaign to get us removed just cause we're on such a well known planet in the sw universe. If we were stationed on some place like dantooine he wouldnt be messing with us. But its pissing him off that we're here. I know he couldnt get us removed but its the idea that he was gonna do that. He basically threatened me saying no matter what we do hes gonna get what he wants even if he has to do it OOC.

After I heared that I said you know what its good we came out with a no and got him to go away cause he wouldnt have accepted defeate anyway. I dunno about you but thats not someone I really want to RP with. Now if people here still want to pull out of fleet RP's I'd understand that cause they've been a headache in the past. But I leave that decision to you guys cause I've never been a fleet RPer I've always been more of a hand to hand combat kinda gal. So if you guys still want to vote on that we can.

But Im not going to appologize for being harsh cause I think I was merely reacting to him. I actually left off talking to him on pretty good terms. So I was very nice and very reasonable when I was talking to him. His expectations were unreasonable as I mentioned above.

Seth Darkserpent
Jan 31st, 2002, 10:26:22 AM
On a lighter note...

When does this invasion or occupation of Dathomir begin? I just read Courtship of Princess Leia a few weeks back, and I think that would be a great planet for TSO.

I'd be willing to participate in the invasion thread.

Live Wire
Jan 31st, 2002, 11:14:56 AM
we never set at date for the dathomir thing. I think it would be a good idea if we set a fixed date and stuck to it.

Seth Darkserpent
Jan 31st, 2002, 02:39:29 PM
Okay...what time frame we looking at here? As soon as this weekend...or in a few weeks?

Live Wire
Jan 31st, 2002, 03:00:13 PM
I'll be ready to go next week. Tues or thurs of next week is good for me.

Sanis Prent
Jan 31st, 2002, 11:57:21 PM
I'm ready wheneva

Lady Vader
Feb 1st, 2002, 11:22:17 PM
Lemme do calculations... tonight's my night, tomorrow's roomie's night... grrr... I'll give Sun to roomie I guess... that leaves Tue and Thur and Sat open for me.

Lemme alert the witches at my board. I'll also put a heads up to whereever the ladies post. They're to play a roll in this.

Let's make the RP for Thursday, February 7. How's that sound?

Here's a quicky link (http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithorderfrm25.showMessage?topicID=104.topic) to what we'd planned so long ago (I had to bring the thred out of the archives for reviewing). Some things may need to be thought out, but it's mostly to be a hand to hand sort of RP. No fleets really neccessary.

Obviously, we're not going to try to re-capture Anbira. Instead, this will be a good way to try to kill him.

I'll make another post with the neccessary changes in place. Then we can see about doing it and whether it needs changes.

Lady Vader
Feb 1st, 2002, 11:38:58 PM
Summary of plan from previous talks

Ok, this is what's up concerning the ambush/planet-take-over.

Read this and add your thoughts/comments/suggestions.

Ok, now let's talk about the staging. Dathomir is neighbors with Yavin. Now, IC we Sith don't know the Jedi are based at Yavin (I believe that's how it went, but we should double check).
So, if it is set up that way, it wouldn't take long for the Jedi to come in charging to the rescue on a planet that is "resisting" our take-over.

The plan could go as follows (though any ideas and/or changes/additions are welcome):

Set up some Sith on Dathomir (preferably women to start off the negotiations and smoothing out that they are not to capture any TSO men... lol). Once we are planted there (disguised as them, even wearing warrior masks), then a smallish fleet (say maybe 1 ISD and 1 Corvette should do) TSO goes in to take over Dathomir (they figure the planet has no defenses, so a small task force is all that is needed to quell resistance). TSO lands, mock battle (we have to make this look authentic... majorly so). Jedi come in to the rescue to releave the natives of our oh-so-horrible-take-over. Jedi come and find a handful of natives and TSO ppl battling it out (your usual take-over scuffle). Jedi intervene. Jedi fight Sith. Sith fight Jedi. Witches fight everybody.
Then let the fun begin.
Throw in ABSOLUTE chaos and confusion.
Send in the Vornskyrs. The witches will mount their Rancors, waiting on the fringes of the large clearing, avoiding the puppies. The Sith will do likewise, and mount Rancors (each Sith that landed for the take-over grab a single witch-partner and mount their rancors... those that were planted earlier should have their own shared rides). Puppies go after obvious Force-using prey on ground: Jedi. Let them play it out, see if the Jedi choose to kill or go on the offense.
More confusion and chaos.
The witches blow whistles, bringing Vornskyrs back. In move Rancors, which in their basket carrying the witches and Sith, are also the Ysalimiri. Bring the Rancors in to close the clearing off. More Rancors that were hidden in the jungle come into clearing to cut off any escape. The worms block the Force. At this point, it's hand-to-hand and wit. Native warriors will come in on foot from behind the rancors to confuse the Jedi even more (their weapons of choice are spears, arrows... just think amazons... and no Force... should be fun). The Jedi would be hard pressed to kill sentient beings without fearing turning to the Dark Side (fools). Big battle ensues, and by now the Jedi should have gotten it into their thick skulls that it was a trap. A set-up. During this scuffle of Sith and warrior witches against Jedi (outnumbering them drastically), we make a move for Anbira, attempting to kill him (this one can be played by ear if need be). By now, the Jedi should also get it into their thick skulls that Dathomir wants to ally with TSO (if they don't get it by now, there's no hope for their kind when it comes to intelligence and commen sense).
From here on in, we defeat the Jedi in taking Dathomir. As to whether we get Anbira in the deal also, is yet to be seen.

I have spoken with Charley about this, giving him a very very brief summary of what my idea is. He liked it and is willing to RP it out. He does not wish his character to be killed, but has allowed Anbira to come extremely close to death.

In light of this, Dathomir will still be ours, what with the natives resisting the Jedi. Of course, be prepared for the eventuality that some of the Jedi may get it into their heads to make witches of their own... good witches. Just a heads up.


Secondly, we're gonna have a mixed group of peeps involved in this RP. (We'll inform the Jedi of the "distress signal" if they don't catch on... easy enough. But only when the time comes.) I've got a good handfull of Dathomir ladies (about 12... and I think the numbers have leveled off, so there shouldn't be any more recruits) who are dieing to have a piece of the action. Introductions and availability to the Council Room for them will be made when the time comes to start this baby rollin.


Just FYI: Dathomir is in the same quadrant as Yavin and it basically is neighbors with Yavin, but it's not in the same sector (several sectors within quadrants and such).

So there should be no problem in taking it. Besides, it is open for the taking and as far as I know, no one has made a move for it.

During the course of the RP, it will most likely be neccessary to speak with DT or one of the other leading Jedi. Just to make sure things don't get royally screwed and everyone's left in confusion.

This really shouldn't be too long of a campaign. But let's have fun with it non the less

Seth Darkserpent
Feb 4th, 2002, 04:02:48 PM
Will post my thoughts on this in a day or two. Most, if not all are positive thoughts though :D

Lady Vader
Feb 4th, 2002, 08:20:14 PM
Oh, good... one less person to smack around. :p ;) :lol: