View Full Version : The End of TSC
Gav Mortis
Oct 23rd, 2000, 05:18:27 AM
Some time back, an RPG called the Return to Correlia was started and in it the fleet is returning to Correlia under the control of Darth Bane and his slave devices. Howevever, a plan has been made and we have the oppurtunity to destroy what is left of TSC HQ and claim GSC Drive Yards for ourselves.
Bane was warned of this over a month ago when it started and has done nothing, so now it is time to finish the job.
We need as many people as possible participating, to lead the armed forces, from troops to AT-AT's, fleet strategic battling and sabotage missions, courtesy of Dyzm and his secret sevices.
Here's the link: ( ?topicID=2238.topic)
Who will be able to aid TSO into glory and TSC into it's ashes?
Darth Tholuem
Oct 23rd, 2000, 07:37:25 AM
I'd like to but I don't think you'd let me, since I still haven't earned my rank as Knight, I'm still an apprentice...
Gav, if you have any time left one of these days, please tell me, or send me a mail or something, because I want to become a Knight now, it's taken long enough, but I'm telling you in all honousty; I really can't come up with a good RPG, for me, to prove myself. So, if you've got any time, will you help me with that?
I'd appreciate it a lot, Master.
Lord Dagger
Oct 23rd, 2000, 12:25:19 PM
If i can be of any help Gav...
As Kai said "who would you like me to kill" it's a point and kill job
Gav Mortis
Oct 23rd, 2000, 05:06:10 PM
Tholuem: You are, without a shadow of a doubt worthy of the title knight, however to be granted the title you must confront a Jedi in battle(not neccessarily in an RPG) and you will be assessed in your skills. I would like to have another training session with you shortly, mainly for focusing your dark side power not really your physical attributes, so when you get the time, would you make a post in the training grounds, rather than me make one at the wrong time.
Another thing, I have no objection to you being in the RPG, it is not only for those above knight status or what not, so you are welcome to join in, we need as many people involved as possible.
Dyzm, would you lead a group of specialists into TSC HQ and take out one of the shield generators? Dagger, you would be a great asset to that mission if it interests you.
Darth Tholuem
Oct 24th, 2000, 02:44:43 AM
Well, I have vacation at the moment, so there's not really a time that is bad chosen, I'll make a topic right now.
So, I'll make that, and should I also make a little something at I can porbably handle both with the time I have right now.
Gav Mortis
Oct 24th, 2000, 05:08:13 AM
Sure thing, whatever suits you.
Xarkz Chaos
Oct 24th, 2000, 01:19:23 PM
I'll be in the RPG if its alright.
Going to look now at least.
Gav Mortis
Oct 24th, 2000, 04:30:47 PM
Thanks Xarkz; all are welcome.
Your contribution is most appreciated.
Xarkz Chaos
Oct 24th, 2000, 04:50:29 PM
This'll be my first space battle though, so I'm a bit lost on what to do.
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