View Full Version : Judgement

Live Wire
Mar 17th, 2001, 06:53:46 PM
OOC: takes place after The Sky Rumbled (http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithorderjointheorder.showMessage?topicID=119. topic)


*After breakfast LW paged the rest of the council. Most of the time someone joining TSO was not an issue, but in Morgans case..... Most people who came looking to become part of the TSO family weren't high profile Jedi Knights. To turn them was one thing...but to have them come to you was also quite unheared of.

LW was prepared to speak on Morgans behalf but she suspected the rest of the council would want to draw their own conclusions....as they should.

She left Ariel in the care of a trusted nurse and gave Morgan a cloak to wear. LW put her own cloak around her shoulders and strapped her lightsaber to her side.*

Morgan Evanar
Mar 17th, 2001, 07:00:33 PM
Morgan looked at the cloak as Live Wire handed it to him. He put it on for a moment. It simply didn't feel right. He folded it and returned it to Live Wire's hands.

"Where is my trenchcoat?"

Live Wire
Mar 17th, 2001, 07:07:21 PM
Oh I put it in the closet. I washed your clothes for you last night when you were in the fresher.

*LW put the cloak down and brought Morgan his trenchcoat.*

Is this better?

Morgan Evanar
Mar 17th, 2001, 07:12:23 PM
"Much, thank you." Cloaks were decent enough things, but he didn't feel right without his trenchcoat, usually. It was one of the few things he owned that he cared about, aside from his Desert Eagle, his ship, and that odd sword, all of which were absent. Except, of course, the trenchcoat.

"Lead the way."

Live Wire
Mar 17th, 2001, 07:21:57 PM
*LW nodded and led Morgan out of her room and down to the main discussion chamber.

The grand hall was empty and their footsteps echoed off the walls. LW motioned for Morgan to have a seat and LW went to sit at her position at the council table*

Im sure they'll be here shortly. Dont be nervous about any of this.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 17th, 2001, 07:44:21 PM
Morgan took a deep breath as he carefully sat in a deep red high-backed armchair, behind and slighly to the left of Live Wire. The cavernous room echoed easily. Marble floors reflected light, and were in good repair. Dark grey stone composed the walls. There was strength in this room.
He exhaled slowly, and waited for the council.

OOC: I guess council members and Knights can post now.

Lady Vader
Mar 17th, 2001, 09:16:21 PM
*LV brought her ship in for a landing on the high security landing pads made for the Council members... she had been on Byss when she'd received LW's message last night and had informed Anbira about the meeting... both had left right away*

*shutting the ship down, she stepped out onto the landing pad with Anbira... both made their way towards the Temple and the Council Chamber*

*entering the Chamber, she took her usual seat, as did Anbira... both waited for the others to arrive*

*while waiting, LV eyed the Jedi standing there, or rather, former-Jedi... or so he said... she had a right to be suspicious... it wasn't everyday a Jedi came to the Sith... she looked at LW who seemed to be supporting the new arrival... this should prove to be an interesting meeting indeed*

Morgan Evanar
Mar 17th, 2001, 09:30:07 PM
Lady Vader eyed him with legitmate suspiscion. It was rare that a Jedi of Evanar's standing left to join Sith. But Morgan was a bit more concerned with how Anbira would react. The last time they encountered each other, they had beaten the other senseless. Anbira's face seemed to be made of stone. For now anyway.

Live Wire
Mar 17th, 2001, 09:52:20 PM
*LW embraced her friend*

Glad you could make it. I dont get to see much of you these days.

*She smiled slightly at Morgan....trying to reassure him. Being in front of the council was not an easy task or so she had been told.*

Lady DeVille
Mar 18th, 2001, 12:27:20 AM
De'Ville got the message on The Devil's Advocate while en route to TSO. Evenar? Him again? She had just run into the Jedi while visiting TSE, and now to find him at TSO and requesting admission to The Order - it was very strange to say the least. Unbelievable at best.

Once back on Corellian soil, De'Ville stalked into the Council Room. Her steps echoed loudly in the hushed atmosphere of the room. She didn't care.

Live Wire and Lady Vader were already there. The two male members of the council were not in evidence yet. De'Ville smiled at the women. They were somewhat of a triumvirate, three very strong independent women that got along, and got things done. She walked past Evenar's chair to her own, not pausing or looking at him, but sitting at the long polished table facing him.

De'Ville set her lightsaber on the table in front of her, and placed her hands palm down in front of her. She did not speak, waiting for Live Wire to start the proceedings.

Lord Dagger
Mar 18th, 2001, 02:44:10 PM
:: Dagger glided in after DeVille, walking up to Live Wire he bowed low and the took his place on the council, his eyes never drifting to either Morgan or the other council memebers until he was seated and then his eyes scanned and took in the whole room, watching eveything in the minutest detail Dagger's arms folded across his chest and he leaned back in his seat, awaiting the beginning ::

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 18th, 2001, 05:21:06 PM
:: Anbira's eyes simply narrowed darkly on Morgan. Perhaps he was indeed ready to join the Order. His change of heart was unprecedented, to say the least. Of all the Knights to be properly convinced, Anbira never expected Morgan to be one of them. He stared at the newcomer, intent on discovering the reasons behind this change in demeanor. ::

Morgan Evanar
Mar 18th, 2001, 06:55:18 PM
Nervous... yes, Morgan was indeed nervous. As much as he appreciated Live Wire's smile, he couldn't return it. Always uncomfortable in formal settings, meeting with some of the most powerful Darksiders made it even more nerve-griding.

Morgan hoped Live Wire would speak soon. Anbira's gaze felt like a laser worming it's way through his head.

Live Wire
Mar 18th, 2001, 11:53:35 PM
*LW sat up straight in her chair and folded her hands on the table*

Now that we're all here I'll begin.

I think most of you know why we're here this morning. Morgan Evanar has requested admitance to TSO. While normally we dont have to convine a session of the council every time someone asks to join these are rather unusual circumstances.

It's not everyday we have a Jedi Knight of Morgan's Caliber asking to be let into our order. While I have come to my own conclusions and I feel that he is indeed sincere the rest of you need to come to your own conclusions before a decision can be made.

*LW turned to Morgan*

Is there anything you would like to say before I turn these proceedings over to the council.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 19th, 2001, 05:21:23 AM
Morgan looked slowly across the table, locking eyes with each council member momentarily. Lady Vader held her look of suspiscion firm, DeVille continued to stare sternly, Dagger continued to take in the room, and Anbira drilled through his skull. The next hour would prove... interesting.

He shook his head slightly.


Live Wire
Mar 19th, 2001, 09:16:37 AM
All right then. I turn this meeting over to the council.

Lord Dagger
Mar 19th, 2001, 09:28:01 AM
Dagger's eyes suddenly fall on Morgan
"I will ask the question that i am sure is on everyone elses lips...why? Why would a Jedi Knight like yourself turn from the path you are evidently so proficient at and turn to a path you have never trod before?"
Dagger reaches out with the Force, touching all in the room and homeing in on Morgan, so that when an answer is given Dagger will know whether it is a truth or a lie imidiantly, not that that would make the Sith say anything

Morgan Evanar
Mar 19th, 2001, 10:24:08 AM
"As much as it once would have pained me to say it, the Jedi are in a sad state of decay, and no one gives a damn. I gave a damn, I suppose, but how can you help when it is not wanted?" He let the question hang for a moment, and continued.
"There are those who do work for justice, of a sort, despite the overal inner squabling among narrow minded egos. But as a whole, they are lost and seemingly happy about it. I left the Greater Jedi Order because of this, and started out on my own. Nupraptor, in his infinite wisdom" Morgan said the word with sarcastic mirth, "abandoned those who followed him to the New Jedi Council. I will admit I don't have the skills to run a Jedi organization. It grew to be... frustrating. But the dreams were there before I left. Dreams of astounding clarity."

Lord Dagger
Mar 19th, 2001, 03:34:43 PM
Dagger watches him silently through out his speak
"So, do you believe that the Sith will bring justice to the universe? That will will bring peace with our iron grip? A peace that the Jedi can only dream of creating?"
Dagger chuckles
"Or is there a Darker reason? Do you crave the power that only the DarkSide can offer, is that the real reason...or perhaps there is something i am missing"
Dagger makes the final comment in such a way that everyone realises that he misses nothing and that perhaps he is already aware of all this and is asking for everyone else's benifit

Lady DeVille
Mar 19th, 2001, 04:18:41 PM
De'Ville held up her hand. "I would ask, what dreams do you refer to?" She tapped her chin with her index finger, and then held her hands in her lap. "Idealistic dreams of a new Jedi Council, or visions of some sort?"

Morgan Evanar
Mar 19th, 2001, 04:26:26 PM
"No, there were no silly idealistic dreams. I've no such illusions of peace in the galaxy any longer. A JediCouncil? That came and failed. My dreams were of life here."

"I have tasted conflict and reveled in it."

Lady DeVille
Mar 19th, 2001, 04:33:29 PM
De'Ville steepled her fingers beneath her chin. "It is good that you have given up on the Jedi. They have shown their foolishness for quite some time.

"I would hear more about the conflict you mentioned. Reveling in it - very un-Jedi." Her tone indicated that was a very good thing.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 19th, 2001, 04:48:55 PM
"I nearly killed a man recently. Some mugger who though a blaster would be enough to get some credits. I've had blasters pulled on me before. Normally, I just incapaticitate and deliver to the authorities if I'm not rushed.

Nar Shadda, 37 days ago:

"This has to be the dirties place I've ever seen." I walked through the back streets, and decided this backalley could be an easy shortcut.

Grime stained duracrete towers obscured any bit of natural light. The alley floor was coated with refuse and debris, but patches showed through.

My eyes were adapted to the low light level. It was seemingly normal daylight by virtue of my genetic blessing. I paused slightly as I passed an overfilled dumpster that reeked something awful. As I rounded the corner, I realized it was a dead end.

I took another step and found the barrel of a blaster against the base of my skull. Frell!

"Gimme your credits!" The voice of the gunman was gruff, and his basic was oddly accented. Not a bit of motion was felt through the blaster as he spoke. This was an experinced mugger.

"Put the blaster away, and I'll let you walk away." My voice was unsually cold. Muggerman began to chuckle. I threw my head forward, bending my knees, and pivoting on my left heel. A blaster bolt sizzled through the space my head had occupied mere miliseconds before.

My right hand grabbed his, which was wrapped around the handle of an old Blastec, and my left to the mugger's wrist. Another shot went off, but it disipated harmlessly into the nearby duracrete wall. I narrowed my eyes as I began to squeeze his blaster hand and wrist.

"What are you..." I squeezed harder, and he began to howl. Bones began to snap in his hands.

"I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY!" His voice was at a desperate pitch, the pain clearly visible in his light brown eyes. I continued until the bones in his wrist and hands were dust in his flesh. But I was not finished. No, he hit me in desperation, since flight was not an option I left him. I looked him straight through his eyes, to the dirt on the wall. And I pounded his body.

OOC: Isn't recyling wonderful?

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 19th, 2001, 05:14:59 PM
:: Anbira listened to his testimony, the age creases on his face deepening with his emotions. It was not as he expected. This Jedi had completely abandoned the ideas of the Jedi, not simply making a small dissention with their ideology.

No, it was unfortunate. Anbira wanted no part of blind killers. He wanted those who could kill when it was needed, and were focused to a goal. ::

Morgan Evanar...I indeed feel the hate in you. Do not, however, expect this endearing quality to gain favor in my eye. All men can hate. I require more from the likes of you.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 19th, 2001, 05:26:05 PM
"Hate is only useful when it is purposeful, with rare exceptions. I exposed my wrath to him because he crossed me, but more importantly, I doubt he will ever draw a blaster again."

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 19th, 2001, 05:46:38 PM
:: Anbira leaned back in his seat, intrigued by Evanar's comment. ::


Live Wire
Mar 19th, 2001, 08:23:27 PM
*LW sits quietly durring the procceedings. The council knew her take on it and if they needed her statement they would ask for it. The conclusion they reached had to be their own.*

Morgan Evanar
Mar 19th, 2001, 08:33:13 PM
And words began to fail Morgan. These feelings were so new. He knew what he felt, but lacked the backround of experince to convert his newfound feelings into language. His hands rubbed his neck for a few moments, and returned to the armrests. Yes, language had failed him.

"I lack the words to describe these new feelings of mine. It is all, well, new to me. Perhaps we could come to this question again later?"

Lady DeVille
Mar 19th, 2001, 10:17:00 PM
De'Ville raised a delicately arched brow. He lacked the words? He was going to lack more than words unless he did some convincing...

"Tell me, Evanar, if you are indeed accepted into the Order, of what use will you be to us?"

Lady Vader
Mar 19th, 2001, 10:45:51 PM
*LV had been silently listening... watching... trying to figure the former-Jedi out... she hadn't moved from her previous position, and her gaze had not changed... she had no doubt it unnerved him*

*suddenly, something snapped in her... something that she realized had been nagging at her... she was curious... she leaned forward addressing him, yet, still not changing her gaze*

LV: You said you saw yourself at TSO. Why TSO when there are other groups? And in what capacity did you see yourself here? What makes you worthy of this group that you would come to us rather than to the other Sith groups?

Lord Dagger
Mar 20th, 2001, 12:46:52 AM
Dagger looks across at Morgan, all the answers falling suddenly into place and realisation dawns over the Dark Lord's face
"I vote for his acceptance into the order"
Dagger leans back in his chair with a smug expression on his face, a motion for the other to continue their questioning

Lady DeVille
Mar 20th, 2001, 10:04:03 AM
De'Ville throws Dagger a look, communicating through the Force. Don't be so smug, it isn't becoming.

She waited for Evanar to collect his thoughts.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 20th, 2001, 04:07:52 PM
"DeVille, I'm sure you know of some of my abilities. I'm supposedly one of the best slicers that would take high risk jobs." It wasn't a brag to Evanar, it was simple fact. "I have skills in espionage, some communications. I feel that my fighting ability can speak for itself."

"Lady Vader, TSO was a simple choice over The Sith Empire or the Black Hand. The members of the Black Hand tend to be unstable. TSE is in a state of turmoil, and seems to have some minor infighting. TSO is stable."

"I come to you because I feel I'd be more effective among your ranks than TSE's or TBH's."

Lady DeVille
Mar 20th, 2001, 04:23:04 PM
De'Ville nodded. Who hadn't heard of Evanar's slicing abilities? She sat back in her chair, rolling her thoughts around in her head as the others questioned the former Jedi Knight.

Lady Vader
Mar 20th, 2001, 10:46:51 PM
*LV leaned back in her seat, still looking at the former-Jedi... she blinked once, acknowledging his answer*

*she remained silent once more as the others "interogated" him*

Lord Dagger
Mar 21st, 2001, 01:30:36 AM
Dagger nods politly to DeVille, the smile fading from his face as he continued to watch. He listened carefully, still sure of his answer but waiting to see if his deductions were correct and if the others would reach the same conclusions as him

Lady DeVille
Mar 22nd, 2001, 10:18:10 PM
As no one else seemed to be jumping in with another question, De'Ville stood. "It seems that our questions have been heard, I move that we vote. Yea or nay.

"I vote yea, as long as he is assigned a master quickly to teach him our ways. It's not as simple as just getting angry." She sat down, smiling a little to herself.

Lord Dagger
Mar 23rd, 2001, 02:09:42 AM
Dagger nods slowly
"You have already heard my vote, and I would be happy to take him as my apprentice, if the council has no objections or better sujestions"

Morgan Evanar
Mar 23rd, 2001, 10:49:17 PM
Morgan quietly nodded, accepting the possibility of tutulage under Dagger. Still, he decided not to speak until the rest of the council had cast their votes. Things can always become unpredictiable, and tempting fate was, Morgan decided, not in his best interest at the moment.

Live Wire
Mar 24th, 2001, 01:41:30 AM
I think my vote is clear. I say yea. And as far as Dagger taking Morgan as his apprentice I also say yes. I think that would be a good match up.

Garrett Blade
Mar 24th, 2001, 04:10:41 AM
*The door swung open unexpectedly. Garrett walked in along with the sound of high-heeled shoes. He was wearing an attire identical to that of Live Wires. He had red lipstick on his lips, his skin tone was a lot greyer, and lightning crackled in the air aroun his sbody. He walked up to Evanar and gave him a big hug and a slight kiss on his cheek. He turned to the council and bowed...then spoke in a woman-like, rapid voice...his arms flapping everywhere...*

Look at me, look at me! I'm Live Wire and I've got the hots for Evanar! I want to be with him! He wants to be with me! We're in love, it might as well be written on his face - and my face! Oh god, aren't we perfect! I'm gorgeous! Blah blah blah blah blah!

*Garrett spontaneously shedded the clothing he wore atop his usual black trenchcoat , black pants and black shirt, reached into his pocket to pull out his black shades and wiped the lipstick from his lips in disgust...*

Perhpas the council does not yet see the real truth behind Evanars motives for comming here. Whilst I...have my own views!

*Garrett turns from the council intending to head to Live Wires room. As he walked passed each council member, they gave a rather queer look at him. He ignored them, and carried on walking to the door...*

Gav Mortis
Mar 24th, 2001, 05:06:03 AM

Official new dictionary definition of insanity: Garrett Blade!

Morgan Evanar
Mar 24th, 2001, 09:40:34 AM
Morgan blinked three times in rapid succession after Garrett left, and wiped the lipstick off his cheek.

"Is Blade always like that?" He asked with a mildly amused voice.

Lord Dagger
Mar 24th, 2001, 01:12:19 PM
Dagger sighs
"Unfortunatly he is, and i thought this was a private meeting...i think some discipline is in order for him..."
Dagger turns to AH and LV your votes?

Live Wire
Mar 24th, 2001, 01:45:16 PM
*LW sat there stunned. Slowly her eyes narrowed and she stood abruptly before garrett could exit.*

I dont appreciate having my loyalties questioned by the likes of you Blade! If you want to challenge my integrity you talk to me! You dont interrupt a counil meeting!

*LW motions to the guards by the door and they escort Garrett out*

Im sorry about that...it will be delt with.

Lord Dagger
Mar 24th, 2001, 01:53:37 PM
Dagger grins evily
"It will be my pleasure my lady to teach him a lesson in manners, and a lesson in how to behave, i will not have your honor slighted my lady"
Dagger turns to the retreating Garrett Blade
"I will see you when this is over..."

In the Shadow of Death
Mar 24th, 2001, 03:36:59 PM
Dagger stops suddenly in mid speech, his silence was shared with the rest of the room as an eeire presence shot through the room, it dripped with a distant familiarity, one seemingly not of this world.

Some of the rooms inhabitants noticed the misty breath leave their mouths as the temperature of their surroundings plumitted at an alarming rate. Within less than a second, they had noticed a terribly uncomfortable chill about their feet loooking down to see a thick icy blanket of mist crawled and undulated over the floor.

Looking around they noticed a frosty glistning on the walls and from the cieling formed small icicles at such an unnatural speed it was astonishing. Those in the room simply looked about in bewilderment, attempting to make some sense of what was transpiring.

Almost as suddenly the presence had entered the room, it left and instantaneously the iciles above melted and their liquified residue splashed on the floor which no longer had any frosty cloud cover but now a damp, glistening condensation.

The room finally returned to normal however one thing had changed, heads turned to see the gaurds that were once escorting Blade from the room were now frozen solid, their faces cold in a haunting stare of horror, their entire bodies glistened in their icey states, the silence faded.

Garrett Blade
Mar 24th, 2001, 03:44:28 PM
*Garrett stood several metres away from the door. He looked up slowly, sensing the familiar presence all around him. He smiled like an excited child. He held his hands out on either side of him, and pressed against the guards heads...*

Would you excuse me gentlemen!

*Garrett pushed with his arms, causing the upper bodies of the guards to crack and fall to the floor. Their torso and head shattered against the icy floor. Garrett then picked up one of the guards lower abdomen and legs, walked into the center of the discussion chamber, placed the body parts down before the council. He sat down extremely smuggly, cgossed his arms and legs, and smiled at each council member in succession...*

You were saying?!

Lord Dagger
Mar 24th, 2001, 04:16:44 PM
Dagger sighs and stands
"If you will excuse me my friends"
Dagger turns his blazing green eyes on Garrett
"Out side, now"
Dagger moves round the table to stand over Garrett waiting for him to move

Lady Vader
Mar 24th, 2001, 05:08:45 PM
*LV stood so abruptly her chair tipped backwards, crashing to the floor with a loud bang*

LV: ENOUGH!!!!! Both of you! Stop! NOW!!!

*she slammed a fist down on the table at she said the last word... the table cracked under the pressure... she eyed Dagger and Blade with more fury thatn she had felt in a long time... she addressed Dagger first*

LV: Dagger! Hold your position!

*then she turned her full attention to Blade*

LV: As for you... I have had just about enough of your flim-flam attitude towards the Council! This Council is here for a REASON! And that is to keep ORDER and PEACE in this group!

*she waved her hand towards the door*

LV: I don't remember seeing a "Come one, come all" sign outside of the door! This is a SERIOUS COUNCIL meeting! To have you come in and disturb us with your antics is not appreciated nor tolerated!

*she placed both hands on the cracked table top and eyed Blade with such vehemance, that had her eyes been lazers, he would have ended his life as a pile of dust... she spoke low and menacingly*

LV: And further more... you will treat each Council member with RESPECT! This is not the first time, Blade, that you have done this. But I'll be DAMNED if I see you do it again!

*she stood to her full height*

LV: We have been more than leneant with you about your upstart, smartass attitude.

*she pointed a finger at him*

LV: I warn you... upset me again, and I will not be so forgiving. I will NOT tolerated this behavior ANYMORE!!! ESPECIALLY when you disrespect Council members!!

*she waved her hand at him and pointed to the door*

LV: Get out! I don't want to see you in here again during this meeting!

*she was mad... she was furious... gawd, she loved the feeling, but it ate at her*

*she stood there, waiting until Blade had left in a huff and the doors shut... then she turned to look at the former-Jedi*

LV: I see the majority believes you are sensere in your request to join and become a Sith. I respect that of them, and to keep peace and serenty in these walls, *she glared momentarily in the direction Blade had left*, I to will vote yea, on both your acception and the training by Dagger. But, be it known that I am wary and still quite suspicious. I will be keeping a silent watch on you during the beginnings of your stay here.

*she righted her chair using the Force, and sat back down... she waited patiently for the other members to collect themselves after her outburst, and vote... it wasn't often that she had outbursts, and they were only for good reasons... but, nevertheless, it could come as a shock*

Morgan Evanar
Mar 24th, 2001, 06:17:41 PM
It was universally decided by all in the room that they were glad they were not Garret Blade. Morgan's general ignorance of the habits of those present spared him from some of the shock, but there was still surprise. Being dipped in acid would have been easier than enduring that scathing tounge lashing.

I will prove myself under your scrutiny, Lady Vader.

Now Anbira's vote would be cast. This would indeed be interesting.

Lady DeVille
Mar 24th, 2001, 06:47:58 PM
De'Ville had rolled her eyes at Blade's entrance. She really hadn't expected that he could respect this one meeting any more than he had respected the others. It was too much to hope for. The Dark side seemed to put his brain to 'power save' mode.

Vader's outburst had startled her, but she overcame it quickly. De'Ville had been waiting for something like this to happen for some time. TSO was small and close knit, and Blade's strange behaviors were threatening the integrity of the group.

Anbira, Vader's consort, had still to vote. De'Ville forced her shoulder's to relax, and she sat back in her chair.

Garrett Blade
Mar 24th, 2001, 08:03:26 PM
*Having stormed off in a huff, Garrett returned with a much happier look on his face. He was walking fast, almost skipping like a schoolboy, once again staring up at the familiar presence in the room...*

Don't you just hate that!

I was wearing the wrong socks!

*Garrett sat down again on the guards legs. As he did so, the bottom of his pants rose slightly, revealing his "Sesame Street" socks, brandishing an impressive image of the ever yellow "Big Bird"...*

Morgan Evanar
Mar 24th, 2001, 08:11:45 PM
While initially amusing, Garret Blade's antics had quickly become tiresome. The wood of the chair's armrests began to creak under the compression. Morgan removed his hands. His goal was not to destroy small household objects, so he instead laid his hands flat on the table, green eyes turned icy as he stared at Blade with contempt.

Lady DeVille
Mar 24th, 2001, 08:14:33 PM
De'Ville stood, her hands moving without thought. She drew on the Dark side and initiated a pressure wave that knocked Blade against the wall. The air left his lungs with a pop. "Get out." Her voice trembled with rage.

Garrett Blade
Mar 24th, 2001, 09:17:58 PM
*Albeit slightly stunned from the impact with the wall, Garrett was not in any real danger as the useless air left his long-obsolete lungs. He reached into his pocket, revealing a small knife. The knife levitated upwards rapidly as Garrett concentrated on a panel-grating high above the council room. The grating was merely a badly put together protective covering to a refuse conduit-sanitation pipeline. Rather than have the sanitation system run under a less important room, the designers must have decided to put it there for reasons unknown. Perhaps it was to do with the fact that background radiation levels altered throughout the site picked for the palace, and so the pipeline was placed where it is to lessen the effects of background radiation on whatever was flowing through the pipeline, so as to avoid any nasty ill-effects. The knife easily passed through th emetal as it melted due to the intense heat of the blade...*

Burn, baby burn!

*The knife also passed through the thick pipeline metal with ease. Inside the pipeline, refuse including various fuels, as well as the particularly dangerous and highly flammable Urnactiil Chrome. The intense heat of the knife excited the fluid particles to become extremely excited. Suddenly, the pipe burst, causing flammable liquid to spray out into the discussion chamber. A rain of fire fell down into the chamber, causing a wall of fire to separate Garrett from the council members. Unfortunately, a large quantity of the fluid fell over Lord Dagger, setting him on fire. The wall of fire had grown to monsterous proportions now, yet is soon began to die down. When it had dissappeared, the council members instantly stood up out of their seats and gaped in horror at the small figure of one innocent baby Ariel, hanging crucified on the wall above the entrance to the chamber...her small body cut open from the sternum down to the waist...displaying, in true vulgar fashion, her disembowled insides...with her pure blood dripping down onto the cold floor below...*

*Live Wire screamed in horror as the small child hung there lifelessly. Lord Dagger seemed to ignore his burning body for a moment, whilst Anbira reached for his lightsaber and De'Ville and Vader turned to Live Wire, who was in tears. The room was filled with dismay and heartache...which dissappeared almost as instantaneously as the illusion dissappeared. The lifeless body of Ariel seemed to crumble to dust, whilst the blood on the floor seemed to evaporate into the air. It took a few moments for the council members to realise what had happened, when the silence was shattered by a ecstatic voice not far down the corridor. The insane laughter echoed into the room from the dark shadows of the hallway...*

Everythings....ay...okay....can you tell me how to get...how to get to Ariels room.....how to get to Ariels room...how to get to Ariels room...

*The voice died away as it moved further down the corridor...*

Morgan Evanar
Mar 24th, 2001, 09:26:18 PM

Lady DeVille
Mar 24th, 2001, 09:35:22 PM
De'Ville sat down, rubbing her temples. "Can we finish our vote, and then deal with that bastard?"

Virgil Titus
Mar 24th, 2001, 10:00:40 PM
OOC ~ Oh me, oh my... and people think I'm nutty. Mr. Blade: For the sake of protecting what little sanity I have left, please do not ingest illegal substances before posting.

Live Wire
Mar 24th, 2001, 11:48:05 PM
*LW muttered under her breath* He'll pay for this....

*She turned to catch Daggers eyes. She motioned for him to go check on Ariel.....for some reason she didnt trust blade. If he did anything she would kill him*

Lady Vader
Mar 25th, 2001, 01:07:26 AM
*LV dug her claws into the wooden table... her patience was all but gone... she wanted nothing more than to run after Blade and slit his throat with her claws... but doing so wouldn't help matters... and she couldn't leave the Council meeting*

*she let her thoughts boil inside as she waited for the last vote to be cast... then she'd deal with a certain Sith named Blade*

Lord Dagger
Mar 25th, 2001, 10:10:24 AM
Dagger looked down at his unburnt body, not overly sure whether that had been an illusion or not, it mattered little, mear fire couldn't hurt him. He bow'd low to the council
"If you will excuse me, i think i had better go and check on Ariel, and then when this meeting is over i think we should go teach his undeadship the error of his ways..." Dagger left the sentece, so full of venom hanging in the air, and the room, full of powerful Sith was sure it did not want to see the Sith Grandmaster angry.

Dagger swept out of the chamber, moving with incomprihencible speed up to Live Wire's room, with a single gesture he overrided the lock on the door and entered, seeing Ariel still lying, fast asleep in her cot Dagger smiled to himself
"No i don't think even Blade would dare go that far.." Dagger muses to himself. Which a suprising gentleness Dagger picks up the child and carries it slowly back to the council room

Garrett Blade
Mar 25th, 2001, 12:58:07 PM
*As Lord Dagger walked back to the council chamber, he stopped suddenly at the faint sound of a voice behind him. He turned his head slightly and looked out of the corner of his eye. Nobody was there. No doubt it was Garrett playing tricks on him, but how could Garrett ever fool the "Grandmaster" with any success!*

*Dagger turned back around to head once again for the council chamber. His eyes suddenly widened with horror as little Ariels head was missing and her small body was covered with blood. His heart was on fire and turned to ashes just as her body did. Lord Dagger once again stormed off down the corridor...*

Meanwhile...outside the palace...

Garrett sat on the stone bench in the palace gardens, cradling baby Ariel in his arms. All she did was sigh and look up at the blue sky. There were not that many coulds in the sky, which made it a rather perfect, peaceful scene. Garrett looked into the babies eyes and smiled affectionately, and giggled with her...*

Right now. Whilst know-it-all Dagger is ranting and raving about this, we can begin!

*Garrett placed the baby back into her portable repulsorlift crib, which hovered a few millimeters above the bench. He covered her with the white blanket to keep her warm, then kneeled down infront of the bench on the cool green grass. A slight, soothing gust of wind sweapt by, caressing her happy face and disturbing the grass and nearby flowerbed. Garrett looked into her eyes again, sensing the force with her, then held his hands out on front of him in an explanatory fashion...*

[i]Right then! Lesson one! Life! Oh and don't worry...I'm not gonna hurt you. There is ONE person who can actually kill me remember!

*Garrett stared up into the sky, thinking of his master...his friend. He then began talking to the baby in a juvenile manner, keeping her entertained at the same time whilst he taught her about the force and its various guises...contemplating how long the lesson ended...until the council members came to take her away from him...should they still have the wrong impression by the time they sensed what he was doing...*

Lord Dagger
Mar 25th, 2001, 01:20:31 PM
Dagger snarlled, his temper having been pushed past the limit any sane person would have pushed it past, but of course, Garrett was no longer sane. Dagger howled his anger out through the Force in just one word <h2>GARRETT</h2>. Dagger storms out of the palace like some avenging angel. When he is within about 100 yards of Garrett he stops, a bemused expression crosses his face as he watches Garrett talking to the child. Dagger watches for a moment, making sure the child is alright and then comunicates to Garrett through the Force
"Halm the child and suffer a fate worse than anything you could possibly imagine, but i am curious as to what you are doing, finish, and then i will deal with you"
Dagger stands back and watches them closly

Garrett Blade
Mar 25th, 2001, 01:48:51 PM
*Garrett stopped talking to Ariel suddenly. He stood up and looked across the garden. He noticed Dagger standing on the other side of a low green hedge...*

Err...do you mind not interrupting! We're trying to have a lesson here!

*Garrett ran behind the bench Ariel was lying on. He crouched down, out of Daggers sight, held his hand over his mouth so as to muffle it. He made his best authentic impression of a babyish voice...*

Yes Dagger! We're having a lesson here! Now make like a plant and photosynthesise!

*Garrett stood up again, looked over at Dagger and laughed. Ariel smiled simultaneously, seeming to sense the joke and share it with Garrett. Garrett walked back around to the front of the bench and kneeled down again. He resumed his small lesson with Ariel...*

The secret of life...is enjoying the passage of time. Any fool can do it - look at me! There ain't nothing to it! Nobody knows...how exactly we got to the top of the hill...but since we're on our way down...we might as well enjoy the ride! Don't ever be exactly like one of those aweful council members! That'd be such a waste. If you spend all your time enforcing laws and seeing to it that everybody is terrified to step out of line...then whats the point of free will? Never forget that Ariel!

*Garrett stood, and began walking back and forth infront of Ariel...smiling...*

Thats all for todays lesson! I hope we all learned something today! Okay class, read over the topics discussed on page twelve of the text book and answer this question for homework: Who was Tertullian...who was Tertullian. I'll spell that for you!


*Garrett rolled onto the floor in laughter, whilst Ariel herself also giggled. Dagger shook his head and began making his way around the flower bed to the bench where Ariel was...*

Lord Dagger
Mar 25th, 2001, 02:02:06 PM
Dagger swept Ariel up in his arms and looked at Garrett
"I sujest for your sake that you never take the child without asking again, it may not be good for you.."
Dagger looked down at Ariel, relief washing over him that the child is safe. He turns his attention back to Garrett
"When the council has finished with Morgan it will want to deal with you, and i assure you Garrett it will not be pleasent, i will see to that"
With that Dagger turns and sweeps away, leaving Garrett stood in his wake, Dagger's cloak snaps in the brease as he take Ariel back inside and up to the council chamber

In the Shadow of Death
Mar 25th, 2001, 02:32:19 PM
Dagger's cloak begins to waft about in the air much more wildly than before, it snaps in the air as the winds pick up velocity in his direction. The torrents of wind howl and whistle through the treetops.

Looking on as Dagger leaves, Garrett solomnly watches the grass being bent, swayed and contorted as the wind passed over, creating momentary ripples of light and shadow on the grass as it moves. A tingle is shot down his spine as he feels a chill pass over his body.

Watching the grass still he notices with some interest that the patterns of shadow in the grass as it moves are not as random as they were a second ago. Suddenly, his eyes widen with shock as he realises that there is some controlled pattern to the movement of shadow on the grass.

From the darkness at the bass of trees, walls, bushes and even the darkness cast by Garrett himself in the moonlight, there was movement. The shadow seemed to crawl away and spread out, however it seemed to form large outstretched fingers of darkness reaching...towards Lord Dagger who was moving away unknownst of this supernatural phenomena.

Garrett hesitated, unsure of what to do as the shadow spread across the grass and converged on Dagger. Suddenly, the baby Ariel began to cry and Garrett looked up fearful of what was causing her to cry. There was one more gust of wind causing Daggers cape to waft again, finishing with a snap, but now there was no whistling, no howling but silence. Garrett looked down and the majority of the grass was glistening in it's ever familiar residue of night, the moon shone upon it, there was little shadow except where they should be.

Lord Dagger
Mar 25th, 2001, 02:48:03 PM
Dagger pauses for a moment, he turns and smiles slyly at Garrett
"Do not worry about the child Garrett, it is perfectly safe with me, there is nothing in this universe that could hurt this child while I watch it"
With that challenge Dagger turns and leaves

In the Shadow of Death
Mar 25th, 2001, 04:18:11 PM
As Dagger turned away from Blade he heard a creaking above followed by a crack, he had started walking forward but then quickly leapt back as an enormous branch from one of the trees above had snapped from it's trunk. It fell diagnally across, smaller branches coming from it formed large, thick bushes partically obscured his view of the palace to which he had been returning.

As Dagger regained himself and stepped towards the fallen branch there was a powerful rumbling in the sky. He looked up only to see dense black clouds erupting from within themselves, expanding outwards, crawling across the sky. Suddenly there was a blinding flash from the heavens followed by a cracking sound and a thunderous explosion.

Suddenly Dagger dived to the floor protecting Arieal in his arms as an entire tree fell to the ground with an immense crash. The enormous trunk was at least twice the height of Dagger in width alone.

Fire from where the lightning bolt had struck spread throughout the enormous canopy of the tree and immediatly down the trunk too. The flames leapt some thirty feet into the air completely blocking Daggers route back to the palace.

He paused and thought which way to take Ariel back to that room but the moment he decided to go around the long way he realised after wiping his brow already sweating from the intense heat of the flames that had now engulfed a semi-circle of forest around himself, Ariel and Garrett Blade.

The two Sith looked at each other; was it fate?

They stared at each other for a while long enough for the forest all around them to become engulfed in flamses; there was no escape. The flames were soaring and spiralling high into the sky which was lit a brilliant and dazzling mixture of red and orange from the enormous forest fire.

The trio were trapped inside a circle of fire about twenty metres in diameter and there was nowhere to run.

Lord Dagger
Mar 26th, 2001, 01:21:10 PM
Dagger held the child on the inside of his cloak, Force hardening it as he did so. Taking a deep breath Dagger stepped into the flame, he walked quickly through them and imurged unscathed at the other side, his armour and cloak having absorbed the damage. Dagger looks at Garrett and then moves off again, bringing his personal shielding to bear, just incase

Garrett Blade
Mar 26th, 2001, 01:47:45 PM

*As Dagger stepped through the intense heat and light of the flames, Garrett waved goodbye to the sufficating Ariel inside Dagger's cloak...*

Goodbye my dear! Toodle-ooo! Au revoir! Auweidershein! Ciao! Ching-tao-tei!

*As the two walked down the corridor, Garrett shed his trenchcoat and threw it up into the air. Immediatley the black leather coat ignited with fire in a spectacular burst of red. The blood fell down and saturated Garretts face, whilst the jacket burned in mid-air, and the flames relished aroung him, he began to dance and sing for the sheer joy of being alive and having a purpose. Suddnely, as if out of nowhere...music could be hear...*

Harry Trueman, Dorris Day, Red China, Johnny Ray,
South Pacific, Walter Winchell, Joe Di'Maggio.

Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon, Studebaker, Television,
North Korea, South Korea, Marilyn Monroe.

Rosenbergs, H-Bomb, Sugar ray, Panmunjom,
Brando, The King and I, and The Catcher in the Rye.

Eisenhower, Vaccine, Englands got a New Queen,
Maciano, Liberace, Santayana Goodbye...

<FONT SIZE="5">We didn't start the fire!
It was always burning, since the worlds been turning!
We didn't start the fire!
No, we didn't light it,
but we tried to fight it!</FONT>

Admiral Roebuck
Mar 26th, 2001, 01:48:01 PM
As Dagger left the flames, he was astonished to find Admiral Roebuck looking on scratching his head in bewlideredment.

"Ah! Lord Dagger!" he called out over the roaring of the flames, "Allow me!"

He stepped forward, putting away the handkerchief with which he had originally been wiping his clammy brow. Holding out his arms he gestured to the tiny figure within his cloak.

"I'll take baby Ariel back to Live Wire. She's had enough excitement for one night no doubt," he smiled as he saw a look of doubt on Dagger's face, "Don't worry, she'll be perfectly alright with me old boy. You must go back to help Garrett, he is a Knight and although as little I know of the Sith I know a Master rank is above that of a Knight. I fear for his safety, he's a cheery chap, please go back."

He paused, allowing Dagger to ponder on this. Finally, he added, outstretching his arms in which to cradle Ariel, "Nor sir, if you will, there isn't much time!"

Lord Dagger
Mar 26th, 2001, 02:32:05 PM
Dagger turns to go and then stops for a moment
"I am a master no long my friend, i am a Grandmaster"
Dagger walks back up to the flames as Roebuck heads away. Dagger streaches out his arms, calling on the force he rips up the burning grass and flips it over, dousing the flames in a path to Garrett. Dagger looks at him
"Well? are you coming or not?"

Garrett Blade
Mar 26th, 2001, 02:52:02 PM
Oh yeah! Good one Dagger! Thats really fulfiling your orders! -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-in WELL DONE!

*Suddnely, the Sith Master looked down at the upturned earth. Small, green shoots emerged from the dirt, rapidly turning into fully grown blades of grass. The fire on eithwer side quickly spread to close up the circle again...*

Joseph Stalin, Malenkov, Nasser and Prokofiev.
Rockefeller, Campanella, Communist Block.

Roy Cohn, Juan Peron, Toscanini, Dancron.
Dien ien, Phu Falls, Rock Around the Clock.

Einstein, James Dean, Brooklyn's got a winning team.
Davy Crocket, Peter Pan, Elvis Presley, Disneyland!

Bardot, Budapest, Alabama, Krushchev.
Princess Grace,Peyton Place, Trouble in the Suez!

<FONT SIZE="5">We didn't start the fire!
It was always burning
since the world's been turning!
We didn't start the fire!
No we didn't light it
but we tried to fight it!</FONT>

Lord Dagger
Mar 26th, 2001, 03:05:35 PM
Dagger watches the ground with some amusement
"No one gives me orders Garrett" he mutters
Dagger watches the flames burn for a moment longer and then smiles. Dagger lifts 3 large paving slabs from where workmen had been laying them and drops them on the flames, then waits for them to be burnt through

Garrett Blade
Mar 26th, 2001, 03:32:48 PM
*Well not quite...but it sure did annoy Dagger. Roots oddly grew over the paving stone at an incredible rate. The raw power of the earthy roots were not quite strong enough to completely crush the stone, though they did a very good job of cracking it into several large fragments. Probably quicker than the roots had grown, more, and still more, grass shoots emerged from the roots. They too caught on fire and blazed up over Daggers puny height. Garrett continued dancing, whilst eyeing Dagger with an exstatic expression on his face...*

When are you going to accept it Dagger? Nobody stops me from having a good time! No matter who they are! Now piss off and go back to snitch on me like you always do. Oh and give the council my regards! And make sure you ask them how they want me killed, like you "always" do!

*Garrett then turned away from the Council Puppet and resumed his little celebration. Well...I say little because...well...you'll see! the best is yet to come!*

Darth Viscera
Mar 26th, 2001, 03:57:59 PM
Viscera appeared outside the palace, saying not a word as he glided towards Garrett, his feet not moving at all, his face retaining the stoic, hollow stare which seemed to penetrate Garrett. His eyes glowed a fiery crimson. Viscera at once entered Garrett's mind, searching for a sign of weakness, which he quickly found. Using Garrett as a conduit for his anger, Viscera implanted the idea in Garrett's mind that his tongue was a foreign object, one that must be swallowed immediately. Garrett collapsed to the ground, choking and shredding his tongue with his own teeth, as his mind perceived his tongue as a deadly object that must be expelled.

Blood boiled out his mouth as little shreds of tongue either flew out or were swallowed quickly. Viscera ignited one section of his lightstaff, almost as an afterthought, and sliced it through the top of Garrett's gut, producing a new cavity on his person. Little bits of Garrett's intestines hovered slowly, finding their way to Garrett's mouth, where he promptly chewed and swallowed them, aided by the dark side. Viscera's eyes glowed ever brighter, and Garrett's hair departed from his scalp in a wave of blood and tattered skin. Viscera, only now seeming to move rather than glide, declined his head slowly to look at the nearly dead Garrett. His eyes seemed to defuse, and Viscera once again stood normally. He turned about, nodding to Lord Dagger.

In the Shadow of Death
Mar 26th, 2001, 04:26:53 PM
Viscera nodded to Dagger, but to Dagger's suprise Viscera suddenly began looking around him frantically as though in search for something, his head twisted, turned and slanted in every direction in order to catch a glimpse of something. His face had changed, one that Dagger was not used to seeing on a fellow Sith; Viscera had turned pale, his eyes were wide and his lower lip trembling.

The whispering voice seemed to be coming from everywhere at different times as though being carried about and distorted by the air torrents.

...standing....Dark....shadow of...Sith are....now....you are...in fear of....darkside...death....now....dead....

He kept picking up pieces of the puzzle and there seemed to be numerous voices coming from all around him but Dagger just watched Viscera confused. The Sith began to concentrate on one of the overlapping, distorted voices and began to decipher what was being said. As he did, the heavy stormclouds billowed through the sky above. Garrett merely twitched lifelessly on the floor, his eyes glassy, his skin grey and cold.

You...The Sith...You are now standing....fear the Darkness....are dead....in the Shadow of Death....

The sky rumbled and the ground trembled, there was light, blinding light which streaked down through the sky, tearing through clouds and it curved and dashed towards Viscera with uncanny precision. With a thunderous erruption the bolt struck and lifted him from the ground and carried him through the air. The bolt was an unending chain of electricity, which gave of a brilliant aura to the Palace as it neared. The electricity coarsed through Viscera's entire body and surged through his veins and up his spine finally connecting with his brain. He was unable to scream whilst he was carried high through the air, he was unable to react as he was sent crashing down through the palace roof and into the Council Chamber before the shocked Council Members. His body gave off smoke, his skin hissed, his blood inside crackled as it lowered from it's boiling point. He twitched lifelessly, slowly his movement siezed.

As he lost conciousness the voicers died away, they had grew deafeningly loud as the lightning burned and seared his flesh but now the three voices whispered, then died away.

You fear the Darkness....the Sith are dead...you are now standing in the Shadow of Death....

Lady DeVille
Mar 26th, 2001, 04:27:45 PM
Back in the council room, De'Ville was getting impatient. She could sense the chaos outside, and figited as she waited on Anbira to voice his opinion.

Seth TraSven
Mar 26th, 2001, 04:29:32 PM
Whilst Dagger had his back turned watching Viscera being desimated he was unable to see Garrett being levitated into the air and carried through the parting flames into the arms of a dark, robed figure who turned his back and walk off into the shadows of the woods. The flames closing once again.

Darth Viscera
Mar 26th, 2001, 04:42:27 PM
The crimson fire returned to Viscera's eyes, healing him utterly and departing. Viscera bowed to the council, and force jumped back up where he had shot down from, sealing the gap along the way. Outside, on top of the palace, the sky once again turned dark, as if enthralled in a force storm. Three figures appeared, their bodies seemingly a thousand meters high, and gazed down at Viscera in the same stoic pattern he had used in the last few minutes.

Good......done...have done....well....dead...is he....the one.....

They all at once seemed to roar this whisper, and depart, leaving the palace eerily calm.

Lady DeVille
Mar 27th, 2001, 11:45:26 AM
She stood up, knocking her chair backwards in her haste. De'Ville grabbed up her saber and ran out of the room. Live Wire rubbed her temples with her hand, and shouted after her, but the Knight paid her no heed.

De'Ville hurried out into the gardens. There was the remnants of a fire, just a charred spot in the grass now. Dagger was starting off into the woods. De'Ville took his arm, but he shook her off. She persisted. "Dagger, let me try."

He looked at her, and something in her eyes changed his mind. Dagger nodded, "I will be following you. If you cannot deal with him, I will."

She nodded, and ran into the woods after Garrett and the dark robed figure. Once she and Garrett had shared an incredibly strong bond. Against her will, but it was a bond nonetheless. De'Ville hoped he could be brought back from insanity. If not, he would have to be destroyed.

Garrett Blade
Mar 27th, 2001, 12:33:57 PM
OOC: I havent thought of a Garrett-esque post with which to reply with YET. However, may I draw to your attention the fact that Viscera has broken one of the golden rules of the Star Wars Roleplaying EZBoard Community of which TSO is a part of? yes my friends, I am talking of the rule which forbids maiming! Apparently, I have shredded my tongue, had by gut sliced open and been disembalbed, upon which I unwillingly ate my own tongue and intestines. Now I don't care what planet your from, thats gotta hurt! And it is quite definetly a breach of the rules.

What am I getting at? Nothing really. It in no way will affect my character as far as I am concerned, since I very rarely find a post I can't deal with, so long as its fair. However Garrett can recover from this extremely uncalled for breach of rules. So I will acept what Viscera has done to me, despite the fact that I shouldn't. However I'm not one to disregard a post in a very good roleplay with much potential, so I can work with that! However, let this be a warning to all roleplayers that Darth Viscera should be roleplayed with caution since he likes to break roleplay rules.

And don't start moaning at me for breaking every rule under the sun because thats an in-character thing and there are no RULES preventing me from breaking IC rules. And another thing before you start: I don't god-mode. I make interesting posts in a way that reflects Garretts abilities with death and blood and time, his powers of choice!

Right, I know that nobody has bothered to read this, but at least I have now finally decided to say what I wanted and not kept quiet about it like everybody wants me to do!

Hell, I've survived death in a roleplay - eating my tongue and intestines aint a problem, however...remember what I said about abiding by the rules! (OOC rules of course).

And btw, this was a post about breaking RULES OOC, not about Garrett breaking Roul IC! :)

Morgan Evanar
Mar 27th, 2001, 02:07:27 PM

Folks, I'd like to go back to full out RPing, but right now, me being up in the air, you all are kinda cramping me.


Lord Dagger
Mar 27th, 2001, 02:20:17 PM
OOC/ AH appears to have gone AWOL so, i guess, with a majority of votes u are in TSO and i am your new master, now GET ON WITH RPing YOU SILLY....!!\IC

Darth Viscera
Mar 27th, 2001, 02:44:51 PM
*laughs maniacally*
do unto thou something something something.....

Gav Mortis
Mar 27th, 2001, 03:06:27 PM
*Cracks lightning bolts up everyone's asses*

What's all this OOC stuff? Get on with it! :rolleyes:

Edit: hi, this is LD, I agree with Garrett, and I think his complaint is valid. Blade, you're a good RPer, just playing a very disturbed character... or maybe you're not so good, and just disturbed yourself...

Anyway, back to the RP~!

Darth Viscera
Mar 27th, 2001, 08:43:49 PM
I mean hell, other people can RP as gods and manipulate the weather and that sort of BS to fix up their threads, and not a word is said.

So delete my posts. jesus, what do you want from me?

Darth Rane
Mar 27th, 2001, 09:36:56 PM
((Sorry for another OOC post)) Manipulating the Weather is a Force ability. More specifically, one favored by Jedi.

Darth Viscera
Mar 27th, 2001, 10:12:02 PM
oh here comes the quibbling!

Gav Mortis
Mar 28th, 2001, 07:03:28 AM
A thunderbolt is hardly what I'd call God Mode, however you recovering immediatly from it just because some "crimson fire returned to Viscera's eyes" is ridiculous and not a complaint was made about it until now so count yourself lucky as I think the roleplayers here have been patient with your efforts Viscera.

Seth TraSven
Mar 28th, 2001, 02:43:08 PM
The dark robed figure made his way from tree to tree hidden within the shadows, making his way through the denser regions of the forest until he came to an opening. As he stepped out into the moonlight the lower half of his face became visable with a silvery aura, there was not a sound.

Walking up a small hill he came to a gently sloping valley which had, at it's base a small skipray blastboat which had needless to say seen some action in it's time.

"I don't remember you ever being this heavy, you should be eating healthier than this!" he whispered to the burden he carried as he made his way down the valley.

Once inside, he had lied Garrett down on a prepared medical repulsorbed and made his way to the cockpit in somewhat of a hurry as he could sense Garrett's life signs fading...

Lady DeVille
Mar 28th, 2001, 03:52:31 PM
Using the Force to help guide her, De'Ville hurried after Garrett. There were two beings she was following, one was on the verge of death, and the other one she had not sensed before. Breaking out of the trees, she ran up a slight hill and saw a blastboat sitting on the other side.

It was going through its warm up sequence, and she stopped momentarily, unsure of what to do next. Crazy or not, Blade was still a member of TSO, and having him kidnapped was unacceptable. She flipped her commlink on, and contacted Dagger on his private line.

"Dagger, this is De'Ville, there is an unidentified blastboat in the clearing beyond the forest. I believe Blade is on board." She recited the ID numbers from the side of the ship. "His life signs are failing."

De'Ville ran up to the blastboat, ignoring the growing whine of the engines.

Seth TraSven
Mar 30th, 2001, 01:32:05 PM
As the blastboat left the ground, it's propulsion engines beaming a magnificent blue and white light from it's underside accompanied by the sound of the engines screaming. It turned as it ascended into the skies to face an approaching young woman, evidently a Sith as her movement was of an increadible speed however Seth used this to his advantage.

The faster she's moving, the slower her reaction speed to avoid oncoming fire..

Within that instant Lady De'Ville was met by a volley of heavy blaster fire however it purposly did not hit her although it hit the ground around her throwing her off balance. She coughed and spluttered as dirt and smoke erupted into the air before her. Suddenly, one of the bolts hit the ground in front of her and she was thrown up into the air with the explosion from it and was sent crashing to the ground uncomfortably as the ship gained altitude and flew off.

Lady DeVille
Mar 30th, 2001, 03:56:03 PM
She flew backwards, landing twisted on the back of her neck with her feet over her head. De'Ville righted herself quickly, but the blastboat was already piercing the atmosphere. She cursed.

Covered with dirt from the near misses, she walked back to TSO.

Lord Dagger
Mar 30th, 2001, 11:48:11 PM
Dagger turns and falls into step with DeVille, his hand seeming to glide over his armpiece as he called the Dominator in to block the blastboat's exit

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 2nd, 2001, 06:32:31 PM
OOC: My sincerest apologies for being away :(


:: Anbira sat, deep in thought. It seemed like an eternity before he made his choice known ::

I...approve of Evanar's acceptance into the Order.

Lady Vader
Apr 2nd, 2001, 10:08:03 PM
*LV had retracted her claws and was rubbing her temple when Anbira spoke*

*she looked at him, noticing a slight hesitation in his answer, but was greatful there would be no bickering over the final outcome*