View Full Version : return of the corellian captive

Mar 31st, 2001, 05:07:19 AM
* A supply ship was headed for Correllia through hyperspace as one was every so often. It was only a matter of minutes from com-range where it would begin it's clearance procedure when a massive failure occured. The hyperdrive failed and the ship fell violently out of hyperspace. It ws an Interdictor field and the shi was helpless. It was pulled in by a tractor beam into the belly of the ship where it was met by dozens of troops. They entered the craft along with a dark figure clad in black robes and the shuttle was again on it's way. After a few calculations it reentered hyperspace carrying more passengers then before.*

Mar 31st, 2001, 02:42:54 PM
*The shttle exited hyperspace and began ID procedures as usual*This is drevo-6 we have supplies onboard. Requesting permission to enter corellian space.....

Admiral Roebuck
Apr 1st, 2001, 08:17:51 AM
"Drevo-6 this is Correlia Air Traffic Control, permission granted; a squad of TIE's will escort you to your landing pad UG-1204." came the regular formal reply, the com channel was then terminated.

Apr 5th, 2001, 02:20:23 AM
*The ship lands as normal,but Cloak's crew exits and quickly heads for the Sith Palace. Cloaks robes were still draped over his head, but a guard recognized the Caracan military uniforms and quickly informed the proper officials. No matter what Cloak meant by this suprise visit, his suprise was now over..........

Lady DeVille
Apr 5th, 2001, 09:27:17 AM
De'Ville fingered her commlink, turning it over and over in her hand. Cloak was back in TSO territory, and apparently up to something. She threw on her hooded cloak, and clipped her lightsaber to her belt as she headed to the Palace.

Slash Malone
Apr 6th, 2001, 06:00:43 PM
OOC: OH what is DDC up to?????

Apr 6th, 2001, 06:04:10 PM
* The Palace was in sight, and the group wasn't expecting a warm welcome. They wanted a welcome for their mission was short and simple enough. Cloak leading the group along pointed out several military outposts which the group avoided. But there was no way they could avoid fighting all together. *

Lady DeVille
Apr 6th, 2001, 08:27:50 PM

De'Ville waits just outside the walls of the Palace, yet orders no guards or a military escort of any kind. She stands there, cloak blowing in the slight Corellian wind.

Darth Viscera
Apr 6th, 2001, 09:00:46 PM
"Very good. Now disperse," Viscera ordered the squad of dark troopers, who promptly double-quicked to their sniping positions, nutrient cages with ysalamari strapped to their backs. Each dark trooper carried a multistun cannon of the type designed by Dyzm, and a light dagger. The troopers took up their positions, and Viscera examined the oncoming entourage through his macrobinoculars.

"Steady..steady...lay down enfilading fire at 28.5. Wait for my orders to open fire. Target may not be hostile."

Further back, workers activated modular shield generators, projecting a makeshift field of protection around the TSO palace.

Garrett Blade
Apr 7th, 2001, 09:06:49 AM
The window directly above the main entrance to the palace was secluded in darkness. Despite the strong rays of the Corellian Sun beating down from above, the room was in darkness.

Apr 7th, 2001, 12:22:35 PM
Cloak could sense the sith nearby. He could sense Deville and Blade, but he couldn't quite locate them. He had already noticed one sniper who's blaster was flickering in the sun and he knew more weren't far off. Suddenly, Cloak could see a cloaked figure in the distance. He walked on unphased, closer and closer to the palace, never faster and never slower............

Darth Roul
Apr 7th, 2001, 04:49:03 PM
::walks up next to LD and unsheaths his weapon from his back. placing his finger on the end of the handle ready to ignite the bastard saber (a bastard sword with a lightsaber blade around the swords blade. I created it when I trained myself at talkcity) waiting for the right moment::

Slash Malone
Apr 7th, 2001, 05:09:32 PM
OOC: where did roul come from?

Apr 7th, 2001, 05:11:44 PM
*Cloak continues to walk closer, but when he unsheaths his saber he tosses it to the ground. His soldiers do the same with their blasters. The entire group stops at a respectable distance and the soldiers raise their hands in surrender, and cloak holds his arms foward to keep his hands visible from beneath his cloak.*

Garrett Blade
Apr 7th, 2001, 05:45:06 PM
*Suddenly, the darkened window shattered loudly. The glass rained down onto the stone floor below. Eleven beings landed in front of DDC and his associates. Garrett stepped forwards with a smile on his face and a lightsaber in his hand, whilst the Cyborg-Wookiees brought their weapons to bear on the group.*

What are you playing at DDC, you little bugger! Hmm? Whats your game?

Darth Roul
Apr 7th, 2001, 06:53:59 PM
::walks up behind Garrett and places his hand on his shoulder::
Let me handle this
::steps up to DDC and puts his sword away. Places his hand in front of DDC waiting for a handshake::
I think we can do this peacfully
OOC:I came from the shadows

Garrett Blade
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:57:27 AM
*As Roul places his hand on Garretts shoulder, Garrett looks at it in disgust, as if to say "Get your hand off my shoulder before I hand you your lungs!". Roul sees Garretts "disapproval" of his actions, and quickly removes his hand...then walks over to DDC*

Apr 8th, 2001, 11:26:31 AM
*Cloak removes his hood to reveal a new scar ,to add to the hundreds of others that littered his tormented body, that was splashed diagonal across his face. He had been badly beaten the last time he was on corellia. He began to speak with a gastly slur.*"I am tired of running away. I am sssssurrenduring to T-SSS-O. But before you decide on my fate, I offer thissss plea. Let me rejoin your ranksssss. I fear that my path isssss with T-SSS-O and hass alwaysss been. I have felt the lighter side and it is growing. We are greatly outnumbered and inner conflictssss aren't the most beneficial thingsssss."*Cloak returns his hood and stands once again with his arms extended waiting to be pulled away to some holding cell or dungeon or something.*

Admiral Roebuck
Apr 8th, 2001, 11:56:01 AM
Promptly the well presented Admiral makes his appearance from within a small military bunker some fifty yards away. He is accompanied by a squad of troopers with whom he marches to an efficiently paced step and within no time at all they are within hearing range of the group.

Suddenly the troopers break away and circle the followers of Dark Cloak and raising their blaster rifles fire a volley of stun bolts, their effect is immediate and all those behind their Sith leader fall to the floor unconcious.

"Aha!" chuckled Roebuck, his cheeks glowing and eyes sparkling with delight, "Aha-haha aha! Oh yes jolly good show!"

His pace came to a halt before Dark Cloak and before he even gestured at a conversation quickly whipped out a set of binders and locked them around Dark Cloaks wrists who seemed to display no emotion.

"There we go. That's much better! Right back to the cell you!" he declared with a broad grin.

Immediatly the gaurds revealed a thick rope with a noose at one end and tied it around the prisoners neck. He was then dragged by the rope toward the bunker whilst the taught noose jerked at his throat. Two more gaurds held electro-prods and occasionally sent brief shocks throughout his person if his pace slowed or when it suited their interests.

"Ahaha! Tally ho!"

Apr 8th, 2001, 12:30:39 PM
*Cloaks hood had fallen from atop his head and revealed his mutilated face. His deep green eyes were wide open and he ground his teeth together as he grimissed in pain. He captured the eyes of one of the troops carrying him away and the man stopped in his tracks and began to back peddle in fear tumbling to the ground after lossing his balance. He rolls over and begins running away as soon as he maintains composure stumbling slightly again. Meanwhile the others continue to drag cloak away. Before he is away completely he shouts to Admiral Roebuck*"This is a big mistake Roebuck! I will have your head for this. You have no Idea what you have done."*And all was quiet again as Cloak was finaly dragged completely into the bunker.*

Darth Roul
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:25:11 PM
STOP take him no further! this man begs for forgivness everyone deserves a second chance now give it to him

Garrett Blade
Apr 8th, 2001, 05:00:09 PM
Belay that order!

*Roul looked angrily at Garrett's intervention.*

Admiral Roebuck has given an order. I shall see to it that that order is not disobeyed...

*As Garrett said that, Five of the ten Cyborg Wookiees made their way into the bunker to ensure security...*

Lady DeVille
Apr 9th, 2001, 10:14:54 AM
"HOLD!" De'Ville threw up her hands and everyone stopped.

"As the Council member here in attendance, I order you to hold fast, Roebuck!" She walked up to the group, and straight to Cloak. Roebuck moved out of her way, whether by her will or his own, he wasn't sure.

She looked into Cloak's eyes, and traced his scars with her gaze. "You come asking for forgiveness, and to be reinstated?" Cloak nodded, eyes still burning with anger at Roebuck and Blade.

De'Ville looked back at Roul. "Everyone does deserve a second chance. But this is for the Council to decide. I am calling an emergency meeting of the Council, to be held in a public room. Make sure he is in attendence.

"In the mean time, give him a room in the visitor's quarters, under guard, of course." She removed the bindings from Cloak.

Admiral Roebuck
Apr 9th, 2001, 01:34:56 PM
"Ah yes Lady De'Ville...another Sith! That pride thing my dear can be a frightfully sad and immature aspect of one's self. No doubt a woman could ever possess or find the need for such pride, because trust me my dear, you are wasting your pride!" came the unmoved voice of the admiral.

He approaches Cloak and takes out his own blaster pistol and points it towards the Sith's chest, his eyebrow arched as he continued, "Such a bitter, angry outburst we all just witnessed from you there Cloak. Oh yes! I forgot, you're another Sith aren't you? Oh well, what else can be expected?"

The group seems to have a stern dissapproval of Roebuck's words, he then turns to Lady De'Ville who points out that his bodygaurd, Garrett Blade is also a Sith, to which he replies with an impartial look of disgust, "My dear, Blade is an exception. He doesn't have any pride!"

"This man!" he continues as he turns to gesture towards Cloak, "Was up until today, so it seems, public enemy number one and now you're giving him a room in the Visitors Center with one gaurd?"

Roebuck notices a dirt patch on his shining boot and he takes a brief moment to scrub it off on the base of Cloaks' robing. He begins circling Cloak as he adds, "This man escaped from one of our maximum security prison cells, as a result he killed many of my men along with his followers and I for one am not prepared to risk any more casualties as a result of the negligence and arrogance of TSO's hierarchy."

"Take him away!" he exclaims gesturing to a cyborg-wookiee who now holds the binders, accompanied by four more.

"Yes he may be given a second chance but whilst it is being discussed he will be detained in a maximum security prison block. My sense of pride does not overwhelm my sense of logic and security, unlike some others. Madame...gentlemen...good day!"

Lady DeVille
Apr 9th, 2001, 01:46:23 PM
ooc: :rolleyes: Do you enjoy making me look bad? At least I attempt to be here /ic:

"Admiral!" She held him fast with the Force, and caught up to him. "If you understood that I would allow him to be held in a room with only one guard, you are frightfully mistaken. I said 'under guard' not 'under a single guard.' I am not stupid, and I will not be treated as such."

She released him, sure that he would launch into another tirade, but continued talking. "If you wish to whine about Sith pride to someone, perhaps you should be talking to the other Council members, none of whom are here. They take 'pride' in TSO, yet they are not around. Perhaps I have too much pride, but they have a lack of it.

"I am actually beginning to lose my pride in TSO."

She turned on her heel and walked away. "Do what you wish with Cloak, Admiral. I'm sure that you know what is best. After all, you run this place."

Admiral Roebuck
Apr 9th, 2001, 02:32:44 PM
OOC: :p

LD I couldn't make you look bad if I tried, just keep on wearing those bikinis and I'll just keep looking. ;)

Darth Viscera
Apr 9th, 2001, 02:55:32 PM

How dare you sir! That is most ungentleman like of you. LD, you should take off the bikini to preserve your reputation as a lady! :p

Lady DeVille
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:20:26 PM
:rolleyes: I'm serious! /ic:

She stopped in her tracks, paused...and then hurried onward, leaving Roebuck and Blade and Cloak behind.

Darth Roul
Apr 9th, 2001, 05:50:46 PM
I will guard him he will listen to me and I can take him, I know what he is capable of.
::four Churbian soilders suround Roul awaiting their orders::
May i take him to his room?

Apr 10th, 2001, 04:12:22 AM
*Cloak took in the events in silence, all the while keeping a close eye on Roebuck. His rage was slowly subsiding.*

Apr 11th, 2001, 09:15:48 AM
*Cloak was dragged away violently until the last ray of sunlight escaped from his face and he dissapeared in the darkness of the underground bunker.*