View Full Version : Taming the Shrew

Garrett Blade
Apr 14th, 2001, 06:08:19 PM
*As Lilaena walked away to her room, Garrett remained looking at Lynch for a few more seconds. He initially intended to follow her to her room, but he felt compelled to check the security terminal again. He stepped up to the screen, still displaying DDC's cell. . The Wookiee guards do not respond as a figure walks past the camera, it's perspective showing a corner of the room. He smiled to himself, and turned round to walk back into the Discussion Chamber, only to be confronted by a squadron of Dark Troopers...*

Mr Blade, we have orders from the Council...would you please accompany us to the Interrogation Room.

*Garrett stared at the cold, steel visage of the Dark Trooper...*