View Full Version : The Lazarus Succession

Jedah Lynch
Apr 21st, 2001, 09:27:35 PM
<font color=green>

Input final data program # 23


Matching harmonic synch...

Error Possibility....calculating...1.9%

Mitochondria increased to designiated levels.

Genome sequence succeeded.

Chance of failure.....calculating....3.8%

All factors and variables factored.

Awaiting final authorizationto proceed

Enter Password
</font color=green>
<font color=blue>*** **** ******</font color=blue>
<font color=green>
Password accepted

Commence program

Engage Project Codename: Nothos

Beginning final procedure……

</font color=green>

Within a small room filled with the databases of many powerful computers various sequences of data and information flash upon several different computer screens. Each showing or listing a different purpose, one of those holds a complex DNA model with various numbers and sequences running up along it. Another monitor holds the brain waves and heart beat, both of which barely register a beep.

Laying upon one table away from the computers covered by a single sheet is the body of General Bane Nothos, dead of a suicide done earlier. Various cuts have also since that time been added to the body with several organs having been removed.

Upon the far wall is a large cylinder filled with a reddish crimson connected by wires that run to the computers and other machines that hum with power, each working along with the other to bring the object in the cylinder to life.

A body hangs suspended in the dark crimsion wires connecting to his body and a oxygen mask hangs over his mouth and nose. Various needles exit from ports from either the side or top of the cylinder injecting the body with the proper vitamin and nutrious ingridents necessary to survive before and after the process.

A dark robed man walks towards the cylinder holding in one hand a red paint like mixture. Dipping his finger in the paint he begins to chant in a soft ancient Sith language as he marks several symbols upon the tube.

Completed he moves back and then moves up several stairs to a console overlooking the room. His eyes move over to a camera picture of a room below the one he is in now. A hundred other cylinders lay down there, within them beated the hearts of a hundred humanoids. All now dead. The Siths eyes look upon the soon to be reborn Sith as he presses the final button to have the deed done.

Electricity discharges throughout the cylinder water like crimsion shocking the body. Heart and brain waves begin to register as the intensity increases. Holding up an Sith relic of old the Sith Master chants once more, the symbols upon the cylinder glow and then burn upon the canister, a dark stream of smoke rise up from the symbols as they evaporate into the air. The crimsion turns darkest black, a banshee like scream echos in the room as a wind kicks up out of nowhere in the chamber. Various items are tossed about the room to smash into the walls or computers. A crack forms in the cylinder before it shatters.

The dark liquid pours out over the floor as the body follows suit, the man coughs as he spits up the dark liquid.
Walking down the stairs the Sith Master looks down at this one. The scans showed it worked. A perfect clone body of General Bane Nothos had been created and mixed with the essences and lifeforce of the hundred humanoids successfully bringing his body back to life faster than conventional methods. A method first made by Lynch with his own clone body. Only where as Lynch had transferred his own brain pattern and spirit into a enchanced clone body there was something else done for Nothos. No DNA strands outside of Nothos was used unlike in Lynchs return but instead in this case the brain pattern and spirit brought back in the Nothos clone was not that of Nothos at all.

Lynch had done as he was asked to do and he now retrieved a case containing proper attire for the man.

"If you feel odd its because your adjusting to your new body, it will take some getting use to. But in a few days you will notice no difference from that of your previous body. You might wish to take it easy for a few days to let your system kick in and adjust as well, you do not wish to wind up dead again....do you Roul?"

The Sith Master chuckled and placed the case down in front of Roul.

"Welcome back to the living..oh at least those that still live. At any rate my job here is done"

Giving a quick smirk the Sith turns around his cloak flowing behind him as he moves to one data console and removes a backup disk then exits the chamber. The computers make a quick whine sound as the data upon them are wiped out and many important circuits and data nodes fuse and ignite melting into sludge. The lights in the room flicker for a second before going dim as the computers make one last sound and die completely leaving only a small amount of light in the room for Roul to see in.

Darth Roul
Apr 28th, 2001, 03:10:33 PM
::Robes himself and leaves for his opperation::

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 28th, 2001, 03:25:09 PM
OOC: Roul, you might wanna edit that quote out of your sig, if you're planning on using it.