View Full Version : Return

Seth Darkserpent
Apr 29th, 2001, 08:31:55 AM
Seth landed his YT-2400 The Mirage II just outside of the palace. Or whatever was left of it. He kicked the ramp down and jumped through.

Seth took out his sword, just in case and focused. He could not sense anyone through the wreckage. A thick fog had formed from the dust.

WHAT HAS HAPPENED? Seth's mind seemed to scream back at him. The palace was in ruins. How could this have come to be? He pounded his fist into his other palm. Seth felt animosity and rage building inside. He left for a short while and the whole palace came crashing down. What had happened to TSO?

Seth took off his mask and rubbed his eyes. Was it some sort of demented dream? He was wide awake, there was no doubt about it.

The Sith cupped his hands over his mouth, amplifying his voice with the Dark Side.

<font size=5>"Hello?"<font size=2> Seth shouted into the open. He sat down on a rock and closed his eyes. The Sith crossed his legs and focused. He focused harder then ever before, sending a message through the Force.

Master Deville. Deville?! This is Seth Darkserpent. Hear me, and respond. What has happened? Seth silently waited for anything.

Seth Darkserpent
Apr 29th, 2001, 01:46:06 PM
No answer. Seth called out again with the Force and waited. No answer still. He got up and pounded his fist into the rock.

"What's the matter Seth? Did the Order abandon you?" The voice inside his head began.

"No they did not. I am trying to find any of them." Seth growled back. He began to walk amongst the rubble. The Sith kept his hand on his hilt, and his senses open. What had caused such destruction?

"Was there ever a Sith Order, Seth?" The voice cackled.

"What do you mean?" Seth was becoming irritated, fast.

"Was it another Imperial implant?" The voice burst out into laughter all over again.

"How do you know about that?" Seth growled.

"I'm in your mind, I can see your past life." The voice replied.

"It's real...The Order is...real...someone...help...please..<font size=1>help<font size=2>..." Seth bowed on one knee. He fell to the side, and fainted.

Lord Chryn
Apr 29th, 2001, 11:57:22 PM
:: Chryn picks his way slowly throught the rubble towards seth. upon reaching the downed sith Chryn calls to the stormtroopers accompanying him to carry seth back to his ship.
Upon arriving at the ship Chryn takes seth to the medbay and then waits for him to wake ::

Lady DeVille
Apr 30th, 2001, 10:47:20 AM
ooc: I see you, don't worry

Seth Darkserpent
Apr 30th, 2001, 12:08:39 PM
OOC: I'm not worrying...I need to talk to you on AIM, but you're never on when I am these days.

IC:Seth awoke and stared blankly at the person in front of him. He was in some sort of med bay. The Sith growled viciously and hopped up onto the table.

"Where am I?! What has happened to the Order?!" He motioned for his sword, lying on a nearby table. The sword flew into his hand. Seth dropped it and slumped back onto the bed. He was still weak, and overwhelmed with the situation.

He rested his head, and closed his eyes. He had not met this one before. Or maybe he had, his memory did not serve him as well as it used to.

Lord Dagger
Apr 30th, 2001, 12:41:25 PM
Chryn turns silently and switches oh the holonet. Instantly the figure of Lord Dagger appears
"The Order is in ruins at the moment, Lynch is co-ordinating the repair efforts with Lady Vader above the planet, Live Wire has gone after Ariel and I have brought DeVille here, to Selonia...Take care of yourself Seth, we will return soon"
The holonet deactivates and Seth is left looking at the Mord-Sith

Seth Darkserpent
Apr 30th, 2001, 01:35:35 PM
"A--Ar-Ariel?" Seth was confused for the moment.

He sheathed his sword. The Sith he was staring at was Dagger's apprentice. Lord Chryn he presumed.

"I guess...the best thing to do..would be to...wait." He slumped onto the bed. The Sith still did not understand what caused such a catastrophe. He had not even been gone long. Seth glanced up at the ceiling. Lady Vader and Jedah were in the air.

Waiting was all he could do...