View Full Version : Sith Grandmaster

Lord Dagger
Apr 28th, 2001, 12:38:38 AM
It has come to my attention some ppl don't like my new rank, i think perhaps that i should explain why i use it then anyone with an OOC or IC problem with it can come to me and tell me about it then we can either discuss it or i can show them the wrong end of my lightsabre respectivly...
1) I have been playing Dagger for 7 years now
2) I have RPed everything that appears in his history
3) These add up to make Dagger a very powerful character and one that has taken me a long time to develope and craft, I didn't think the rank of master was sufficient to state Dagger's abbilities or the time taken to make him, thusly i created the Grandmaster rank. I'm sorry if that offends anyone...any points?

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 28th, 2001, 12:59:24 AM
Sith Lord Dagger: good morning
LoungeLzrd: morning
Sith Lord Dagger: i'm sure it annoys you so you may find this intresting
LoungeLzrd: hmm...can't seem to load the reply window
Sith Lord Dagger: ahh ok
Sith Lord Dagger: what were you going to say?
LoungeLzrd: well, the usual rule for characters that import from pre-existing RP's is that there has to be some kind of verifyable paper/post trail to confirm these claims. That way, those who do come from pre-existing RP's can have a chance to continue, but people can't simply make it up.
Sith Lord Dagger: are u saying i made it up?
LoungeLzrd: no, I'm saying that in order to validate any pre-existing RP's, a paper or post trail is needed from the old RP to confirm your past actions
Sith Lord Dagger: it was a chat server
LoungeLzrd: see....that is kindof a conundrum. There is no surviving documentation to reference....:-\
LoungeLzrd: did you have any print-screen chat windows?
Sith Lord Dagger: *sigh* i know, thats the main probeblem...but i refusse to give up dagger or his experience......lol, that server!!! you were lucky if u stayed connected long enough to chat, plus logging didb't happen back then, there was no need
LoungeLzrd: yeah, sounds like the days when I played Major MUD
Sith Lord Dagger: yeah, the "good old" days
Sith Lord Dagger: *sigh* well i'll see what everyone else says, but lol whats the worst they can do if they don't like it, ignore me? lol nothing new there then
LoungeLzrd: well, I wish I could help you out on this, but going verbatim on past Standard Operating Procedure with older RPers, we'd need some form of hard-copy to be able to confirm. Its not that I don't believe you...its just as far as setting a precedent. I mean, what's to stop somebody like Jashiva Darkstorm from saying that he did something similar
LoungeLzrd: Well, whatever comes of it, you'd still have enough experience to maintain the rank of Master, I believe
Sith Lord Dagger: *sigh* true....damnit i think jen could have veriffied some of it..yep
LoungeLzrd: you're creeping up on a year
Sith Lord Dagger: oooo
Sith Lord Dagger: i have trained more apprentices than i care to remember :-)
Sith Lord Dagger: well we shall see, but i have to go now, take care and mtfbwy

Garrett Blade
Apr 28th, 2001, 03:05:07 AM

OOC I can't see why a single roleplayer, regardless of time spent roleplaying, should be special in any way whatsoever. Saying that you think it's okay to be a Grandmaster because of your roleplaying experience is like saying that you put more effort into roleplaying than everyone else does - and I'm sure you'll agree with me that that isn't true. Other than that I'm not bothered!

IC, Garrett couldn't care less what rank you are - since in his view, there is only one person who could possibly beat him in a fight!n And this quote is entirely in character on Garrett's behalf:

You can stick your well laid rank up your well laid ass!

Apr 28th, 2001, 03:12:34 AM

Cloak Has had three masters knows alot of Jedi tricks and trained more intensly then anyone else A month and a half at TSC, A month at TSO, Almost a month independently and sevral weeks while locked up all three times at TSO, And I am even skeptical that he deserves to be a master. Hell I've roleplayed him for one OOC year and I stil think he should be a lord. Anywho, to say you are a grandmaster is sorta like saying your stronger then the emperor was. I would rethink that ranking if I was you........

Darth Viscera
Apr 28th, 2001, 05:59:50 AM
I've been training for four months. Actually, technically waiting for six months, but masters aren't as efficient at training as they should be.

Jeseth Cloak
Apr 28th, 2001, 06:51:55 AM
Hm... No comment on this thread.

Gav Mortis
Apr 28th, 2001, 10:47:38 AM
Well to me, Grandmaster is just a word and means nothinig like every other rank.

What does mean something is that your character progresses and achieves their goals, ie. being promoted, etc.

However in this case I feel that Lord Darrger, the character, has proven himself to be somewhat self-righteous and arrogant as to give himself a new "higher" rank.

So the way Gav would react to this would be to simply lose a degree of respect for Dagger as he is that self-righteous as to promote himself. Therefore, my OOC view is that the title itself is meaningless and is simply a devellopment in character for Lord Dagger in the sense that he has shown a most self-righteous attitude.

So the rank, I think is all IC and I have nol problem with it, however, it is not an IC issue really because his status has not truely changed because the character has promoted himself, which the rest of TSO might have an IC problem with.

Best thing to do is address the rest of the Council on the issue on IC terms. I think it would be most interesting.

Lord Dagger
Apr 28th, 2001, 12:24:11 PM
I would like it noting Gav that Dagger came to SWfans with the rank, i've only just pinned a name on it, i used to call him a Sith Lord until i discovered that TSE ranks lords lower than masters...

Darth Viscera
Apr 28th, 2001, 12:37:00 PM
Oh, great. That settles everything, then. Your character was way beyond the rank of Sith Master from the start. Remind me to create a character called "Sith Ultramaster Darth Viscera" so I can promote myself.

Lord Dagger
Apr 28th, 2001, 01:21:41 PM
perhaps it would be better DV if i reminded you to read the whole thread instead of just the bits tht suit you...i RPed Dagger for 6 years before i came to SWfans, in that time he went from apprentice to knight to master and finally to Grandmaster...he wasn't created with that rank, he earned it

Darth Viscera
Apr 28th, 2001, 01:54:23 PM
Yet, you admit that this "Grandmaster" rank was not earned at swfans.net.....I don't see how your previous rank is relevant.

Darth Roul
Apr 28th, 2001, 03:32:28 PM
exactly DV, if i went to CC.net i couldn't just say that i was a master. I rped in the chats for two months before I joined TSC, i started all over again there. But the council should decide on what his rank should be.

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 28th, 2001, 03:42:52 PM
Actually, if you went to CC.net, you COULD say you were a master...if you provided links back to your posts here that indicate your established master status.

That is the gist of the discussion.

Live Wire
Apr 28th, 2001, 06:53:12 PM
OOC I its just a name and I dont really care what anyone calls themselves.

IC I do find it arrogant and its a concern and I dont officially recognize the rank. I recognize daggers ability but the rank doesnt officially exist and the fact that anyone feels they can promote themself is cause for concern.

Jeseth Cloak
Apr 30th, 2001, 05:11:40 AM
For me ranks don't mean much either. I'd have to agree with Gav to that point. Promotions are only halmarks in the evolution of your character, but their status and ability shouldn't be an issue with a simple "title" like Lord or Master, or even Ultra Grand Master :)

Lady DeVille
Apr 30th, 2001, 10:44:26 AM
Dagger, maybe you could just stick with Master, since grandmaster isn't even used anywhere in SW

Lady Vader
Apr 30th, 2001, 08:09:48 PM
I agree

Live Wire
May 1st, 2001, 08:22:59 AM
what they said!

Miss MacDonald
May 1st, 2001, 12:44:01 PM
<Font Size=5>"Lord Dagger! Just don't act the fool!!!"</Font>

Lord Dagger
May 1st, 2001, 01:00:54 PM
WTF?? Miss MacDonald?? and let it rest, there will be a development shortly...