View Full Version : The bringing of the wanted
Darth Roul
Apr 29th, 2001, 07:58:13 AM
::a ship lands carrying the prisioner Graem D Snowbringer. Roul steps out with a cage being carried by his last noghri Danach::
I have brought you Graem. The prisioner is now TSO's. I suggest you let her rot in jail.
Live Wire
Apr 29th, 2001, 05:50:27 PM
OOC: damn technically Im not here....
someone dispose of her properly for me.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 29th, 2001, 06:52:00 PM
Can jI have jit?
Live Wire
Apr 29th, 2001, 07:02:20 PM
anyone object to Cirr eating her?
Darth Viscera
Apr 29th, 2001, 07:09:01 PM
Darth Viscera
Apr 29th, 2001, 07:12:33 PM
btw, if you didn't catch that the first time, it was a cunnilingus joke.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 29th, 2001, 07:14:12 PM
Darth Viscera
Apr 29th, 2001, 07:25:30 PM
mmmm, aspirin is good mkay
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 30th, 2001, 01:10:07 AM
:eventually comes round and seriously thinks about shooting herself for being so stupid, trusting a Sith was completely ridiculous then notices she's in a cage and unarmed and knows she's in TSO HQ:
:thinks to herself:"oh boy, make one...erm two stupid mistakes and I might get eaten, just what a ex jedi knight wants to hear"
Jeseth Cloak
Apr 30th, 2001, 05:05:32 AM
(ooc) How does this work..? Graem, aren't you technically on Vjun now with Jeseth? o_O I'm confused, but oh well, here goes...
(ic) Jeseth watches as she's brought in, keeping his eyes on her from the shadows. He stepped a bit forhter into the light and looked to Roul.
"Might I have some time with her before she is disposed of? We have unfinnished business."
Graem D Snowbringer
Apr 30th, 2001, 09:44:55 AM
ooc: If my parents ever figure out how to use my PC(after getting past my passwords) and ask if I ever mentioned alcohol say NO as I'd be dead within two seconds.
Changing the's May Day and I hope the anarchists/communists/other likeminded individuals create chaos in London but with the Met. acting like stormtroopers that seems unlikely but you can always rely on hardcore anarchists to create anarchy wherever they go.
ic: Graem watches Jeseth as he emerges from the shadow, wondering what would happen next
Jeseth Cloak
May 1st, 2001, 06:00:20 AM
(ooc) I'll be sure not to mention it to them... :) If I were there, I'd sure be stirring up trouble... hehehehe. I'm not sure what ym views on government are, but 90% of them are negative.
Graem D Snowbringer
May 1st, 2001, 07:27:34 AM
ooc: I'm sure you would be, but that's what my crazier than thou friends do over here parents know exactly what my friends are like, but that time Del convinced my parents that I had gotten arrested was truly a classic(I'm the angel of the family or so my parents like to think...they don't know I spent all half term in the pub with Del, who likes footie more than i do but hates everything else I like...complete madwoman)
Hell I plan on stirring up some real trouble with my American friends when i hit the States in July....I know a lot that they don't want their parents ever finding out and asking me to swear on the bible not to tell just won't work......they should have used the Communist Manifesto instead :P
Hmmm I won't comment on the Bush adminstration as Blair and his Blairite army is screwing up our country.....Red Ken should rule the country instead of being Mayor of London.
Anyway I have to call my grandmother and wish her a happy fun fun
Satine Capashen
May 1st, 2001, 08:07:37 AM
{OOC:I'm not sure how bad your friends stir up rouble, Em, but me and my friends can once in a while get my entire town against us for doing one thing or another...Moistly though we just get in tons of trouble @ school by annyoying teachers...:) :evil: }
Darth Roul
May 1st, 2001, 01:12:22 PM
You will be allwoed to have a five minute meeting with Graem right now. Then she will be given to Cirr for all to watch.
Darth Viscera
May 1st, 2001, 06:43:53 PM
Jeseth Cloak
May 1st, 2001, 07:25:21 PM
"Roul, I am unsure as to how you came to be in possetion of Graem, but her life is mine to take. She is my apprentice now."
Jeseth glared at her, displeased with the developement. Whatever had occured after their meeting, it had taken an obvious turn for the worst. He had not been aware of her leaving the sanctuary of Vjun durring his absence, and it would be just as well for him to leave her here to die... He paced up to her, his mind touching lightly onto hers.
Would you like to start explaining?
The bond slipped away as Jeseth let out a shallow sigh.
"I wish to bargain for her life. She is of great value to me for the moment."
Lady Vader
May 1st, 2001, 10:20:48 PM
What importance does she have to you? She is a Jedi, and all Jedi must perish.
*she eyed Jeseth sternly*
Lord Dagger
May 1st, 2001, 10:38:12 PM
The small portable holoprojector Dagger is currently using to communicate with TSO switches on
"Former jedi my dear lady Vader, this one is a dark jedi of TBH...tred carfully"
Graem D Snowbringer
May 2nd, 2001, 03:06:12 AM
ooc: this is gonna have to be a quick post as I'm due at the community centre to fix their (thinks something religious people might find offensive)website, there is a entity who either hates me personally or communists/theists but this website has been the bane of my existence since I first uploaded it...nahh it must be the stupid and incidentally British server). I'l edit later if needs be.
ic: Graem doesn't immediately answer Jeseth's mental question but she knows he wants to know exactly why she left Vjun and she knew he'd get it out of her eventually. As she silently stands there she watches the others in the room, trying to avoid Jeseth's piercing gaze, all the while her mind replays the recent events that led to this present situation and she silently curses the moment she decided to help the young Jedi....personal weakness at it's worse but she also knows that she now had some personal unfinished business with Roul but she'd have to let that go as she couldn't go around killing Sith...especially as she was currently unsure whether she would get out of this alive:
Jeseth Cloak
May 2nd, 2001, 11:58:40 AM
Jeseth raised a brow as Dagger appeared in a faint projection. He seemed to have almost been anticipating the event...
Lord Dagger
May 2nd, 2001, 12:08:47 PM
Dagger looks towards Jeseth, a slight smile of amusement crossing his face
"I would vote that she be given to Jeseth as his apprentice, if she steps out of line again though..."
Dagger leaves the sentense hanging in the air, the aura of hate from the assembled Sith in the room says more than any words of his ever could
Lady Vader
May 2nd, 2001, 03:18:09 PM
*LV raised an eyebrow at Dagger's insightful information, and then her aura went cold*
Never-the-less, the title still carries Jedi in it, therefore she is still a threat.
*it had surprised her slightly to know that this one had been a Dark Jedi... she had been sure there were only a few left if any... it seemed she had been mistaken... she began to wonder how many more were mascurading, and keeping their identity as a Dark Jedi quiet*
*she spoke again*
Again I ask what Jeseth would want with this woman. If she is a Dark Jedi as you say, then what training would she require from a Sith?
*something clicked in her brain, and she looked at Jeseth, narrowing her eyes, suddenly more than just a bit suspicious*
Darth Roul
May 2nd, 2001, 04:30:37 PM
she has aligned herself with Alpha in the search for the hobblegobbin. She must not be allowed out of my custody. She also betrayed me and TSO. She is a traitor!
Darth Viscera
May 2nd, 2001, 04:39:40 PM
Dude, you're a traitor. You have no right to judge her.
Darth Roul
May 2nd, 2001, 04:43:09 PM
former traitor
Darth Viscera
May 2nd, 2001, 05:03:14 PM
no such thing.
Jeseth Cloak
May 2nd, 2001, 05:13:32 PM
"Why she requested my assistance, I know not. I did agree to train her, and thus have taken her into the clause of Master and Apprentice. I cannot have her life wasted frivilously. Dark Jedi, Sith, it matters not. All came from the same origins."
Darth Roul
May 2nd, 2001, 06:01:36 PM
I am still her captor and former master
Lady Vader
May 2nd, 2001, 09:43:32 PM
*LV let her lips fall into a frown at Jeseth's comment*
The Dark Jedi were evil Jedi Knights, using the dark side of the Force as well as the light to their advantage. Many or all were thought to have been destroyed when the attempt at bringing them back during the Shadow Academy failed. Apparently some have survived.
But the Sith were actually an ancient people, conquered by the powerful dark-side magic, utilizing the Force and other methods. They were loyal to the dark side of the Force, and even though they focused more on the darker energies, they took advantage of some of the light, corrupting it to their use.
Later, some Jedi Knights, came to be Dark Lords of the Sith after being corrupted by the dark side of the Force.
And, yes, perhaps they were once Jedi, but they are now Sith.
So, to me, Sith and Dark Jedi are very different. One holds a name I relate to with my whole being, while the other holds disdain and mistrust.
*she fell silent for a moment, recalling the ancient planets where the Sith Lords and Dark Jedi dwelled... perhaps it was time to visit both and aquire some answers, if any could be found*
*she brought herself back to the present, shutting her mind to the others in the room*
My feelings on this are that you are not to train her, unless she were becoming a Sith. But, I am not the only voice present, and the others deserve a chance to speak.
Jeseth Cloak
May 3rd, 2001, 03:49:12 AM
"I have long studied the works of Palpatine: He once took the guise of Darth Sidious, but his true intent was to master the Dark Side of the Force in all it's splendor. Throughout the ages many civilizations have utilizied it well, some in religious rite, others in a quest based of science and knowledge.
The Sith came into being almost two thousand years ago. They were a cult given over to the Dark Side of the Force, embracing fully the concept that power denied was power wasted. A rouge Dark Jedi had founded the Sith, a singular disident in an order of harmonious followers, a rebel who understood from the beginning that the real power of the Force lay not in the Light, but in the Dark. Failing to gain approval for his beliefs from the Council, he had broken with the order, departing with his knowledge and his skills, swearing in secret that he could bring down those who had dismissed him."
Jeseth paced to Graem, staring at her with narrowed eyes as he passed, his pale hands now clasped behind back in preparation...
"The Late Darth Sidious, who many of you would otherwise know as Emperor Palpatine, had intentions of replacing every person in a position of power with a loyal Dark Jedi. He knew all too well that the Sith were readily destroying eachother, and that is a sign of dessention which still is present among us today.
Darth Vader was a fine example of a Sith, ruled by his emotions, unable to properly contain his rage. Many Sith will die never having truely understood the power which they were capable of. I beleive that it would be a shame to see Graem die without ever realizing her potential."
Darth Roul
May 3rd, 2001, 02:15:57 PM
I am a pure sith, never a jedi. I lost all my feelings and emotions except for those of hate to a jedi a long time ago. My family was all sith. Graem has alligned herself with a jedi and now must pay for it.
Jeseth Cloak
May 3rd, 2001, 08:37:12 PM
"Her life is mine. If you should dare to attempt to take that life, then make yourself ready."
A saber snapped and hissed, it's thirst for blood released through the air as a crimson beam shot up from it's hilt.
"For I will be reimbursed for my loss..."
Darth Viscera
May 3rd, 2001, 08:40:06 PM
Viscera's lightstaff ignited with a snap-hiss, the crimson blade shimmering throughout the room. He stepped forward, stood by Jeseth's side.
"Jeseth's battle is my own."
Vice Hazzard
May 3rd, 2001, 11:38:38 PM
Vice sat in the corner. Not in a chair but rather the solid ground. Dust mites gathered at the back of his cloak as it lay against the wall.
He observed his fellow Sith, and he observed the one who's fate rest in their hands. What a perfect occasion to study nature. Not only nature but effects on nature through the Darkside of the Force. Would the power, the sheer glory of it all be enough to suade the newcomer? Or perhaps would other, more radical means be taken to acceive morphing of the soul from her now waivering soul to the embracement of the Darkside. Maybe they would just kill the one and have it over with. All cases seemed educational to watch.
He saw the two take arm against the one they called "roul". More like taking arms in defense of the new one. How could such bickering be productive. Surely there must be a midiator of sorts to decide the fate of the new one. Surely the lure of the Darkside would be enough to grasp the new one's heart forever. Vice had never understood how one could follow light nor shadow, for only in darkness can one be sure of security. Light fades, shadow moves, dark however always stays. In one place or another Darkness will be there, even when the brightest light shines, dark will be near. How one could not favor the side that had immortality on it's behalf was beyond his realm of knowledge. Or perhaps only through extreme delusion would one choose another.
Lord Psychic
May 4th, 2001, 01:30:55 PM
*Outside the Discussion Chamber, Lord Psychic had been viewing all the comotion on his hover chair through a window, shadowing his presence and having the noise of the Palace's construction noise dim the hum of the chair. When he saw sabers ignited, and immediataly took out his blaster and in addition to his saber, and entered the chamber.*
TSO has been having so many catastrophies lately.. the Palace being destroyed, Ariel being captured, DDC out of prison, Blade who-knows-where, Devill redoing the council, the response to Roul's comments, and now this. I now see that the Order no longer functions--or exsists--anymore. I can only hope that someone can bring peace and prosperity back to the Order. And if it has to be me, and me alone... so be it. I will NOT see the Order destroyed, and I will do whatever it takes to save. Mark my words.
Graem D Snowbringer
May 5th, 2001, 07:11:01 AM
ooc: this thread is getting kinda interesting but I'm gonna have to let this one slide if this doesn't get resolved within the next week as I have to move by next weekend and I haven't even found a new place yet, thanks to my parents giving me 10 days notice of their new moving date....hhhhmmm should really make things up with my sister then I can stay there but Hell'll Freeze over Before That Happens.
Can't do anything til Tuesday as it's another boring Bank Holiday weekend and thousands of Brits will be doing untold damage will attempting to DIY....hope my dad doesn't go anywhere near my PC while I'm out as he destroyed my laptop....parents really shouldn't be allowed near things they cannot comprehend....just like small children.....
Darth Roul
May 5th, 2001, 09:47:56 AM
::holds up a hand::
Psy is right, TSO nolonger has order, this will not help. Jeseth you may have Graem. But let it be known by all that I don't fear a single soul but I am letting you have her because I don't want to see TSO destroyed. Also Vicsera I know that you hate me more than anything and you want me out of TSO but this is not your fight. I will not fight either of you.
Jeseth Cloak
May 5th, 2001, 02:34:55 PM
The lethal hum died away as Jeseth bowed momentarily, placing the saber back on his belt. He rose and met Roul's eyes, nodding.
"Thank you, Roul. I also would not wish TSE destroyed."
He looked towards Viscera, then at Graem,
"Come. We need to get back to Vjun, and quickly. Your assistance is appreciated, friend Viscera."
Lord Psychic
May 5th, 2001, 04:40:13 PM
*Eyes burning a large flame, Psy left the chamber in much anger, as he knew it seemed hopeless.*
Lady Vader
May 5th, 2001, 10:02:08 PM
*she watched Jeseth leave, taking in the name of the planet... she crossed her arms, and sat back in her temporary council chair until the new ones arrived**
*yes, change was coming... much change*
Lord Dagger
May 6th, 2001, 12:22:06 PM
The hologramatic image of Dagger turns to Laddy Vader
"As much as we dislike each other i think that for TSO to survive we must talk...privatly. I will be returning from where i am currently located soon, will you meet me here (, i think you may find it intresting"
The hologram disappears leaving LV alone with her thoughts
Lady Vader
May 6th, 2001, 11:08:38 PM
*it was no surprise LV didn't trust Dagger, especially after recent events... and with a message like this, it made her trust him even less*
*she narrowed her eyes, and sent a message to Dagger on the same frequency he had been riding on*
Dagger, if you wish to speak about what is best for TSO, I suggest you meet with the Council. I am not the only member here helping to lead this group.
Lord Dagger
May 7th, 2001, 12:09:38 AM
The reply came back, so encoded it took LV's comm almost a minute to decode it
"I understand that you do not trust me my lady, and with good reason, but please, this doesn't not concern the whole council, not yet anyway, most of the council is otherwises engaged anyway. If you like you can even set the meeting place yourself, but it is imperitive that i speak with you, inperson, inprivate. Unless you want TSO to come crashing to the ground around you"
Dagger's last words hung in the air, but LV realised they weren't a threat, they were a warning
Lady Vader
May 7th, 2001, 10:57:02 PM
*LV thought of this for a moment and then spoke again*
Very well. I will meet with you, Dagger, but the meeting place and how it will be carried out will be of my choice.
*she muted her comm to Dagger and opened a second channel, speaking quickly with someone with a heavy accent... when that was done, she unmuted the comm channel to Dagger and continued to speak*
We will meet on Carshoulis ( ), the home world of the Cizeracks. They will act as arbitrators. But, it will be neutral ground. Either one of us slip up, and we both enter our respective afterlives.
We will meet aboard the Cizerack capitol ship, Oorru'Gurre'Gurre', and from there we will be transported to Carshoulis.
*she spoke firmly*
I will meet with you, but these are the conditions I desire.
*she was already making her way to her modified Sith Infiltrator, Cat's Claw, and heading to wards space and towards the Cizerack vessel as she spoke*
I will await you there.
*she cut off the comm, having received permission to land in the Cizerack vessel's landing bay... and was escorted to where the Emissary awaited her arrival*
Lord Dagger
May 8th, 2001, 12:41:01 PM
Dagger scowls, this was taking too long but he had no choice. Leaving instructions that the capitol ships where to continue their advance towards the planet when acess was granted he boarded a Lambda and headed over to the Cizerack capitol ship, Oorru'Gurre'Gurre' when permission is granted
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