View Full Version : Requiem: Thanatos [Continued]

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 13th, 2001, 01:17:21 AM
[Continued from: pub58.ezboard.com/fcandel...D=17.topic (http://pub58.ezboard.com/fcandelabraofmalicefrm12.showMessage?topicID=17.to pic)]

Jeseth coughed as he stepped out of his ship, wiping a bit of frost from his hair and eyebrows. The cold didn't bother him, but it did make him sleepy. The hydraulics hissed as the loading ramp shut behind him. He nodded to several guards standing by the landing pad control center and then waved them away from the ship. His cloak was drifting behind him, attempting to submit to gravity's pull as the winds continued to pick it back up.

The walk towards the discussion chamber was the routine one which he usually took, but this he was very careful to avoid all the more densely populated areas of the palace: The servants quarters, the repair bays, the weapons lockers, the council room... all bypassed with alternate (and much longer) paths. Jeseth checked his chrono, licking one of his canines as he waited... Jedah was due in soon... but so were most other members of the council. The inside of the discussion chamber was baron now… only the sounds of the night occupying it’s bowels.

He wasn't really in a hurry... it was impatience. Impatience..? What's happening to you, Jeseth. Why are you struggling with these feelings now? You mastered them long ago! The voice in his head was his own, but also not his own. He hadn't adjusted perfectly... not yet. His conflict with Anbira days before proved that, and it had caused a very unexpected scene.

Where is he?

Jedah Lynch
Dec 13th, 2001, 10:59:21 PM
Several guards stood at paced intervals on guard duty, their weapons around shoulders of fastened to their side ready for combat at a moments notice. Always on guard they stood a silent vigil with undying loyalty to The Sith Order due to either a sense of duty or the brainwashing many had been subjected with to make a solider willing to die for the cause even if he was merely asked to project an jar from a armed squadron.

Silence rein throughout the halls broken only by muffled sounds from foot steps of the guards doing their rounds showing any signs of life. The Siths own foot steps were light and silent a technique in its own way he had learned to adapt for stealth when being quiet meant a successful mission or a bullet in the forehead.

Silent as the halls were it didn't mean there was nothing weaving in and out of their corridors. Quite the opposite. Walking first in thought he began to focus on another matter, someone or something was nearing his position, a sense of emotions first subtle passed him. No one but guards were near at this time so who was this he pondered. Soon he would known.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 14th, 2001, 03:23:37 AM
As Lynch turned the corner, he could see Jeseth at the opposite end of the hall way, waiting patiently. The distance between them began to close as Jeseth also began walking towards Lynch. They seemed to be similar in some respects... Their hair was somewhat alike, they both had wings (though Jeseth's were more angelic than the featherless flaps of flesh on Lynch's back), and both of them had pale complections. The two stood face to face for a moment, and then Jeseth opened his mouth. "I came to ask you a question... What happened to your wife, Lynch?"

Salem Ave
Dec 17th, 2001, 03:48:47 AM
The sight of the two men before him sent a short shudder up Salem’s spine. The meeting of the angel and the devil seemed quite profound in his mind - they were similar in appearance, their wings the only feature separating them. Perhaps this represented some hidden metaphor to do with heaven and hell?

Perhaps not.

Approaching the two Sith with a quiet yet obtrusive shuffle, he looked towards his Master and waited for some sort of recognition from either Jeseth or the unknown one, whom he had determined was a Sith purely from the fact that a huge amount of darkness ebbed from his being.


Jeseth Cloak
Dec 17th, 2001, 04:39:01 PM
Jeseth turned his attention to Salem, a wide grin appearing on his face. "Excellent. You're here - I have something for you aboard my ship. Will you accompany me?" He looked up to Jedah and shook his hand quickly, a flash of the Force presence passing between them. "We will continue our discussion some other time, Jedah Lynch." As their hands slipped away from each other Jedah knew that Jeseth had gained something from the brief contact... but what, he didn't know.

"Come Salem." The two turned and made their way for the landing pad. Jeseth optioned to take the shorter path away from the discussion chamber, watching as across other corridors familiar figures headed in the opposite direction. All along the way Jeseth made brief stops at computers, invalidating security codes and revoking access privileges.

By the time the two had reached his ship, Jeseth no longer had access to the palace, and only a clearing code rested within his upper left-hand pocket He handed it to Salem. "Quellin Vos is in the ship. Do not be alarmed by him. He is my apprentice as well." The ship's loading ramp hissed open in front of them. Jeseth urged Salem inside and went up to the ship's controls, starting it up and inputting his security clearance card, right after snatching it out of Salem's hand and saying a quick and cold, "thank you."

The ship lifted off and accelerated into the sky, eventually vanishing in a streak of light.

[Continued at: pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm...1481.topic (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm2.showMessage?topicID=1481.topic)]