View Full Version : A black, spidery craft approaches Corellia

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 6th, 2001, 04:58:13 AM
:: The ship transmits a single message ::

I must meet with Lady Vader immediately.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 6th, 2001, 07:13:04 PM
A deck officer raised a brow, not able to identify the craft's origins, and then relayed a call to Lady Vader.

"She has been summoned... Await her arrival and transmit authorization code."

Lady Vader
Dec 6th, 2001, 07:31:49 PM
*She had only just arrived a few hours before and hadn't had time to freshen up. She had been upset that Anbiraa had left TSE with no word to her, and had made the decision to take leave of TSE for a few days to check on things at TSO. It seems she wouldn not get time to herself.*

*Pulling on her cloak, she sat herself at her comm unit in her room and flipped the switch where a message was waiting for her. A young man answered.*

Deck officer: Mistress. There is a craft requesting permission for enterance. I have asked he transmit his authorization code.

*She sighed.*

Very well. I will come down to the comm room. Have the code ready for my inspection.

*With that, she signed off and pulled her cloak around her, making her way down to the comm room, followed silently by her faithful companion, Iesis.*

Live Wire
Dec 6th, 2001, 07:38:33 PM
*Live Wire was walking back from a spar when she turned the corner and bumped into Lady Vader. She looked up startled and saw the bewildered look on her friends face. Her curiosity peaked at the situation LW follwed LV down to the Comm room.*

This guy has good timing seeing as you just returned.

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 6th, 2001, 07:41:36 PM
:: The vessel transmitted the proper code clearance for planet Corellia, and prepared to enter the atmosphere ::

Lady Vader
Dec 6th, 2001, 07:42:47 PM
*LV mummbled under her breath, rubbing the spot where LW's elbow had accidently mashed her ribs when they had bumped in the hallway.*

No kidding. And I was just getting ready to take a warm bath.

*Stopping her complaining, she entered the comm room and looked over the authorization code the deck officer showed her. Nodding her head, she commanded him to open a channel to the approaching ship.*

This is Lady Vader. Your authorization code is old, but checks out. State your name and business.

Live Wire
Dec 6th, 2001, 07:45:12 PM
*LW double checked the authorization code. It was an older code but only from a couple cycles ago. This was someone who had been around around a month and a half ago.*

Looks like you have a visitor

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 6th, 2001, 07:47:59 PM
<font size=-1><font color=990000>hohhhhhh.....pahhhhhhh.....</font></font>

Prepare for my shuttle's arrival.

:: The black craft continued downward, to Corellia's largest city...towards the Sith Palace ::

Lady Vader
Dec 6th, 2001, 07:51:49 PM
*LV blinked. He hadn't answered her request for a name and business. She wasn't used to such rudeness, being high up in the command at TSO. But, something about the way he had said it had shut her up.*

*Scowling, she would have the last word.*

Very well. Follow the beacon to docking bay 2. Do not deviate from your course. I need not warn you why. Lady Vader out.

*With a huff, she whirled and began the treck down to the hangar bays. As she reached the door to the comm room, she called to LW.*

Live Wire... please accompany me.

Live Wire
Dec 6th, 2001, 07:53:36 PM
*LW had been frowning at the computer console in front of her and looked up from her last thought as she heared her name called*

As you wish.

*LW followed LV out of the room. Something about the transmission had sent a chill up her spine and she didnt like it. It was a feeling she wasnt comfortable with and when it came to LV she was definately protective.*

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 6th, 2001, 07:57:12 PM
:: The black craft touched down in docking bay two, its spidery landing struts supporting it as pressurized gas ballasts jetisonned their excess pressure in puffs of steam. The gangplank slowly whirred downward with a whine of pneumatics, and through the steam, an ominous black figure stepped forward ::

<font color=990000><font size=-1>hohhhhhh....pahhhhhhh....hohhhhhhh....pahhhhhhh</font></font>

Lady Vader
Dec 6th, 2001, 08:02:54 PM
*LV stood there, the mist curling at her feet, as she watched a dark figure walk down the plank leading up to the black craft. She looked at the being, a single cold shiver running up her spine. It was as if looking into the past. As if one of the many history books she'd studied had become reality.*

*She tried to read the being through the Force, but only got whips here and there. It was as if he were hiding. Wary, she did not let any emotion show through her face and stepped forward, still wrapped in her dark cloak, to greet the stranger.*

Live Wire
Dec 6th, 2001, 08:13:03 PM
*If LW's jaw could have hit the floor it would have.*

Emperors black bones!

*she swore under her breath. She felt like she should pinch herself to make sure this wasnt some kind of sick dream. She didnt know if she should act with fear or reverence.*

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 6th, 2001, 11:44:51 PM
:: The Dark Lord stared at LV motionlessly for a few seconds, the rhythmic sound of his breathing audible clearly over the silence. ::

Lady Vader, we meet again at last.

Lady Vader
Dec 7th, 2001, 02:10:34 AM
*LV frowned, probing the stranger yet again, and running up against a mental wall.*

Again? Have we met before?

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 7th, 2001, 02:32:07 AM
Search your feelings, and you will know the truth.

Lady Vader
Dec 7th, 2001, 03:02:44 AM
My feelings?

*LV narrowed her eyes and looked at the unblinking eyes of the mask. It was eerie to say the least; like looking at the past. The past... the not so distant past. There was something vaguely familier about the way the stranger carried himself. The way he spoke.*

*To begin with, no stranger would be speaking to her in such a casual manner now... unless they knew her. But who was this that seemed to know her?*

*Her eyes moved slightly and focused on the craft behind the stranger. She'd seen that ship before, but only in passing. But to pinpoint in what hangar she had seen it would be nearly impossible. She'd seen so many different types of ships during her life, picking one out would be difficult. Well, that option was closed to her to unravel this mystery.*

*Focusing her eyes back on the mask, she gathered the Force to look beyond those dark, plastic windows. Beyond those windows was the true stranger, if indeed he was one. Her mind's eye slowly went to work to see beyond the mask. At the same time she probed the man again. The wall was still there, yet softer, as if only wanting to let her have a peek. Her mind's visage began to clear somewhat and she began to make out a figure. At the same time this happened, the wall began to let her through, sucking her in to what lay beyond it's barriers.*

*With determination to know who the stranger was, she relaxed and let the Force guide her the rest of the way. She was immediately sucked into the other's Force signature, and she could see who's face stood before her as though the mask were not there.*

*Her eyes widened a bit and blinked. She whispered softly.*


Darth Vader Returns
Dec 7th, 2001, 03:10:18 AM
Your thoughts have now betrayed you.

<font color=990000>SNAP-HISS!</font>

:: The Dark Lord's crimson blade came alive, casting its pall across everything present, its hum as ominous as the Sith's breathing ::

Your overconfidence will cause you to meet your destiny.

Lady Vader
Dec 7th, 2001, 03:15:47 AM
*Her reaction time was flawless, and before she had even thought about it, her double-bladed lightsaber was in her hand, one end activated. She had taken a fight-readiness stance, and had thrown off her cloak with one hand.*

*LW had likewise retrieved her lightsaber, activated it, and had it at the ready. In the background, near the shadows, she could hear the low rumble of Iesis' growl.*

*She snarled at the man, all her senses on alert.*

You have a lot of nerve! What is the meaning of this? Explain yourself!

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 7th, 2001, 03:18:35 AM
:: The Dark Lord's explanation was quick, as he wielded his crimson saber ruthlessly and brutally against Lady Vader, assaulting her with wave after wave of brutal slashes. The crimson blade left an afterwake of dissipating red, the color of blood, in its path ::

Lady Vader
Dec 7th, 2001, 03:26:37 AM
*With each slash he unleashed upon her, she blocked with equal force, both blades the color of blood, fighting for seniority. She grit her teeth as another of his hits seemed to send her bones rattling.*

*She had been annoyed earlier, then had gotten irritated at the arrival of this being, and now she was downright peeved. With a snarl and curse word in her native tongue, she quickly lifted her hand and Force pushed the man away from her, sending him skidding across the floor and tripping over one of the ship's landing struts.*

I don't know where you get off in attacking me in my home! But I will not stand for such insubordination from anyone!

*She screamed out the last word, and turned her outstretched hand into a fist. The strut the man had colapsed over snapped in the middle, and the ship began to tilt and cave, intent on squashing the stranger where he lay.*

*By this time, the alarm had been sounded and a squad of security troops had arrived at the scene. LW kept them at bay, her lightsaber still at the ready, letting LV fight her own battle.*

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 7th, 2001, 03:30:35 AM
:: The craft toppled down over its broken landing strut, crashing to the ground in a cacophony of screeching metal and bursting pressure valves. As the ship crashed to the ground atop the Dark Lord, thick wasps of Tibanna stores in the ship's holding pods burst free, blanketing the docking bay in a thick orange fog, making it difficult to see in extended distances ::

Lady Vader
Dec 7th, 2001, 03:36:51 AM
*Coughing slightly, LV sidestepped, slowly prowling the edges around the fallen ship. Her senses were on full alert, and her feel in the Force was at it's peek. She extinguished her lightsaber so as not to become a beacon for her attacker.*

*Like a creature accustumed to hunting without much light, she extended the claws to her free hand, in search of her prey.*

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 7th, 2001, 04:36:32 AM
:: The Dark Lord struck, only three meters behind LV. He was already in mid-swing before he activated his lightsaber. The "snap-hiss" of the blood-red blade was a warning that nearly came too late. But Lady Vader was strong in the Force, and her reflexes were honed. With lightning speed, she had activated her own blade, stopping the Dark Lord's strike...an inch from her face.

Vader withdrew, coming in for another powerful strike, which LV also blocked. Two others of similar strength came soon after, telegraphed in an exchange for sheer brute attack power. LV anticipated easily enough, but it took every bit of bracing to curb the heavy-handed assaults. Vader withdrew again, then sliced high to low in a furious arc. LV dodged the murderous attack, which cleaved another landing strut clean off the ship in a shower of sparks. In the wake, the Dark Lord withdrew a few steps, his dark form silhouetted against the wispy orange tibanna fog. His crimson saber glowed eerily, casting a sickly red glow at the center of his ebony frame. ::

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 7th, 2001, 07:28:42 AM
A winged Knight dressed in a formal black outfit stepped into the room, raising a brow as he glanced through the smoke, using his wings to waft a bit of it out of his way. He didn't expect much of an emergency, as the situation seemed to be nothing more than gas leak at first glance... but then he heard a sudden snap-hiss, then humming and cracking of sabers. He knew that sound well. It was the sound of battle. He had just finished sending a message to Trace Sha, and was on his way to his ship. How fortunate for him, that he now had the pleasure of finding himself in the middle of a show.

As Jeseth drew closer to the battle, he began to more clearly make out who the two that were fighting were. Both he knew well. One from his studies of history, the other from the council of The Sith Order. Lord Vader had died a martyr for the Rebel cause... "You're dead." Vader didn't turn his head, but Jeseth knew somewhere beneath that mask, his eyes had been averted. "Or should I say, Lord Vader is dead..." He narrowed his eyes, piercing through the smoke, his lip curling up slightly in a flash of aggression. He almost activated his saber, but kept his ignition finger at bay. "Get out of my way. I have business to tend to..."

Lady Vader
Dec 7th, 2001, 06:59:06 PM
*LV was breathing hard. She knew the Force would make her physically strong to battle this suicidal being. But eventually, it would wear her out. Time to change strategies to where she was honed in natural ability.*

*Utilizing her agility and flexibility, she jumped clear of the colapsing ship and the angry swings from the strangers blade. Baring her teeth, she activated the other end of her blade.*

This ends now.

*With a twist of her wrist, she detached the two blades at the center of the handle, in essence creating two dealy blades. With a furry she had not felt in a long time, she opened herself fully to the dark side of the Force, letting her anger fill her and make her powerful.*

*With a mighty leap, she flipped and came down in front of the stranger, at the last moment kicking her foot out, catching him squarely in the chin, causing him to stumble for balance. With a ferral grin, she slashed both sabers, one at his feet, the other at his head, both at an angle to ward off any attack he might muster at this point, and meant to cleave him into three pieces.*

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 7th, 2001, 07:48:09 PM
:: The Dark Lord leapt straight into the air, leaving LV's sabers to slice only air. He landed silently behind her, only heard when his saber was in motion. Despite having one blade to her two, his double-handed strikes took longer to recover from than her quick finesse attacks. She could block, but her sabers were batted away as a result. Vader pressed his assault, swinging mightily downwards. LV blocked successfully, but one of her sabers was knocked away, clattering across the floor. The Dark Lord withdrew, and came back with a left-handed swipe, which LV was able to stop fully. However, Vader's right hand tightened into a fist and raised, and LV could feel herself rising in the air, until she was thrown against the angular hull of the crashed ship. The Sith Mistress fell to the ground, her saber deactivating. ::

Lady Vader
Dec 7th, 2001, 08:06:00 PM
*LV smashed against the hull of the dead ship, sudden stars exploding before her vision. Shaking her head, she looked at the stranger with a venomous glare.*

I will have your heart for that...

*She snarled the response through clenched teeth, slowly standing, one side of her saber still in her hand. From out of the corner of her eye, she saw a black shadow emerge momentarily from the mist and retrieve the other fallen half.*

*Returning her eyes back to bare upon the stranger, she began to circle around him. Suddenly and without warning, she leaped again towards him, but at the last moment, came to the floor early, twisting around as she slid to his feet, toppling him over. She quickly stood and kicked him squarely in the middle as he attempted to get up. As his head came up, she balled her fist, lightning dancing on it, and gave a mighty left hook to the side of his helmet, causing his head to whiplash. The glove on her left hand tore, scraping her knuckles against the hard material of the helmet. No damage was done to the helmet except for a small dented scratch left behind by the small silver ring that she wore on her left ring finger. Yes, her knuckles were bloodied now, but that pain fueled her power even more.*

*With a furious scream, she grabbed her saber, double handed, and came down hard on the stranger. He blocked the saber easily, but was not expecting the furry behind the slash. He stumbled back to the floor, both sabers sparking only inches from his face-plate, her face near his.*

This day, I will own you.

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 7th, 2001, 10:14:15 PM
The sudden commotion had given him the space he needed to get to his ship. He walked past the two opponents, letting their battle be their own. They were lashing out at each other furiously, and he considered interfering, but Lady Vader could handle herself... He began the ignition sequence on his shuttle. Hopefully they wouldn't wreck it before he took off. He was in a hurry...

Live Wire
Dec 8th, 2001, 01:05:49 AM
*LW could sense the confusion in the gaurds behind her. They of course had enough sense to follow her orders to stay back but their reaction was as if seeing a ghost. Of course it was a fitting reaction to say the least. LW had heared LV gasp the name Anbiraa, which while answering some questions just raised a million others. She could sense LV's growing anger and frustration. She was taking this personally as LW knew she would. As the fight raged on LW remained prepared to step in should the tables turn.*

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 8th, 2001, 01:57:40 AM
:: The two red blades screamed against each other. The Dark Lord pressed with his superior power, but LV countered with her superior position, utilizing her body mass to counter out Vader's momentum. However, during the deadlock, the Dark Lord's body began to rise off the ground, suspended by an invisible force. LV was still pressed atop Vader, her blade locked with his. The two rose four meters off the ground. ::

Your overconfidence will be your undoing.

:: Suddenly, Vader dropped toward the ground, briefly separating his saber from LV's. In that brief instance of separation, the two fighters could move. LV was quick, her saber sliding under Vader's guard, slashing at his right arm ::


:: Vader coiled his body in his rage, unleashing a battering strike, which knocked LV's saber free from her hands, and sent her sprawling on her back. When she looked up, the tip of Vader's blade lay perilously close to her chin. The Dark Lord paused, letting the gravity of the situation become apparent ::

Your ego has become your undoing, Lady Vader.

:: Vader deactivated his lightsaber ::

Lady Vader
Dec 8th, 2001, 02:25:11 AM
*A shimmering line of sweat had trickled down her cheek. She couldn't remember the last time she had broken a sweat in a fight. She looked at the saber pointed at her chin momentarily, and then up at the stranger. The hum of the blade died, yet the buzz of his words still echoed in her ear. The corner of her lip coiled into a smile, her green eyes narrow.*

Perhaps. But if you knew me so well, then you should also know I do not take defeat lightly.

*In her laid out position, she lashed out her foot at the mans ankles, toppling him, at the same time calling his saber to her hand. She quickly stood and turned his own lightsaber on and did the same thing he had done to her, only she kept her distance from his legs so that he could not do what she had done to him. She was panting slightly from the fight.*

Welcome to Corellia, my love.

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 8th, 2001, 02:40:10 AM
You continue to fail to see the imminent

:: The Dark Lord's gloved hand moved slightly, and LV's saber turned away from his form. Rising to his feet, he stared at the onlookers. ::

Leave us.

Lady Vader
Dec 8th, 2001, 02:57:23 AM
*LV scowled and deactivated his saber, tossing it at him. She whirled on those present, looking at LW.*

Dismiss the security squad.

*She looked at her long time friend and comrade, her eyes softening a bit from their earlier hardness.*

Leave us, please.

*She could see the reluctance in her Sith sister, but in the end LW turned and snapped an order to the security squad to depart. Then following the last soldier out, LW too left.*

*LV turned in time to watch Jeseth leave TSO. To where he was going, she did not know.*

*Soon, only two beings remained in the hangar. The mist from the Tibanna gas had all but cleared thanks to the circulation fans in the hangar bay. Out from behind some containers, Iesis emerged, carrying in her mouth the half of LV's lightsaber she had lost in the fight. The cat brought the weapon to it's mistress and sat. LV called the other half lying not far behind her, and contected both pieces together, latching the complete lightsaber to her hip.*

*Only then did she feel the sting of her left hand, and looked down upon it. The ring glimmered in the light, covered in droplets of blood from her torn knuckles. Sighing, she bent down and picked up her cloak, warpping herself in it and looking at the man standing before her.*

What is it you are trying to prove? Why do you seem to disrespect me so?

*While she spoke, she absentmindedly flexed her left hand, causing new shards of pain to shoot up her arm. She ignored it and continued to look at the unblinking eyes of the mask.*

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 8th, 2001, 03:12:34 AM
<font color=990000><font size=-1>hohhhhh....pahhhhhh.....hohhhhhhh.....pahhhhhh</font></font>

You are still alive. If it was your destiny, you would not be.

:: The Dark Lord jabbed a scolding finger at her ::

If I can do this, then others can as well. The appraisal of your security is...lacking, Lady Vader.

:: Vader approached her, his mechanical breathing a backdrop to his ominous footsteps ::

You are indeed powerful. I have felt it. With our combined strength, the galaxy can be ours!

:: He clenched his fist in fury ::

But you must bury your false faith in your surroundings. They are indeed a great asset...but they will not protect you.

:: The Dark Lord slowly reached upwards, removing the outer casing of his helmet. Air seals hissed as he pulled the faceplate away, revealing the visage of the man who was now Darth Vader ::

Anbiraa Hicchoru
Dec 8th, 2001, 03:14:15 AM
...I will.

:: The unmasked Dark Lord stood silent for some time, staring intently at his mistress. ::

Lady Vader
Dec 8th, 2001, 03:41:46 AM
*She was still angry. It would be some time before it faded. She looked at Anbiraa. She knew it had been him all along. And now she understood the purpose of the "game" they had just played.*

*She shook her head.*

I never said I would refuse your help, Anbiraa. But you have to understand that up until now I have been fending for myself.

*She felt a pang of saddness well up inside her as she remembered growing up faster than she'd thought possible. Not having a childhood. Not having all that much authority to watch over her. Losing loved ones. She had been through so much, and somehow she had survived it all.*

*Catching herself, she put the memories aside and looked at Anbiraa. Some called him a mad clone. But was he? Or was he just looking out for those he felt he needed to protect?*

*She lowered her eyes and smiled slightly, continuing what she had been saying.*

It's not exactly easy or in my nature to want or need a protector.

Anbiraa Hicchoru
Dec 8th, 2001, 04:10:03 AM
Nor is it in my nature to be the protector. It would be far easier to kill you and dismiss you, than realize what you truly are. Perfection. The summation of all my want and ambition. My destiny lies only with you by my side! My own fate would be denied in your demise.

There is great power...in our union. Power I shall not share, relinquish...or endanger.

Lady Vader
Dec 8th, 2001, 04:26:40 AM
*She blinked, looking at him. She would admit it to anyone that asked: he scared her at times. At one moment you were sure she was sure she knew him, and in the very next she realized she knew absolutely nothing about him.*

*She spread her hands.*

So, then, what is it you want from me now? My consent to be by your side?

*Her left hand was beginning to throb.*

Anbiraa Hicchoru
Dec 8th, 2001, 04:31:23 AM
What I want from you is too vast to be mentioned. But that is a vital part of it, yes.

What I want is you....all of you.

Lady Vader
Dec 8th, 2001, 04:44:41 AM
*She closed her eyes for a moment. Life was always complicated. There was no getting around it.*

*Opening her eyes again, she looked at Anbiraa before speaking. She still held love for the man, clone or not. It was in her very fiber, put there before the beginning of time.*

*Her eyes softened, the anger welling in her suddenly forgotten, her voice slightly hushed.*

Then seek me out no more, for I was yours before time even began.

Anbiraa Hicchoru
Dec 9th, 2001, 04:52:03 AM
:: Anbiraa held her close, pressing her against his midnight-black armor. He leaned down, pressing a kiss onto her lips, as if tasting the ambrosia of Gods. After a moment, he released, bowing his head slowly ::

I serve two only. You and Jedah Lynch.

:: His head rose, face rigid ::

Ensure that no others impede me from doing what I must do. Do this, and your power shall be complete.

:: He reached forward, and kissed her hand respectfully ::

Anbiraa Hicchoru is yours, my lady....

:: His face returned to its rigid stare, as he once again donned the obsidian death's mask ::

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 9th, 2001, 05:05:11 AM
:: The Dark Lord gestured toward LV slightly with a raised index finger ::

But for all others, that name holds no meaning to me.

<font color=990000><font size=-1>hohhhhhhhh....pahhhhh.....hohhhhhhh.....pahhhhhh</font></font>

I...am Darth Vader.

Lady Vader
Dec 9th, 2001, 11:41:09 PM
*She blinked, looking again into those unblinking eyes of that hideous mask, the remains of the kiss still tingling her lips. So, Anbiraa wished to be known as Darth Vader. She had to smile. She herself had adopted the name Vader when she had left her place of birth. And now, it seemed only fittiing that both they would carry the name of the once powerful Dark Lord of the Sith.*

*She nodded her head to him, acknowledging his request.*

As you wish... Lord Vader.

*It was then she remembered about her injured hand. Looking down at it, she tried to move it, but it had gone stiff. It was healing, but she would want to hurry the process.*

*Looking at Anbiraa, she bowed her head slightly.*

If you don't mind, I'd like to tend to this.

*She lifted her hand, and looked at the side of the mask where the ring had left a scraped dent. She had to smile. It seemed to add character to the mask.*

*It was then, as her eyes traveled back to her hand, that they came across the wound her lightsaber had inflicted on Anbiraa. She gestured toward it, though she had a good feeling he would refuse her offer.*

We could have that patched up down in the medbay for you, if you wish.

Darth Vader Returns
Dec 10th, 2001, 01:17:25 AM
Have your men prepare a mediatation chamber, Madam.

:: Vader's curt response was his only admission of his wounds as he left the hangar bay ::

Lady Vader
Dec 11th, 2001, 12:53:32 AM
*LV frowned, starring at Vader's back as he left. He'd never called her madame before. It just felt... odd.*

*Speaking of oddities, it felt odd just to refer to him as Vader.*

*Shaking her head, she made her way to the medbay at the same time pulling her commlink out. She ordered that a meditation chamber be prepared in the wing where the Sith lived, (http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithorderfrm9) in the empty room next to hers.*

*With that, she rounded the corner and came to be in the medbay. There she would get a bacta patch for her torn knuckles.*