View Full Version : Li-ife forrrmmmsss of de-de-designation [SITH ORDER]...

Sep 26th, 2001, 08:37:48 PM
...Y-ooouuu havesevenSe....//// ha-aave ssseeevvveeennn [SESSWANNA] chro-onographed days....topreparefor...eeepppaaarrree...for biolo-biological annihilation.

Whe-e-en yyyooouuurrr timeisup, I-I-Iiiiii...shall ssseeennn~~send a [REAVER] to your insign-insigni-iiificant hhhomeworld///..__and //PURGE// i-iiit.

Darth Viscera
Nov 27th, 2001, 11:55:24 PM

I think his [REAVER] got held up in traffic. You warn these people, don't take hyperlanes in the Slice after 5pm unless you've got access to the commuting lane...

Until v3.2.1, I suppose.

Lady Vader
Nov 29th, 2001, 10:40:38 PM
Yeah, it did kinda go pffft.

*Shrugs and moves on*

Admiral Taylor Millard
Dec 3rd, 2001, 12:26:49 PM
It was a nice idea though. Ah well.