View Full Version : Business as Usual (occured some time ago...)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 18th, 2001, 12:34:53 AM
She grumbled a little as Rrroussorri worked a knot out of her left shoulder, wincing and then relaxing as his skilled fingers performed their magic. The Carshoulis native human was a worthless manservant in the eyes of the Pride, but Rrroussorri's skill made him worth his weight in gold to Sasseeri. It was a good thing the Pride didn't know it, or else they might make her pay for him.

Her comm alerted her to an incoming transmission.

Laying on the table, Sasseeri groped for her comm, exhaling into it as she activated the device. Rrroussorri hit a nerve and she yelped.

"Miss Reeouurra? We are entering Corellian space."

A gust of breath, and then she murmered softly, "Do not djistrrrub me agajin orrr jI wjill let the Prrrjide have you forrr an appetjizerrr." She thumbed the commlink off, and let her eyes close.

Sasseeri opened up a channel to The Sith Order. Normally she didn't accompany her envoys on their deliverys, but this was close to the Pride homeworld, and she would be jumping off from here to visit her offices in the Arkanis Sector.

"To the Lady Vaderrr of the Sjith Orrrderrr. Ourrr agrrreement is met. The constrrructjion equjipment and otherrr suppljies you rrrequested arrre herrre. Rrrequestjing clearrrance to land and unload." She made her tone suitably deferential to the status of the Sith. The Force users were a hard lot to figure, and she wasn't keen on stirring up trouble with them.

Lady Vader
Oct 3rd, 2001, 01:39:39 AM
OOC: Sorry for the delay.


*LV reached her comm shortly after it had transmited the message. She leaned in and answered.*

This is Lady Vader. You are cleared for docking, Miss Reeouurra. You are cleared to land at these coordinates.

*She sent a set of numbers along with her message.*

I look forward to seeing you shortly.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 7th, 2001, 12:43:26 AM
She pulled her clothes on after showering off the massage oils, and walked briskly to the hatch. One of her associates opened it for her, and followed her out, carrying a datapad in both hands. Sasseeri draped her tail over her arm as she went out to greet the Lady Vader. As soon as the formalities were out of the way, she could go back to her usual business dealings.

The Force users unnerved her...to a point. But they had their uses, and their needs, just like every other sentient being in the galaxy. Sasseeri painted on her favorite business smile as she descended the ramp amidst bursts from the vents on the underside of the ship.

Lady Vader
Oct 8th, 2001, 11:20:17 PM
*LV met Sasseeri at her shuttle. She watched her descend the ramp and extended her hand, waving it to encompas the area.*

Welcome to the Sith Order. As you can see, we are in a bit of a mess due to the rebuilding efforts. Your presence here will ensure the remainder of the plans go in without a hitch.

*She gestured for Sasseeri to follow her.*

Come, we have errected a viewing tower where we can see the rebuilding, give what orders need to be given, and there are refreshments there as well. A selection of various foods I'm sure will be to your liking.

*She led Sasseeri and her entourage to the tower overlooking the work site. The work itself looked impressive from their vantage point, and it was coming along swiftly due to the large machinery involved.*

*Across the door was the vast window with which to view the work site. To the left of the windows were the control paneling with screens and various communications equiptment. This allowed the contractors and architects to view their work from above and still gve neccessary orders easily without moving. And to the right of the window stood a large, ornate table, suited for Sasseeri and her guards. The table was ordained with large quantities of meats and fish of various species, shapes and sizes. At the edge of the table was a large bottle of a red liquer. LV picked up this liquer and grabbed two glasses. She poured the wine into the glasses and handed one to Sasseeri.*

Here's to a successful rebuilding.

*She sipped the wine. Yes, it was blood wine and she only sipped it. Though she was half feline, the taste still took getting used to. Though she was sure the relatives on her mother's side would have loved it. She looked at Sasseeri and smiled.*

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 9th, 2001, 11:34:32 PM
She looked at the impressively spread table, her saliva glands activating. Turning to the Sith woman, a half breed like herself, Sasseeri accepted the blood wine. She sipped it as well, copying the woman's movements. It was just as well. The stuff was disgusting. She hid her look of distaste behind a pleasant smile, and nodded towards the window. "jI trrrust the clearrrjing jis gojing well?"

Lady Vader led her over to the large window, indicating the large heap of rubble. "Most of it is already cleared, and the debris is being reconstituted at a separate site." Sasseeri looked out over the site. It did seem to be nearly cleared. These Sith worked fast. Or they encouraged their workers to.

"The Hyjarna stone jis on boarrrd the ship. jIn the amount you specjifjied, as well as the otherrr jitems." They sat at the table, and she waited for her hostess to eat before she started. The credits were jangling in her head, but whether this was to further their alliance, or for another reason, Sasseeri kept her mind focused on the moment. This was a big contract, and she did not want to upset the courtesy of the meal.

Lady Vader
Oct 11th, 2001, 04:18:16 PM
*LV sat herself at the table, and spread her napkin on her lap. Nothing like a civilized meal to discuss business dealings. It was a way of negotiating she had learned when she had been living on the world of her birth place.*

*One of the guards stationed inside the control room, came over and served up a dish for LV, as she stated what she wished to have. Another guard came by Sasseeri's side and offered her a plate full of whatever she wished. There was plenty and a variety to make even a Hutt salivate.*

*But LV also knew that Sasseeri was not a full blooded Cizerack, and her pallet would no doubt be somewhat different. She spoke to the guard that had served her, and he vanished into a cuboard near the table. When he emerged, he was holding a light blue wine bottle. As he poured the liquid into her glass, it came out in a light blue color, but once it compressed into the glass, it took on a darker shade of blue. She also offered it to Sasseeri, smiling.*

Though the Blood Wine is expensive and considered exquisite in some cultures, I prefer the fruity tang of the Ithorian Ale.

*The guard poured it into a seperate glass for Sasseeri and placed it before her. Now that both had been served, she took a few bites, before speaking.*

I am glad to here the Hyjarna stone is here. It will help to make the palace look not only beautiful, but hard to destroy with conventional weapons. The foundations themeselves have already been placed, and the underground emergency command center is all but finished. Now, all that is needed is the castle itself.

I have no doubt the architects you have procured will do a more than satisfactory job.

*She took another bite.*

All in all, I am pleased with the way the construction is going, and at the rate which it is proceeding.

*She smiled.*

Your payment will be fair and to the days prices for the materials being used. And they will come with a possible alliance if all goes well.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 14th, 2001, 11:44:06 PM
She sipped the Ithorian wine, and nodded to her hostess. "Payments werrre alrrready djisscussed, and they wjill rrremajin at the prrrjices agrrreed upon." She noticed that the Sith had male guards serving them. It was a nice touch. They were all well muscled and pleasing to the eye.

Perhaps she could arrange some alone time with one of them. Sasseeri brought her hands to her mouth, lustily eating the fish before her. "jI thjink that arrrrrangements forrr the alljiance can prrroceede, and they wjill me mutually benefjicjial. jI had only one questjion." She swallowed a mouthful of fish and drank some more wine.

"You arrre alrrready jin a trrrade arrrrrangement wjith the Prrrjide. Why come to the Rrrangerrrs forrr thjis orrrderrr?"

Lady Vader
Oct 16th, 2001, 04:25:26 PM
*It wasn't difficult for LV to pick up on Sasseeri glimpse at the guards. These Cizerack, whether half-bred or not, were always on the hunt for "other" hungers.*

*She smiled at the female felinoids question. She knew it would arrise at some point, and she was glad it had been now instead of later. She cleared her throat.*

Yes, it is true we have a trade agreement with the Pride. But there are certain items that can be aquired in a more, shall we say, discreet fashion.

Besides, some of the materials gathered would have been costly had the Order gone with more legal venues. Sometimes prudence requires one to do some research and find the best solution.

For this project, Miss Reeouurra, you were the best solution.

*She took a bite out of her bantha filet, before continuing.*

And we are by no means breaching any contracts with them. We are, after all, free to do buisness with whomever we wish.

*She sipped her wine.*

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 24th, 2001, 10:48:01 PM
She nodded, slurping noisily at the noodles her fish had been resting on. "jI underrrstand." Sasseeri wiped at her face with the napkin, and narrowed her sharp eyes slightly. The fact that the Sith had mentioned the legality of her fulfilling the contract made her ears want to lay flat.

In their previous meetings (there had been two), the Lady Vader had made illusions to Reeouurra's other...position. Sasseeri had not directly addressed the issue, preferring to feel out the Sith first. She had people on Coruscant, watching the comings and goings of TSO, and reporting directly to her. There was a saying on Carshoulis, Keep jyourrr frrrjiendsss clossse, and jyourrr enemjiesss clossserrr. Whichever way the Sith turned this, she wanted to know a day before it happened.

Perhaps now was the correct time to address just exactly what the Sith knew about her other job. Sasseeri sipped her wine. "The Sectorrr Rrrangerrrs ...may not be what you arrre rrreferrrjing to. jIs jit." She kept her tone the same as before, but there was an edge to her movements that had not been there before. If the Sith wanted her dead, they would have done it already. But Sasseeri guessed that she could have this woman broken in half before she could blink. She flexed her hands beneath the table as she awaited her hostess' response.

Lady Vader
Oct 25th, 2001, 10:30:36 PM
*LV smiled, taking a sip from her wine, and then setting the glass down. She knew how Sasseeri felt about the Sector Rangers. She was the head after all. And she no doubt knew LV had her own informants on what went on in dealings with other beings she had, just as the half-breed had her own informers' eyes on TSO's comings and goings.*

*But to have Sasseeri bring it up was somewhat a surprise, but not wholey unexpected. LV looked the half-breed full in the eye. She could feel the woman was a bit irritated, and perhaps just a bit nervous. But there really wasn't any need for either.*

Miss Reeouurra, it is not a secret to me what the Sector Rangers are capable of, nor is it a secret to you what we here at the Sith Order are capable of. But we both respect the positions and organizations we are in.

*She leaned back in her seat, steepling her fingers.*

You are a shrewed business woman. I can admire that. When you want something done, you get it done.

That's why I felt this project would be accomplished properly with your help.

*She took a breath.*

All I meant to say was that I knew you had the power to go through lines that would not hassle either of us.

Should a business person not look for the best deals in town?