View Full Version : Taylor Millard, Step Forward...

Seth Darkserpent
Sep 18th, 2001, 05:55:17 PM
...And confront your Master." Seth shouted from inside of the Discussion Chamber.

Seth wore his usual black robe, covered in layers of black clothing. Along with that he wore his hood and a black mask. His orange eyes shone brightly with anticipation and even excitement. His gloved hands were clasped at the small of his back as he stood up straight in the middle of the dimmed room.

Silently he waited for Taylor Millard to show his face. Seth had one last lesson to administer before he deemed Taylor ready for bigger and better things.

"Step forward, and prove yourself worthy."

Jeseth Cloak
Sep 18th, 2001, 05:58:31 PM
Jeseth watched from a podium, which was usually reserved for Council Discussions... now it served as a private seat for him to view this confrontation. The Ambrielian smiled slightly, eagerly awaiting the show.

How interesting...

Admiral Taylor Millard
Sep 18th, 2001, 06:01:27 PM
Millard made his way into the Discussion Chamber on Corellia. It seemed like ages since he had shown up at TSO, a military officer seeking to learn more about the ways of the Force. In reality, it had been several months.

Since arriving on Corellia he'd been attacked by pirates, trained by a shadow wielding giant, made a liason with the GMA...and begun searching for the Black Hand. He knew not what his master wanted, but he came anyway.

"Yes Master?" The Sith Apprentice asked, opening the door to the chamber. Clothed in a simple black jumpsuit, his black lightsaber at his side...Millard stood before Darkserpent.

"What is thy bidding...my Master?"

Seth Darkserpent
Sep 18th, 2001, 06:08:19 PM
Seth was staring at the wall, his head turned away from Taylor. He didn't even seem to acknowledge his apprentice as he came into the Discussion Chamber.

Surprisingly enough, Seth's right hand shot out and cupped Taylor's throat. Still keeping his eyes off of Taylor, Seth squeezed, raising his Disciple slightly off the ground. Taylor's feet dangled below, as he began to choke.

"Tell me Taylor," Seth began. Then he turned his masked face to Taylor and peered deep into his eyes. "What do you regret not accomplishing in your life? What are you feelings knowing that you will NEVER get to accomplish these things?"

Seth tightened his iron grip around Taylor's neck. He awaited an answer, whether it be through the Force or through Taylor's muffled choking sounds.

"I suggest you hurry." Seth remarked, grinning under his mask.

Admiral Taylor Millard
Sep 18th, 2001, 08:03:12 PM
"What...do...I...regret?" Taylor gasped out as his master choked him. For once...he couldnt' think of anything. His career as an Imperial was exemplary. He enjoyed it immensely...he had no regrets on it.

Even the beginning, when I was stuck on the damned platform.

He thought of his time with Thrawn, in the Unknown Regions...away from his family. He'd seen his parents die...perhaps...never seeing his brother.

No...no...he never regretted losing his brother. Especially after what his father had done.

Love? Feh...

I...do not...regret...anything...Perhaps failing the first time, whne you taught me...But I rose higher... he spoke in the Force.

Aloud he said, "I...conquered my failures...I am far...from perfect...but strive to be...I have served the Empire well...and...I...learn...what I have...that you...have taught...me."

The grip held on him did not lessen, and Millard kept his eyes on Darkserpent.

Seth Darkserpent
Sep 19th, 2001, 04:40:13 AM
Seth stared into Millard's fading eyes as his life slowly slipped away. A few more seconds of choking and Taylor wouldn't live to see the next day. Seth felt the muscles in his arm and hands move as he released his clench on Taylor. His Disciple fell to the floor at his feet.

"Now Taylor Millard." Seth boomed in a loud voice. Out of the corner of his eye, he recognized Jeseth sitting at his usual seat in the chambers. Seth let out a small smile beneath his mask.

The Dark Jedi unsheathed his jagged sword and pointed it down at Taylor.

"Kneel before me." Seth commanded, watching as Taylor did as he was told.

Seth brought his sword up high above Taylor. He held it high with one hand, and finally brought it down, aimed the sever Taylor's shoulder and right arm from the rest of his body. Instead the attack didn't complete itself. Seth restrained himself as the sword came in contact with the fabric of Taylor's clothing.

"I Knight thee, Taylor Millard."

Seth removed his sword from the awkward position and put it back in it's sheath. He took two steps back and clasped both gloves together. He awaited to see what Taylor had to say, if anything at all.

Admiral Taylor Millard
Sep 19th, 2001, 08:13:08 AM
Inwardly, Millard flinched as the jagged sword came down on his shoulder. When the blade, com halted on the fabric of his black jumpsuit...he was jolted even more.
Knight... the words echoed like a bell in Millard's mind, I've been...knighted?

The former Sith Apprentice rose to his feet, his blue eyes meeting his master's orange ones equal in strength and power.

"I am honored, Master," Taylor spoke, his voice regaining its strength, "To have been chosen for this title. I have nothing to say...but that I will bring honor to the rank and title of Sith Knight..."

Before he could continue, he sensed something...someone...

"Master, someone else is here in this chamber. Someone I do not recognize."

Seth Darkserpent
Sep 19th, 2001, 08:34:27 AM
"That someone, Taylor Millard," Seth spoke in a powerful, yet toned down voice, "Is Jeseth Cloak. I'm sure you've heard much about him."

Seth pointed straight at Jeseth sitting in his usual seat. The fellow Dark Jedi Knight had his wings draped behind the seat and looked particularly interested in this little ceremony. Seth motioned for Jeseth to come forward.

"Go introduce yourself to him. You will find he is very strong willed and intelligent, despite his current lack of health and well being." Seth explained.

He turned around, and with him his cloak followed. "If any of you need me, I will be in the Docking Bay, preparing my things." He nodded to both and headed for the exit.

Admiral Taylor Millard
Sep 19th, 2001, 11:22:42 AM
Millard paused...unsure whether to meet the Dark Jedi on the diasis or follow his departing master.

It would not be wise to follow Master Darkserpent...at least not yet. he thought, remembering Seth's anger. I will find out what Master Darkserpent is doing soon enough.

As he walked towards Jeseth Cloak, Millard noticed something...he had wings. Taylor walked towards the winged Dark Jedi. He stood up on the raised platform, staring up at Cloak where he set.

"Lord Cloak," the newly-christened Sith Knight stated slowly, "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Using the Force, he said to Darkserpent, You're leaving? Tis unfortunate...but wherever you go...I wish you luck. May the Force be with you, Master Darkserpent.

As almost an afterthought...Millard finished WOuld you say I'm prepared to seek out The Black Hand now, Master.

Jeseth Cloak
Sep 21st, 2001, 05:20:20 PM
"The Black Hand?" Jeseth asked, obviously sensitive to method of communication which Millard had choosen to use. The alien narrowed his eyes as he glanced at Millard, then scrached his chin. "I see. Pardon my intrusion. At times, I cannot help but overhear things..." Jeseth bowed before Millard honorably. "Tell me, what do you know of The Black Hand?"

Admiral Taylor Millard
Sep 23rd, 2001, 05:36:27 PM
"What do I know about the Black Hand?" A brown eyebrow raised as Millard turned towards the winged Dark Jedi.

"Very little, honestly," Taylor decided the truth was more important than deceit. Plus, he abhored lying.

"I have done some investigation into the existance of a group of Dark Jedi called The Black Hand. When I returned from the Unknown Regions, I sought the strongest of the Sith groups to give me the best training. In the midst of the investigation, I heard rumors about The Black Hand.

"My information says they reside on the planet VJun, where the Lord Darth Vader had a retreat. I have been there only once, when planning the destruction of a rogue element of the Empire. The harsh environment of acid rain and rivers of lava make it a perfect environment for the Dark Jedi to train.

"My suspicions were confirmed by Master Darkserpent," the Sith Knight pointed towards the shadow of his master, "When he gave me the coordinates to teh Planet VJun. This was before my encounter with Luuke Skywalker on Tatooine.

"I will not pretend my training as a Dark Jedi, has reached an ending...but I do wish to learn more, and I would hope the Black Hand would be able to allow me to learn more about the Force."

Taylor waited the reply of the winged Jeseth Cloak, before him.

Jeseth Cloak
Sep 24th, 2001, 07:36:51 PM
Jeseth cleared his throat, then ran his hand across the sleeve of his black and gray coat, wiping away some dust. "I see... so, Knight Millard, tell me, are you prepared for what might await you there on Vjun?" A strange gleam was dancing in the Dark Jedi's eyes. He was waiting for a moment... but what was he waiting to do, or possibly say?

Admiral Taylor Millard
Sep 24th, 2001, 08:00:41 PM
Prepared for what I am to face... Millard thought, starying at the black and brown-haired man before him. He took in all he saw, Jeseth's grey overcoat and black jumpsuit...the lightsaber hanging from his waist.

A formitable foe...he's strong in the Force...I can sense that.

Taking a step back, Millard said, "I am prepared, Master Cloak. For what I am to face. Although it will be challenging...but I will succeed."

He waited Jeseth's reaction...keeping his senses alert for anything.

Lady Vader
Sep 25th, 2001, 12:16:48 AM
*LV had been standing at the entrance to the chamber for sometime before she decided to make a move into the room. All talk within the room ceased as she made her way down the short flight of stairs.*

*She took only a few steps in, standing at the bottom of the stairs that led from the doorway to the floor of the chamber. There she nodded once, greeting the three Sith within, and then turned her gaze upon Millard.*

Congratulations on your promotion, Taylor Millard. See to it you do not disgrace the title of Sith Knight.

*She emphasized the word Sith, giving a smile laced with evil. She said nothing else after that, remianing silent and letting the silence hang in the air.*

Admiral Taylor Millard
Sep 25th, 2001, 02:05:13 PM
Millard raised an eyebrow, staring back at the voluptuous purple-clad Sith before him.

A look of questioning on his face, Millard answered her, "You question my loyalties...?"

After not getting an answer, The Sith Knight continued, "My loyalties lie with the group I am a member of. I am a member of The Sith Order, and thus I remain loyal to them. I thought Sith seeking knowledge were welcome. If not..." he paused, his face keeping its amused look, "I would have remained in the Unknown Regions."

With a deep bow, Taylor greeted the Sith Woman, "I must ask...are there requirements for member of The Sith Order to not be members of other organizations? Darth Viscera is obviously a member of the Galactic Military Alliance, and I have hear rumors of members of TSO also possessing a membership in The Sith Empire...am I wrong in this speculation, my lady?"

Lady Vader
Sep 25th, 2001, 10:52:42 PM
No, you are not wrong.

*It was obvious he had missed her point when she had emphasized the word Sith.*

I was not questioning your loyalties, Millard. It is true there are many here who are also part of other groups such as the Sith Empire and the Galactic Millitary Empire. But those who also join those groups, remain Sith. They do not change their standing, as I kow you would not.

Becoming anything esle outside of being a Sith is not acceptable. Oh, you can have a rank and lead a fleet. But the title Sith should not be accompanied by another title.

*She knew about the Black Hand, and respected them. But she did not approve of too many from TSO being a part of it. They carried the word Jedi in their title. She frowned slightly. She abhored the word Jedi. She believed one could not be a Sith AND a Dark Jedi. It was like being a part of two religions. She knew some here had a part in both titles, but she did not encourage it.*

Admiral Taylor Millard
Sep 25th, 2001, 11:57:04 PM
Change my standing... Millard was puzzled by this.

"What do you mean, by 'Standing', my lady?" Taylor asked earnestly, "I was of the knowledge all who embraced the Dark Side of the Force were still Jedi...but following a more destructive path.

"Now..." his voice was sharp briefly, then faded, "I know Sith were a race of beings, who were conquered by Jedi excommunicated from the Jedi Council during the Old Republic. Thus, they conquered the Sith Culture adapting parts of it to their own. They fashioned themselves as Dark Lords of the Sith.

"I know nothing about a Sith Culture now...or beings who are full blooded Sith. Certainly I'm not...I'm a human, born on Balmorra. I get sick like any other human...and have faults like any other human.

"My question to you is...how does a Sith differ from a Dark Jedi? My research says they have many simularities...but I cannot find any difference; save for Sith tend to be a bit more emotional. Do you care to explain the difference, my lady?"

The Sith Knight kept his senses alert as his blue eyes stared at Lady Vader.

Lady Vader
Sep 26th, 2001, 09:39:21 PM
You are correct in your knowledge and history, and that alone is commendable. What I meant by "standing" was that we should always hold to being Sith as first and foremost.

*She smiled.*

You have just shown that by your knowledge in the history of the Sith. In the near future I plan on revisiting Korriban. Perhaps you could join me.

*She nodded her head to those present and left.*