View Full Version : *Holo Message Appears*

Admiral Taylor Millard
Sep 18th, 2001, 03:59:57 PM
The message flared up quickly on the TSO computers...filling the empty room with light.

Before them stood Taylor Millard, clad in a simple black jumpsuit, his lightsaber at his waist.

"Masters and Mistresses of the Sith Order. Although I am only an Apprentice...I seek your help.

"With the non-aggression against other planets in affect, TSO has become complacent and inactive. While I hate to be up front and honest it is true. The non-aggression act has done this as well.

"There is a problem the Sith Order has...and that is the Saalarian Pirates. This is the group who attacked me and Mistress Live Wire on our way to the new castle. They are a group of former Imperials who betrayed the Emperor's trust, attempting to kill him.

"While I don't expect you to hold any grudge against these pirates, they did attack one of your own.

"Thus I beseech thee to assist me in destroying these traitors.

"Meet me at these coordinates in five days. ("")

End Transmission.

EDIT- Fixed the link for you. =)