View Full Version : :: Strides about following his new victory ::

Darth Viscera
Jul 1st, 2001, 11:40:02 PM
:: Sporting the latest trend of casts and bacta bandages ::

"Another Victory!!! This one worthy of Pyyrhus himself!"

:: Notices the abundance of gaping, unnatural holes in his body, and the fact that a few ribs are protruding from his cloak. ::

"I believe I will spend some time in the bacta tank."

Garrett Blade
Jul 2nd, 2001, 02:34:00 AM
*As Darth Viscera walks along, a number of thngs fall from out of the murky depths of his cloak and robing...*

Hey-hey!!! Spare Ribs! Who's up for a barbeque?

Jul 2nd, 2001, 03:28:14 AM

Live Wire
Jul 2nd, 2001, 11:24:47 PM
hey no eating tso members!

Garrett Blade
Jul 3rd, 2001, 06:42:17 AM

*Spits out Ariel*

*Grabs Lady De'Ville by the arm...*

You ain't a member anymore! Lunchtime! Argh!

Darth Viscera
Jul 3rd, 2001, 02:44:05 PM

Lady Vader
Jul 5th, 2001, 10:03:23 PM

Who needs a Ciz around when you've got Garrett! :lol:

Darth Viscera
Jul 5th, 2001, 11:22:04 PM
The differences are subtle, but they DO exist.

For instance, Garrett is crazy. The Cizerack are merely carnivorous.

What this means is that Garrett will eat people even when he's not hungry, while a Cizerack male will save the hyuu-mann for his next meal.