View Full Version : Beta Fleet Preparations.

Premier Romanov
May 29th, 2001, 11:29:34 AM
*Premier Romanov's personal shuttle had just landed at the main hanger at TSO HQ. Romanov emerged from the boarding ramp, accompanied by six Cyborg Wookiees. They made their way to the Discussion Chamber. Once they arrived, they were welcomed into the room by a shiny, red droid...*

IMP 22 Military Protocol Droid
May 29th, 2001, 05:47:52 PM
I am IMP-22 Military Protocol Droid

*...came the cool, oily voice as Romanov neared. The droid seemed to know who he was already, and had prepared for his arrival appropriately. Romanov nodded to the droid, who stepped aside to allow the Admiral to enter. Premier Romanov sat at the head of the black marble table which the other senior officers were assembled about. IMP-22 sat at the opposite end of the table and began to speak...*

Admiral Romanov, firstly I would like to welcome you back to TSO after your recent stay at Zeus Control on Chad III. As you know, within a few more days the current building project for Beta Fleet will be completed, adding a number of new ships to the fleet roster. These new additions will be ready just in time to take part in our upcoming campaign to take over the Corellian Sector. Perhaps you would like to start the briefing?

Premier Romanov
May 29th, 2001, 06:00:02 PM
Thankyou IMP-22!

*Romanoc stood up out of the rather comfy leather seat and began to walk around the table of men, making eye contact with each and everyone of them as he looked from the opposite side of the table.*

As IMP-22 just stated - in about a weeks time, Beta Fleet will be setting off on a small campaign to capture more territory in the name of TSO. Our first destination will be to Commenor. Commenor has quite a decent planetary fleet, but it should prove no match for Beta Fleet once the new ships are completed. The second planet on our list will be Corfai - a planet with a moderate fleet and a strong army. Our final destination will be Duros. Duros will be a different challenge altogether, due to the excellent planetary cloaking it has. IMP-22 will elaborate...

IMP 22 Military Protocol Droid
Jun 22nd, 2001, 07:18:30 AM
*The droids red body glistened in the fluorescent lighting. He stood at the head of the table, opposite Premier Romanov.*

The planet Duros has implemented a top-of-the-line planetary cloaking satellite network. We estimate that there are over one hundred satellites throughout the upper orbit of the planet. Hpwever we cannot simply destroy each satellite as they too are cloaked. The only option is to send an elite squad of commando's to the hub-station and destroy the facility. this will cut off all links with the other satellites and they will cease to function. Once this is done, all targets on the surface will become known to us, as well as any ships in the vicinity. After that, similar tactics as used at Corfai would be advisable. We estimate that the entire campaign should take no more than three months. Please report to your relative departments for a full briefing corresponding to your rank and division. That is all...dismissed...

*As IMP-22 said that, all those present stood up and took their leave. As IMP-22 was also about to exit the room, Premier Romanov places his hand on the droids shoulder...*

Premier Romanov
Jul 1st, 2001, 06:30:36 AM
Meet me on the bridge of the Flagship in half an hour, IMP-22. We need to discuss strategy for our first target - Commenor!

Romanov made his way out of the discussion chamber and left IMP-22's field of view. Shortly after, IMP-22 took his leave as well, switching the lights off and closing the doors behind him...