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Seth Darkserpent
Jun 12th, 2001, 05:18:02 PM
Seth stood, staring into the void before him. Recent events at the Sith Order had left him somewhat confused and angered. He had murdered Lord Dagger but a mere day's time past. Members had been exiled and stripped of rank.

Clearing his throat, his head rising up into the air, Seth took a deep breath. Those pale orange pupils were beginning to shine brightly.

"Sith...Sith Disciples, Sith Knights, and Sith Masters of The Sith Order... we've been under the stresses of many a change lately. Only through conflict have we earned the right to stand proud where we now rest. Some have been killed, others have had to shed blood, but were fortunate enough to survive."

Visions of troopers and the fight in the council chambers floated in his head.

"The point is, the internal fighting is over. Those who have tried to betrayed us have been punished accordingly. Now that we are rid of that problem, we can move on. We can continue our campaign and turn our sights toward the true enemy. The true enemy is those that oppose us, the Jedi. Personally, the Jedi hardly ever bothered me, but now that we are slowly moving back on track, they could be a setback."

He cleared his throat.

"We have the POWER and the Dark Side to aid us in our neverending struggle. We should be conquering worlds, not fighting amongst ourselves. I'm sure all of you see the truth in that."

"Oft I have dreamed of this day to come. It is the day that the Sith Order regains it's stability and order. I assure you all, that nothing will set us back this time, or that something might find themselves destroyed."

He reached for his sword, and unsheathed it. Seth held it, facing downward with fiery conviction...

"As Master Mortis has commonly said, 'we are Sith, not diplomats.' I will not take any more bullsh** from anyone! Sith conquer and destroy the light. We are at the tip of entering a Golden Age. If anyone should ruin it, they will find themselves impaled by my sword, Truth."

Seth grinned and then raised his voice.

"There is no peace, there is anger. There is no fear, there is power. There is no death, there is immortality. There is no weakness, there is The Dark Side. I am the Heart of Darkness. I know no fear. But rather I instill it in my enemies. I am the destroyer of worlds. I know the power of the Dark Side. I am the fire of hate. All the Universe bows before me. I pledge myself to the Darkness. For I have found true life, In the death of the Light."

He bowed his head.


<font size=2>Amidst his shouting, Seth raised his sword high in the air, somewhat like a battle pose.

"Long live the Order...Long live the Order...Long live the Order..." His voice died away slowly...

Lord Psychic
Jun 12th, 2001, 05:30:33 PM
B*Psychic entered the room just as the chanting died down. He was glad it was said.*

First we need to reasign some of the repsobilities that former members have left for us too fill in.

But I have to agree 100%. TSO has just been reborn.. now that's that is all over with, we can continue in our conquest to take over the universe, and then some. We have just proved we can handle problems, even those of mutiny. Now we can handle other, perhaps more difficult yet having the same intensity problems: our enemies.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 12th, 2001, 06:02:13 PM
Morgan stood seemingly passive, his shoulders square, his back nearly straight and arms neatly crossed over his chest. Only his arched eyebrows showed any sort of interest.

He resisted the urge to clap.

"Very dramatic, Darkserpent." Cold, but not mocking. Morgan paused briefly, and then continued.

"Well then, we should decide what or whom shall be our first target. As wonderous as a direct assault on the Jedi would be, we do lack numbers. However a good deal of incompetence and waste has been weeded out. We ARE the lifeblood of the Sith Order, and I think the best way would be to choose a course of action that would most accurately reflect our new makeup.

Darth Roul
Jun 12th, 2001, 06:04:10 PM
As I once said to Ita|a: All Hell Can't Stop Us Now. I was wrong with him, but not with us. We can not be stopped!

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 12th, 2001, 06:08:58 PM
Seth changed his direction to Morgan. He stared at the fallen Jedi for a few seconds. Morgan Evaner was strong in the Force, and had the knowledge of both Jedi and Sith.

"It seems like you have the base to a plan Morgan." Seth took a step forward, at the same time putting his sword back in it's sheath. He clasped both hands at his hips. "Were you thinking any course of action in particular?"

Morgan Evanar
Jun 12th, 2001, 06:37:23 PM
"Ideally, one first analyzes his enemies. I know where the Jedi are, but do not know anything about their defenses. Lets find out. How about showing up in orbit of Yavin 4 with an Imperial Star Destroyer?" Morgan grinned something wicked.

"Anything that big makes an excellent distraction. I'm sure we can get plenty of data from the skies. A few of us could slip down and have a look around, if they find that ISD as enticing as I hope. For those of us on the ground, the goal is to assess them, not engage." Evanar's eyes narrowed, and a bit of a grin returned.

"But feel free to bloody a nose or two that wanders your way."

Darth Viscera
Jun 12th, 2001, 09:17:12 PM
Darth Viscera entered the council room just in time to catch this last spout of idiocy from the Jedi. He laughed a contemptuous laugh, then stopped abruptly.

"Jedi, you are as strategically inept as you are repulsive overall. A direct deployment using such an obvious military symbol as an ISD would fail miserably, and that Star Destroyer would never be seen or heard from again. The only practicable option would be to commandeer a civilian vessel and pull a data dump of their tactical computers. A scan-raid would be the best form of preliminary military intelligence gathering."

Darth Roul
Jun 13th, 2001, 07:40:17 AM
I'll do it. with no questions asked

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 13th, 2001, 07:49:25 AM
"Why go to the Jedi? Why do they deserve such luxury? Instead, I propose we continue our conquests and let the Jedi come to us. They will eventually try to stop us. Then and only then will they feel the true power of the Dark Side."

Morgan Evanar
Jun 13th, 2001, 10:50:55 AM
There was a brief blur of motion. Morgan easily hefted Viscera by his shirt collar, one handed. If one were to look for signs of Force use, there were none. Evanar had strength that truly belied his wiry frame.

"I think my point is lost on you, Imp. I'm ruffling feathers, not engaging the enemy. The point of the Star Destroyer is to be a several hundred meter distraction." His hand flicked open, and Viscera landed on his feet, boots clanking on impact.

"Its an unusual use of it, aye? I do like your plan for using a civilian vessel as a scan raid. Would the vessel ariving say... thirty minutes prior to the Star Destroyer be a prudent move?"
Morgan turned his attention to Seth, eyebrow raised.

"Letting the enemy come to you usually does work better, Darkserpent. I think that they need to be reminded that we can go to them from time to time."

Gav Mortis
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:31:23 PM
Having been seated the whole time mainaining a keen eye on the spectacle throughout each presentation of ideas. An unmoved, cold watch surveyed the room and it's occupants. Occasionly he was unable to supress an amused look, with sharp, gleaming eyes and a brief smile he watched the children already begin to bicker and growing tired of the circus decides to stand and leave the room.

"This," he whispered to himself, "Is hopeless."

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:41:37 PM
"This is hopeless."

Seth had heard it clearly. He knew exactly what Master Mortis was talking about. Seth himself had been disappointed with the bickering between Viscera and Morgan, and was trying to relay ideas and suggestions as sane as possible.

"We do not have to argue about this. Everyone in the Order is entitled to an opinion." He glared at Viscera. "And Morgan is a Sith, not a Jedi."

He sighed and rubbed his temples through his mask.

"If we work together as one, we can defeat the Jedi. Bickering will only bring us back to square 1 remember?" His eyes moved back and forth examining Viscera and Morgan. "Neither of you are wrong, and if you talked in a civilized manner, I'm sure the both of you could devise quite a plan."

Seth paced across the room to where Gav was, about to leave. He bowed in front of his master, paying his respects.

"Forgive me for saying so Master, but you always leave when situations become out of hand...You have the power to set things right, but you never choose to do so. You always leave it for someone else to do...Why is that? Have you given up hope already?"

Darth Roul
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:52:20 PM
No, he just has learned what I have learned. Stay out of verbal conflicts, you will only make more enemies than friends

Lord Psychic
Jun 13th, 2001, 05:44:53 PM
*Psy looked at the two, dissapointed.*

TSO rules saying that there will be no in-fighting or disrespect among us. Keep it up and you'll both be reprimanded. I wish to keep peace, power, order, and respect in TSO, and besides, bickering gets you now where. Now can we please get back to the matter at hand, and while speaking civilized?

Darth Viscera
Jun 13th, 2001, 08:37:43 PM
Viscera grinned and glared at Morgan. He flicked his wrist a few degrees to the right, and a dagger ejected from the collar of his cloak, the handle stopping in Viscera's palm, secured. Viscera slashed at Morgan's midsection with the dagger, opening a medium-sized wound across his stomach.

"You will keep your hands to yourself, Mister Evanar. And as for your idea, it would be stupid of us to assume that the Yavin system is completely defenseless. But you would already know that. Our task should be to merely ascertain the extent of their defenses for now, so we may assemble the force required to breech them. The Star Destroyer would be destroyed far before the data pull would be complete. The civilian vessel should travel alone, and not piloted by a force user. Admiral Roebuck would be perfect for this job."

Morgan Evanar
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:11:09 PM
Morgan stopped his open palm thrust stopped a millimeter from Viscera's nose. Had the motion continued unabated, it would have driven the Dikat's nose into his brain, killing him nearly instantaneously. Blood welled through his shirt, but the knife had not cut deep enough to damage organs.

"I don't have time to debate against closed, stupid minds who do not understand what a show of force is. Do what you will." He turned neatly on his heel, and strided out.

Darth Viscera
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:17:45 PM
"And what effect do you believe a show of force such as an Imperial Star Destroyer would have on a fifty kilometer long Mon Calamari Cruiser, or an Argus Battle Station, or several years' worth of orbital battle stations and mines? All this and more they may be able to field. The result of this attempted show of force would be a disaster and a humiliation for the Sith," he called after him.

Seth Darkserpent
Jun 14th, 2001, 07:52:06 AM
Seth shook his head in anger.

"Viscera, are you not able to talk about things in a civilized manner without touching someone?" Seth growled.

He felt like attacking both, but he held back. Attack was not wise at such a time. Such trivial matters could be discussed, avoiding any bloodshed.

"You must put aside your differences and realize you are both Sith. Even him, like it or not. How many times must I repeat myself? We fight the Jedi, not ourselves. Hopefully this will be the last time I must say it."

"I am sure you can come up with a valid attack plan. When you do, I ask you present it to the Council. One with marvelous ideas such as yourself should not be unheard." Seth finished.

Lord Psychic
Jun 14th, 2001, 07:56:12 AM
Viscera, would you like to be thrown out of TSO? I believe such a punishment would fit what you just did.

Darth Roul
Jun 14th, 2001, 08:03:14 AM
I belive it would be a fitting punishment

Morgan Evanar
Jun 14th, 2001, 08:09:58 AM
Morgan whirrled.

"Why did you not just say it was there in the first place." He snapped at Viscera, bleeding.

"I agree now. Sending a Star Destroyer is an extremely rotten idea, but you didn't mention the battle station or the cruiser before." Evanar glared at the Dikat.
"And if you draw my blood again, make sure the move kills me, for I will make sure there isn't enough left of you for the maggots."

With that, he dissapeared from sight and his presence seemingly went with it.

Lady Vader
Jun 14th, 2001, 05:05:37 PM
*LV had been silently watching everything as she spoke into a complink to asertain how the construction for the new palace was going... satisfied that all was well with it, she shut the comlink off and addressed the others*

If we are so interested in seeing what Yavin IV hides, then why not send something quicker to gather information. Not a Destroyer... too big and not as manueverable as a smaller craft. And it'd be a shame to have it wasted if indeed there is something in the Yavin system.

I do like the idea of a civilian craft, only because it is smaller and more manueverable. We could equipt it with high quality scanning equipment, the type used for reconnaissance missions. No need to engage what is there when we don't even know if there is anything there.

Of course, there are many ways of doing this, but only a few that would work.

Jun 14th, 2001, 06:38:11 PM
*Cloak sat and watched waiting for the right moment to jump in*"I agree with LV, Sending a small craft is perfect, we can still see whats going on and if it is destroyed there is a lost of next to nothing."

IMP 22 Military Protocol Droid
Jun 15th, 2001, 04:30:26 AM
*IMP-22 had been standing near the entrance for some time now. If there is one thing he had learned from Garrett, it was "Always speak what's on your mind!" He stepped forward and addressed those present.*

"Lady Vader. if I may, I would like to propose an idea I have that would almost guarantee a successful scan of the Yavin system, and result in the safe return of the reconnaissance vessel."

*IMP-22 awaited Lady Vader's reply, his visor scanning the room simultaneously...*

Admiral Taylor Millard
Jun 15th, 2001, 10:36:50 AM
Admiral Millard stood near the door to the chamber, listening as the drama played out before him.

So, the Order wants to crack down on the Jedi Knights. It is a good thing to have focus. But, the Order looks to be going in the path of the Empire. Unless...

Millard smiled a tight smile, watching his Master's performance.

So, they are trying to regain focus...good. And discussing battle tactics.

He stared at Viscera..So, that's who my supposed meeting was with. I hope Tomar finishes his investigation on what happened.

Millard watched the seqence between Viscera and Evanar play out. He'd seen Imperials fight like this all the time. It disgusted both him and Grand Admiral Thrawn. They're fighting like cadets, he thought, This is foolish. If they continue to act like this, they will end up like the Empire was 12 years ago. Without direction and hopelessly lost. The Jedi are a problem for the Sith Order.

Millard liked the plan regarding a civilian craft going into Yavin and pulling a static dump. However, the craft would need to be fast, and have a good pilot flying it.

He agreed with the notion of a non-Force user at the helm of the craft. Or. Someone with little Force powers

He, as silently as possible, moved next to his master attempting to not disturb the other Sith in the room.

"Master," he said, "After the droid presents his idea, I have one as well. I know I am a trainee, but I trust I can make suggestions as well?"

Darth Viscera
Jun 15th, 2001, 03:30:37 PM
Viscera grinned, pleased that the conversation had progressed beyond Morgan's unnecessary and detrimental hostility. Better yet, they seemed to actually be listening to his idea. Perhaps a capital ship would not be wasted due to sheer stupidity. He removed a micro-holograph projector from within his cloak, and set the device down on one of the council room's conference tables, thumbing the projector on.

The image of a sleek craft flickered to life, and Viscera began. "The Incom A-24 Sleuth. Fourteen meters in length, requires only a pilot. A single passenger can also be accommodated. It is armed with two laser cannons, and is protected by a decent set of shields. It has excellent maneuverability and sublight speed for a ship of its size and class," he paused, tired of rattling off specifications. He was not an engineer.

"This craft is in use by the New Rebublic Intelligence Corps in various modifications, but primarily it is a civilian craft, renowned for its speed and stealthiness, as witnessed by several Keyhole hypertrace maps. The unique aspect of this vessel which warrants its use by the NRI in a modified state is its sensor/comm package, which is capable of sending out nearly undetectable tight-beam signals," he paused, for dramatic effect.

"Signals which can be used to pull a data or sensor dump. The craft can scan-raid the entire star system in but a matter of minutes, with no one the wiser. All that this would require is an A-24 Sleuth, easily acquired on Corellia, and a day of refitting the craft to its NRI-modified state. Plus, of course, a non-force user who would pose as the civilian."

Jun 15th, 2001, 06:04:06 PM

Morgan Evanar
Jun 15th, 2001, 09:34:28 PM
OOC: No offense, but I really doubt a droid could adapt to weapons with such instant proffiency as you suggest. Maybe it would be deadly accurate with any blaster, but instant proficency is absurd...

Jun 16th, 2001, 03:50:36 AM
OOC: The way it works is a weapons database, filled with all weapons known to myself and the Caracans. Basically A saber, All modern blasters and the like, I'm not talking NEW weapons. If you were to invent something he wouldn't understand it

Garrett Blade
Jun 16th, 2001, 03:55:19 AM
So basically, it doesn't adapt at all - since it already has the knowledge required to use the weapon.

Jun 16th, 2001, 06:01:19 PM
OOC: He is AI equipt, so he has about the same ability as humans to adapt or learn. The difference is he won't forget.....

Darth Phantom
Jun 16th, 2001, 09:55:34 PM
:: A Dark Figure emerges unheard and unseen from the Darkness, With his hood drawn covering his face from all. He walks out until he's just behind Seth. The figure removes his hood, revealing his face. Phantom had been listening in the shadows for some time now, he speaks in a deep voice ::

In my opinion we should run with both Seth's and Lady Vader's Ideas. Send a small craft to Yavin, scout out the area and return with the info needed. While we're doing that and coming up with a battle plan we could be taking over new worlds, getting new resources. If we're lucky it'll draw out the Jedi, but if not we'll still have the info collected from the scout ship.

Another option is to find the talisman that hides force presence. We arm a Sith with one of those and send him to do the scanning, it might be better then just sending a normal person out.

:: Phantom walks out a little farther until hes side by side with Seth. He turns to him and nod ::

ooc: Looks at title. O.o