View Full Version : Lordess Live Wire

Death Guard Defender
Jun 13th, 2001, 06:09:28 AM
A tall man dressed in red Imperial Guard armour with his helmet under his arm and his force pipe over his shoulder enters the Discussion Chamber. He stops, waiting for someone to acknowledge him. His sky blue eyes survey the room like a hawk. He places his helmet on the floor and runs a hand through his short bleached hair. Anyone watching him soon realised he had no connection to the Force, yet he seemed perfectly calm and at ease in the building filled with powerful DarkSide users. He looks around, his eyes falling on everyone watching in turn, almost as if he knew they were there and then returned to the end of the chamber waiting for Lordess Live Wire to appear

Live Wire
Jun 13th, 2001, 07:32:21 AM
*LW entered through a door at the other end of the chamber flanked by two gaurds. After reccent events security was at an all time high. She bowed slightly in a gesture of respect but kept her distance. She had been kidnapped before by those who seemed to be no threat to her.*

I am Lordess Live Wire, how may I help you

Death Guard Defender
Jun 14th, 2001, 02:17:39 AM
The tall man smiled ever so slighly, the scar which ran down the left side of his face, over his eye flexed slightly.

"It is more a question of how can i help you...my master always keeps his promices...but he is no longer here to forfil his promice to you, so i am here to do it for him"

He spread his hands wide, his force pike resting against his shoulder. It was a gesture to imply that he was not here to fight

"My master promiced that he would protect you and the child Ariel...he is dead so i am here to protect the two of you, if you will have me."

He smiled again, this time it was a broader

"I understand that this will bother you slightly, especially as my master died a traitor..but here"

He slowly placed his hand inside his armour and removed a recorded message which he casually tossed over to Live Wire. She caught it and read threw it:

Death Guard, high command mission statment for Defender:

Proceed at once to Coreillia, protect Lordess Live Wire and the child she guards, Ariel, with your life if nessesary. From this moment she commands you not The Death Guard. There is no recall code for this mission. Remain with Lordess Live Wire until she dismisses you, upon dismissal return to Death Guard headquarters and await and reasummons from Lordess Live Wire.
Over ride command: N/A
Recall code: N/A
Autherization signature:
Lord Dagger
Supreme commander of all Death Guard Forces

Live Wire read the orders again and then looked up at the tall man who she now knew was called Defender.

Live Wire
Jun 15th, 2001, 12:00:03 AM
*LW read the data pad and frowned slightly in thought. Her senses told her this man was genuine in his dedication to his assignment. Nevertheless Dagger did die as a traitor to TSO. Despite his actions against TSO as a whole he had taken seriously his duty to protect her and Ariel and never betrayed that.*

I will admit this comes as a surprise.

*she looked down again and the orders issued this man. He was indeed in her service, and after what happened with Ariel LW had been searching for a way to gaurantee her safety. But there were conflicting feelings on the matter.*

I suppose.....*sighs*......we could try this out

Death Guard Defender
Jun 15th, 2001, 12:33:44 AM
Defender smiles, broadly this time, the scar over his left eye seeming to danse

"You have made a wide desission Lordess...now if you don't mind i will dispence with this ceremonial armour"

Defender's hands moved like streaks of lightning, Live Wire only just saw it with the aid of the Force. His hands seemed to smack his shoulders and then return to his waist. Moments later the Imperial Guard armour dropped away. Live Wire could now take in the details of the tall mans body. He stood around 6'5", his body was well muscled but not to the point where they stood out, he just was muscle, every inch of him. Strapped across his chest was a brace of throwing knives, directioned to be thrown with the left hand, there was also a blaster in the right side of his belt, so mused Live Wire, he uses ranged attacks with his left hand. She didd not know wether it was important or not but she noted it anway. She scanned his body for other weapons but found none, she suspected he had at least one more hidden somewhere about his person. Defender bowed low

"You may wish to dispence with those useless Stormtroopers, or, if you don't trust me you may wish to call for some more, after all, what could two stormtroopers really stop?"

Defender flipped the Force lance into his hands and waited for Live Wire's order

"Oh one more thing Lordess, TDG has requested that my master's Lightsabre be returned to them...a gesture that would be most appreciated"