View Full Version : Recollections [Gav]

Jeseth Cloak
May 26th, 2001, 02:20:30 PM
Jeseth laid back in a black chair, a slender droid arm running a pricking device up and down his arm, testing his reflexes. Reattching limbs wasn't exactly what these facilities were designed for, but the medical droid had done a decent enough job.

"Thank you."

The Dark Jedi reached with his arm, feeling his muscles pull painfully, and then dropped it just short of his coat. This would take more time than he had anticipated, but it was just as well that it would. He could still feel his other wounds fading away under the affects of the bacta, and he would take some time now to gather up his composure. He continued to wonder why Gav had spared their lives...

Gav Mortis
May 27th, 2001, 03:53:10 AM
"Feeling better yet?" came a voice from the doorway.

Gav was standing there, casually leaned up against the wall which was suprising to see as he is usually coldly formal in a Sith way. Sometimes it was easy to forget that he was still only twenty four years old, the way in which he behaved usually made him seem double that.

Jeseth nodded at Gav's question, who had now moved next to his bedside and took a seat. He was still wearing his traditional Sith attire however the long flowing robes and cloak had gone. He certainly seemed more casual.

"Jeseth," he began, "The question isn't why did I spare your lives, the question is what would I have gained from killing you?"

Jeseth Cloak
May 27th, 2001, 10:14:08 AM
Jeseth noded in understanding. Had Gav taken his life, he wouldn't have gained anything at all, but of course the same couldn't be said of all others he had ever encountered.

"I see..."

For a while, the winged learner fell silent in Gav's presence, unsure of his current standing with his master. This situation was much more intense than he had expected, and glancing down at his flexing arm, he knew that. It was much, much more intense. It was what Jeseth had wanted, but somehow, he was still quite surprised, and entranced in some morbid fascination...

Gav Mortis
May 29th, 2001, 01:15:24 PM
Gav could feel Jeseths doubt; he had difficulty in understand Gav, that much was clear and he had to wonder if he was making things to difficult for the Dark Jedi. He looked over at his arm and knew immediatly of the discomfort Cloak felt everytime he tried to move it however Gav wasn't going to teach him how to heal himself the way he had with Seth as he knew of Jeseth's increadible ability to reduce pain and nullify it to a level of tolerance. Such a skill is very advantageous in battle, something which the Dark Jedi had a natural ability in.

"Jeseth, I never discourage any of my apprentices to supress any emotion or instinct as it is those that allow us to be our true selves. However your doubt is something that forces you into a discomfort which prevents you from taking risks."

Jeseth looked as though he was about to protest and that he was courageous enough to take risks but Gav interrupted as he knew of Jeseths courage but he was talking of a different risk.

"What I am saying is that you must open up to me, don't try to hide your feelings from me because they naturally show themselves. Speak to me because unlike what you think I am not going to kill you on a whim."

Jeseth seemed suprised at this as it felt like it wasn't the same man who had been the cause of so much suffering to him and his fellow Sith this morning.

"Now clear your mind of doubt because now I will give you a gift that will allow you to speak to me when you are ready regardless of where you are."

Reaching forth to an innitially resistant Jeseth, Gav placed his fingertips on the Dark Jedi's temples and closed his eyes.

<FONT SIZE="1">It is a form of telepathy that is founded on a much more personal bond and as the bond devellops and strengthens so will the ability. Also we will be able to feel what each other feels whenever we wish as long as there are no barriers preventing it. In time you will be able to speak to me from the farthest reaches of the galaxy, you will be able to see through my eyes and feel my feelings.</FONT>

The voice was now in Jeseths mind, it was very clear and not only that Jeseth for the first time was able to feel to a degree, what his master felt.

Gav only hoped that this gift would over time, progressively devellop a greater understanding between his apprentice and himself and who knows, perhaps one day, it might come in handy.



Jeseth Cloak
May 30th, 2001, 08:15:55 PM
Jeseth's eyes widened as Gav's fingers fall upon his head, and for a moment the Dark Jedi saw things through different eyes. Why hadn't his master told him all this before? It was as if someone had pulled a viel from over his face, giving him a sight he did not know was there... but then again, was this only Gav's mind that he was experiencing? Not even really of Jeseth's own devices?

Now, Gav had said to remove all doubt, and he had to. It was the inly way to - his voice. He could hear it now, just as clearly as his own.

It is a form of telepathy that is founded on a much more personal bond and as the bond devellops and strengthens so will the ability. Also we will be able to feel what each other feels whenever we wish as long as there are no barriers preventing it. In time you will be able to speak to me from the farthest reaches of the galaxy, you will be able to see through my eyes and feel my feelings.

Does this mean we can intrude on eachother's thoughts?

It was a ridiculous question. Gav would certainly be powerful enought to shut out, but would it work both ways?

Gav Mortis
May 31st, 2001, 03:44:13 AM
After pondering the question Gav answered simply, "No. This is a variation of a gift known as a life bond therefore the more trust and confidence you have in develloping a personal bond with me the stronger the gift. For it to be strong you must open yourself up and as a result I cannot naturally feel what you're feeling until you are comfortable with sharing your feelings and emotions. The gift works both ways, an apprentice should never be afraid to be honest with his master."

Gav allowed his recovering apprentice to ponder this, then added, "You must lose all doubt and after leaving behind all previous preconceptions you will finally be able to embrace the ways of the Sith."

Gav stood up and walked towards the door, he turrned for a moment and said, "In three days, Seth, yourself and I will go to Korriban were you will continue your training. Make a progressive recovery, if you don't, talk to Seth and I'll see you soon. Fareweel."

Leaving, Gav made his way out of the medical center and into the heat of the Corellian Sun (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3749.topic).