View Full Version : The Adventure (Baby Seal Clubbing!)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 21st, 2002, 12:21:17 AM
Hmmmm, Now that I got your attention

I just got back from a 2 day boat trip in a small sail-boat. A bunch of guys and I (4 total) went off sailing (technically, there was no wind, so we used a engine) toward Eagle Island in the Puget Sound. A 2 Hour trip. When we reached Eagle Island (Passing the Prison Island along the way) We camped out on the boat. Just enough room for 4 seperate beds. It was a small boat. The next day, the entire shore was covered with Seals, some baby, some adult. It looked cool. We decided to return the long way, going through Gig-Harbor. On the way, Josh and I let out the Dingy, which was equiped with a really powerful motor for its size. And started speeding around. After bout 45 minutes, we see a blue light flashing on a boat behind us, and next thing we knew, we had been pulled over by the National Guard. The guy doing the talking was standing right behind this big ass machine gun, and 2 M-16 Auto Rifles hung from outside rack on the cockpit, we reboarded the sailboat, and 5 Minutes later, we found out the reason for the increased Sound Security, for a Giant Amphibious Landing Transport steamed by. The kind that hold up to 20 Tanks and 2 hovercraft. The wake from this giant sent us up and down like crazy. We made it back to the docks, after a race with this other boat (Which we passed by dropping back, surfing off there wake, before slamming on the gas and shooting forward.) I have pictures, and as soon as I use the rest of the film, I'll be posting online.

Right now, I still feel like I'm on a boat, bobbing up and down, left and right, dizzy. So what did you do friday and saturday?

Live Wire
Apr 21st, 2002, 01:53:08 PM
lol you sure know how to get our attention around here

Friday I had to work then I went out to dinner and to a movie with a friend. Thats quickly becoming my friday night ritual. Yesterday I had to clean my room *yuck* and I vegged in front of the computer.

Lady Vader
Apr 21st, 2002, 04:12:56 PM
Cool! Sounds like you had fun!

*Pockets Mini Mage.*

I just hung around the house. didn't do anything spectacular. Just relaxed and enjoyed the beautiful days we're having here in CA. :)

Lady DeVille
Apr 21st, 2002, 09:49:13 PM
*sneaks around* I spent the weekend SITTING IN MY APARTMENT. Which, was sort of cool, except that I wasn't really in the apartment, I was at work. :(

Malice Draclau
Apr 22nd, 2002, 01:01:59 AM
Friday i did nothing but plan for Saturday.LOL

Yesterday i went with my friends( 16 guys and 3 girls total) and we went to a friends party( cause it was seniors prom night for high school) anyways my friends almost got into a fight with a group of other guys. Me my bro and two other guys met up with our friends and we went back to the party.

We went to the party and was just relaxing, drinking, having fun talking to everyone since everybody there knew one another. Then this one guy went up to one of my friends and started taslking @#%$. So now my friends start going all crazy and hell breakes loose. After we finally managed to calm my friends down(Which took us a hell of a long time to do) my bro's girl and my friends girl start to fight about something that happened in the past. We break them up, the cops come so we split. Once we met up again the same two girls went at it once more. I tell ya there's nothing worse then trying to stop two girls from fighting.

Today i went movies with a few of my friends. And all i have to say is.....DO NOT WATCH CHANGING LANES CAUSE IT SUCKS ASS!!!!! i mean really sucks. That's the first movie i ever remember falling asleep to while at the theaters.

Basically that's my weekened. Sort of the same thing like this happened to me and my friends last weekened but let's not get into that one. So who's next

Lady DeVille
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:28:17 AM
You know, I'm sure any moment now Visc will show up with a tub full of jello and tell you that you shouldn't ever stop two women from fighting.

Lady Vader
Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:54:33 AM
*falls over laughing*


Really! You could get your eyes torn out!

:lol: !!!

Malice Draclau
Apr 23rd, 2002, 06:12:15 PM
Boy that's true. That's the LAST time i try to break up a chick fight. Next time i'll just sit back and watch. Then i'll make fun of the loser.....like i always do.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 23rd, 2002, 07:51:34 PM
Yeah, but then, some chicks have the ability to totally destroy the beauty of the other. Like at School, a so-so looking girl got in a fight with a hot one. To bad the So-So one was a tomboy like girl. The Hot one... Ouch, to painful to talk about. She was hot...

Malice Draclau
Apr 27th, 2002, 04:46:58 PM
LOL i feel sorry for her. But at my school, all the girls, even the pretty ones fight like guys. They punch and kick, no scratching or hair pulling. It's pretty mean watching girls fight. But i always step in and try to cheer things up by telling them to just mud wrestle. Usually it works....but at other times they turn around and attack me.