View Full Version : AIM Virus Warning

Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 27th, 2002, 05:32:02 PM
Its a auto send virus, here, this is the convo I just had.
BE WARNED!!! (Posting at other boards)

David Da Slacker: Mystery Science Theater
David Da Slacker: was one you have not seen before
YouWantToBeAdam: whoa,
David Da Slacker: what am I downloading?
YouWantToBeAdam: dont!
YouWantToBeAdam: DON'T!!!!
David Da Slacker: then... what did you just send me?
YouWantToBeAdam: I didn't
YouWantToBeAdam: it is a virus that I have
YouWantToBeAdam: it sends that to eveyone
David Da Slacker: ah, ok, I didnt download it
David Da Slacker: so, you didnt want to send this?

David Da Slacker: was one you have not seen before
YouWantToBeAdam: whoa,
David Da Slacker: what am I downloading?

YouWantToBeAdam: the virus sends it atuomatically
YouWantToBeAdam: thats why it said something stupid like "woah"
David Da Slacker: wow, nice virus, I wish I had the learnings to do that

Lady Vader
Apr 29th, 2002, 11:10:22 AM
Thanks for the heads-up, Dyzm. :)

*Pockets Mini Mage.*