View Full Version : Requesting A New Master

Vice Hazzard
Apr 8th, 2002, 03:27:51 AM
Vice dared to part the doors of the mysterious and sacred room. He had heard that this was where he could find answers to his burning questions and a cure for his burning desire to accumulate knowledge of the Dark Side. He bowed respectively in the center of the room, his hood pulled to show that he was not worthy to be seen by these great warriors.

"Sirs and maddams, I have come today with a humble request."

Was it humble? It felt daring, bold, and perhaps entirely idiotic to disrupt the discussions here with his pitiful request. Who was he to ask for things? He was the lowest form of life.

"My Master seems unreachable. He is unable to continue my training in the Dark Ways."

Vice lowered his head further, the top of his head almost kissing the hard floor. His right hand was drapped across his chest, a sign of survitude.

"May I be given a new teacher?"

OOC - I have been a member for a while, just haven't posted. I'm sorry for that. But me and Seth came to an OOC agreement that I should find a new Master. I contacted him about 3 days ago, asking when he could train me. He informed me that he doesn't roleplay much anymore, and has lost interest in RPing, and that I should get a new Master so I can start training. So, I need one. :)

Sorry if this is a the wrong forum.

Lady Vader
Apr 8th, 2002, 11:34:35 AM
*LV looked to Vice.*

Your request has been heard, and will be considered.

I myself am not taking any Apprentices at the moment, but there are others who would finihs your training.

(OOC: We'll see about getting you a new Master. :) )

Jehova Eaven
Apr 8th, 2002, 06:51:30 PM
Now that I have been promoted, I volunteer to train any new apprentices that need a master. Might as well start earning my pay.

Jeseth Cloak
Apr 13th, 2002, 03:16:42 PM
I have since completed training of two apprentices and am willing to take one. If you're interested, let me know. However there is a problem: I have no computer access till May. If you don't mind waiting patiently until then(you can find someone else that is) then I will train you if you so wish it.

Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2002, 11:55:36 AM
Well, Vice, there you have it. Two willing Sith ready to train ya.

now you just gotta see which would be more compatible with ya. :)

Lady DeVille
Apr 23rd, 2002, 12:31:08 AM
I'LL TRAIN YOU! *grabs him and drags him off* :evil:

j/k of course, I *do* want an apprentice. But let it NOT be said that the mighty LD has to go grubbing around other boards to find willing apprentices! Nay, there are many..um..over..there. *points, and runs in other direction*

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lady Vader
Apr 23rd, 2002, 09:56:09 AM

The type of apprentice LD needs is a shrink!

:p ;) :lol:

Vice Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 09:40:08 PM
OOC - My apologies to everyone. I really have no excuse. It's a terrible thing for me to reply so late.

I shall take Jeseth.

No offence to you Jehova but Jeseth is more experienced. And I was thinking of becoming a Dark Jedi down the line as well, so he matches me better.

I have no problem waiting. I have other things to keep me occupied while waiting, so take you're time. :)

Lady Vader
Apr 29th, 2002, 11:08:35 AM
Very well.

Jeseth Cloak is now Vice Hazzard's Master.

Jehova Eaven
Apr 29th, 2002, 01:29:57 PM
Vice, I am a Dark Jedi. I haven't been formally admitted into the Hand, but most people consider me a Dark Jedi already. Give me a way to contact you.

Vice Hazzard
Apr 29th, 2002, 08:28:04 PM
OOC - Thank you ma'am. :)

Here you go Jehova:


I don't/can't chat. So you'll have to use that. Or, for the quickest response possible, PM my Syrius Cline account at SWForums.net. I look forward to recieveing whatever it is you wish to communicate. :)