View Full Version : Jehova Eaven, please enter

Lady Vader
Apr 29th, 2002, 11:19:35 AM
Hey there.

You and Jeseth volunteered to take Vice Hazzard as an apprentice, but Vice chose Jeseth.

I was wondering if you were still interested in taking an apprentice. There is a being asking for admitance in the Joining Order forum (http://pub23.ezboard.com/fthesithorderjointheorder.showMessage?topicID=200. topic). He shows to have a good idea how to RP and shows potential in being able to write good stories. Talk to him. See what you think. And perhaps you might decide to take him as an apprentice.


Jehova Eaven
Apr 29th, 2002, 01:22:17 PM
I see. Ok, I'll speak to him, though I must tell everyone that Jeseth is having an internal conflict. Hes trying to decide whether to quit Rping or just rp on the side boards.... We'll see.

Vice Hazzard
Apr 29th, 2002, 08:30:34 PM
OOC - I am wondering, if he decides not to RP, will you take me Jehova? Honestly, the decision came down to I used to talk every now and then with Jeseth at his old signature making shop. So I felt more comfortable with him. But I'd be happy with you as a Master, if he decides to discontinue RPing.

Lady Vader
Apr 30th, 2002, 12:30:59 PM

Hey, Jehova! you've gotten popular!

Ok, if you do take both as your apprentices, remember that the newbie wants to be Sith, and Vice is more interested in the Dark Jedi side of it (I got that right, right Vice?)

Anyways, just keep that in mind. :)

Vice Hazzard
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:31:40 PM
OOC - Actually, do you think Jeseth would mind if you take me as an appentice? Even though I chose him? If not, I'd be honored if you'd be my Master now. See, I wasn't fully aware that you know Jeseth so well. And since I believe in the "any friend of his, is a friend of mine" motto, I can trust you. So, how about it?

Yes, that's correct. Of course, I'd like to be a member of both Sith and Dark Jedi. But I would like to be a Dark Jedi. I don't care much for the Sith Spells, or anything like that.

Also, if you accept my humbe request for you to be my Master, you should know somewhat of my past. I have a LONG history with the characters Anbira Hicchoru and Sage Hazzard. There's a BIG story that's always been in the background and it'll come out once Vice becomes powerful enough to reveal himself to Sage, the Jedi Master. If you want the full rundown, contact the Syrius Cline account at SWForums.net. :)

Lady Vader
May 1st, 2002, 02:27:17 PM
Weeeeeeeeell... I don't train in the Dark Jedi arts. I train in the Sithly ways. Though frankly, I don't know how you'd define that. :lol:

And I have said before that I wouldn't take any apprentices, but since you already know the jist of how to RP, I don't think I have a problem.

Soooo... alright. I'll take you as an apprentice if the one you asked first has no objections.

Just be aware that my training is a general sort of training, allowing you to grow in your own way. I show you the path, but you walk it. And I will encourage you to no end to participate in RPs at SWF (one of which is going on now and may be of interest to you... I'll let ya know about it in due time).

As to the Dark Jedi thing, you'll have to pursue that on your own, as I have nothing to do with it.

Also, it's fair I warn ya, I am around almost everyday, but at night it's usually every other night. During the day I have the freedom of using my work comp (cept for Sat and Sun of course), and in the evenings I share my comp with my sis, hence having every other night. But, for the most part, I'm always about in one way or another. :)

Evil Hobgoblin
May 1st, 2002, 03:02:23 PM
Yes... Dark Jedi inhabit Vjun. And if you seek, you may find.

Though what, exactly, you find may be unexpected.

Jehova Eaven
May 1st, 2002, 05:46:27 PM
Thats right, Vjun isn't exactly a friendly place...

Vice Hazzard
May 1st, 2002, 10:09:50 PM
Well, actually I was making the request to Jehova. :lol: But since you'd accept me, please do! I mean, I'd much prefer you. Because I know you more than Jeseth(through you're other account) and have had the chance to read a good lot of you're writing. Plus, you're just a great RPer. So, you clear all this confusion up, I choose you LV. :)

By Sith teachings, I mean spells and junk. I like you're approach to RPing, just what I want. :) Since I know how to do this little thing called RPing, I just want someone to teach my character how to do his stuff, then send him off into the world. :) And time isn't a problem. I don't get on ALL the time either. I'm pretty patient too.

So, when do we begin training? Oh, and I assume I have the right to go and fight people now right? Or does you're character believe in training an apprentice to a degree, then letting him fight?

Lady Vader
May 2nd, 2002, 12:12:15 PM
Well, I like an apprentice that takes initiative. If he decides to go and pick a fight with another apprentice or a padawan, then by all means, go for it. Just be sure you're back in time for supper. :lol:

But seriously, I will do some training with you, but I have found the only way that someone grows is by working with others he is not familier with. I'll be there to offer guidence, advice, and corrections. But as the the fighting style and skill, that comes straight from an apprentice's heart.

And, if you wish, we can start a small training thread right now. But I want to see Vice quite active at SWF. And I will introduce him to a RP TSO is currently in.

Jehova Eaven
May 2nd, 2002, 05:39:37 PM
Hmm, alright. One less thing to do, oh and does anyone know what happened to Damon Squire. He had a thread in the join the order forums and then he just disappeared.

Vice Hazzard
May 2nd, 2002, 10:07:36 PM
Well, I'd like a training thread. Just so my character can get the basics of a few things. Otherwise, I can't really post that I know them. If you teach me how to move a pebble, then I can go out and do a "triall by fire", fighting multiple people. And then through that my character will become more adept in using these facets of the Force.

Oh, BTW, he doesn't use a Lightsabre fully yet. He can do pretty good with it, but isn't skilled at it. However, he's EXTREMELY skilled at a self created staff. It can extend and contract... here's a thread with Shade, a long time ago, where I used it. So you can get an idea.

www.swforums.net/forum/sh...adid=11492 (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11492)

I'll get to work right now with fighting at SWForums.net. And what is this TSO thread you're refering to?

Jehova Eaven
May 9th, 2002, 05:10:36 PM
Who was the other one? Theres Vice and... I can't recall.

Lady Vader
May 10th, 2002, 09:41:21 AM
His name is Ender Zarel. But I haven't seen him as of late. He's probably waiting for a reply in the Joining the Order forum.

Ender Zarel
May 13th, 2002, 02:14:07 AM
Yes, I am waiting. :p :)