View Full Version : This has been talked about..

May 14th, 2002, 09:45:29 PM
I'm sure. If Lucas wanted Box office records couldn't he just release the film(s) like in Nov(or around there) when there is nothing playing??I mean look at HP and Lotr's they really sucked .And made MORE than they would have with competiton WAY more, Think what a real movie would do. Did I just say LOTR sucked?? Oppss sorry :D

Marcus Telcontar
May 14th, 2002, 09:46:36 PM
You have no taste in film then


May 14th, 2002, 10:16:47 PM
Man, I gotta with Marcus on this one. LOTR: FOTR was a beautiful film, the best of the year for sure. I loved it, and I still love Star Wars more of course, but I am still free to appreciate probably the greatest work of fiction of the 20th century translated beautifully to screen. :)

I cannot wait to see TTT, I'll obviously be there opening day.

I don't think it would help releasing a SW film in November at all. You are wrong there, IMO. Look at how many little kids go to the SW movies during the matinee showings and there is no school during the summer, so they are all free to go tons and tons of times. Not to mention that Nov. and Dec. are full of competition!!! Those are the two busiest months of the year besides perhaps June and July. May is not as big as November, typically.

You are acting like Nov. and Dec. are "off months," but that is entirely incorrect. The off months are January, February, March, April, somewhat August actually (though try telling that to Rush Hour 2 huh? Lately early August is becoming part of the summer again), September, and October.

The big months are June, July, November, and December, with May being a close fifth because of Memorial Day weekend, which is always huge. Not to mention early May has become a big launching pad for new blockbusters.

But perhaps if they did release a SW film in mid-December, then you are right, it would be playing during most of the entire off-season, as LOTR has done (it's still on a full screen in many theaters in my area, five months later). LOTR needed that extra time playing, though, as it didn't have the advantage of summer days as Star Wars does and other big blockbusters released in this season. It all works out fairly well.

Titanic did happen to get especially lucky in that its competition was some of the weakest in box office history, let alone of the 1990's. I kept wishing something substantial could open against it, but it never happened. Not until it was too late, anyway.

Titanic would not have done nearly as well if you threw, for instance, a $57M Hannibal opening against it in February, or even if you had a film like Black Hawk Down upon against it. I mean, ANYTHING, was that so much to ask? Titanic is such a product of good fortune it's incredible. Everything opening against it was incredibly weak and few times did any movie manage even $15 million. What if it had to deal with 2002's slate, where you had Panic Room, The Count of Monte Cristo, Ice Age, Black Hawk Down, and plenty of other releases that at least soaked up a bit of business. Ugg...

Who knows, maybe AOTC is going to get very fortunate and maybe interest in Enough, Insomnia, Undercover Brother, and a lot of the other stuff opening will prove incredibly weak. If AOTC has basically four open weekends, which I think it does (then Scooby Doo and The Bourne Identity attack, followed by Minority Report), then I think it can make enough money so that the competition won't make a huge impact. It'll simply be too little too late to stop it from soaring far into the box office record books.

May 14th, 2002, 10:22:21 PM
I never looked at it that way,But still was Titanic not put out around that Time frame?? and would Harry/LoTr done as well as they did IN time frame where there is a Higher competion rate (not just a movie here or there??

LoTr WAS a Beutiful movie BUT Yikes!!!

runs out before Marcus comes back in...........................

Jedi Master Carr
May 14th, 2002, 11:29:57 PM
Tiantic was suppose to open against Air Force One but that changed for various reasons part of Harrison Ford opened his mouth and I think the execs realized, wisely, there was too much competion that weekend.
Still I am not sure if SW could do the same thing especially now with LOTR, HP both there and this year you got: The Red Dragon, The Santa Clause 2, and another James Bond movie that is a lot of big movies.

May 15th, 2002, 12:29:20 AM
Was LOTR beautiful or was it New Zealand that was beautiful?

Those orcs and half-orcs were pretty gross looking.

May 15th, 2002, 12:32:20 AM
Yousa point is well seen. Well, I'm talking about the movie, it was beautifully shot and, yes, the cinematography was great, as were the locations they used ;) lol

That film rocked. But AOTC is gonna rock much more. :)