View Full Version : AOTC will be HUGE...no doubt about it.

May 14th, 2002, 07:28:57 PM
This did not even happened for TPM down here. The biggest theater chain in Puerto Rico is having midnight shows in their four most popular theaters and today at 11 AM all tickes were SOLD OUT!!! They had like 16 screens, and I talked to the manager and he says he wasin negotiation for 4 more screens (he's a hardcore fan and says AOTC will blow my mind away!).

I don't know if our box office earning are domestic or foreign, but Puerto Rico does not have a lot of SW fans, moviegoers down here enjoy crap like the FAst and the Furious more (that piece of dung was number one down here for 5 weeks or something like that).

Anyway, just reporting and hoping you guyz are all geared up for tomorrow!

May 14th, 2002, 09:31:27 PM
Sounds awesome. Let us know how the fans react to AOTC over there.