View Full Version : A Top Ten List For JMK

May 14th, 2002, 07:24:42 PM
Since JMK will be able to see AOTC after all I think it's safe to joke about this.

Top Ten Reasons Cats Are Better Than Dogs
10. Cats purr. Dogs drool.

9. Cats rub your leg when they want affection, not when they're horny.

8. Cats use a litter box. Dogs use your leg.

7. In 1997, over 10,000 US deaths were attributed to a dog owner's choking on saliva during morning wakeup licks.

6. Cats always land on their feet. Dogs just won't let you throw them.

5. Cats will wait until you've read your morning paper before tearing it to shreds.

4. Cats look cute sleeping on the TV. Dogs just crash right in front of the screen while you're trying to watch Star Wars.

3. Cats bury their crap. Dogs dig up others'.

2. Cats lay on the car in the heat. Dogs in heat lay the car.


May 14th, 2002, 08:00:29 PM

I am a big cat fan, sorry but I can't say I like dogs and I am somewhat bothered by girls who are big into dogs and not cats. That is just weird... Girls, especially, should not really like dogs. They are filthy animals.

My cats always smell nice, not disgusting like my dogs (and we have two).

Also, as far as intelligence, there is no question for me that cats are way smarter than dogs. We have poodles, supposedly one of the smartest breeds, and they are INCREDIBLY stupid. The cats, on the other hand, are devious and very intelligent.

Just because something is obedient, i.e. dogs, does not make them smart. In fact, if anything obedience is a sign of stupidity. Cats don't do what you ask them to do because they are independent, yet dogs do whatever you want because they are easily broken and stupid.

I wouldn't cuddle with a dog if you paid me. They are filthy animals. However my cats, that's a different story. They also don't try to lick me or do anything disgusting. I cannot believe people let their dogs LICK them, what could be more disgusting?! I would vommit if a dog licked me. lol.

May 14th, 2002, 08:04:15 PM
I despise cats for the most part. I am nuetral on dogs(love some hate others), suffice it to say I don't own any pets. ;)

Jedi Master Carr
May 14th, 2002, 09:17:13 PM
I prefer cats myself, I don't have a big problem with dogs though just that Dogs can be a pain.

May 14th, 2002, 09:25:29 PM
They are really hard to take care of too. My mom has to take care of all the animals and the cats are just really easy, but the dogs sometimes crap in the wrong place, i.e. in the house, and they require so much more work. They whine, they bark, they are incredibly obnoxious even after the money we spent training them and trying to make them useful animals.

Instead, they are just pathetic. Never have liked dogs.

I had a dog bite me when I was in 4th grade too, still have a scar from that. The thing was finally put to sleep just six months later when it attacked a girl in a park. Vicious beast.

Plus, I had a cat who was born just a year before me and was around until the day ROTJ:SE came out in 1997 (March 14). She was a great cat, best ever, and had a real personality. A pretty unusual cat, that being a good thing, and always incredibly friendly. My cat now, or the one I actually like, is named Queen Amidala :)

The other two cats, well one of them sorta doesn't have a name, or maybe it does but I don't know it, and the other is named Merlin (Amidala's brother). Merlin is such a fat cat, it's just gross, lol. That fat lazy piece of fur. He's too afraid too, don't much like that cat. In my experience, about half of cats are great, the other half are much harder to make friendly or get them to be nice at all.

May 14th, 2002, 09:52:43 PM
Nice one Jedieb!
You know what though? Even after that hell-spawn attacked my eye, I'd still get a dog over a cat any day of the week. I like to think of myself as an animal lover, but I as far as pets go, I much prefer the companionship and loyalty of the dog over the cat. Plus I'm not really allergic to dogs like I am to cats.

Besides, who would you want as your pet if your house was burning? Lassie, The Littlest Hobo, or...wait, there are no really handy cats around, are there? :lol

Doc Milo
May 14th, 2002, 11:36:00 PM
I don't have a pet since the death of my dog (Snoopy -- yes, I owned Snoopy!) :) many many years ago. But I would never get a cat. They're just . . . evil. No loyalty. They'll turn on you like a Sith Lord. I've had cats before, too. And they always turn on you. Evil evil evil, those cats.

May 15th, 2002, 07:01:18 AM
I've had both cats and dogs. My experiences with them have made me a cat person through and through. What many see as negative qualities about cats I see as positives.
Dogs aren't loyal, they're needy codependants who can't live without your constant approval or affection. My cat Toonces (Yes, she was named after the Saturday Night Live cat who loved to drive cars off of cliffs.) would just as soon spit in your face as she would let you pet her. I admire that. She's independent and resilliant. She gives everyone a look of contempt and pure evil as soon as they walk in the room. Everyone except ME that is! Toonces is loyal to me and NO ONE ELSE. A dog's loyal to anyone who's got a treat for it. Kind of pathetic if you ask me. ;)

2 True Vet Stories
#1 I called the vet once to schedule an appointment. It had been over a year since I'd taken Toonces to this particular vet. While on the phone they asked me for my cat's name. When I said it the receptionist on the phone replied; "Oh.... Toonces..." There was pure terror in her voice. My cat hadn't been there in an entire year but she'd given them such a hard time they still remembered her. My cat kicks butt!
#2 I go to pick up Toonces from the vet. I'm sitting in the lobby and waiting for what seems an eternity. I go up to the counter and ask when she'll be ready. I get this reply;
"We're waiting for the drugs to wear off. Toonces is still groggy and she doesn't want to be picked up."
Trained vetiranary personnel are AFRAID to pick up my cat! Yet another reason why Toonces kicks butt! I asked them to take me to her. Once she saw ME, she relented and allowed me to put her in her pet carrier. This brings me to one of my favorite qualities about my cat. She treats everyone except me like crap!!!

Also, Toonces can play fetch. That's right, you throw a piece of crumpled up paper, she'll go after it and bring it right back to you. Actually, she only does it for me and only when she's in the mood. Anyone else tries it she just stares them down until they're forced to pick it up and throw it in the garbage. Evil, pure evil and I love her for it!

Jedi Master Carr
May 15th, 2002, 09:03:04 AM
My Cat Slyvester (yeah very Original, I know but he does look like him) does similar things Jedieb, he can also open doors, cats can have a mean streak like if they get mad at you they can pee on your clothes or bed, my sister has a cat that has a tendance to that.

May 15th, 2002, 09:09:39 AM
LOL! Are you sure that isn't the actual cat that drives cars off cliffs?

And I think the fact that cats give everyone the evil eye is a negative! I get evil looks everywhere, from everyone. People are always giving me a hard time about stuff, and the last place I need that is from my furry, 4-legged pet!

May 15th, 2002, 11:21:47 AM
I don't know how my dad did it, but when I was a kid he could get my sister's cat to take a dump on her pillow if she didn't clean the litter box. The man has a way with animals. He BTW, is a huge dog person. His dogs are very loyal to him and can't live without him. I don't know how he does it.

JMK, we're ALL evil, and we're ALL out to get you. Now that you've figured this out I'm afraid my army of hell spawned cats will have to.....:wings

May 15th, 2002, 04:22:40 PM