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May 14th, 2002, 01:09:05 AM
Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn

Senior members,

The reason I want to call you together is to discuss who is next for Master's trials and the fact there are three or four Jedi who should be trialled. I cant do all of them in good time, so I need your help.

So far, the victi^H^H^H^Hpromotiees are Akrabbrim and Anbira. I would also include Verse in this as well

Knights present are as follows...

Anbira Hicchoru, Akrabbim Melchizan, Amichan24, Anakis Moreven, Artemis Jinn, Cloud Selestor, Damel Girte, Dawn, Dio Blackmoon, Falcon Gyndar, Han Skywalker, Hart Kenobi, Helenias Q'Dunn, Jedi Beldarine, Jedi Rebel X/Kikran Akard, Jubei SaDherat Vader, Jyanis Scorpion, Kat Kariena, Leelo Mina, Luke Skywalker, Nash Stolar, Navaria Tarkin, Nichos Marr, Ryla Relvinian, Satine Capashen, Shade Magus, Sia Lan Darkheart, Teka Kenobi, TUJK, Verse Dawnstrider, Xazor Dawnstrider, Xshellsparks

I would also ask... is it time we also looked at Satine and Nash? Any others?

What my evil idea was - this time to get all the selected Trialees and throw them into a situation where they all have to work together to escape / survive. I would suggest we seniors gang up on them and all give them a combined test to remember.

Lets hear your suggestions

Posts: 672
4/22/02 7:57:15 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn

DT: BTW, I am removing access to Admin forum to all but senior GJO members.
DT: Reason - I want to discuss who gets Master Trails
Master Yoghurt: Ok
DT: Check out Admin forum now as well
Master Yoghurt: Actually, looking at that list of Knights, think I made an error. Nichos was promoted to Master, correct?
DT: Was he?!?!
DT: I dont remember that
Master Yoghurt: lol, well, actually I dont remember even. Just thought it was odd he has not been concidered earlier
DT: Very odd actually
Master Yoghurt: I have not seen him a lot lately though. Now, Akkrabim, Anbira and Verse are good candidates
DT: How about Satine and Nash?
Master Yoghurt: Hmm.. think they deserve some concideration as well, since they have been loyal for such a long time
DT: That's what I think
DT: Five is too much for me to handle in a test
Master Yoghurt: Yeah, you would have to pick some
DT: That's why I thought of a group situation. Kidnap the lot and throw them in somewhere they all have to survie by working together
Master Yoghurt: Lets not forget TUJK. She would have to be concidered some time as well
Master Yoghurt: Ryla is quite good.. hmm
Master Yoghurt: Jedi Rebel X, been a member long time, but not much on right now
DT: True
DT: Hmmm,,,, Ryla.....
Master Yoghurt: I would say the first two you mentioned are the hottest candidates though
DT: Maybe get Dale and Ogre to do evil stuff t the group as well
Master Yoghurt: At least one of them should be trialed
DT: I think we do a group trial
Master Yoghurt: Yeah, good idea actually. We would not have to favorise. Those who kick the most ass, gets the promotion
DT: Yes
DT: If they all do well, they all get the promotion
Master Yoghurt: lol
DT: Allright, I'll get some evil people to help out
DT: oooooooooo evvvvviiiiiiillllll plan
Master Yoghurt: You could make some group fight. Throw them all kinds of enemies and challenges
DT: Kidnap a few of them, send the rest to save them.
DT: Involve Venom and some other assoc. evil
Master Yoghurt: Part one: Who is the most creative solving a problem/ situation, then you make a finale with an awesome fight
Master Yoghurt: You could put them in a dungeon type enviroment. They would show their skills and creativity to get out. Just as they get out, there are kinds of bad ass Sith waiting...

Master Yoghurt: AOL acting up for a second there
Darth Turbogeek: Just changed who I was logged in as
Master Yoghurt: I was about to say, they would need to show they can work in a team
Master Yoghurt: Help each other out etc
Darth Turbogeek: Yep
Master Yoghurt: They would start out with nothing in utter black darkness. Cant see their own noses
Darth Turbogeek: Ogre, Dale, Sorsha, Hera, Deville....
Darth Turbogeek: Now there would be nasty line up to battle against
Master Yoghurt: Then they would need to get out of this dungeon labyrint type of enviroment where monsters, traps and suprises appears. As they get out, exhausted, thinking they have completed their objective, the real challenge begins...
Darth Turbogeek: Lochabre :-)
Master Yoghurt: Yeah, thats an evil team to fight:-)
Master Yoghurt: Definitely Lochabre
Master Yoghurt: Well, actually, I was thinking, they would face the Sith as the grand finale
Darth Turbogeek: I'll ask Ogre to help plan
Master Yoghurt: Up until that point, they would face them under sock puppets, monsters and all kinds of evil character approaching them in the darkness
Master Yoghurt: We could have some problem solving parts underway. Say someone who look evil, but really is not, so we can see who is "trigger happy" and not
Darth Turbogeek: Yep
Master Yoghurt: We could put them in time pressure to, to add some drama. The dungeon fills with water
Darth Turbogeek: hmmmmmm
Master Yoghurt: Or perhaps, the dungeon is just very unstable..
Master Yoghurt: Danger of collapsing
Master Yoghurt: You could have some bridge of Kazak Dum (sp?) scenario
Darth Turbogeek: LOL
Master Yoghurt: We should include a cave troll type character in there :-)
Darth Turbogeek: Got one :-)
Darth Turbogeek: www.planwell.com.au/stuff/alaina.jpg
Darth Turbogeek: www.planwell.com.au/stuff/tohmahawk.jpg
Darth Turbogeek: www.planwell.com.au/stuff...ssig10.jpg
Master Yoghurt: At the end, when they have shown their capability against the group of Sith, the Sith Master's images blur out, saying "Very impressive.. but you have not seen the last of us.."
Master Yoghurt: Very nice those sigs :-)
Master Yoghurt: Btw, I have a character perfect to use during this scenario
Master Yoghurt: "Hideous Monster" is his ID
Master Yoghurt: Have some great pics too
Darth Turbogeek: Cool.
Darth Turbogeek: I think I am gettning really good sig wise
Master Yoghurt: Yeah, youre quite a veteran at sigs
Master Yoghurt: Here is an example of what might be concidered "cozy" people in the dungeon :-) www.revelstone.net/galler...brom13.jpg
Darth Turbogeek: hmmm
Master Yoghurt: Perhaps to sinister
Master Yoghurt: www.revelstone.net/galler...1.jpg.html
Master Yoghurt: Might be that looks evil, but is not dude
Master Yoghurt: Cave troll style www.revelstone.net/galler...1.jpg.html
Master Yoghurt: Some more here www.revelstone.net/galler...l/Fantasy/
Master Yoghurt: Cool pic, this one, could probably not be used though. www.superstories.net/vamp.../conan.jpg
Master Yoghurt: This is kinda cool too www.superstories.net/ vamp...ream39.jpg
Darth Turbogeek: Not bad
Darth Turbogeek: I better get to bed
Master Yoghurt: Ok! :-)
Darth Turbogeek: Night!
Master Yoghurt: Good night! :-)

Edited by: Marcus QDunn at: 4/22/02 8:53:26 am

Posts: 673
4/22/02 8:13:43 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Sage Hazzard

I say Akrabbrim, Anbira, Verse, Satine, and Nash.

Nichos should be trialed when he starts roleplaying again, since he's taking a break. Ryla, TUJK, Jedi Rebel X, they should be considered in about two months. Of course, they'd have to be back in full swing as well.

Now, I think this is a wonderful idea. Lock them in a dungeon, have them get out, then fight a load of Sith. Lochabre should be there as well, except how will you explain it? Why would he be fighting them?

Now, do you think any of my characters could be considered to fight against them? Maybe I could create a sock puppet account or something. A hugh, multiple armed, giant?

I think it's very good that we're giving the proper people their much due recognition. I'm very pleased at this.

This Mr.Grumpypants
wants a lead aenema.
Posts: 961
4/22/02 9:28:39 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Jedi Knight Leia Solo

Heehee...**evil grin** Loves the fact if you use Dale, Ogre, Sorsha and Hera. I think they would enjoy getting involve in this BIG trial too.

Ok..input. I haven't seen RebelX in ages. As far as older knights: Reb is not really around...I heard Liam will no longer be around, Luke is still around (might want to consider him, although college keeps him slightly busy but will get better soon), Ryla is here and quite good (may definetly want to consider her). Satine & Nash, yes I think that would be a good idea.

Now..Nichos is NOT a Master yet. Although I heard he won't be rping much any longer either.

Definetly Anbira & Akrabbim for Master and I definetly think Verse!! I mentioned that in the council voting thread in a casual conversation!

To sum it up I think:Anbira, Akrabbim, Ryla, Verse,Satine, Nash and yes Luke should be tested together.

As you may note some have been around awhile.

If you need my help..you KNOW I'd be more than happy to help.

Edited by: Jedi Knight Leia Solo at: 4/22/02 10:35:04 am
Petite Jedi Master

Twin Sister to Luke

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4/22/02 10:31:44 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Figrin D an

This is a difficult decision...

From my POV, I think that Anbira, Akrabbim and Verse are the top choices. Ryla and Satine are both close. Nash and Luke are both worth mentioning as well...

Seven is an awful lot to promote all at once though... I guess that is my main concern. If we were to throw all of them together, things might get a bit bogged down, especially if we have several Sith, other Jedi and some other surprises (like Lochabre, etc) involved. I think it could be managed with say, 4... maybe 5.

If we want to try this as a collective trial for all of the candidates, we need to make sure that the tasks are well balanced, so we avoid stacking too much on one person while not enough on another.

Another idea is this... set the trial three stages. One could have multiple steps to each stage, to include problem-solving and combat skills and ensure that the candidates work together, but keep a basic overtone to the trial as a whole:

1) Face your enemies

2) Face your friends

3) Face your greatest fear.

So, the first part could involved the candidates facing our recruited group of Sith. The second could be the candidates having to face a group of GJO's most powerful masters. The last could be having to face something of immense power... perhaps it could be a bit different for each person, making them face some sort of personal demons and overcome them.

Just an idea... but a group trial would be a great RP in general, as long as we have a degree of organization before we begin.

Jedi Ambassador

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Posts: 192
4/22/02 11:45:21 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Figrin D an

Or, if we really wanted to mess with their heads, throw Jedi, Sith and monsters at them all at once...

Jedi Ambassador

and Historian
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4/22/02 11:50:14 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Sage Hazzard

Figran, always the voice of reason. I like his idea. Let's keep it organised. I also think some of the Jedi Masters here should fight them as well.

If the group decideds Ryla and Luke should be tested as well, then I'll go along. They're kind of on the "maybe" list for me. But I won't object.

I really want to get in there and fight them. REALLY test them. So I'm hoping I can perhaps face them as Sage and perhaps a monster.

Boy, I wish Anbira would loan us his Vader user name. Then we could have LOTS of fun.

Also, we need to come up with WHY all of this is happening. Why would Sith, Jedi, and monsters fight these candidates? Is it an illusion, reality, what? Why would they all want to fight the nominees?

This Mr.Grumpypants
wants a lead aenema.
Posts: 964
4/22/02 12:54:15 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....

I completely agree Anbira and Akrabbim deserve promoting. And from what I have seen from Verse and Satine, both deserve as much as well. I don't know about Nash, but if the majority here thinks he deserves it, then kudos to the man.

As to a massive trial, ABSOULTEly love the idea, Marcus. How possitively evil. Defintely talk to those Sith, Nav, and see if they wouldn't mind pitting these four or five Jedi with a life/death/survive-or-get-ass-kicked trial.

And Sage, it might just be possible to get Anbira to lend us the name, if you think you can handle it, and if those here think it would be relevant to the test. But I personally think the Vader name would be best played by Charley, cause there's more to the character than most know. Besides, it'd be interesting to say the least: good guy pitted against bad guy... and played by the same person.

As to any ideas, I'm blank. I can think of nothing at the moment that would be a good reason why all these badies would be wanting to smash the goodies... unless... unless they somehow find out that the Jedi wish to promote these guys to Master, and the badies want to stop this, and attempt to do away with them. That would work for the whole life/death situation thing.

Edited by: AmazonBabe at: 4/22/02 2:04:32 pm
My Vines Have a
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Posts: 370
4/22/02 2:03:23 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Sage Hazzard

Hmm.... then the Jedi would fight them afterwards, after the Sith are fended off(if they can be), because they were intending to anyway. Plus it'd be more of a test after they're already exhausted.

Well, maybe if we don't tell him he's up for consideration, he can play Vader himself. He seems like a good enough RPer to do it right, especially if he doesn't know the ramafications. And I'd be terrified to play him anyway, since I'd muck it all up.

Let's think of something more "serious" and "inventive" than a dungeon. Something unique yet perhaps classic. Maybe onboard a death star, that'd be freakin awesome. And one of their tasks would be to destroy the ship, but Sith get in the way. Then when they land on a nearby planet, we whack 'em with the Jedi! Although I think it's against the rules to have a death star, would it be acceptable for a lone thread where it'll eventually blow up?

This Mr.Grumpypants
wants a lead aenema.
Posts: 970
4/22/02 3:22:31 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn

Step 1) Kidnap a few of the potentials

2) Send the rest of the potentials after them

3) State Mumnnisst is the place the first Jedi were taken to.

4) There is an unspecified evil there....

Ine thing to remember, that this is effectively all of us v's the potential promotees.We can handle this however we want, select tasks to make it as hard as possible for all of them or for a n individual

And I can do better than Vader.

Posts: 676
4/22/02 4:35:18 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....

Too bad we can't get a JKII game going: pit the candidates against an equal number of Sith... on the Death Star map!

:: Shrugs ::

Was just a passing thought after Sage mentioned the Death Star as the backdrop.


"And I can do better than Vader."

Yeah... ok...

My Vines Have a Crush On You!
Posts: 382
4/22/02 6:48:05 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn

:: Registers Darth Sideous::

Posts: 677
4/22/02 6:52:20 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn

Ogre is in

Posts: 681
4/22/02 8:04:56 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn

Palpatine is now at our service

Posts: 682
4/22/02 8:21:18 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn

Dale is in as well

Posts: 684
4/22/02 9:09:56 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Jedi Knight Leia Solo


Soooo....who are our candidates? I mean definetly

Edited by: Jedi Knight Leia Solo at: 4/22/02 11:25:33 pm
Petite Jedi Master

Twin Sister to Luke

The Love of Obiwan2's Life
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4/22/02 9:33:28 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....

Don't get scared, it's not a ghost you're seeing. ;)

Well since Mark invited me into this mess, I'll gladly stick around and watch.

Not much help I can offer, as if you needed any. The cast that is assembling this is the best swfans has to offer, light side and dark. This sounds a lot of fun.

If I get any ideas I'll holler...

I'm the nephew of
a congressman, son treat me like one...where is that intern anyway???
Posts: 26
4/22/02 11:03:47 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn

Miss Deville is now in as well.

Posts: 689
4/23/02 1:17:02 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Sage Hazzard

I could be Chewnakka if you need a big Wookiee to fight them.

This Mr.Grumpypants
wants a lead aenema.
Posts: 980
4/23/02 8:35:58 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....

Well, I am a bit rusty I'll admit but would love to become involved with this...especially since classes are FINALLY coming to an end (Thank the maker!) hopefully I'll have more time and would love to participate in something like this if you would like for me to

A Very Handsome
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4/23/02 12:56:26 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....

Is this whole thing just reserved for TSE and TBH? Or can other denominations get in as well?

It might be interesting to see a confrontation between Anbira and LV.

My Vines Have a Crush On You!
Posts: 385
4/23/02 4:03:51 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn

a) ALL who are presently allowed in this forum are encouraged to participate.

b) I only really selected peeps who I knew would make this highly entertaining. Other evil buggers however, I can invite on suggestion. LV is a good suggestion

Posts: 707
4/23/02 7:32:11 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....

Then consider her a part of the baddies.

:: Prepares to work over-time. ::

Which reminds me... do I get paid time and a half for over-time around here?

My Vines Have a Crush On You!
Posts: 397
4/23/02 8:12:07 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Jedi Knight Leia Solo

Well hit me with the almighty pan!!

I have been here over 2 years and I just figured out AB is LV!!


Petite Jedi Master
Twin Sister to Luke

The Love of Obiwan2's Life
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4/23/02 9:39:54 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn

She is?

:: Does IP checks::

:: jaw drops::

Holy @#%$!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont believe it!

:: Scooby Doo moment ::

Posts: 714
4/23/02 10:23:55 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....


:: Blink ::

I thought ppl knew!

Gee... I think you guys are one of the last ones to realize this... I just thought, well, that ppl knew!!! Especially in the last month when I created my JungleCat name at SWF!

:: Hands Marcus a Scooby snack. ::

After thought: In light of this, you think the CIA will hire me now?

Edited by: AmazonBabe at: 4/24/02 12:58:38 am
My Vines Have a
Crush On You!
Posts: 398
4/23/02 11:32:58 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Sage Hazzard

Dang, I had NO CLUE. I don't know weither or not to congratulate you or strangle you!

When are we going to be doing this? What are the things that need to be addressed still? (just trying to keep people on track, and answer my own questions)

This Mr.Grumpypants
wants a lead aenema.
Posts: 985
4/24/02 1:01:33 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn

Makes an email I got in 1999 rather funny then. It seems I had AB caught then :-p

Posts: 721
4/24/02 2:18:51 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....

Well, yes... from certain point of view.

(What I find even funnier, is that you kept that e-mail from so long ago! )

Edited by: AmazonBabe at: 4/24/02 3:45:22 am
My Vines Have a
Crush On You!
Posts: 400
4/24/02 3:44:35 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Jedi Knight Leia Solo

I have to admit this is too funny like I said last night.

When I spoke to Jas/Obi he said the same.."She IS?!"

You did have a bunch of us in the dark here

Petite Jedi Master
Twin Sister to Luke

The Love of Obiwan2's Life
Posts: 1567
4/24/02 11:12:56 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....

Well, whether in the light or dark (light, preferably), I still love you guys!

And, before we hijack a rather important thread...

When are we gonna do this Master trial for these ppl? They aren't getting any younger, and frankly, neither are we...

My Vines Have a Crush On You!
Posts: 401
4/24/02 1:57:35 pm
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....
Marcus QDunn


It has begun

Posts: 753
4/25/02 9:47:16 am
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Re: Sorry about the cloak and dagger.....

Oh! Doh!!

:: Hauls her (and LV's) collective behinds to SWF. ::

My Vines Have a Crush On You!
Posts: 407
4/25/02 5:24:59 pm
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