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May 14th, 2002, 01:07:43 AM
Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn


Who are we testing? 6 as I listed in the other thread?Comments, suggestions?

So far Palpatine is contacting the Sith only.

Posts: 752
4/25/02 9:46:22 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Sage Hazzard

I'm unclear on that as well. I listed who I thought should be tested but it was never resolved.

Do I play a part in this whole test? Any specific segment. I'd like to.

This Mr.Grumpypants
wants a lead aenema.
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4/25/02 12:35:39 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Jedi Knight Leia Solo

These were the ones being considered as far as I know:

Anbira, Akrabbim, Ryla, Verse, Satine, Nash and Luke

But nothing was final. Opinons, comments??

So far off to a good start I think =)

Edited by: Jedi Knight Leia Solo at: 4/25/02 4:36:23 pm
Petite Jedi Master

Twin Sister to Luke

The Love of Obiwan2's Life
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4/25/02 4:32:38 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn


I wasnt considering him myself. The first 6, yes I think they are well worth trialling. Luke? I have to be honest and express reservations.

Posts: 754
4/25/02 4:56:53 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun

Ok, all the candidates for promotion sound good. They've been here awhile, gained RP experience, and done quite a few RPs already.

As for me (and me), are the elder Jedi going to be involved at any point in time? Also, how and when would I bring LV in? She kinda has to have a reason (aside from just wanted to eradicate some Jedi). How are the other Sith being introduced?

EDIT: The RP has a good start. I like.

Edited by: AmazonBabe at: 4/25/02 5:32:46 pm
My Vines Have a
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4/25/02 5:27:35 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn

Well, firstly Palpatine will persuade Ogre that the Jedi are becoming truly powerful and a real threat once again.

Eh, as a note, anyone mind if I give access to Deville, Ogre, dDale Etc? I'm going to get sick of repeating myself

ANYWAY, Palpatine's goign to be played as a conviving manipulator, like the moives. He is a Senator from NAboo, but I'm not going to explain how he's alive. Suspension of disbelief

He was speaking casually to a Senator Redav, who mentioned the Jedi seemed to have a decent setup on Arcan IV. Palpatine of course was intriged, went to look for himself. He was badly alarmed as he saw the markings of a grand plan. The NRSF were much bigger than he thought and seemed to be too well funded. He also saw the Jedi were indeed gaining strength. Most of all however, he spoke to Jedi and got the hint there was a person moving behind the scences. He came across a mysterious cloaked stranger, whom Palapatine could not fel in the Force at all. Basically, all things point to someone buiilding up a force that would endanger his own plans and maybe those of others he secretly supported.

Firstly, what he wants to do is test the strength of the Jedi. He will be aslking Ogre to assemble the best he can find (This is wher ethe LV invite will come from) and to formulate a plan to do so. Palpatine cant do this himself as he does not have access to resources or allies. He will give Ogre reasons for his suspicions and also that he wants to smoke out the mysterious being.

A direct attack on Arecan IV is foolish, so the suggestion will be to create an incident that will draw the Jedi out. A kidnap will be perfect.

FYI, the Master's trial is the point of the RP. LTC III and what happens with a few other players is a screen to stop our triallees guessing the real reason.

Okay, back to scketching this out I go.....

Posts: 759
4/25/02 8:17:37 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Jedi Knight Leia Solo

Actually Mark I just suggested Luke being he has been here over 2 years. But then again, he doesn't RP much because of college and work now. So..maybe its good to hold off on him too. I will agree on you with that.

The first 6 definetly. And like AB and Sage, and other elders, I would like part in this too, if you let me

Petite Jedi Master
Twin Sister to Luke

The Love of Obiwan2's Life
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4/25/02 8:40:43 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn

The omre the merrier. I expect the Senoirs to help out and even take over at times after I get the general plot done.

Okay, if there is no objections, I'm letting Ogre and Deville in to view the plan so far and to contribute with ideas.

Posts: 760
4/25/02 8:45:27 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Jedi Knight Leia Solo

Not at all we need the evil players here for the set up

Btw..who are you suggesting being kidnapped??? Jedi Masters or Council Members?? Just wondering...

BTW..I love the storyline!

Edited by: Jedi Knight Leia Solo at: 4/25/02 8:54:14 pm
Petite Jedi Master

Twin Sister to Luke

The Love of Obiwan2's Life
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4/25/02 8:53:13 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Eldrak Gruuhl

Leia: I'm assuming he intends to have some of those being tried kidnapped and the remainder of those being tried be the ones going to their rescue.


As for me (and me), are the elder Jedi going to be involved at any

point in time? Also, how and when would I bring LV in? She kinda has to have a reason (aside from just wanted to eradicate some Jedi).

From reading the other thread as well as this one and knowing about my own character (Ogre) as well as Dale, Sorsha (who has also indicated she would help out), and seeing the concerns of LV, I’m seeing this all as sort of a big illusionary ruse at the moment. This isn’t really Ogre in that thread, or Nupraptor, but the workings of a few of the great Jedi Masters of the Greater Jedi Order working together to pull this whole trial together. That makes in character motivation much easier in my opinion, since in reality its not my character, but a pawn in this little test, having its strings pulled by those staging the test.

I’m liking the idea that DT and Yog discussed in their chat about some kind of kidnapping and rescue mission, and while in the process of the rescue mission, most likely near what looks to be the escape of the detainees and the rescuers from danger, spring the combined efforts of all the Sith who become a part of this on them, the big struggle after the hard work and effort to get through the dungeon-ous environment.

That is what sounds like a good plan to me. As for more details and the like, I’m best playing with a slight framework and building/adding things in as I go along rather than laying out every aspect, but I think the illusionary factor I mentioned earlier makes it much more feasible to be able to semi easily gather all these Sith in one place at just the right time to put these knights through the fight of their lives.

Edited by: Eldrak Gruuhl at: 4/25/02 9:44:42 pm
Seeker Of
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4/25/02 9:43:26 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Jedi Knight Leia Solo

Ahhhh..thanks for clearing that up Eldrak/Ogre!

Makes sense..kidnap a few of the candidates, send some of them out to rescue the others. And I do have to agree it would be illusionary set up of the sith..and not the actual sith. It would have more validity

Am I getting it now

Petite Jedi Master
Twin Sister to Luke

The Love of Obiwan2's Life
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4/25/02 10:02:16 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn

Considering Palpatine doesnt exist in the SWForums world (and I have absolutly no intention on explaining how he about anyway) this was more of a Alternative Timeframe roleplay in concept.

It wasnt a grand illusion, but now I think about it, that's what it would have to be.

:: Ponders::

And yes Eldrak is right - the concept was to kidnap some and send out the others. Then the fun really begins ^_^


As for more details and the like, I’m best playing with a slight

framework and building/adding things in as I go along rather than laying out every aspect, but I think the illusionary factor I mentioned earlier makes it much more feasible to be able to semi easily gather all these Sith in one place at just the right time to put these knights through the fight of their lives.

That's all I want to give -the framework and not a rigid plotline. I want people in on this to have the freedom to work how they want. Once the basics are laid out, I want players to run with the ideas and do as they will.

Edited by: Marcus QDunn at: 4/25/02 11:06:08 pm

Posts: 761
4/25/02 11:00:06 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Sage Hazzard

Well how does Sage come into this? I wouldn't want to fight with them, since that'd ruin the meaning of the trial. I only wish there was some way for him to fight as well.

Maybe the Sith make an illusion of the Jedi as well, pitting these nominees against us seniors. We'd act like we're of the Dark Side. Would that be okay? Maybe as a phase 2?

This Mr.Grumpypants
wants a lead aenema.
Posts: 995
4/25/02 11:24:32 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn

You can help by creating trouble when the time comes with sock puppet accounts

Posts: 762
4/25/02 11:52:17 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Lady DeVille

WHHHHEEEEE! *dances through the forum, spreading mayhem and madness*


I love the way this is shaping up. I have only one request..can I kidnap someone?! I feel like I've spent my entire RPing experience being the one who gets stolen from. :( I want to steal someone!!!

I was thinking that Ogre could contact me...as opposed to anyone else, because IC they've met and..sort of get along. Better than Sorsha and LD at least. Ogre and LD understand and have some respect for each other I think.

LV and LD...You know, I'm beginning to see that I have lots of enemies on both sides. :( Sorsha and LV both hate LD. :(

Well, we'll work it out I guess. Sort of a...strange bedfellows situation where they have to work together.

Cute n' Sexy and proneto sudden outbursts of post natal depression. GIMME THAT CHOCOLATE!!! AGH!!!

sniff..... I want a hug.... and if you say one mor ething about these stretchmarks, YOU WILL DIE!!!
Posts: 612
4/26/02 12:10:15 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Eldrak Gruuhl

That sounds like how it should go to me too. The Jedi Masters shall put
the kidnapped and their rescuers through many a pitfall and puzzle on their trek to get out of this imprisonment whatever it may turn out to be like, and then, once the battle with the illusionary Sith has ended, in grand DT fashion, the Jedi Masters behind it all come forward and reveal it all as part of their test to make these Knights into Masters themselves.

We the Sith who are involved might try to come up with some way at the end to try and really put these Jedi to the serious test, giving them the opportunity to kill our imaginary selves in some fashion that might would be unbecoming to a Jedi who is trying to advance in his particular arts, almost parallel to the way Ben let Vader Kill him, but reversed.

Noted LD.

Edited by: Eldrak Gruuhl at: 4/26/02 12:20:43 am
Seeker Of
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4/26/02 12:11:45 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn

Maybe LD can execute one of the first kidnappings.

Posts: 764
4/26/02 12:16:29 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Lady DeVille

..wait, we're illusionary!?

I'm confused now.

Cute n' Sexy and proneto sudden outbursts of post natal depression. GIMME THAT CHOCOLATE!!! AGH!!!

sniff..... I want a hug.... and if you say one mor ething about these stretchmarks, YOU WILL DIE!!!
Posts: 613
4/26/02 12:16:34 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Eldrak Gruuhl

Read the last few posts and be enlightened!

Seeker Of
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4/26/02 12:19:58 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn

One of the things to remember is that we dont have to explain anything to anyone else. How the setup and trial is done, be it real or illusion (or more interstingly, bits of both), it only needs to look real to readers and the Jedi being trialled.

Posts: 765
4/26/02 12:42:00 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Eldrak Gruuhl

I was just thinking that maybe for dramatic flair at the very end when the Jedi Masters reveal that it was a trial, that each of them basically shuns aside the image of being one of the Sith, by maybe using a post with their account that within the early parts of it contains an image of our signatures and then they shed the façade and post with their own signature. Just a thought to make people drop their jaws at the end some maybe.

Edited by: Eldrak Gruuhl at: 4/26/02 12:48:37 am
Seeker Of
Posts: 118
4/26/02 12:48:10 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun

(Actually, LD, the hate has subsided for LV. But you dont know that... ssshhhhhhhh! )

Ok, I'm all set to go as soon as I hear the word 9well, more like read it).

And I love the whole plotline. Nicely put together. I'm also greatful we have the felxibility to fill it up, while still haveing the guides of the frame work.

My Vines Have a Crush On You!
Posts: 413
4/26/02 1:36:09 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Jedi Knight Leia Solo

I am still loving the idea and really like Eldrak/Orge's suggestions

Petite Jedi Master
Twin Sister to Luke

The Love of Obiwan2's Life
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4/26/02 9:55:38 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Lady DeVille

Okay, confusion has subsided.

I guess my first post doesn't really matter then. And CURSED on my speed reading skimming habits! Gets me into so much trouble.

Plan sounds good. I want to kidnap...oh I don't care who.

Cute n' Sexy and proneto sudden outbursts of post natal depression. GIMME THAT CHOCOLATE!!! AGH!!!

sniff..... I want a hug.... and if you say one mor ething about these stretchmarks, YOU WILL DIE!!!
Posts: 616
4/26/02 3:43:19 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Figrin D an

Quote: "I was just thinking that maybe for dramatic flair at the very end
when the Jedi Masters reveal that it was a trial, that each of them basically shuns aside the image of being one of the Sith, by maybe using a post with their account that within the early parts of it contains an image of our signatures and then they shed the façade and post with their own signature. Just a thought to make people drop their jaws at the end some maybe."

I love that idea... a great shock-factor moment.

We should probably make a roster of characters that are going to be involved in this (Sith and Jedi), and a general description of the role(s) that they will play... that would help things to run smoothly, and help all of us involved to keep track...

Jedi Ambassador and Historian
Posts: 199
4/26/02 6:58:26 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Eldrak Gruuhl

Roster as far as I know at the moment:

Ogre - (Role: Kind of the ringleader of the Sith, responsible for gathering them together and carrying out Palpy's request or whatnot)

Nupraptor - (Role: semi-unknown and he did mention taht he might not play a huge role)

Dale - (Role: Undetermined at this point)

LD - (Role: Will kidnap some of those to be tried, most likely arranged by the ringleader)

Sorsha - (Role: The master of creating Chaos yet the role is unestablished as of right now)

LV - (Role: Pitted against Anbira and maybe played by AB)

Hera - (Role: Undetermined)

Edited by: Eldrak Gruuhl at: 4/26/02 8:58:55 pm
Seeker Of

Posts: 120
4/26/02 8:34:56 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun

All I know for LV, is that it'd be great if she were pitted against Anbira.

It's be interesting to see how that plays out.

My Vines Have a Crush On You!
Posts: 415
4/26/02 8:38:29 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Eldrak Gruuhl

That sounds cool, and it could be that AB is the one doing that particular illusion. In simpler terms as related to my previous dramatic effect idea. at the end LV ends up being AB.

Kind of a little hint without really saying so that AB and LV are both played by you without saying so directly.

Seeker Of Knowledge
Posts: 121
4/26/02 8:42:43 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn

Hera is confirmed in as well.

Posts: 769
4/26/02 8:53:57 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Jedi Knight Leia Solo

Yeah...Hera too


Kind of a little hint without really saying so that AB and LV are both

played by you without saying so directly.


I am in as a Jedi. Role: Have No Clue.. yet

Petite Jedi Master
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The Love of Obiwan2's Life
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4/26/02 10:13:28 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Figrin D an

I'll also be in as a Jedi... I just need to know where/when to jump in.

Jedi Ambassador and Historian
Posts: 200
4/26/02 11:37:16 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Estelle Russard

Just to let you know Im here and following the thread.

As for my role...just point, I'll shoot.

ps)great RP idea btw

The Shy Jedi
Posts: 149
4/27/02 1:24:52 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Lady DeVille

Well, from that list of people who need to "graduate" I would see Anbira and Akrabbim on the rescue team. Alpha I would LOVE to kidnap, and maybe even Ryla.

The others, A and A, Nash, Verse...they can be the ones sent on the rescue. ? Just my idea.

Cute n' Sexy and proneto sudden outbursts of post natal depression. GIMME THAT CHOCOLATE!!! AGH!!!

sniff..... I want a hug.... and if you say one mor ething about these stretchmarks, YOU WILL DIE!!!
Posts: 617
4/27/02 2:23:25 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Navaria Tarkin

Hmm ... read over everything and LOVE IT .. I did so yesterday but
couldn't post because I was pressed for time but ... I'm with Hera.... line 'em and I'll take them down

A Kindler, Gentler Dalethria
Posts: 974
4/27/02 11:10:51 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Sage Hazzard

Okay, let me get this straight:

The Sith kidnap people, bring them somewhere. Rescue team arrives. Big fight. The Sith then shunt aside their FAKE images and reveal themselves to be Jedi, using illusions to test the people. Then do the Jedi counterparts fight the nominees? After that, does the test end, or what?

This Mr.Grumpypants
wants a lead aenema.
Posts: 1013
4/28/02 2:17:15 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun

Purrrfect plan, dahling... er... I mean perfect. Or did I mean it with a purrr? I'll let you decide.

And, hell, if it fits, I'll even fight myself! I did it once before, so looooooooooooooong ago, back in July of 99.

Oh the illusions and confusions will sends their eyeballs for a spin in their heads!

Edited by: AmazonBabe at: 4/28/02 2:18:33 am
My Vines Have a
Crush On You!
Posts: 418
4/28/02 2:18:07 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn


I'll pst once more as Palpatine tomorrow. Sorry about the delays, RL is gone all busy on me :(

Posts: 868
5/3/02 9:57:27 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Jedi Knight Leia Solo

::Huggles Marcus::

Hope you are less hectic. I know how that is as well as others. NO worries

Petite Jedi Master
The Love of Obiwan2's Life

Posts: 1679
5/4/02 11:48:52 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Estelle Russard

I love those "Jedi Girls" CT pics

The Shy Jedi
Posts: 172
5/5/02 6:01:10 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Jedi Knight Leia Solo

Heehee...we should ask Ryla nicely to make one for every GJO girl here

She's the artist

::Runs in case Ryla thinks she's nuts::

Oh wait...heehee...she can't read in here

Petite Jedi Master
The Love of Obiwan2's Life

Posts: 1684
5/5/02 11:16:38 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Navaria Tarkin

Leia-Chan... evil Leia-Chan

Those are pretty cool tho

BTW~ to get back on track a little bit... whenever someone needs "Dale" let me know in this thread? I can pop in quick like since I live on Meras

A Kindler, Gentler Dalethria
Posts: 1043
5/6/02 12:07:20 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Lady DeVille

question: When do I get to post?!!?!?

Cute n' Sexy and proneto sudden outbursts of post natal depression. GIMME THAT CHOCOLATE!!! AGH!!!

sniff..... I want a hug.... and if you say one mor ething about these stretchmarks, YOU WILL DIE!!!
Posts: 660
5/6/02 1:47:50 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun

Chill, girly! Marcus will let us know. Either that, or Ogies will.

My Vines Have a Crush On You!

Posts: 494
5/6/02 2:55:56 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn

With the time I dont have, I basicvally have to make the next Palpatine post the release one for everyone involved. I'm going to try to make that post a veiled final instructions to everyone. Maybe I need to do two. Basically however, I need to get moving on it

Posts: 898
5/6/02 7:48:32 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun

Alrighty, Marcus...

:: Peels eyes. ::

We'll keep our eyes peeled.

My Vines Have a Crush On You!

Posts: 504
5/6/02 12:57:51 pm
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Lady DeVille

gross AB!

Cute n' Sexy and proneto sudden outbursts of post natal depression. GIMME THAT CHOCOLATE!!! AGH!!!

sniff..... I want a hug.... and if you say one mor ething about these stretchmarks, YOU WILL DIE!!!
Posts: 671
5/8/02 1:08:11 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Marcus QDunn

Deville - I if you have time tomorrow, I'll ask you to do something for me.

Posts: 919
5/8/02 7:12:58 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Eldrak Gruuhl

Okay, I think we are ready to start rolling in that thread.

I set it up in a conniving and secretive way, that Ogre and some “associates” would be working on what Palpatine said had gotten his attention. At this point I’m thinking that He has contacted all those who are to be involved.

It is my idea that Hera, Lady Vader, and De’Ville, will go to Arcan IV, arrange, and perform the kidnapping of those we agreed on in this thread. With the others who are a part of this en route to another planet where those kidnapped will be taken. The same planet where the NPC creatures, played by the Jedi can put the kidnapped and their rescuers to the dungeon type tests.

So I’m guessing its about time for those three to become involved in this thread in whatever capacity they wish.

The way I had Ogre contact them “off screen” makes it easier IMO, to move this just a little faster to the next phase, and also makes IC motivations he may have used on those who are to be involved, up to those controlling each character, but remember, this is after all, an illusionary façade, so such motivations don’t have to be perfect or even mentioned for that matter. We just need to make it all look as realistic as possible.

Happy hunting to all.

Edited by: Eldrak Gruuhl at: 5/10/02 1:44:49 am
Seeker Of
Posts: 146
5/10/02 12:12:48 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun

In that case, time for me to change...

:: Spins really fast like Superman until she's dressed like LV. ::


My Vines Have a Crush On You!

Posts: 527
5/10/02 1:33:55 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Lady DeVille

I have to work with LV?! WAAAHHHHH! :(

J/k this is going to be a blast.

btw Mark, I 'really liked' that last post as Palpatine 'you' did.

Cute n' Sexy and proneto sudden outbursts of post natal depression. GIMME THAT CHOCOLATE!!! AGH!!!

sniff..... I want a hug.... and if you say one mor ething about these stretchmarks, YOU WILL DIE!!!
Posts: 679
5/10/02 1:42:27 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun
Estelle Russard

Ok LV, LD - we could start by the three of us getting a holomessage and all saying together...
"Good Morning Charley..er Ogre.."


Oh this is gonna be fun!

Im so glad to be in this rp

The Shy Jedi
Posts: 178
5/10/02 1:53:44 am
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Re: Master's Trial setup has begun

!! I love it!

My Vines Have a Crush On You!

Posts: 532
5/10/02 1:29:23 pm
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May 20th, 2002, 06:34:06 AM
Eatelle/Hera sent me this message which she asked me to pass on:
Just wanted to let you know that I havent posted in the training thread for the jedi as LD and LV are away and I kinda wanted to go over it a bit with them before I started anything.

As Im gonna be away too as of Monday..maybe its better Hera enters the thread at a later date - that or tell the girls to write her in with their posts and I will pick it up when I come back.

I would post this but with the move I dont have access to the Admin Forum anymore at GJO, so please pass this on for me I you wouldnt mind (thanks)
Her access here has since been fixed. :)

May 24th, 2002, 05:38:43 PM
Um, Ogies, I kinda posted already... uh, is that bad?...

Marcus Telcontar
Jun 30th, 2002, 10:18:00 PM
* Bump *

Lady Vader
Jul 1st, 2002, 03:42:11 PM
*Waits anxiously, hopping from one foot to the other.*

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2002, 06:55:47 PM
Lil's started to go after her target.... do you have one to go for as well?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 1st, 2002, 07:47:10 PM
I was never given a target or anything to do :( sniffle

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2002, 07:55:19 PM
Pick one and tell me what you would want to do :)

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 1st, 2002, 08:19:09 PM
who is left and where are they going to be :lol

been awhile since we talked about this

Lady Vader
Jul 1st, 2002, 09:59:32 PM
Oh! Oh! Lemme play with Anbira's mind!!! Too fun!!! Yes!! The conflict!! :lol

Yeah, I know, I'm mean. :angel

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 1st, 2002, 10:10:36 PM
Okay, start planning with doing that :)

I really need to talk to Akrabbim.....

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 2nd, 2002, 08:23:43 AM
doesn't tell me what I'm supposed to do :p Glad LV has the plan :lol

Jul 2nd, 2002, 12:32:34 PM
Well, if I remember correctly, it was supposed to be a sort of illusional test. All I remember is somehow, it was LV, but not LV as it was an illussion set up by AB... or something.

Ok, help me out here, Marcus. My schizo mind is starting to smoke. :uhoh


Marcus Telcontar
Jul 2nd, 2002, 03:59:16 PM
You have it right.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:22:19 PM
Okay, but who am I going after :p I remember that part :lol

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:53:39 PM
I dont rememebr if we worked that one out

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 2nd, 2002, 06:54:16 PM
nope we didn't

okay who is left that needs to be bushwacked

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 2nd, 2002, 09:08:16 PM
Okay, Alpha and Anbira are taken care off..... Akrabbim is to be with me.... errrr.... damnit, who else was being tested.....

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 3rd, 2002, 08:07:16 AM
the others up for promotion were

Ryla, Verse, Luke, Nash

Xazor Elessar
Jul 3rd, 2002, 08:14:32 AM
Hmmm........interesting indeed. :lol Luke who?? :lol Nash is going through a bad time IC right now...bouncing back and forth between light and darkside, just so you know. We had an RP going in the Academy where he was going to be the snot out of me...and use anger in the mean time. It has to do with a huge RP of his where he finds out that his memory was like...an implant, and he was really a powerful darksider in his past or something like that. So now he wants that power again. After the fight he was going to go get sloshed in the bar. :lol I don't know what was going to happen after that, but I figured I should let you know. Verse is gone... :( Ryla!! :) *yay* should be interesting to read that thread....

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 3rd, 2002, 08:18:06 AM
Not sure that Luke was going to get tested... I just found a list of names.... :p

Probably means that I would get Ryla now that I am thinking about it.

Now ... what to do with her :evil

Jul 3rd, 2002, 02:39:26 PM
Ah, so my mind isn't fully gone. Gooooooooood.

:: Goes off to wreak some havoc in the thread. ::

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 3rd, 2002, 06:52:30 PM
so what IS the plan .... for going after these people =P

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 3rd, 2002, 07:19:08 PM
Go after them any way you want - get them all into one place. Where that place is.... well..... Meras?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 3rd, 2002, 07:30:30 PM
get them to Meras .... okay. I don't think they'll go willingly :lol

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 6th, 2002, 07:12:09 AM
I think that's the whole point :p :lol

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 6th, 2002, 08:07:45 PM

I know but just saying that since they dont know it is a Masters trial, for obvious reasons, not going to go OOC willingly as well LOL

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 6th, 2002, 10:46:33 PM

Akrabbim basically gave the game away in his last post. But I am willing bet no one notices or works it out. Oh I love doing that ^_^

Okay, now a few more posts and the illusion will be set up. Basically, I will also be logging in with Palpatine to add a hint of purpose and true menace.

I will ask people to try to push the story along as well.

Jul 9th, 2002, 01:59:07 PM
This is just a thought, but maybe Dale Ogre and Nup can prepare to receive the ones that Hera, LD, and LV are kidnapping. Receive them into a holding area deep in the recesses of the catacombs of Ogre’s cave. We could maybe have some cameo NPC type things for some of the Jedi Masters to play inside the catacombs which they are supposed to escape/rescue each other from?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 9th, 2002, 04:28:34 PM
Can Tirsa pistol whip them :D

Jul 9th, 2002, 04:31:13 PM
why not? Its all one big illusion. More real looking characters is all the more convincing it will be that its real. :)

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 9th, 2002, 04:38:06 PM

I get to pistol whip people ^_^

Jul 9th, 2002, 04:40:06 PM
What is the believability of having them restrained in Ysalimari infused control collars I wonder? To supress their force abilities but not those of the Dark Side users around them.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 9th, 2002, 04:56:26 PM
or you can have them in control collars that hurt them ... BADLY ... when they try and use the Force. Leaving the Dark Siders to do what they want

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 9th, 2002, 08:37:14 PM
Well, it's an illusion, so I think what you suggest is potentially vaild - but make the collars seem..... defective for some reason.

And the original SWFans suggestion is good.

Jul 9th, 2002, 08:47:35 PM
Maybe the collars could be played up as limiting the Jedi’s Force abilities, but in fact be a placebo type effect that they may discover does not really exist on their own. A small part of the trial somehow?

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 9th, 2002, 10:59:49 PM
Possibly. As you decide best will be cool

Jul 9th, 2002, 11:15:24 PM
Well, I alluded to them in my last post so I am running with it. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 10th, 2002, 01:20:44 AM

Less for me to look after = good :)

Estelle Russard
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:22:01 PM
Ok, Im finally returned to this forum.

Thanks Oges for passing on my PM :)

So, Hera is at the B&G now. LV and LD had made their way there and, so I followed suit. So far Alpha is the only dude there out of the "trial-ees" (that a word?).

We dont really have a plan in place, but I guess a ruckus shoud be made by one of us-diversion- so the others can snatch up Alpha and Ryla..and who else (?)


Navaria Tarkin
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:23:09 PM
Well, Since Dale hasn't posted yet I could do the ruckus... what kinda ruckus ya want...

Estelle Russard
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:24:31 PM
ok Dale..that was freakishly fast the way you replied O_o

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:33:05 PM
Ryla, Verse, Luke, Nash are up for prmotion as well.....

Hmmm, quick one, any other Knight should be trialled whie we are at it?

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:39:54 PM
how in the hell are verse and luke and nash getting in this when they arent around :(

I am fast Hera -chan but not in that way :D

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:56:49 PM
I guess well have to trial them later.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 23rd, 2002, 08:58:25 PM
Well, before Hera left, we decided Dale and Hera provide distraction so others, LD and LV nab Jedi

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 23rd, 2002, 11:56:13 PM
If ye need assistance, just let me know

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 24th, 2002, 08:44:43 AM
Sure, I need to look at that thread but has Ryla posted yet in it???

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 24th, 2002, 07:25:07 PM
No, she hasn't. I dont think she knows she's been called out.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 25th, 2002, 08:57:42 AM
well now she does :mneh

So as soon as she posts

:: Cracks knucles and ;) at Hera ::

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 25th, 2002, 09:03:52 PM
All looking pretty good now :)

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 25th, 2002, 10:10:32 PM
I posted :angel

Marcus Telcontar
Jul 25th, 2002, 10:30:32 PM
Cool...... I'll be working on a bit of a post tonight I hope - bit more scence setting and such

Estelle Russard
Jul 26th, 2002, 08:55:59 PM
I see you Dale, and raise ya. ;)

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 27th, 2002, 05:06:10 PM
Gonna wait for Ryla before I do more of the loving on ya Hera :lol


Marcus Telcontar
Aug 10th, 2002, 07:41:17 PM
Now we have Shade and Verse back......

Arya Ravenwing
Aug 14th, 2002, 12:11:33 AM
well send them in on the rescue partay. :)


Aug 23rd, 2002, 07:55:11 PM
I got tired of waiting, so I tried something. Here's my idea. I'm going to reach out to the currently unconcious Jedi and make them think they've been taken somewhere like a labyrinth by the Sith. Thus, they awaken there, and have to try to fight their way out. I make a couple spoof accounts and act to harass them. When they DO make it to the end, I say something akin to, "Awaken Jedi! Your enemy is upon you!" And basically try to rouse them. Thus, we get to bring in the real Sith as well as Anbira and the rest of the backup force. All I need to make sure of is that they're all asleep while this happens. Then, I call to Anbira to bring him and the cavalry in. My part's basically over at this point, since I'll be rather drained, but Anbira can come in with the heavy hitters, etc. In the end, all the real Sith and Jedi get to play, I get what was required of me, and we're all happy. I know it sounds like I'm REALLY trying to play myself up here, but I was sorta told that I'd have to do something akin to this anyway. Comments?

Figrin D'an
Sep 7th, 2002, 08:14:00 PM
I decided to jump in on this... just as a side-role for now... let me know if you want anything specific, as I'm sure it can be arranged... :)

Sep 10th, 2002, 11:44:14 PM
Anyone who has access here that may be curious what the last thing Ogre said in my recent post can know. It was "bait", but I didn’t want those not in the know to see it and possibly use it as OOC knowledge IC. :)

If any of the Jedi Masters wants to create NPC accounts for the freaks of Nature Ogre has created in the catacombs feel free, we will be sending them to the depths, collared (Force nulling Yasimilimiri type things on their necks.) to meet them. >D

Sep 11th, 2002, 01:01:18 AM
BTW: I have a "Balrog" account I'd be willing to share. :)

Ogre Mal Pannis
Sep 11th, 2002, 11:29:34 PM
Posts here as Ogre just to draw more attention to it

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 12th, 2002, 02:24:50 PM
poke poke poke

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 13th, 2002, 02:35:23 AM
Crap, the Balrog account was not taken?


:: Goes through his plethora of accoutns::

I probably have a good freak of nature accoutn or two here somewhere already :)

Sep 13th, 2002, 02:37:03 AM
I've had the Balrog account since a little bit before the movie (FoTR) came to the screen, but will share it for this trial thread if someone wants to use it. :)

Sep 15th, 2002, 02:22:56 PM
BTW, would anyone mind kick-starting our involvement in this? Seeing as we've already decided that it's to Meras we should go, then can we not have someone load up a ship?

Sep 22nd, 2002, 01:43:50 PM
Ok, I kickstarted things. Anyone wanna join me here? :)

Sep 22nd, 2002, 01:47:38 PM
Someone need to ignite a lightsaber under some Jedi rears. :p

Dale alluded to the fact that this is all an illusion created by the Jedi Masters in her last post. Its mighty subtle, so those not in the know shouldn't really notice. :)

Sep 22nd, 2002, 09:54:38 PM
It doesn't make any sense at all to be an illusion if Anbira's in it, because he watched LV and Hera do some damage. So, it seems to me that the best course of action is to just make this a straight-up assault and rescue. When was the last time we actually went out and fought the bad guys? I mean, we've been holed up on this planet for ages, with no actual battles in some time. When are we gonna get the chance to launch a full-out attack on some high-level baddies, huh? I mean, I say we jump at the chance and take 'em down.

And you can argue that "that's not the Jedi thing to do" all you want, but Jedi are to be protectors. And, as things stand, several Dark Siders have taken our brethren and are torturing them. There's a time to defend, and there's a time to attack. Now, I think we should hit 'em with everything we've got.

But that may just be me.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 10:00:41 PM
The fact that it would be real doesn't really work for the baddies in this thread, many of them aren't on very good terms, especially considering LD's presence. She's not even a Sith, and has no allegiances to Ogre or any of his family. If it becomes real that blows our false facade of having these Darksiders working together.

GJO has the TBH thing starting now, which should fulfill that want for taking on high level badies. :p

Sep 22nd, 2002, 10:27:02 PM
A couple other things to note with your idea to suddenly change this thread to being real. The Jedi have been to and destroyed Ogre’s Cave once before. IC he wouldn’t be so dim at to take them there. :p

We can’t have a thread with an established premise that has been going on for months just be suddenly changed into something else. This is a Jedi Knight to Master trial, not just your average everyday thread.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:46:26 PM
I know... but how on earth is this an illusion? That's my point exactly... Anbira saw two people abduct two Jedi. That could be an illusion, sure... but then what about him talking to LV? He once was married to LV... wouldn't he see through a fake rather easily? They made some comments that seemed rather personal. Also, if this is an illusion, who's tormenting the two Jedi? To my knowledge, the only person who had the power of making people feel things was Shimi, and I personally killed him. So, my question is not why this should or shouldn't be an illusion, but HOW it's an illusion. It doesn't seem to hold.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:53:43 PM
We are talking the combined efforts of the current Jedi Masters here. Anbira's thoughts would be accessable to them, and making it look and feel as if injuries were inflicted isn't beyond their combined efforts to make this as real a test as possible.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 23rd, 2002, 02:35:28 AM
Actually Akrabbim, Marcus has a few abilities up his sleeve that no one really knows about. Considering he knows how to influence emotions for real, not in illusion, to make a Jedi feel pain is not beyond him at all. What is beyond him is the power of large scale illusions, he simply cant do this on his own

Also, I think I mentioned very early some of this was real, some was not. Which parts? Who knows. One thing that does not have to happen is for everything to make sense. The mind has a wonderful ability to fill in the gaps, and if say an llusion of LV is presented, who is to say Anbira's mind itself wont manufacture the LV convo? Nothing tht has happened is not explainible. So far.

Oct 10th, 2002, 12:36:23 PM
We need to do something to keep this thread going and get it to its conclusion as soon as possible. Its been going for a long time and now Ryla and Alpha are getting impatient and justifiably so.

Right now its NPC carnage time as far as the evil side of this goes, but I dunno if I am up to doing it all myself. This is supposed to be a Jedi Master trial and I figure that Jedi Masters are the ones who should administer that. :p

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 10th, 2002, 02:02:12 PM
Yeah, I can't post there as Nav makes no sense :p

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 11th, 2002, 02:09:37 AM

Ater this weekend, I'll pull my finger out

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 15th, 2002, 03:39:43 PM
Whats the Balrog password?

Oct 15th, 2002, 03:41:26 PM
I'll PM it to you, after I reset it to one you are familiar with. :)

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 15th, 2002, 04:00:30 PM

And now Into it I go!

Xazor Elessar
Oct 25th, 2002, 02:52:01 PM
Umm.......I completely missed the part about the Council, guys....and I feel really bad. Marcus would you NPC me so that I can get in there somehow and help out?? :) I dunno if you would want to NPC me until I can actually post and make sense of it all....or if you just want to leave me out, but I did want to help.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 26th, 2002, 07:14:36 AM
If you want to help, take up a monster id and attack the Jedi under test.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 26th, 2002, 10:33:18 AM
Okay, I'll do that!! ;) Hehehehee.........>D

Oct 26th, 2002, 03:46:15 PM
So now we're waiting for the Jedi to land at Meras?

BTW, where IS the thread? Somewhere on the second page? Or did I miss it somewhere along the line on the first page? o_O

Figrin D'an
Oct 26th, 2002, 04:03:53 PM
Figrin is supposed to rendevous with the taskforce at Meras, so I guess I should probably post something to that effect... we need to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 26th, 2002, 04:05:14 PM
I think it's on the second page now....... :( I dunno, still gotta make my monster account. :)