View Full Version : Defensive upgrade - Yavin

Master Yoghurt
Nov 3rd, 2001, 09:02:23 PM
Full construction capacity dedicated to produce mines and gun emplacements for the defense of Yavin system, Yavin 4, Yavin 8 and 13. These defenses are to be added in addition to those allready existant.

Build ratio (total = 100%):

40% Arakyd Industries Proximity Mine B (PM/2)
10% Aida Sensors System Homing Mine B (HM/2)
10% Arakyd Industries Mine Type C (Mn/T3)
10% Wandrau Arms Corp Large Gun Emplacements (G/P)
10% Wandrau Arms Corp Large Gun/Warhead Emplacement - GW/P
20% Mer-Sonn Defender Ion Mines

Production starts as of november the 3rd