View Full Version : First production order

Master Yoghurt
Jun 14th, 2001, 03:05:32 AM
It is time to utilise the GJO shipyard a little better. Here are the technical specification data for ships to be produced today:


Designation: E-Wing (E-W)
Manufacturer: Freitek Inc.
In use by: New Republic/GJO
Crew: 1 Pilot
Shield Strength: 80 SBD
Hull Strength: 40 RU
Top Speed: 150 Megalights estimated top speed
Hyperdrive: x1
Three medium laser cannons
Two General Purpose Warhead Launchers
Std. Combat Warhead Load: 16 proton torpedoes

This starfighter, which employs the R7 astromech droid, was the first starfighter to be fully designed and built under the auspices of the New Republic, and was created by FreiTek Incorporated. The ship, while visually like the X-Wing, has a pair of stable wings. It dishes out punishment and can take it equally well. It uses the R7 droid to take advantage of a redesigned hyperdrive system. The weapons systems leave something to be desired, being based on a synthetic Tibanna gas that isn't as good as the real thing. The New Republic employed two models of the E-Wing. The basic A-Model is 11.2 meters in length, and is armed with three heavy blaster cannons and a proton torpedo launcher. The B-Model is nearly identical to the A-model, except that Mon Calamarian techs have tripled the power input to the weapons systems. This makes them extremely powerful, but if the couplings fail and the weapons overheat, they can be extremely dangerous.



Ackbar: One of the Rebel Alliance's most advanced fighters, the X-wing plays a major role in the assault on the first Deathstar. The one-man T-65 X-wing starfighter, which measures 12.5 meters from nose to engine block, was the final design of its kind by the Incom Corporation before Incom was nationalized by the Empire. The X-wing takes its name from its pair of double-layered wings that are deployed into an X-formation for combat. During atmospheric and non-combat space flight, the wings are closed for stability. Each wing tip carries an oversized long-range laser cannon.

A pair of proton torpedo launchers are mounted midway up the main space-frame, each holding a magazine of three torpedoes. An R2 astromech droid housed in a snug droid socket behind the pilot handles many in-flight operations, such as damage control, astrogation and flight performance adjustment.

The X-wing is known for its durability, with a reinforced alloy hull and high-powered shield generators. It can normally take minor hits without a serious loss of performance, and has full ejection and life-support systems. X-wings have hyperdrive systems that add flexibility to their list of attributes.

Madine comments: Common name for the Incom T-65c A2 Starfighter, this is a 12.5 meter snub fighter with two wings that split in two by activating S-foils. This allows for greater maneuverability and firing accuracy; each of the split wings has its own laser cannon (total of four). It is a single-pilot ship, with an R2 astromech droid socket. The R2 unit is used in place of a navigationa computer. It is extremely maneuverable, even at its top sublight speed of 110 MGLT. It has also been clocked at 1,050 kilometers per hour in an atmosphere.

The X-Wing was designed by Incom just before the Empire stopped contracting out naval construction. The Empire believed that Incom was infiltrated by Alliance sympathizers, and relieved the X-Wing team of duty. The X-Wing team then defected to the Alliance, flying out with all the X-Wing prototypes and the starfighter's plans. Their parting gesture to the Empire was to destroy all records of the X-Wing in Incom and Imperial databases. The Alliance then began to produce the X-Wing themselves, recognizing its potential. It continued to gain acceptance after the Galactic Civil War due to its maneuverability and durability. Several upgrades and modifications from the liberated Incom design team didn't yield major improvements until the advent of the T-65d A1, which eliminated the astromech droid in favor of more computer power to provide the pilot with more in-flight options in terms of maneuverability and management of shipboard resources.

The T-65c A2 boasts the following shipboard components:

- Incom GBk-585 Hyperdrive Motivation Unit
- Incom MKI Drive Module
- 4 wing-mounted Incom 4j.4 Fusial Thrust Engines (some models use Incom 4L4 Fusial thrusters)
- IN-344-B Sightline Holographic Crosshairs
- 4 Taim and Bak IX4 Laser Cannons (some models use Taim and Bak KX9 laser cannons)
- Fabritech ANq 3.6 Target Tracker
- Fabritech ANs-5d Sensor Unit
- Fabritech k-blakan Mini Sensor
- S-foil Activator
- Gax Revival Life Support System
- Guidenhauser Ejection Seat
- Novaldex O-4Z Ionization Reactor
- Chempat Defender Shield Projector (rated at 50 SBD)
- Cryogenic Power Cells
- Torplex Rq8.Y Avionics Control Package
- Carbanti Universal Transceiver Package
- Melihat Multi-Imager Dedicated Energy Receptor
- Tana Ire Electro-photo Receptor
- Long Range Phased Tachyon Detection Array Model Number PA-9r
- Short Range Primary Threat Analysis Grid Number PG-7u
- Bertriak Screamer Active Jammer
- Krupx MG7 Proton Torpedo Launchers (2 racks of 3)
- Titanium Alloy Hull (rated at 20 RU)
- Transparisteel Canopy
- R2 Astromech Navigation Droid
- 4 Exhaust Nacelles
- Sarylcorp Reactant Agitator Injector
- Surge Vent and Extinguisher

Master Yoghurt
Jun 14th, 2001, 03:11:18 AM
T65I "Super X-Wing"

Designation: X-Wing Model T-65I
Manufacturer: Incom Corporation
In use by: New Republic/GJO
Length: 12.5 meters
Crew: 1 Pilot
Cargo Capacity: 60kg
Navigation System: Astromech Droid, usually R2 units although R5s are supported as well
Shield Strength: 60 SBD--Forward/Rear Projecting Syrplex Zr-41 Shields
Hull Strength: 20 RU--Titanium Alloy Hull
Top Speed: 100 Megalights
Hyperdrive: x1 (no backup)
Acceleration: 16 Megalights/second
Maneuverability: 90 DPF
Four Taim & Bak IX4 Laser Cannons
Two Medium Ion Cannons
Two Krupx MG7 Proton Torpedo Launchers or two General Purpose Warhead Launchers
Standard Combat Warhead Load: 8 Heavy Torpedoes
1 Centerline Pylon
4 Inboard Wing Pylons
2 Semi-recessed Pylons
4 Wingtip Pylons

The T-65I also known as the 'Super X-Wing' is an upgraded T-65F with completely overhauled engines and powercells/generator. This fighter can outfly most others and has weapons that can inflict real damage. The new engines have advanced thrust-vectoring which increases maneuverability. The fire-control system provides advanced holographic and trajectory calculations and was developed by NR engineers. This model began rolling off production lines a few years after Endor.

Master Yoghurt
Jun 14th, 2001, 03:22:36 AM
First Order: We are building personal starfighters for members of GJO in greater quantities to free up space for other constructions.

T65I "Super X-Wing"
Length: 12.5 meters

E-Wing (E-W) B-model
Length: 11.2 meters

Shipyard building rate:
40 km shipyard - 250 meters per day

Construction starts 14 june 2001
Expected completion date: 15 june 2001

8 X-wing
13 E-wing

Master Yoghurt
Jun 16th, 2001, 01:47:12 AM
Construction complete

Master Yoghurt
Jun 16th, 2001, 01:51:59 AM
For a few days ahead, we will build Corellian Missile Destroyers..

Corellian Missile Destroyer
Length: 450 metres
Crew: 34 officers, 612 crew
Armament: 8 turbolasers, 28 dual warhead launchers
Speed: 12 mglt
Shields: One Nebulon-B shield generator
Armour: 18 inch maximum
Engines: 4 Corel Fusion engines
Fighter Compliment: None

The two massive box-like projections are storage facilites for projectiles, and can hold more than 3,000 proton torpedos. The torpedos are automatically loaded, at a very fast reload rate. On either side are the actual projectile launchers. Each launcher carries 14 dual launcher tubes, for a total of 56 total tubes between the two.When firing at maximum speed, this destroyer can pump out 28 proton torpedos per second. The double tubes allow one set to be firing, while the other one is being loaded. At this rate of fire, a capital vessel of any size would be reduced to rubble after only a few salvos... The torpedos also afford the Missile Destroyer to stay well out of range of turbolasers while destroying its target.

Jedi Rebel X
Jun 16th, 2001, 02:06:14 AM
Sounds good. :)

Master Yoghurt
Aug 19th, 2001, 09:11:00 AM
Construction of Corellian Missile Destroyers ends as of 19 of august 2001. Time for new orders.