View Full Version : can we add ships from different galexeys as a new tech

Vonta and R5
Sep 23rd, 2001, 10:46:09 PM
I ask becuase in a cross over story that I am developing, I came up with several designs for Crossing Gundum wing universe moble suits with star wars tech. For example the suit called a Tauras can change from a fighter craft with a shape simular to that of a A-wing fighter into a mobile suit a fighter craft in humonoid shape. The original is equiped with a laser rifle that doubles as the laser cannon in fighter mode. The original design was slower then an a Y-wing becuase it was equiped with fusion engines. After starwars engingers finished redesigning it. It had sublight engines. I trashed the bulky laser rifle. In its place the suit has two 360 degree rotational laser canons. One mounted side ways on the outside of each shoulder. An Ion cannon from a y-wing that was modified as a side arm blaster. The ship does have shields, deflecters and of course only limited use of energy deflecters that may be switched on at the point that combat is immenent. There is room for a astro mech droid and there is no hyperdrive. The gundum universe beam saber is the last touch to the design. The design of this suit is meant to mainly complement a Jedis abilities by allowing them to use their superb hand to hand fighting skills in a dog fight. The rotational lasers allow for the mobile suits hands to be free so that they may be used to volly laser blasts from other star fighters. The larger Turbo laser bolts would still get through the light saber. This is still only a fighter craft it needs a support ship with no hyper drive.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 24th, 2001, 01:20:33 AM
It would be a very expensive target for a dedicated fighter craft.