View Full Version : The Midnight Run [Open] Completed

Ryu Warusa
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:48:58 PM
OOC: This is an open RP being continued from pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm...=883.topic (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm2.showMessage?topicID=883.topic) .


We arrived at the shipyards. A little after midnight on the planet's time.
Wow... A lot of ships... now which one to take... Ryu looks around and then looks at Jerred. He's been really quiet, quieter than usual. I guess its the mission.... Ryu looks around to see if anyone else is around. Then looks at Gurney. This one may be a problem... I'll let Jerred deal with him. "So...no one is around, So I guess I won't be able to speak to them." Ryu checks his blaster and piercers again.

Gurney Devries
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:17:23 PM
Gurney cleared his throat, looking around at the empty hangar. He was getting a strange feeling from these two men. This Ryujin seemed to have drastically changed his attitude from when they first met. Now, there was something... malicious lurking under his exterior. Something told Gurney that they weren't all that interested in actually purchasing a ship.

"Actually, I see someone over by the accounting table there." Gurney pointed to where he meant: a small desk off in the distance. "Come on, lets go over and ask him about procuring you guys a ship."

Slowly, Gurney began to drift off to the side as they walked, until he disappeared behind one of the larger cruisers. Both men's footsteps continues to echo off the spacious walls without hesitation, which meant that he still had a few moments before they noticed he was gone. Time to go get someone better equiped to handle this.

Jedi Knight Katarn
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:32:57 PM
Kyle followed Ryu and Jerred from the bar, this just keeps getting stanger and stranger.

Kyle checks that charge on his blaster, repositions his light saber and continues to follow the two.

Jerred Rez
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:44:56 AM
Jerred suddenly stopped as he watched the cloaked man vanish out of the corner of his eyes, he turned and noticed him high tailing behind a freighter, then cursed underneath his breath. "Ryu, we may have a problem. I think he’s on to us... How do you want to do this?" Several methods came to mind, but Jerred spoke up loudly as he approached the gentleman that their escort had pointed out. “Good evening sir!” The young man looked up with a confused look and squinted, at the two men. He scratched his head as he saw them walk right up to the worn metallic counter. Jerred reached into his coat and smiled. “I’d like you to show us a ship… We need something fast. Unreasonably fast.”

Turning his head slowly, he allowed his goggles to run through several readings, exploring each ship's readings to assure that he could find one that was fully functional. His eyes stopped on a gunboat, rigged with slave circuits to allow for a smaller piloting crew to manage it. He tapped Ryu on the shoulder and nodded in the vessels direction. "I think we have a winner." Gunboats normally weren’t very fast, but this one wasn’t fully armed – meaning that all the power could go towards an extra speed boost, and not the usual lugging that these kind of ships were hard pressed to do.

Ryu Warusa
Jul 16th, 2001, 02:14:26 PM
Ryu whispers to Jerred. "That guy... I knew it, I had a bad feeling about this... Alright, I say we take this sickly man hostage should anyone arrive. The Jedi wouldn't dare risk a hostage." Saying so Ryujin grabs the sickly man and sticks his blaster to his throat. "Alright, you're coming with us. Don't resist and you will not be harmed. They head to the gunship. Ryu looks at Jerred. "I hope this ship is well worth it."

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 16th, 2001, 04:07:42 PM
from across the ship yard enters a man dressed all in black, with a flowing black cape.

he eyes his apprentice Kyle on the other side and motions for him to stay back.

he echoes his voice while continuing his walk towards the kidnappers.

I do not think you want to proceed with this course of action, you will release the man now.

to emphasis the point he was trying to make, the jedi extended his left hand, closed his eyes and concentrated on the ship.

The kidnappers as the door to the gunship closed before them.

the jedi opened his eyes back up.

Now, release the old man and I will let you go on your little excursion, my apprentice was merely being a bit over zealous.

its your move.

Luke moves his robe as to free access to his lightsaber, if needed.

Jerred Rez
Jul 16th, 2001, 04:29:39 PM
"Damn. So much for being discrete." Jerred glances straight across the shipyard and sees Luke standing there, his goggles assisting him considerably. The Jedi Master would give them too much trouble if he ended up getting pulled into the fray. "Lets go - hurry!"

Jerred ran up to the door on the gunboat and leaned up against it, turning only briefly to get a mental picture of the access panel. He pounded a few access codes into it and sighed. It wasn't opening. He raised his voice above to speak to Skywalker, yelling. "Stay where you are and this man won't be hurt. If I even think that you're trying something, he's gone."

The access hatch hissed open as Jerred finally guessed the code, his fingers nimbly rapping against the ship's hull. He raised a brow at Ryu. "You hired me for a reason, didn't you?" The glow of the man's goggles made it impossible for anyone to truly tell what emotional state he was in, though most of the time he had a very blunt approach to most things which compensated for that. "Most freshly built ship don't have much in the way of security. We lucked out."

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 16th, 2001, 04:53:36 PM
Luke produced something out of his pocket and threw it at the ship, Luke then approached closer to the ship he tapped some commands into a data pad and then spoke one command "execute"

Luke motioned for Kyle to bug out and he then vanished into the shadows

Ryu Warusa
Jul 16th, 2001, 05:00:11 PM
I hope Jerred knows what he is doing. I really don't want to fight a Jedi by myself, but maybe with both of us... Ryu ran into the ship still holding the hostage with his blaster and gave off a warning shot then replaced the blaster at the hostages throat. "I'll kill him, I swear it!" He and Jerred then ran off into the ship, started the ship and activated the shields.

Jerred Rez
Jul 16th, 2001, 09:01:23 PM
Jerred watched as something slid across the floor and to the ship, then pulled from within the folds of his trench coat a 3 foot long (and heavily modified) repeater rifle. He swung the end of it at the object and batted it back at the Jedi's direction, dodged into the ship and closed the access hatch behind himself. He heard the shields go up and the ship start, then yelled out to Ryu. "Get us out of here quick!"

He turned his head and noticed the hostage crouched in a corner, unconscious.

Nice. Now I'll have to toss him out the hatch when we get in the air.

Jerred considered the fact that the Jedi might be moving towards the ship, then gave it some thought.

Lightsabers may be able to cut through the ship's hull, but they can't cut through the shields. Better to be safe than sorry though...

Making a quick motion with his rifle, his set it to burst fire and blasted the access controls, sealing them into the gunboat. He was fairly confident he could get it open again once they reached a safe haven, but for now this was the best idea he had for keeping the Jedi out in case they somehow managed to get through the shields. They were resourceful, and he couldn't deny it.

Kikran Akard
Jul 16th, 2001, 10:48:09 PM
::Kikran had been working late again on a new ship design. Nights like this had been frequent, as he had been trying to come up with something that could really boost the NR and GJO. He suddenly heard a ship starting, but since he was at the accounting area, someone hadn't payed::

"Yippee....just what I need."

::Forntunately, the main office housed the controls to every ship in the yards. Kikran pushed the shutoff button on the gunship, but it seemed to not work. He rushed outside, to see the ship preparing to leave::

::As the two men tried to escape with their hostage, they heard a large boom sound as Stormchaser lowered into their path::

"Stop now, or I'll be forced to take the ship down, hard."

::Kikran waited for an answer as Stormchaser's laser cannons glowed::

Ryu Warusa
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:35:21 PM
Oh no, trouble, but I bet I can out-pilot him any day, just need to get outside. Ah well time to make a quick exit. The gunboat buckled as Ryu quickly piloted the ship behind a few other ships and blasted a ship that appeared to be under repair. Ryu quickly got on the comm.. "If the ship goes down, the hostage dies!" Saying so he quickly piloted out of the shipyard. "Man the rear guns! We might be in for a quick chase."

Jerred Rez
Jul 17th, 2001, 01:18:40 AM
Jerred was nearly tossed back as the ship suddenly banked to the left and behind several freighters.

Ryu better not be writing out checks with his brag that his body can't cash.

The man in the green goggles gave a quick glance at the hostage, then jumped back into the gunboat's rear cannons. There was smoke everywhere that made it hard to see, but he could make out some faint signs of motion that seemed remotely humanoid. Charging up the cannons, he brought the turret around a few feet and opened fire, hoping to force the Jedi into hiding while they took off past the skyline. A few more minutes and they could make a jump to hyperspace...

Glancing quickly back at the access panel, Jerred breathed a sigh of releif. He had fortunately burned out the mechanism which handed the ship over to the shipyard circuit.

Rogue Flight Leader
Jul 17th, 2001, 05:21:33 PM
the ship exits hyperspace and takes station on the main hyperspace lane. shields up

RFL make's an internal announcement through the Rogue Squadron Flag Ship

"All Rogue Pilots - scramble red, scramble red, this is not a drill"

klaxons ring through out the massive ship Rogue pilots jump into their ships and prepare for launch.

after only a very few amount of minutes the first wave of rogue pilots are launched into a defensive screen.

watch for the gunboat, set weapons for disable.

Ryu Warusa
Jul 17th, 2001, 05:44:50 PM
"X-wings coming in fast!" The gunship screams out of the planet's atmosphere. "Hyperspace calculations completed!" Ryu knew that the gunship could not take on a squadron of X-wings. "I'm arming the torpedoes, lets give them a going away present. The torpedoes were armed and locked on the rogue leader. "Who can make the sun shine?!? The candyman can!!!" The torpedoes were fired and the gunship jumped to hyperspace, leaving the X-wing squadron scrambling to catch up.

Jerred Rez
Jul 18th, 2001, 01:57:28 AM
Jerred finally relaxed, sighing as he made his way back up towards the area which the hostage was at. He grabbed the guy by the collar and slapped him once, but there was no response. He scanned him with his goggles, then took another deep breath.

<font size=1 color=lightgreen>Target Acquired...
Current Physical State: Trauma
Probability Of Survival: 87%

It was nearly two hours later that Jerred had managed to shake the visitor back into consciousness, once the ship had already exited from hyperspace. They were a long way from Yavin IV, and so was this man who had provided them with a trump card during their escape. Ryu was already crouched over the hostage's body as well.

"Rise and shine," the mercenary with the green shades began, "it's time to go home - Well, for us that is." That's when the man looked down and noticed he was inside of a flight suit. Ryu popped the helmet onto the terrorized civilian's head and crammed the man into a small hatch which could barely accommodate him.

"Well, look on the bright side," Ryu said, using one of his pierces to puncture the man's jump suit, "If you die, the only one to blame will be yourself, or god."

Jerred slammed the hatch closed over the man, punching in a few access codes and jettisoning him into space. They didn't bother to watch the poor fool drift away and depressurize, but they were both fairly certain he was already dead by the time they reached the c-o-c-k-p-i-t and began to set a course for their favorite (and most profitable) hide away: Adarlon, the fun world.

<font size=5>The End</font>

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 18th, 2001, 08:23:13 PM
"The End?"

don't be too sure of that

[c]coming soon to a forum near you

Luke skywalker
Ryu Warusa

Ryu Warusa
Jul 18th, 2001, 09:02:02 PM
(ooc) Heh... I'm hurt. You forgot all about me! but if you want you could just hunt him down, I won't mind.