View Full Version : Tides of War: Alliances (council member)

Hohass Ekwesh
Aug 19th, 2001, 10:00:00 AM
The engines of the X-Wing stopped and silence surrounded the Thakwaash. Hohass Ekwesh had previously been part of the Wraith Squadren. The freezing process had taken some of his skills. It was not that he would need to get them back so he really could defend the innocent.

A soft echo was heards as the small Thakwaash landed on the floor. He was in a serious mood. Mind as well. He expected someone to greet him but no-one came. Now he would wait for someone. And then he would discuss his plans.

Nichos Marr
Aug 19th, 2001, 11:22:57 AM
"Looking for something?" Nichos asked.

He was leaning against the wall, examining the alien. He had never seen one quite like it before. Nichos circled around the alien and ran a hand through his head full of hair. In the past two weeks he had let a beard grow in. The Jedi intended it to stay thin and neat.

"I don't believe we've met, I'm Nichos Marr." The Jedi stretched his hand out.

He immediately reached out with the Force. He couldn't really feel this creature, but he didn't think it posed a threat to him. If it did, Nichos would have to be ready to repel any kind of attack it might launch on him.

Hohass Ekwesh
Aug 19th, 2001, 11:46:42 AM
Hohass accepted the greeting and shook the man's hand. He did what was almost a smile, but the messag e got through.

No, I am Hohass Ekwesh of the New Thakwaash Alliance. I understand you are the Jedi. If I am correct I would like to discuss a treaty. I wish for no hostilities between our peoples. And I must also ask another favour..

The Thakwaash stopped thinking of how to make his next sentence. He decided to let the man reply before speaking of this..favour.

Master Yoghurt
Aug 24th, 2001, 04:54:34 PM
The doors slid open, and in entered an alien of Yoda's race. The small green figure wearing the traditional Jedi robes, approached and nodded silently to greet, carefull not to interupt the conversation between Nichos and the honorable delegate from the New Thakwaash Alliance..

Master Yoghurt
Aug 24th, 2001, 09:19:16 PM
"The Council, the Senate and the members of the Alliance have agreed to give you access to Alliance Command Headquarters. This is a place where we can discuss details of this treaty in private.. for now, we must be cautious.. there are too many Sith ears listening."

Gives a datapad with a set of recorded coordinates flashing on the display screen..

pub51.ezboard.com/fhome1frm15 (http://pub51.ezboard.com/fhome1frm15)

"Access codes will be administrated through encrypted channels"

Hohass Ekwesh
Aug 25th, 2001, 07:00:22 AM
Hohass nodded at the small green alien. His main objective here was seemingly complete. He would have a treaty between the NTA, the GJO and NR. He looked to the floor wondering how to speak. The force users around him would have a difficult time deciding what he was thinking, as his multiple minds prevented easy access to his head. He spoke deeply as he did, in a softer tone now.

I must now ask a favour. As you may, or may not know, I am from a race called the Thakwaash. The Thakwaash have multiple minds, these which they cannot control. For instance at the moment I am peacfull and negotiative but in a matter of moments I could be a vicious killer. I wish to learn of the force. I wish to control my minds.

Master Yoghurt
Aug 25th, 2001, 09:06:57 AM
The green alien widened his eyes in surprise.. then calmly, shut them closed, appearantly either pondering or sensing something..

"Interesting.. most interesting.. how feel you?"

Hohass Ekwesh
Aug 25th, 2001, 09:40:28 AM
I feel I need to stop the evil spreading through out the galaxy, although I know I must take it step at a time. I will get no-where as a madman one minute then a scholar the next. I need to find a way to either merge my minds together, or single out one.

He watched the small green alien. He seemed wise, and spoke in a way that made him seem even more wise. Hohass looked back at the first man that had greeted him, who had been silent now for a while, before turning his gaze back to small Jedi.

Master Yoghurt
Aug 26th, 2001, 04:36:21 PM
"Hmmm... complex this problem is. Your personality.. how to define it? Your past I sense.. much cloudy, yet, your future more focused seems. How that could be? Layers of clouds there are, yet deep beyond those; there is clarity - a sense of peace. The Force help you will.. find a purpose. The Force, a powerfull ally is. Guide you it will... help you see and feel things others can not... do things beyond your wildest dreams. However, its effects depends does. When mind calm and peacefull is, clearly see you may; the natural flow - the flow that runs like a river through you and everything that surrounds you.. a state of balance. Serenity, wisdom.. true strength such balance leads to."

The alien paused, as his face turned into a worried, yet mindfull expression..

"When in anger, the Force corrupted becomes; turbulent.. chaotic.. it blurs your vision, luring you into illusions, then lies, then suffering, then ultimately.. selfdestruction!

The old man seemed to ponder about something for a while, then continued:

"A Jedi must walk a different path. For thousands of generations, guardians of peace and justice they have been - protecting the innocent and weak. Excitement.. adventure.. a Jedi craves these things not. Knowledge, enlightment, a calm state of mind is what he seeks. A search for the truth it is.. the Light. The way to become a Jedi is a long and difficult one - a shifting state of mind, even more difficult makes. No easy task. This is why special training it requires - teacher with great experience.. Perhaps, train you I could. Much work involved. Prepared for this? Think carefully. Whole new world will open.."

Hohass Ekwesh
Aug 26th, 2001, 06:05:42 PM
The lion-like alien nodded, understanding the Jedi's words. He had encountered these force types before, but never had he dreamed of becoming one.

I am ready to make any sacrifice towards the cause of the NTA. Becoming a Jedi is no price to pay to help rid the galaxy of evil. Now, not only will I be helping a cause I truely beleive in, I will be helping another cause, very similar to my own. I am ready to step into this new world, and I am ready to put in as much work as is needed.

He looked into the eyes of the green alien speaking his mind and watching the movements of his fellow Jedi.

If you could help me to learn about the force, I would be truely grate