View Full Version : GJO Fleet Order 006 - 16 september - Corellian Gunships

Master Yoghurt
Sep 16th, 2001, 06:47:17 PM
Model: Corellian Gunship
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Designation: Anti-Starfighter Screening Vessel

Length: 119 meters
Crew: 91
Cargo Capacity: 300 metric tons
Consumables: 8 months
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x16
Speed: 29 MGLT
Hull: 176 RU
Shields: 416 SBD

Weapons: 8 Double Turbolaser Cannons, 6 Quad Laser Cannons and 4 Concussion Missile Launchers.
The Corellian Gunship is designed and manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. It is relatively small, but carries a formidable amount of weaponry. This ship can easily win a battle against a frigate twice its size. However, because of its size, there is little space on board for cargo or even for its crew members. The Corellian Gunship is used as an escort vessel or patrol ship and are deployed in "Packs" of 2 or more.

Master Yoghurt
Sep 16th, 2001, 06:53:50 PM
Yard to be used: Fleet construction yard
Production capacity: 250 meters per day.
Production duration: 10 days.
250 m x 10 days = 2,500 meters.
Model of ship to be built: Corellian Gunship
Length of ship: 119 meters.
# of ships to be built: 21

Total length: 2499 m

Construction starts: 16th of september
Construction completes: 25 of september

Master Yoghurt
Sep 25th, 2001, 07:53:33 PM
Construction complete