View Full Version : JB's hex wing and SMCC200 designs...

Kikran Akard
Jul 15th, 2001, 04:10:58 AM
pub1.ezboard.com/fthejedi...=107.topic (http://pub1.ezboard.com/fthejediloungefrm14.showMessage?topicID=107.topic)

pub1.ezboard.com/fthejedi...D=22.topic (http://pub1.ezboard.com/fthejediloungefrm14.showMessage?topicID=22.topic)

We have more designs people have forgotten about...:D

Force Master Hunter
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:50:49 PM
I have one of those MC200 things. Nice :)

Kikran Akard
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:33:39 AM
Lol....just trying to make sure the old shipyard threads and designs we have aren't forgotten.

Liam Jinn
Jul 16th, 2001, 04:58:31 AM
I wonder if the sith have forgotten :evil:

Kikran Akard
Jul 16th, 2001, 10:36:39 PM
Hopefully. >)