View Full Version : A Viashino Corrvett appears**

Reysa Sashara
Jul 14th, 2001, 09:34:01 PM
:: A rather Stocky Viashino Rep Docked a Viashino Corrvette just in the orbit of the shipyards, the TDS slowly decended into the yard andl landed next to a cuople of X-wings, the ramp slwoly opened and a rarther tough looking Via walked out..the kinda Via you wouldent want to mess with by all means::

: The Lizard walked out and over to the man the call "Marr"::

"Ahem" trying to get the huuuuuumans attention::

:: the Via places a list on the table directly from the Admrial Lashye of the Viashino Empire::

15 YT-2500's- 1.26 days
5 C-Corvettes- 3.2 days
5 Light Transports- 3.7 days

:: The Via explained that all the Via pilots and cpatains were waiting in the Corrvette to take these ships to Lashes Section and he would wit till the order was finished in orbit if he may::

Nichos Marr
Jul 26th, 2001, 07:39:28 PM
That will all be done in 7 days. You'll receive the price tomorrow.