View Full Version : :: At the other end of the bar...::
Darth Turbogeek
Mar 27th, 2001, 03:01:53 AM
A lone Jedi appears. And waits. He is expecting one to come for what is ordained. Traditionally, when one was tested, they were tested by the best availible. This would be no different, the test however would be most unusual.
He waited for Jedi Knight Sage Hazzard to arrive::
Master Yoghurt
Mar 27th, 2001, 03:21:02 AM
::An old Jedi Master, wearing some old robes unhoods himself. He silently nods toward DT to greet him. Patiently, he waits for Sage Hazzard to appear::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Mar 27th, 2001, 03:30:03 AM
**Shortly thereafter...a petite Jedi Master enters. Leia grabs her hood and pulls it back. She looks to DT and Master Yoghurt..bows her head repectfully to them, followed by a smile**
**She now stands among the other Jedi Masters waiting for Sage's arrival.**
Mar 27th, 2001, 10:56:12 PM
:: It looked like a silver jedi club meeting now as another more matured jedi master entered the ole' bar, and sat where the group patiently awaited. Something very important in a jedi's life was about to happen ::
Sage Hazzard
Mar 28th, 2001, 03:25:38 AM
Sage entered the bar. He wore clothes differant to what he ever wore. Not in design but of background....
They were his father's Jedi Uniform and Robes. His father always told him that when he was to be trailed to be a Jedi Master to where this. Although his father was a Knight he knew the importance of the trails as well as any other Knight. He had told him at this time, when he wore his clothes, he would be with him. His father had also told him of his sabre's holding place, and that when he became a Master to seek out this weapon. But that was for another time...
As the Jedi aproached the bar he noted the Jedi Masters there at the other end. He pulled back his Black hood as he walked towards them. His pace seemed to go on forever, his foot steps seemed to be sunken in stone. But he reached his destination.
He did not speak as he came apon the four Masters that had came. He simply bowed in respect, his mouth not able to form the words of respect these Jedi deserved, for there were no words to convey the respect. His bow was simple, low, slow. Words could not say what he thought.
He stood there, awaiting instructions on what to do. He did not sit, for he felt it would be disrespectful somehow. He didn't understand why he thought this, but he did. He stood silent, his hands to his side.
Darth Turbogeek
Mar 28th, 2001, 08:07:02 AM
:: He observed Sage Hazzard approach. Reluctant. Humble. Good.
"Sit down here and listen to me"
Sage sat
"There is no pass here. There is no need for victory. It is in fact likey you will experience defeat. That is not the point"
He looked at Sage Hazzard.
"Do you know what we are really looking for in this?"
Sage Hazzard
Mar 29th, 2001, 01:51:13 AM
::Sage thought this over. The truth was he didn't truely know the answer. He took an educated guess::
To see how far I have come? An analogy would be, to see how far I can walk the path, but getting to the end will be saved until later. Is this correct Master Turbogeek? I must admit I am not sure what the answer is, I have no idea what to expect, or what you expect, sir.
Darth Turbogeek
Mar 29th, 2001, 02:02:14 AM
"No, that is not correct. The simple and only reason is to see how well you understand how a jedi is to be. No.... close your eyes and relax. Go into the Force..."
Sage Hazzard
Mar 29th, 2001, 02:13:35 AM
Sage wanted to re-answer the question. But he knew the question was trivial, or atleast he hoped it was. He did not know the answer, so he could not know it, he could not help this. However he was part right "To see how far I have come?", this was true in a sense. To go far in the Jedi one must first understand what a Jedi is to be.
Sage shrugged this away. He had missed the question, but that was behind him, dwelling on the past was meaningless. He closed his eyes, the dripping black covered his eyes as his eyelids blocked out the light.... but there was the light. The Force. He could see it as he reached out to it. It was all around him, it was as if he was swimming in it. He let it cover his body, flow through it, becoming one with it as much as was possible. And there he saw the other side of the Force, the Dark Side. It was always there, taunting him, beckoning him. He ignored it, and it seemed to fade from his vision as the light covered over it. He was as calm as he had ever been, and yet this was the most tense experiance of his life, yet it was the calmest. How was this so? He saved the answer for another time as he submerged himself in the Force.
Sage didn't tell the Master when he was ready. The man could tell he was sure. He could still feel the Masters around him. He could still "feel" them, but could not see them. A smile swept over his face as the utter calm swept through his soul
Darth Turbogeek
Mar 29th, 2001, 02:25:27 AM
:: The scence changes. The bar dissoves. The is a meadow, trees, sunshine. Grass. Some rocks. Peaceful.
"Look around you. Tell me, is this real?"
Sage can see he is alone and onlyhimself and the Jedi Master, now looking solid are there. The bar is gone, the other Jeid are gone. Only what he can sense is what he can see now"::
Sage Hazzard
Mar 29th, 2001, 02:44:45 AM
::Is it real? Is it real? The question echoed in his mind. He knew that if he could feel it through the Force it must be made of the Force, so it was real. Yet if was an illusion::
Yes, it is real in it's own sense. It is an illusion, we are not in a differant place. But the Force is real, what i see is the Force, only shaped in my mind to see it differantly. So I believe the answer to be yes. Yes it is real, but only an illusion.
::The words seemed to contradict each other. Yet the fact remained, the images were still made of the Force, yet they were not organic or inorganic, they were simply images molded by a Force user. Darht Turbogeek, no less.::
Darth Turbogeek
Mar 29th, 2001, 02:47:53 AM
"So, can illusions be real?"
Sage Hazzard
Mar 29th, 2001, 03:16:34 AM
::Sage thought this over before he answered::
If by real you mean true to the sense, yes. The Force is real, so there for anything created through it is technicly real. However it is not "real" in sense it is created by your hands, or seen by the eye. This is not real to my body, but it is real to my mind, and somehow I think it is real to the Force. I can sense things here like I can in what humans refer to as "reality", I can feel them. But I cannot see them with my human eyes, so it is not real to "reality". But in the Force I can "feel" it. So it is real to me. To sum this up, I believe illusions can be real to the mind, but not to the earthly body.
Dark JK Leia Solo
Mar 29th, 2001, 04:01:06 AM
::A dark figure appears suddenly before the Jedi Master and Jedi Knight. The two look on at the figure with puzzlement. As the black cloaked figure came closer to the two Jedi, she removed her hood revealing her face::
::Her lips were twisted in an upward fashion as she sneered at the two Jedi, she glared deep into the eyes of the one known as Sage::
Then tell me this JEDI!! Am I real?! Care to find out...JEDI!!
::The dark figure looked on waiting for an answer from Sage..letting out a sinister laugh that hauntingly echoed through the meadow::
Sage Hazzard
Mar 29th, 2001, 04:11:20 AM
::Sage Hazzard was shocked to see Leia here, and an evil one at that. Of course, he did not "see" anyone with his eyes, rather it was with the eyes of the Force. But the effect was still the same.
Sage bent his knees as he put his left side towards the Dark Leia. He extended his left hand, his right hand rested on his his right thigh. Sage felt the Force flowing through him, guiding his thoughts and actions in this unreal, yet still realistic realm::
If you wish to come near me in force, I will have no alternative then to stop you with bodi--
::As the words started out of his mouth "Bodily force", he stopped himself. His body was not here. He could not use it::
If you attack me, I will stop you with whatever means I must to defend myself. It is your choice ma'am.
::Ma'am?! Did this woman deserve respect, as the word "ma'am" coveyed? He used the word without seeing the true heart of the woman. He saw the vessle "JK Leia Solo", but he did not see the soul, the heart of the person "Dark JK Leia Solo"::
It is your choice.
::The words "ma'am" left out this time. Sage smiled. Of course his lips did not move, but his image altered his figure into a smiling face. Odd when faced with battle Sage was oddly calm, a smile often swept his face, as if he was not experiancing the true nature of war. Of course this was a Jedi's manner of control, showing no anger, fear, agression. The calm he always felt often made him smile::
It is your choice.
::The words continued to echo in Sage's mind. The words waited a reply as they echoed in his mind::
It is your choice. It is your choice.....
Dark JK Leia Solo
Mar 29th, 2001, 04:28:17 AM
::She looked on at the Jedi Knight hearing his words. Her eyes flashed at him in anger::
You did NOT answer me JEDI!!! Am I real?!!
::Still no answer, she pushed on::
So be it then! There is one way you will find out!!
::The dark clone growled those she unclipped a lightsaber from her belt and engaged it, a red beam eminated from its hilt::
Shall we dance!!!
:: Once again, the dark figure let out another sinister laugh::
Darth Turbogeek
Mar 29th, 2001, 06:34:20 AM
:: The Jedi Master shimmers slightly, coming solid with Sage Hazzard's sabre in his hand.
"What is real is very much our point of view Sage"
DT disappeared leaving Sage Hazzard without a weapon::
Sage Hazzard
Mar 29th, 2001, 09:16:14 AM
OOC:I had a post all made last night but the internet messed up and I couldn't post. This is basicly the same thing, with DT's post now included into the factors. Sorry for the delay.
::Sage did not mind the absence of his weapon. In this reality material weapons were of no use.
He pondered the woman's words. She was right, he hadn't answered here question::
Are you real? Yes, I would say you are in your own way. You are a image. However you can only hurt me by invoking fear, anger, and agression. These things I am void of. Yes, you can hurt me. But this pain would only be as it is in "reality", it would be a signal to the brain, expect the skin would never be harmed. I do not have to experiance Pain unless I so wish it. Since the thought of "wanting" pain never has crossed my mind, I shall not have pain. So to attempt to duel with me is baseless, as you would not win. If you are looking for a clear cut, black and white answer, I do not have one for you. You are real to the mind, fake to the body.
::Sage still stands in his battle postition::
If you still want to... what did you say? Ah yes, "Dance", then we may. But be rest assured it would accomplish nothing as anything you do to me will be a trick on the mind. If you cut me, it will be an illusion in effort to cause panic and fear within me, I will not be cut. Go ahead, if you still feel confident.
Dark JK Leia Solo
Mar 29th, 2001, 12:20:30 PM
:: Dark Leia glared the whole time, as the Jedi Knight was speaking to her, never uttering a word until he was through speaking. Impatiently and in a mockingly fashion, she twirled her lightsaber in her hand as he spoke to her::
::When Sage was through, the dead silence was broken from her, as she raised an eyebrow mocking Sage's very existence. Finally...that very same evil haunting chuckle came from the figure once more::
So, you want to dance with the devil herself, eh?! Eager to fight are we?! You sound pretty sure of yourself Jedi. I sense you have temptation in you to join the Darkside!!
:: Dark Leia gave an evil grin as she knew she struck a nerve with the young jedi knight.::
Your thoughts betray you...young one. You have been tempted by the Darkside before...Haven't you?!!
::She then commanded in a menacing way::
Sage Hazzard
Mar 30th, 2001, 02:41:13 AM
::Sage's face turned pale. How did this woman know his past? Well the answer was somewhat obvious, this creature was not flesh, it was in his mind. Whomever was creating the illusion would also have the ability to peer into abother's mind or past to some extent::
Yes. I have been tempted by it. I have dipped into it's murky waters before also. But this was at a time before I became a Jedi, before I understood Light from Dark. Now I am not tempted by it, I simply observe it's attempted to persuade me, and then I shrug it to the side like a toothless merchant.
::Sage's face started to return in color::
I am not eager to fight, only ready.
Lord Fire Blade
Mar 30th, 2001, 02:57:43 AM
A red dressed being stepped from behind the Jedi and gave him an immense clot with his Force Pike. As the Jedi reeled, a hate filled vote spoke
"You resist the dark Side? You do not know the POWER of it you fool. Would you suffer just to defend this weakness that you call the path of a Jedi? What can your peace and calm do that ... this cant?"
The figure raised a hand and blasted the Jedi with lightning, filling the meadow with the sound of crackling thunder
"Answer me, Jedi! Your powers are nothing to match the Dark Side! Dont deny it any longer, you want this as it is true Powert! Unleash the fury in you and attack me!"
Sage Hazzard
Mar 30th, 2001, 03:17:05 AM
::The shock of the Lightning knocked Sage down. It was not real but his mind made him fall, the reality had tricked his brain into believe it was real, but only for a moment.
As he layed on the ground he did not squarm as the lightning passed through his image's veins. Instead he just layed there. He used the Force to block out the pain receptors, so the reality could now not trick him into believing this pain existed.
The fury began to rise in Sage. He felt his emotions bubling towards the surface. He tried to push them away but they were still there! He blocked out his mind, closing his imaginary eyelids shut. He allowed the Lightside to wash over him, calm him, vanquish his emotions. He opened his eyes again, his anger and rage gone::
I know you do not exist in this plane. You cannot hurt me. I will not strike you. You pose no threat to myself or others here, so there is nothing to defend. A Jedi strikes only in defense, and I need not defend against nothingness.
Lord Fire Blade
Mar 30th, 2001, 03:21:48 AM
"I felt your anger Jedi! I know you feel the power of the Dark Side!
He red helmeted assasin reverses the Force Pike and give Sage a fearful smashto the solar plexus, then an massive uppercut.
"I feel your pain.... use it to unlock your fury! I know you want to, so do it! Strike back!"
Sage Hazzard
Mar 30th, 2001, 04:27:48 AM
::Sage could withstand the unreal pain, but he was beginning to think he might not be able to withstand it enough. If he died here, would he go brain dead?
Sage was taught early in his training to never strike out of anger, fear or agression. And if he did attack when he was feeling these things, he would be consumed by the Dark Side. He didn't feel these emotions yet, but they were surely boiling. If he striked now it might be from the Dark Side. He couldn't risk it::
I'd rather you kill me.
::As Sage said this his imaginary blood dripped from his mouth. This might not be flesh an blood, but it sure felt like it::
Lord Fire Blade
Mar 30th, 2001, 05:12:56 AM
"You would die rather than go to the Dark Side? That just goes to prove how shortsided you are. You Jedi are so shortsided! We all die, why dont you use that time you have and become as pwerful as possible? Would you rather die in the gutter, than stand in the Dark Side and rule? Would you squander true power?
"A REAL Jedi wouldnt stand there and die with a bloodied nose! A real, powerful Jedi would fight back so fight! Use your power! Use it! Why waste yourself with death?"
Sage Hazzard
Mar 31st, 2001, 02:52:49 AM
Because by doing so I would be submiting myself to the Dark Side. There is no need to fight here that I see. It would not be in defense to do so. I do not truely believe with all my heart I can die in this plain, so my gut tells me I should not fight you. If I did so it would be actions of the Dark Side.
::Sage looked up. He did have a bloody nose. But was it REALLY his nose?::
Death is only the beginning. I do not fear death. I will be with the Force then. To live my life seeking power and glory is not what I want, and it would be short lived. For as you say "we all die", but living is not the end. If I did go to the Dark Side, I might have power, strengh beyond my imagination, and I would rule, yes, I would rule. But I would pay the price. My soul would be devoured by the dark, I would die sooner then needed, I would be in constant turmoil as my emotions overtook me. And then I would die. Then where would I go? To the Dark Side of the Force? A energy that strives on mankind's most dreadful thoughts and feelings? What kind of way to spend eternity is that?
Sage Hazzard
Apr 1st, 2001, 02:59:14 AM
EDITED: To move up the thread! NP Sage :)
Lord Fire Blade
Apr 1st, 2001, 08:00:03 PM
"Your words mean nothing to me Jedi! Do you think I care what is after death? There is life right now and we strive to be a powerful as possible, by any means possible! Why do you deny your power by limiting it with your notions of Light and Dark. You know you want power.... the Dark side beckons!"
The red armoured figure moves in and punches Sage in the face, then knees him in the groin
"Dont just stand there..... it calling you.... the Dark Side feels your power.... take hold of your anger and use it!"
Lord Fire Blade swings his force Pike, crashing it onto the Jedi's head
Sage Hazzard
Apr 2nd, 2001, 12:00:50 AM
Sage crashes onto the floor as the blow rocks his head. He looks up from his fallen state. The side of his head spews with blood.
"Power is not wanted by this vessle. If I had to sacrifice power for peace and justice, I would in a heartbeat. If I could solve a war between two worlds by turning into a snail for the remainder of my life, this would not be a unthinkable thing for me. I'd sacrifice myself without a second thought. The Dark Side strips you of these values, this sense of common good I hold so dear. I will never throw away these things, never."
Darth Turbogeek
Apr 2nd, 2001, 12:13:01 AM
:: As the Sith is about to strike, a hand is waved...
The red cloaked figure morphs into a Jedi, Dark JK Leia changes to JK Leia Solo. The plain remains the same, except other Masters are watching
Sage looks up inside his pain... this place was very real. The Bar was the place that had not. The pain and the blood was very real.
"Look after him"
Turbogeek dissappears::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 2nd, 2001, 12:25:15 AM
**Leia bows as DT's spirit leaves and immediately comes to the side of Sage with a towel in her hand. She gently wipes the blood seeping from the corner of his mouth and helps him off the floor**
Are you ok Sage?
**Leia looked on**
Sage Hazzard
Apr 2nd, 2001, 02:19:20 AM
This place wad real?! He sensed things befoe, he felt things before. This was because it was real. He thought for a second why he felt no pain. It seemed that his strength in the light was better then he expected as he felt nothing but calm.
"I am not alright Leia. I feel no pain.... however I know I am in need of a Bacta Tank as soon as possible."
With this blood dripped from Sage's mouth. He needed it more then he thought.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Apr 3rd, 2001, 12:31:38 AM
**Leia continued to help Sage with his wounds while talking to him**
Yes Sage, I think we should get you to the med unit as soon as possible. We should have your wounds properly treated. Don't worry Sage everything will be fine. I promise you that, my friend.
**The Jedi Master helped Sage up slowly and started to assist him out of the bar. She turned around to the remaining Jedi Masters**
We will see you all later. Right now, Sage has to get medical attention. For now..Good Night my friends. May The Force Be With You!
Sage Hazzard
Apr 3rd, 2001, 12:39:31 AM
The woman who aided him was strong. Her petite size could trick you easily if you were not paying attention to the Force. Her body could easily sling Sage's broken body around. It was a reminder to Sage the strength of the Force.
"Thank you Leia."
Sage felt liek passing out. He hoped he had passed the difficult trials. He would have to wait to find out. Lucky for him patience was a virtue taught to the youngest of Jedi. The ones that were still ripe from the world. It had taken him time to master the patience, but he felt he had done it. This was a personal victory for him, as eagerness got him into more trouble then he could handle as a youth.
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