View Full Version : Sanis saunters in
Sanis Prent
Apr 8th, 2001, 02:51:43 AM
(Coming in from some recent business, Sanis finds Yog's unnaturally active for this time of evening. Raising an eyebrow, Sanis notices that his normal stool at the bar is occupied. Strange.
Annoyed, Sanis goes walking around, looking for another seat.)
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 8th, 2001, 03:05:37 AM
As the shifty-eyed alien brushes past, Cirrsseeto sniffs the air, his brow furrowing as he attempts to place a name to the man's face and smell. The manservant turned around, and sniffed again, eyeing the alien with messed up hair. He knew who this man was, and he was sure that his Mistress would be interested in knowing as well.
Quietly, Cirrsseeto tapped Saarrreeaa's forearm, getting her attention.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 8th, 2001, 03:14:26 AM
**She looks down at her servant, Cirr.
"Whateverrr jisss jit that jyou want, Cjirrrrrr?"
**He points insistantly at a nice looking male sitting on a barstool. Except for a few scars here and there, he was rather.. nice looking. She arranged her hair so it was just right, and patted her servant on the head. She walked slowly up to the bar, sliding an arm around the male's shoulders. Her sharp sense of smell picked up a scent. A familiar scent. She could not quite place it, so she shrugged her shoulders.
"Whjy hello, jyou verrrjy njice lookjing human. jI jussst know jyou want to bujy me a drrrjink. We can sssjit and talk, orrr do otherrr thjingsss."
Sanis Prent
Apr 8th, 2001, 03:32:24 AM
(If Sanis had been drinking just a little bit more that evening, he would've thought Sasseeri had broken out with war paint and was celebrating Mardis Gras or something. But Sanis knew through a few subtle differences that this was definitely not Sasseeri, despite the same subtlety of a runaway freighter.
This bronze-skinned bombshell was sporting stripes. Stripes? What the frell? He'd never seen that one before. As the felinoid brushed herself against him, Sanis thought about being civil, but didn't really have much success with that in the past concerning Sasseeri. Sanis liked the attention, but it was time to cut this one off before it got anywhere. Besides, it was about that time, and Sanis had to rush back to the apartment to meet Dalee.
Smiling, Sanis reached in his pocket, pulling out 4 credits and placing them on the bar in front of the woman. Finishing the remnants of his beer, Sanis threw the bottle away, rising from his seat. He gave a courteous, but passing smile at the woman.)
Eh, some other time, perhaps.
(Sanis pointed to the credits.)
Get yourself something good to drink, but I really gotta be going.
(Without another word, Sanis turned, walking away.)
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 8th, 2001, 03:40:51 AM
**She growled, a low rumble starting in her throat and moving upwards. Tonight she had had about enough with all these insolent males. Culture differences or not, there were certain ways to treat a lady. So far she felt like a poor beggar in front of these males, and she was not going to stand for it anymore.
**Her fangs flashed out, and she entended her claws. Saa's ears pressed back against her light hair. She reached out a hand and grabbed Sanis's arm.
"How darrre jyou ssspeak to me ljike that. jIt jisss almossst jindecent !!!"
**Her growling slowly became louder, until it could be heard across the bar.
Sanis Prent
Apr 8th, 2001, 03:51:20 AM
(Sanis waved his free arm around)
Whoawhoawhoawhoawhoawhoa...WHOA WHOA!! WHOA here!
(Sanis made sure before proceeding that the lady was just stable enough to keep from literally biting his head off. Seeing that the crazy factor in her wild stare had decreased somewhat, Sanis felt assured enough to proceed.)
My apologies. You know, it's late, and to be perfectly honest...I'm just not very good with these kind of situations.
(Sanis extended an index finger, holding it in front of Saa for emphasis.)
Lemme just take care of this one bit of business and I'll be more than happy to stay a bit late and have a few drinks with you. I just gotta call a few people and say I'll be a little late gettin over there. Should go over as smooth as a well tuned repulsorlift.
(Sanis shrugged slightly)
Is that okay?
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:08:52 AM
**Her eyes shrunk to slits as she tried to gauge the truthfulness of the man's words. On her world, for a man to lie to a woman meant death. A horrible, painful, twisted death. But here, the way men seemed to be allowed to run rampant.. who knows what they could be allowed to say. Her growling ceased, and she seemed to deem his words trustworty enough.
"Alrrrjight, male. But marrrk mjy worrrdsss, jif jyou arrre ljyjing to me jyou wjill ljive to rrregrrret jit. And make sssurrre jyou hurrrrrrjy back. jI would hate to have to look forrr jyou."
Sanis Prent
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:24:48 AM
(As the lady gave Sanis his arm back, he smiled at her, working the blood back into his hand.)
Hey don't worry...I'll be back before you know it.
(Sanis smiled suavely, and snapped his fingers in Saarrreeaa's direction. He turned to walk off, heading down the hall and around the corner...towards the paycomm booths.)
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:29:59 AM
As the shifty-eyed alien walked off, Cirrsseeto turned to his Mistress, his narrowed eyes and extended claws told Saarrreeaa quite clearly that her manservant did not trust the man at all.
Crossing his beefy arms, Cirrsseeto's sensitive ears remained perked...listening for any suspicious bump or squeak in the alien's direction. He waited for his Mistress to speak to him, before he felt comfortable to address his concerns.
Morgan Evanar
Apr 8th, 2001, 02:05:21 PM
As usual, the lanky figure in the green trenchcoat went unnoticed. Another damn cizzerak or whatever the frell they were called was looking about.
Now it was bothering Sanis. And Sanis owed him a favor, although he didn't know it yet. Morgan returned to his feet as Sanis walked away. He carefully tapped Saarreaa on the shoulder.
"He owes me a favor. I wouldn't do anything to him if you like your claws." Voice was even and factual, so there would be no missunderstanding.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 8th, 2001, 02:27:23 PM
**She looked down at her servant. Feeling his distrust, and mirroring it herself, she stares hard after the retreating Sanis. She emmited a vexed tsk of irritation, and spoke low.. so only her servant could hear.
"jI can sssenssse jyourrr djissstrrrussst, Cjirrrrrrrr. Don't worrrrrrjy, he wjill come back.. jIf he knowsss what'sss good forrr hjim. Be watchful howeverrr."
**Sanis passed out of sight, making a beeline away from her as fast as he could. A stranger Jedi came up, talking first to her prospect. Hmmm... She wondered who the strange man was. He definantly did not seem like any Jedi. Ah well. With a barely perceptible shrug of her shoulders, she returned her attention back to the bartop.
**Saa felt a hand tap her on the shoulder. Of all the indignant things she had suffered through today, NOW THIS? How dare a man touch her without her permission. She grew even more miserable as the time went on. THe impertinant males, acting like they were not inferior. How dared they? With a loud growl, she turned around in a flash. Her speed was quick, and her hand flashed up to grab the insolent males.
**She hissed a loud, menacing sound; her fangs bared.
"jI would apprrrecjiate jif jyou kept jyourrr handsss frrrom mjy perrrssson. jI do not jintend to hurrrt that male jyou ssspeak of. Actualljy, jit jisss the farrrthessst thjing frrrom hurrrt that jI can thjink of. Now unlessssss jyou want to bujy me a drrrjink, leave me."
Morgan Evanar
Apr 8th, 2001, 02:41:31 PM
"Actually, I think I will buy you a drink. Tequila, please." Morgan said to the serving droid, which twittered and quickly produced the drink. He took a lemon from the nearby dish, and squeezed it into the tequila. After carefully apraising the glass' contents for a moment, Morgan flicked his wrist, sending the contents into the felliniods eyes.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 8th, 2001, 03:35:14 PM
The first thing the rude alien felt were Cirrsseeto's claws, clamping across his throat like a vice grip. The claws extended just enough to pierce skin, ensuring that if the alien tried anything rash, his troubles would be greatly magnified. Cirrsseeto's brute strength sent the man off his feet, as the titanically-strong Cizerack held him suspended in the air, shaking him violently around. The felinoid's ears were folded back, and his long and sharp fangs were bared, ready at a moment's notice from his Mistress to rend this alien's flesh apart. Strings of spittle ran down from his jaws, as a rumbling growl shook the alien's bones.
<font size=5>Rrrrooouuuurrrrrrrrrr!!!!</font>
Dragon dlayer
Apr 8th, 2001, 03:37:08 PM
uh oh..
Morgan Evanar
Apr 8th, 2001, 03:50:22 PM
"Oh, aren't you cute?" Morgan stared into the felliniod's eyes as he was shaken about. He continued to growl at the fallen Jedi Knight.
He coughed once, and decided he was bored of the ride.
"I'm getting off now." The creature continued to growl stupidly. Morgan visciously cresent kicked him across the face with frightening speed. He landed on one foot, turned on his heel, and followed with an equally speedy reverse sidekick, knocking Cirsseto a couple of meters away.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:00:23 PM
Cirrsseeto winced painfully as he stumbled back. He was impressed with the scrawny alien's strength. He didn't seem capable of hitting like that...he was almost as strong as a Cizerack!
The manservant looked at his claws, now stained a shade of crimson. He looked up to see the alien's neck bleeding quite freely, his claws having torn down the flesh when he was kicked away. Cirrsseeto licked some of the blood from his claws, and hunched down low, ready to throw all of his 265 pound frame into action on a whim. Until Mistress Meorrrei said otherwise, this alien was meat.
Hunk Seidou
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:00:39 PM
::jumps between the two, keeping them two arms-lengths apart::
Hey hey hey, knock it off you two. We're all friends here at Yog's.
Morgan Evanar
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:14:26 PM
Morgan felt a wet, burning sensation. Torn nerves and skin. He did some quick calculations, and estimated he could be on his feet a good three hours before blood loss would incapaticate him, assuming his above average clotting factor did nothing. Forest green eyes narrowed, and Morgan dashed at Cirrsseetto. He skidded to a halt with a meter and a half between them, and force pulled him twoards him. Cirr wasted no time, attempting to claw Morgan's face appart. However, Morgan's head shifted to one side, only getting nicked, lightly drawing blood across his cheek. He threw his weight forward, and handed the felliniod a nasty uppercut.
The adrenaline from the pain felt wonderful.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:14:52 PM
**She screamed and tore at her eyes. The foul, FOUL alien. Her scream sounded like someone had cut her throat open, everyone turned to look. It burned, especially to someone who had such sensitive eyes like hers. The lemon, oh it burned. And she would make the alien burn in hell for what he had done.
**She sensed Cirr attack the man, good. In a fit of animal rage she yelled out,
"Kjill hjim Cjirrrrrr.. teach hjim humjiljitjy"
**Saa had finally succeeded in wiping away the remnants of bitterness from her eyes. They still watered, but that was of no matter. Quickly wiping away the tears, she glared at the large man standing between her servant and the hateful, hateful alien male.
"And jif jyou don't get out of hjisss wajy, jyou'll pajy forrr jit, aljien. jI have no want to hurrrt jyou, onljy that jimpudent fool. He jisss no frrrjiend of mjine."
**Her claws came out in a flash. She was ready to help out Cirr if the calling needed it.
Dragon dlayer
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:20:29 PM
*almost out of nowere 5 tracer bullets hit right infront of the female cat..she looked to see dragon holding his socom pistol*
"don't move!"
Hunk Seidou
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:22:25 PM
What the...
::Hunk dives to the side as the two combatents continue to brawl, he slips behind the male feline, putting him in a bear hug, the huscles in his large arms bulging::
Okay, okay, I think you may have had enough. How about I take you to a guest room so you can rest a while, maybe sleep it off.
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:26:12 PM
::snags the pistol from Dragon's hand and plucks the bullets from the air::
Thank you. I'll hold onto this until you leave.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:30:49 PM
Cirrsseeto's head was knocked back by the powerful uppercut
<font size=5>Rrreooowwrrrlll!!!</font>
The manservant blinked away the pain and disorientation of the punch. The alien was quite strong. How could he hit so hard? Fluttering his ears in frustration, he watched the larger alien step in between them. He sympathized with his reasoning, but Mistress Meorrrei had spoken. The other alien must be killed.
Snarling, Cirrsseeto sprung into the air, hopping over the large alien's head easily, and coming to the ground just in front of the bleeding alien. His ice blue eyes stared daggers at the wounded alien's face, as he sprang upwards, his arms held high above him. He bared his fangs and roared loudly enough to rattle the glass windows of the bar.
<font size=20>Rrrroouuurrrrr!!!!</font>
Claws extended fully, Cirrsseeto raked them downwards upon Morgan, the large clawed hands slamming downwards on his enemy with guillotine force. If this didn't kill the alien, it would at least take him down a notch.
Dragon dlayer
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:38:36 PM
*yells to the male cat*
*dragon had no weapons out but he also had a plan if the male dident stop*
Sanis Prent
Apr 8th, 2001, 04:58:40 PM
(Using the convenient distraction, Sanis quietly walks away, going to the end of the hallway and exiting out the back.)
Hunk Seidou
Apr 8th, 2001, 05:03:41 PM
::beads of sweat formed on Hunk's head as he struggled to hold the male cat-creature at bay...he looked, pleading at the female he seemed to answer to::
Can you please call him off? I assure you, I'll do everything I can to help you work this out, but I'd appreciate it if you didn't trash the bar.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 8th, 2001, 05:10:53 PM
Gritting his teeth Cirrsseeto began to pry the alien's thick arms off ot him. This alien was also very strong, and the manservant growled to remove him from himself. His claws reached up, pressing into the flesh of the man's arms. Snarling, Cirrsseeto spoke.
Rrremove jyourrrself frrrom me at once, aljien. jI do not wjish to hurrrt you asss well.
Hunk Seidou
Apr 8th, 2001, 05:16:50 PM
::Hunk used his jedi-training to push the pain to the back of his mind. Gripping tighter, he spoke to the alien::
Listen bud, I don't know what your beef with him is, but you're not solving it in here by fighting. If you feel the need to do that, you're more than welcome to do it, but *outside*.
Morgan Evanar
Apr 8th, 2001, 05:16:58 PM
Duck and dive! Morgan's senses screamed suddenly. But he was an instant too late and howled as the Cizzerak's claws dug into his shoulders instead of his chest.
" GRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Wide eyed and charged with adrenaline and anger, he tore the felliniods claws out of his shoulders. Blood splattered about the floor as the talons dripped.
Estimated time to incapatication at current rate of activity coupled with increased bloodloss... his mind whirred about ...five minutes.
Hunk's arms clamped around the felliniod again. The sticky-sweet smell of blood wafted into Morgan's nostrils, although some of it was the felliniod's nose bleeding. Forcing his heartrate down, his mind ticked up numbers from 5 until about thirty. The wound on his neck, although still very raw, had stopped bleeding altogether.
Morgan's shoulders were another matter entirely, and life's liquid still ebbed out.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 8th, 2001, 05:19:44 PM
Bending over, Cirrsseeto hefted the large man onto his back. He may be strong, but he still weighed relatively little. Grinning a toothy and defiant smile, Cirrsseeto took off at full sprint with Hunk clamped onto his back...heading straight for the brick wall at the far end of the bar. Running about twice as fast as a human, the manservant turned at the last minute, throwing his back into the wall as hard as he could. Cracks began appearing in the brick as Hunk was pancaked between the large felinoid and the masonry.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 8th, 2001, 05:22:47 PM
**She grunted. Glaring at the man who was somehow so powerful, she made a barely perceivable gesture.
"Ssstop Cjirrrrrr. Therrre jisss no need forrr vjiolence anjymorrre. The human hasss learrrned hjisss lesssssson."
**Saa had just walked over to the bar when she whipped around. Her intuition was right, Sanis was no longer in the doorway. She balled her fists together. Men !! She wanted to go back home right this instant, and was so close to ordering Cirr to start up the speeder.. but then she relaxed.
"Cjirrrrrr.. could jyou go and drrrag back that man? jIt ssseemsss he mjisssplaced hjimssself."
Dragon dlayer
Apr 8th, 2001, 05:23:50 PM
ooc: NM
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 8th, 2001, 05:35:10 PM
At an instant, Cirrsseeto's demeanor changed, returning to passive and quiet. He was quick to help the large alien he was grappling with to his feet, making sure he was undamaged. Nodding wordlessly, he returned to his Mistress, ready to do her will. He listened to her question, and his fangs bared at the mention of the shifty-eyed alien's escape.
jI wjill rrretrrrjieve the male aljien forrr jyou, Mjissstrrressssss Meorrrrrrrrreji.
With that, the large Cizerack moved with astounding speed, leaving the bar, and following the alien's scent.
Hunk Seidou
Apr 8th, 2001, 05:35:28 PM
::grasping his sore ribcage, Hunk slowly made his way back to the table::
Thank you. Thank you for calling him off. Now, can I buy you that drink I promised?
Dragon dlayer
Apr 8th, 2001, 05:37:00 PM
That was intresting.....
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:13:51 AM
Oh jyesss, verrrjy jinterrressstjing
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