View Full Version : Merrrrrroooooowwwwrrrrrr!!!!
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Apr 14th, 2001, 09:20:42 PM
The Pride's Hunter Force yammered as they drank and ate at Yog's. While the food, not being live, was not entirely to their liking, the chef had done his best by delivering the meat raw.
But it was the drink that had caught the attention of the Pride's Hunters, intense Correllian alchohol swam in the veins of their large felliniod bodys, and they yammered loudly for more.
Edited: just title to be smaller ~Leia
Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2001, 09:28:24 PM
*LV covered her ears, wincing*
my, but they're noisy...
Nash Stolar
Apr 14th, 2001, 09:32:19 PM
*Nash reached behind his back to feel that his sword was still there*
Darth Justice
Apr 14th, 2001, 09:38:32 PM
:: wonders if he should consider trying cat meat ::
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 14th, 2001, 09:40:38 PM
Sitting at a table in relative solitude, Emissary Sarrtarroa sat, sipping on a goblet of finely-spiced blood merlot. As he did so, he began to thumb through a leather bound copy of A Midsummer Night's Dream, reading in particular the tale of Pyramus and Thisby. Smiling slightly at the time to himself, Sarrtarroa occasionally glanced over his book, to make sure that his troops hadn't torn the bar apart. He knew that the common males in the infantry could be rather....crude, but to each their own. As long as they didn't kill any of the Hyuu-manns or other aliens, everything would be fine.
Seeing that everything was relatively normal, Sarrtarroa returned to his reading. Ah, Hyuu-mann comedies...there wasn't much out there quite like them. Incredibly witty prose indeed.
Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2001, 09:45:59 PM
*LV stuck her finger in her ear, wiggling it around and popping it... good, she could still hear*
*she glanced over at the quite male Cizerack sitting by himself, reading a book... reading? a male? this was interesting*
*picking up her glass of Correllian whiskey, she made her way over to his table and stood over it, tilting her head slightly in his direction*
May I join you?
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 14th, 2001, 09:53:11 PM
Sarrtarroa was mildly annoyed at the distraction, but as he looked up from his book, he put on good airs.
Ah, but of courrrssse. Sssjit, pleassse.
Sarrtarroa gestured to the seat across from him.
Nash Stolar
Apr 14th, 2001, 09:55:54 PM
*grabs the hilt of his sword..nash was starting to get ticked with all of the noise...he almost couldent hear himself think*
Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:19:19 PM
*LV smiled sensing the slight annoyance radiating off of the Cizerack... she sat after he offered*
I couldn't help but notice you reading a human novel. I hope this brings no offense, but i was under the misconception that males of the Cizerack race were secondary and therefore not allowed to be learned.
*she looked at him with her green eyes*
I was perhaps hoping you could enlighten me on the matter?
*she kept her conversation light, sipping her drink*
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:20:23 PM
" Mrrrroooojjjjrrrr!!
A pair of driods scurried by, carying more of the hard Corellian liquor. It was snatched up quickly by the rowdy Cizeraks, and one of the slightly smaller downed his glass in a gulp. A minute passed, and Nash walked by. This shorter Hunter turned to look for more drink, and let loose a belch that more resembled a frieght train passing by than the release of stomach gas.
Nash Stolar
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:28:27 PM
*he reached behind his back agen but this time his sword slighty made it's way out of the hoster, the small part of metal that showed reflected the light of the bar...*
"And I thought sith were bad.."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:34:17 PM
Sarrtarroa smiled, his pointed canines showing. Placing a bookmark in his book, he closed it quietly and placed it aside.
jYou arrre qujite assstute jin jyourrr obssserrrvatjionsss of Cjizerrrack culturrre. Howeverrr, jI am not ljike otherrr malesss jin mjy sssocjietjy. jI wasss gjiven the good grrracesss to become the chjief manssserrrvant of the Prrrjide Motherrr, ourrr grrreat leaderrr. Asss sssuch, jI wasss educated asss femalesss arrre, at the hjighessst jinssstjitutjionsss of the Prrrjide. jI am charrrged wjith carrrrrrjyjing out the Prrrjide Motherrr'sss wjill, and asss sssuch, mussst be verrrjy jintelljigent to do ssso.
Sarrtarroa took a light sip of his blood merlot, licking slightly at his upper lip
jI hope jI have anssswerrred jyourrr quessstjion adequateljy?
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:35:50 PM
Nash was stopped slightly by a large hand resting on his shoulder. The Jedi looked up to see Cirrsseeto staring at the commotion, a look of slight concern on his face.
Nash Stolar
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:38:31 PM
*he let the sword fall back into the hoster*
"Whats the matter, cirr?"
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:48:36 PM
Cirrsseeto didn't take his eyes off the soldiers, and spoke very softly to the Jedi.
Thossse sssoldjierrrsss arrre frrrom the Prrrjide. jI wonderrr whjy thejy arrre herrre? jI wonderrr jif Mjissstrrressssss Meorrrrrrrrreji knowsss about thjisss?
Cirrsseeto looked at the Jedi
Do not act fooljissshljy, Hjyuu-mann. The Sssoldjierrrsss of the Prrrjide can be verrrjy dangerrrousss jif prrrovoked.
Nash Stolar
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:51:26 PM
"I heard something about they needed X-wing support.."
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:55:15 PM
Cirrsseeto's ears perked at that statement.
X-Wjingsss? jI don't know what that meansss. Mjissstrrressssss Meorrrrrrrrreji would know, jI thjink.
Cirrsseeto sniffed at the air as he looked around.
jI wonderrr jjif thejy arrre herrre becaussse of usss?
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:57:28 PM
Nash was very fortunate that the Pride's Hunters were too distracted to notice a blade being slowly drawn by a lowly hjyuu-mmannnn.
The burped Cizerack quickly set to work on the raw meat before him, and two others followed his example, and let loose a trainwreck of a burp.
Nash Stolar
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:57:30 PM
"what do you mean?" dident do anything bad before you came here did you?"
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:01:58 PM
Cirrsseeto looked up at the ceiling as he tried to recall the reason of Saarrreeaa's departure from Cashoulis
We'rrre not jin trrrouble...jI don't thjink. But Mjissstrrressssss wasss sssent herrre bjy herrr motherrr asss punjissshment forrr herrr behavjiorrr. Ssshe wasss sssent to ssstajy wjith herrr aunt, Sssasssssseerrrrrrji. jI don't thjink thejy arrre herrre forrr usss, but jI don't know. Majybe jit hasss sssomethjing to do wjith thossse X-wjing thjingsss jyou werrre talkjing about.
Nash Stolar
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:05:10 PM
hmmm well I guess we'll tell me agen why I dont attack them right now? *nash laughs* sorry
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:10:36 PM
The conversing pair were completely ignored by the Pride's Hunters.
After most of the food had been voraciously devoured, and the immediate wiskey supply depleted, they began yammering for yet more.
" Mrrrroooooorrrrrr Fooood! Mrrooooooorr Drrrrjiiink!!"
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:10:57 PM
Cirrsseeto raised an eyebrow at the eager Hyuu-mann
Well, jyou know how ssstrrrong jI am, jyesss?
Nash Stolar
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:13:40 PM
*rembers cirr's attack to his chest*
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:17:42 PM
Well, the sssoldjierrrsss therrre arrre jussst about asss powerrrful asss jI am. jYou mjight be ssstrrrongerrr than one, but jif jyou angerrred them all, thejy mjight attack jyou all at once. jIt wouldn't be sssmarrrt.
Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:18:58 PM
*she smiled at the learned Cizerack across from her*
Yes, you have answered it most adequitly. I would like to someday meet the Pride Mother if it is allowed.
*she glanced at the routy felines, drinking, eating, and luaghin up a storm*
It has been awhile since I have been in the presence of so many felines.
*she looked back at the Cizerack*
Actually, I'm not entirely human, even though my appearance would state otherwise. I am half feline. As to what species of feline is still to be determined, even after so many years.
*she smiled, finally feeling not so alone in such a vast galaxy*
It is a pleasure to be among such a distinguished species.
Nash Stolar
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:20:40 PM
well then......I see your point...I wont get them mad..I hope
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:29:23 PM
Sarrtarroa raised an eyebrow in intrigue
A feljine Hjyuu-mann? What a vjirrrtue jindeed.
Therrre arrre often tjimesss jI nearrrljy rrressspect Hjyuu-mannsss.
Sarrtarroa takes another mannered drink.
Nearrrljy. jI blame jit on thejirrr naturrral rrreceptjivenessssss of the Musssesss' good grrracesss.
Sarrtarroa closed his eyes slightly, looking rather embarrassed.
Mjy appologjiesss, jI djidn't even asssk of jyourrr name.
Lady Vader
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:34:22 PM
*LV chuckled and set down her glass*
No need for apology. I myself did not ask for your name either.
*she smiled and held out her hand*
I am Lady Vader, Sith Mistress and Elder of The Sith Order.
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:50:32 PM
The Pride's Hunter Forces were displeased. The service they were reciving was far from satisfactory. They wanted more. They wanted it now.
Two of the red-armoured feliniods got up and marched to the bar, growling a jet engine into the bartenders face.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:53:00 PM
Sarrtarroa had been swirling the blood merlot in his goblet...until the Hyuu-mann spoke her name. Then, the swirling stopped, and Sarrtarroa calmly placed the glass on the table
A Sssjith?
Sarrtarroa scrutinized the woman with an intrigued eye, sniffing the air slightly. Satisfied, he returned to his mannered nature.
jInterrressstjing companjy jindeed. jI am honorrred, Ladjy Vaderrr.
jI am Emmjissssssarrrjy Keerrrrrrourrrrrrji Sarrrrrrtarrrrrroa, commanderrr of the Cjizerrrack Hunterrr Forrrcesss, and rrreprrresssentatjive of the Prrrjide Motherrr.
An almost-amused smile crossed Sarrtarroa's face
jYou wjill have to forrrgjive me. jYou arrre the fjirrrssst Force ussserrr jI have everrr met. jI'm afrajid mjy knowledge of jyou jisss ljimjited to what jisss jin textbooksss.
Sarrtarroa interlaces his clawed fingers together, placing his hands on the table.
Ssso tell me...arrre jyou a learrrned perrrssson, Ladjy Vaderrr?
Nash Stolar
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:53:27 PM
*Nash looked on as the forces made them selfs look like fools*
Michael Cline
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:55:00 PM
::Pulled back as he was growled at wishing he hadn't let Selena talk him into taking her shift tonight::
Help you gentlemen?
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Apr 15th, 2001, 12:03:12 AM
"Mrrroooorrrrjjj, yjou sssstuupjiiid hyuu-maann!!!"
The Hunters bellowed, Cline getting a wiff of very large cat breath, gagging him. If their wishes were not served, the would soon move on to other prjey.
Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2001, 12:04:25 AM
*she looked at him quizically*
I like to think I'm learned.
*now, why had he asked that? then she remembered she did have some power over felines of any species... she woud save that for a later time*
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 15th, 2001, 12:07:00 AM
Over LV's shoulder, Sarrtarroa could see a commotion stirring. He raised his voice for his men to hear.
Nash Stolar
Apr 15th, 2001, 12:08:20 AM
*walks over and taps one of the forces on the sholder*
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 15th, 2001, 12:15:50 AM
Keeping a watchful eye over his soldiers, Sarrtarroa looked at Lady Vader again.
jI asssk becaussse jit jisss the Mussse, and the Mussse alone that rrredeemsss the Hjyuu-mann rrrace jin mjy ejyesss. Arrrt, Musssjic, Ljiterrraturrre...thessse arrre thjingsss that help Hjyuu-mannsss rrrjissse overrr the rrressst of the Forrda of the unjiverrrse. Thejirrr penchant forrr crrreatjivjitjy...that jisss what jI admjirrre.
Sarrtarroa's eyes took on a starry look
"Devourrrjing Tjime, blunt thou the ljion'sss pawsss,
And make the earrrth devourrr herrr own sssweet brrrood;
Pluck the keen teeth frrrom the fjierrrce tjigerrr'sss jawsss,
And burrrn the long-ljived phoenjix jin herrr blood;"
Sarrtarroa sat back, fulfilled.
Sssuch jisss the powerrr of the jimagjinatjion. The Mussse jisss wjith the Hjyuu-mannsss, and jit wjill be the onljy thjing that sssavesss them frrrom dessstrrructjion.
Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2001, 12:24:06 AM
*LV blinked, unable to contain the surprise from her face... he had said those few lines with such prose, such diginty... it was beautiful... she had always admired poetry, and it always left her breathless when someone recited lines to her... she cleared her throat*
Yes, it is amazing what people can come up with using nothing but their imaginations. That is where most of our ideas come from. True, we learn from others or from what we've read and heard. But, after doing so, we use it, manipulate it, in essence, use our imaginations to fit whatever it is we need to our purpose.
Much like a puzzle. If you cannot find the piece to fit in a particular slot, you take what is not there and mold it into what you need. Hence the picture continues to grow.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 15th, 2001, 12:42:23 AM
Sarrtarroa smiled broadly, raising his goblet to his lips
And jit jisss that verrrjy culturrred sssenssse that jI admjirrre. Brrravo jindeed, Ladjy Vaderrr. jYou have a keen wjit about jyou. Who knowsss, perrrhapsss the Prrrjide Motherrr would ljike to meet jyou herrrssself jin the futurrre.
Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2001, 12:48:08 AM
*LV bowed her head slightly*
I would be honored to meet her as well.
*she smiled... yes, she would become aquainted with these fellow felines... who knew, perhaps at some point in time, they could form an alliance that would be benificial... until then, she would continue converse with them*
*she took a sip from her drink again glancing over at the noisy bar*
Cizerack Hunter Forces
Apr 15th, 2001, 12:50:01 AM
The large, broadshouldered male seeming looked like he was going to reach out and grab Nash by his shoulders, and then shake him about like a mischevious child with a can of soda.
But his leader had warned him, and so he hooked his claws into his weapons belt, looking down into Nash's eyes,
Nash Stolar
Apr 15th, 2001, 12:55:15 AM
*trys not to cough*
"Trust me you wont get very far if you attack.."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 15th, 2001, 01:00:28 AM
Keerrourri leaned in
jI wjill be honessst wjith jyou, becaussse jI sssee no pojint jin ljyjing to sssuch a sssharrrp female.
Mjy mjissssssjion of trrrade herrre wasss merrreljy out of cojincjidence. Mjy trrrue mjissssssjion jisss to fjind sssomebodjy. A half-brrreed female, named Sssasssssseerrrrrrji Rrreeouurrrrrra.
Do jyou know of herrr? Ssshe jisss an jinfluentjial woman.
Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2001, 01:09:52 AM
*LV raised an eyebrow at the Cizerack*
Yes. I know of her. I have had dealings with her, in fact. And she knows of me.
*she set her finished glass on the table*
And I know where she can be found.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 15th, 2001, 01:12:40 AM
Sarrtarroa's grin widened, as he leaned in, his ears standing up slightly.
Would jyou be wjilljing to jimparrrt upon me sssuch jimporrrtant jinforrrmatjion?
Lady Vader
Apr 15th, 2001, 01:38:29 AM
Well, it's not as easy as that. The place we met was at a remote location, but I do know where she holds her headquarters for all her other work.
*she stood*
I would be willing to take you there.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 15th, 2001, 01:47:06 AM
jI would be mossst obljiged jif jyou would, Ladjy Vaderrr.
Lady Vader
Apr 16th, 2001, 12:04:52 AM
Then, if you and your men are ready, we can depart.
*she stood*
Unless you want to leave them here.
*she looked back at the bar and saw one of the big males looking down at one of the Jedi*
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 16th, 2001, 12:11:23 AM
Sarrtarroa finished his merlot, rising to his feet. Primly, he adjusted his formal attire, and spoke loudly to his men.
Waiting for his soldiers to prepare for departure, he turned to Lady Vader, nodding courteously.
We awajit jyou, Ladjy Vaderrr.
Lady Vader
Apr 16th, 2001, 01:07:40 AM
I am good to go when you are. We will need to leave the planet. Would you allow me to board my ship into your ship's hangar bay?
*she began heading towards the door, followed by the Cizerack*
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