View Full Version : Stopping in for a few drinks
Sanis Prent
Apr 9th, 2001, 02:59:48 PM
(Sanis walks into Yog's dutifully checking most of his weapons at the door. However, he refused to part with his mandalorian shell gun. A quick nod from one of the powers that be told the door checker that it was okay. Sanis had long-since become a regular here, and he knew the rules on staying at the bar.
Walking in, Sanis found his usual seat to be vacant. Excellent! Smiling to himself, he pulled up to the barstool, ordering a Sullustian draught. Moments later, the bartender brought Sanis the thick and dark beer. Sanis smiled an oily grin, brushing a hand through his hair as he lifted his mug.)'s to the joys of liquid bread.
(Sanis tossed back the draught, enjoying its creamy smoothness)
Sir Lando Calrissian
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:07:34 PM
::A man casually sits next the customer. Sanis Prent, Lando told himself. Hear he's been rising up in the ranks of the underground. Interesting.::
"Ah, a Sullustian draught. A man of fine taste, I see."
*Lando offers a hand to the stranger and pretends to be unaware of the man's identity.*
"Calrissian. And you must be...."
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:11:23 PM
Even as he sat eating his food, his ears quickly caught the commotion the Hyuu-mann male made as he came into the bar. Turning and sniffing the air, Cirrsseeto indeed confirmed what he suspected...that the shifty-eyed alien was back. It was the male that Mistress Meorrrei had asked him to retrieve for her. His ice-blue eyes focused on the Hyuu-mann, a slight growl issuing forth from his throat. With haste, Cirrsseeto put his food down, cleaning his face and hands from the residual mess. Standing up, the towering Cizerack began to make his way over to the man, making sure that any exits he had were cut off.
He managed to walk up close enough to sit down next to the Hyuu-mann, which he did...slapping a large and muscular arm around the smaller male's shoulder. Cirrsseeto squeezed his hand on Sanis' shoulder with a good deal of strength, making it a slight twinge painful. Keeping Sanis anchored to his seat, Cirrsseeto looked at him with those cold, ice-blue eyes.
jI ssseem to rrrememberrr jyou telljing Mjissstrrressssss Meorrrrrrrrreji that jyou'd be rrrjight back afterrr makjing a call.
Cirrsseeto's claws extended in his right hand, pressing slightly into Sanis' shoulder. The growl resumed in his throat as he bared his long canines slightly, making sure to put on an intimidating visage for the Hyuu-mann.
Ssso.... what took jyou ssso long, Hjyuu-mann?!?
Kaaatrrrin Solttaarii
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:16:09 PM
:: notices what's going on at the bar and winces ::
:: takes a hearty sip of her drink ::
Sanis Prent
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:17:46 PM
(As Sanis prepared to answer the distinguished Mr. Calrissian, a large beefy hand slapped down on his shoulder, gripping painfully. Sanis had a good idea who the hand belonged to, or at least who the hand's owner probably worked for. Looking at Lando, Sanis took another sip of his beer, placing it on the counter.)
...Frelled, Mr. Calrsissian. I must be Frelled indeed.
(Smiling dryly, Sanis turned to his left, to stare into the rather-feral face of the huge felinoid Sanis had seen just the night before. He'll be damned...the fella was big, and every bit as strong to back that bigness up. Considering his options were nada, he might as well see what the walking zoo wanted from him.)
Would you believe I had to take a reeeally long piss?
Aisha Klan Klan
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:17:52 PM
OOC: *looks at the yellow haired one* not another one!
Kaaatrrrin Solttaarii
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:18:47 PM
:: tries, and I mean tries, not to laugh ::
OOC- BUT I'M DIFFERENT! *points to humble sig*
Aisha Klan Klan
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:21:23 PM
OOC: *sighs* whatever....
Sir Lando Calrissian
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:22:41 PM
Yeah, she's "special." *points to his head.*
Kaaatrrrin Solttaarii
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:24:27 PM
OOC- :: plans on finding out where Lando live and plot his death :: MUWAHAHAHAHAHA! Now can this thread continue?
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:34:22 PM
Cirrsseeto's canines became visible as his lips pulled back into a smile. He laughed somewhat gruffly at Sanis' joke, pulling him slightly closer in the half embrace. When he talked, it was almost in a soft mewing sound.
A rrrealljy long pjissssss, jisss that rrrjight?
A brick-sized fist slammed into Sanis's side with dynamite force, seeming to knock out Sanis' will to sit up straight. The Hyuu-mann's face tightened in pain, as he began spluttering a conglomeration of curses in response to the kidney shot he had taken for his smart-aleck remark. Cirrsseeto leaned in even closer, his fanged mouth whispering into Sanis' ear.
Then perrrhapsss jyou can pjissssss sssome of jyourrr blood out forrr Mjissstrrressssss Meorrrrrrrrreji, when ssshe comesss to rrretrrrjieve jyourrr pathetjic hjide, Hyuu-mann!
Cirrsseeto leaned back, arm still clamped onto Sanis' shoulder, now as support to keep him from falling over. The male Cizerack smiled darkly, mindful to show his razor sharp canines as an unspoken caveat to the alien. He would not tolerate the Hyuu-mann's attitude.
Kaaatrrrin Solttaarii
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:38:24 PM
:: seeing what just happened Kaaatrrrin drops her glass spilling the contents on the floor and shouts at Cirr ::
Be careful! He is after all, only Hyuu-mann
:: grins slightly and continues to watch, now standing on the table ::
Sanis Prent
Apr 9th, 2001, 03:47:03 PM
OOC: All new Cizerack - please turn your attention to <a href=> "this" </a> thread. I am trying to keep this thread semi reverent to a plotline...
(Sanis' eyes widened, and then closed tight as the pain in his side rang through his body like a church bell, waves of pain hitting him like tsunami. Holy frellin krasst, this ugly sap-sucker could put a hurt down on ya!
Catching his breath slightly, and trying not to puke up good beer, Sanis looked back at the big tan slab of muscle.)
L...l-lemme guess...C-Cizerack, I presume?
(Sanis continued catching his breath, wishing that he'd donated that kidney a few years ago. If Mr. Ironfist here was a Cizerack, then that narrowed down the list of the usual suspects.)
You know...she's gonna be mad that you damaged the goods, big guy.
(Feeling sick, Sanis leaned forward, spitting on the floor. He kept calm, not wanting to throw up good beer.)
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 9th, 2001, 04:07:53 PM
Cirrsseeto pivoted his massive neck, popping a few vertebrae as he continued to stare daggers at Sanis. Offhandedly, he pondered jerking the Hyuu-mann's head back and sinking his canines into his jugular, and making the fool pay the ultimate price for the disrespect done to Mistress Meorrrei. It would make Cirrsseeto feel happy, but Saarrreeaa probably had many more things in mind for him., Cirrsseeto was going to sit and have a nice friendly conversation with the male, and wait for Mistress Meorrrei to arrive and claim her prize. If the man decided to think before he spoke, he wouldn't get any more problems. However, Cirrsseeto didn't think the Hyuu-mann practiced the habit of listening to others.
Shaking Sanis with moderate force, Cirrsseeto asked the man a question.
What jisss jyourrr name, Hjyuu-mann?
Sanis Prent
Apr 9th, 2001, 04:17:44 PM
(As Sanis listened to the felinoid's question, his right hand was busy, out of sight of the Cizerack. Unlatching his shell gun's breech, Sanis slid two shells into the barrels, and closed the weapon as quietly as he could. As the Cizerack expected an answer, Sanis gave one.)
Funny you should ask that...
(Sanis slowly slid the shell gun out of its holster loop.)
My name's Mike...
(With deft quickness, Sanis flipped the gun forward, having its twin barrels pressed against the Cizerack's groin.)
...Mike Rotch.
As in, if you value your crotch as much as I value my crotch, you'll take your damn big hand off of me, you morrt-ridden circus freak!
(Sanis' finger brushed up against the trigger, daring the Cizerack to make a dumb move.)
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 9th, 2001, 04:52:04 PM
Reluctantly, Cirrsseeto retracted his claws, loosening the tight grip on Sanis' arm. His ice-blue eyes narrowing to murderous slits, the growl he loosed shook the bar with a thunderstorm's intensity. Lips parted, showing Sanis once more the long and deadly canines of a Cizerack, a grim reminder that he was skirting on a life or death issue right now. As saliva dripped in stringets from Cirrsseeto's growling maw, he slowly withdrew his hand from Sanis' shoulder, keeping an eye fixated down below, at the shell gun. Soon after he moved his arm a few inches away, Sanis' trigger finger backed away slightly.
It was all the breathing room Cirrsseeto needed. Reaching around with both muscular arms, he clamped his hands around Sanis' head, and began to squeeze slightly. Sanis' finger was back on the trigger again, but now even he hesitated to pull the trigger. Rage searing around him like a brushfire, Cirrsseeto spoke, which was more of a growled demand. He was done playing games with the Hyuu-mann.
<font size=5>Enough gamesss forrr one dajy, Hjyuu-mann!! Rrroouurrrr!!! Rrremove jyourrr weapon jimmedjiately, orrr jI wjill sssqueeze jyourrr head ssso harrrd, therrre wjill be nothjing left of jit but rrred jelljy!! Rrrrourrrrrlll-and THAT!!!...jisss a prrromjissse!</font>
Cirrsseeto growled and drooled some more, waiting for the male to stand down.
Sanis Prent
Apr 9th, 2001, 05:05:45 PM
(Sanis raised an eyebrow in speculation at the Cizerack. Who was this guy trying to kid? Everybody knew that at the poker table, you were never supposed to wager your family jewels. And yet, this stripe-skinned nutjob was doing just that. Sanis smirked slightly, his finger wrapping around the trigger.)
You're bluffing!
(As soon as Sanis started to say that, the pressure on the sides of his head began to increase exponentially. Sanis grimaced, groaned, and screamed within the lapse of two seconds. Oh frelling krasst! This guy was too strong! He really was going to squash his head into oblivion! Figures a guy that stupid looking wouldn't know how to bluff!)
Aa...aaaaggh...I...c...caaan feel m-my...brrrain...le-eaking...out of my...noooose!!!
(Sanis writhed in pain as the felinoid continued to up the pressure. Ow...did his ears just pop? Ow...ow!!)
(Sanis dropped the shell gun, the pain ringing in his head like it was his first time to feel the sensation.) win, man! Ah brain almost came out my nose!
Sanis Prent
Apr 9th, 2001, 05:23:33 PM
OOC delete me
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 9th, 2001, 05:25:16 PM
As the man dropped his weapon, Cirrsseeto removed his hands from his head, and reached his right hand around the Hyuu-mann's throat, squeezing tightly as he did a bicep curl, hefting Sanis' entire body into the air using only one hand and minimal effort. The Hyuu-mann grasped at Cirrsseeto's wrists, hanging on for dear life, while his legs kicked and thrashed the air underneath him. As Cirsseeto's eyes locked with Sanis' he began to feel the neck he was holding, locating the windpipe and key arteries with ease. One bite...all it would take. One bite to deal with this pest...this lower animal. Cirsseeto was generally indifferent to Hyuu-manns, but this one warranted a death much slower than what was customary for normal prey. Cirrsseeto smiled, imagining extending his claws and raking down the man's abdomen, splitting it open, and allowing him to feast on his vital organs while he was still alive to watch it happen. Oh yes...he could make this as slow as he pleased. If one were so inclined, they could start at the entrails and slowly work up, each bite its own special torture for the victim. Rarely had anyone ever riled Cirrsseeto's anger like this man, and it took the highest calibur of restraint to keep the Cizerack from gutting the helpless Hyuu-mann.
Seeing that the man was turning blue from lack of oxygen, Cirrsseeto smiled, lowering the wheezing male to the ground. As he hacked, coughed, and struggled for air, the Cizerack dropped to his haunches, and growled at Sanis.
jI wjill asssk jyou agajin, Hjyuu-mann...what jisss jyourrr name?
Sanis Prent
Apr 9th, 2001, 06:30:25 PM
(Sanis gasped and choked out for air, curling into the fetal position on the floor. Oh god, it was so much pain, and it all kept coming. Damn, that walking meat slab could sure lay down some punishment. Sanis struggled to sit up, as the huge Cizerack squatted down to his level. He got his face in Sanis', and growled at him within a few inches of his eyes, those long canines hovering perilously close to vital organs and stuff like that. He wanted to know his name, and this wasn't just idle chit-chat. Sanis coughed weakly, wheezing some more as he gathered precious oxygen. When he finally could, Sanis spoke in a raspy whisper)
My name is Sanis Prent.
(Sanis locked his eyes with the Cizerack's blue eyes. Neither side blinked. Sanis knew one thing, though...he didn't have many more escape attempts left in him. He hoped meathead over here was just bringing him to see his Mistress to have a few scones and tea...but knowing Cizerack women, Sanis doubted this scenario highlu.)
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 9th, 2001, 06:55:20 PM
Cirrsseeto's scowl turned into a wide grin with protruding canines. The Cizerack began to laugh at Sanis.
Therrre, now that wasssn't ssso harrrd, wasss jit...Sssanjisss Prrrent?
Cirrsseeto let his grin linger a moment longer, then grabbed Sanis by the collar, hefted him up in the air, flipped him around in mid-transit, and grabbed around his waist with his right arm, and began toting Sanis away like a parcel. He grabbed his shell gun, stowing it away in a deep pocket, and took the rest of Mr. Prent's belongings at the door, before he left the establishment, in search of his Mistress. She would be most pleased that he had subdued the errant Hyuu-mann male.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 10th, 2001, 05:28:38 PM
She'd just reached the door, disastrously late for her appointed meeting with her niece, when she bumped into a large person who was trying to walk out. Staggering back, she got a whiff of his scent, and almost landed on her back on the ground in surprise.
Steadying herself against the doorframe, she got a closer look at the towering figure, and a grin slowly spread on her face as she did so. He was a male.
What was more - he was HER male. Months earlier, she had asked her family to find an adequate manservant for her, and her niece must have thought to bring one as a surprise. How thoughtful of the little brat!
A closer look showed her that the male wasn't just a misshapen lump of flesh, but that the strange hump at his side appeared to be something he was carrying. Or rather, a human he was carrying. A human who looked very familiar, on second thoughts.
With disbelieving eys, she stared at the two males. This was getting better and better! Of course, she knew that her niece was only trying to ingratiate herself with her, by doing her all these favours, but that still... this was such a nice way! How had she known what her aunt cherished most?
She grinned at him, expecting him to engage in the usual greeting ceremonial. It would be amusing to see what he would do with his human package in the meantime. Prostrating himself before her on the ground and licking her feet was generally not a good idea if one had a half conscious human strapped to one's waist.
She waited.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 10th, 2001, 05:53:17 PM
Cirrsseeto's eyes widen at the woman's greeting. He looked up at her face. A female half-breed. No, wait...
...Cirsseeto curiously sniffed. That scent...
Sssasssssseerrrrrrji Rrreeouurrrrrra?
If it was her, why on Carshoulis was she speaking in that formal greeting? She was definitely not his mistress, unless Mistress Meorrei had decided to give him away without his knowing. Confused, Cirrsseeto's ears drooped, and his face took on a confused and quizzical expression.
jI thjink therrre jisss sssome kjind of mjisssunderrrssstandjing, Ladjy Rrreeouurrrrrra. jI am Mjissstrrressssss Meorrrrrrrrreji'sss manssserrrvant.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 10th, 2001, 06:06:07 PM
This was most distressful. He wasn't to be hers? What was her niece thinking, taking on a manservant??? She was by far too young for it - even she herself had not had any manservant until after the Kree-rrou was over.
Then again, maybe it had been a wise decision to make her wayward niece have someone to guard her. With that girl's attitude towards life and males, nothing was guaranteed.
Well... what was he doing with Sanis then? Maybe at least she was right about this - otherwise...
Whatever her niece had planned for Sanis, it had better involve Sasseeri, or else there would be some very unpleasant times ahead.
"Wherrre jis she then? Brrrjing herrr herrre!"
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 10th, 2001, 06:14:37 PM
Shifing Sanis around in his grasp, Cirrsseeto looked at the powerful and influential half-breed. She may not be his mistress, but she was still a powerful female, and demanded at the very least some degree of cooperation.
At Sasseeri's question, Cirrsseeto sniffed at the air, wondering the same thing she was.
jI do not know wherrre ssshe jisss at the moment. jI am wajitjing forrr herrr to meet me and take thjisss...
[/i]Cirrsseeto jostles the man in his grasp slightly, a toothy look of contempt on his face.[/i]
...djisssrrressspectful Hjyuu-mann jinto herrr possssssessssssjion.
Sanis Prent
Apr 10th, 2001, 06:27:29 PM
(With a wince, Sanis looked up from his uncomfortable position. The big fella was hauling him around like a sack of groceries, and being decidedly less gentle about it. His severely-bruised side screamed in protest, and Sanis arched his back slightly, trying to get a look at who the big oaf was talking to. His jaw dropped.)
Sasseeri! What the hell is going on?
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Apr 10th, 2001, 07:49:27 PM
She looked down on Sanis for a second. Usually, she would have seen this as a perfect opportunity for her to gain another advantage over him, but this one was different. If it had been anyone else but her niece's manservant he was carried around by... but unfortunately, Cizerack customs called for a different solution.
So she just looked down at him and grimaced.
"Hello Sanjis. What have you done thjis tjime?"
She didn't wait for a reply, but turned back at the large servant. Her niece had left, and he was not with her? What matter was this? This was totally going against tradition, and he should know better than to allow Saa to go off alone.
"Well, then we had betterrr go and fjind her, no? Come."
Seeing that he had just come from inside the bar, it was logical that her niece wasn't to be found in there. Well, where else could a stubborn, spoilt brat like her niece be now?
She had to be somewhere around.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Apr 11th, 2001, 03:58:27 AM
Cirrsseeto tightened his grasp around the Hyuu-mann, who responded with a grimace in pain. Just making sure he wouldn't get any ideas. With that, Cirrsseeto began to follow the half-blood, Sasseeri Reeouurra.
Sanis Prent
Apr 11th, 2001, 04:15:49 AM
(Sanis watched the events unfold with bewildered eyes)
What the frell is going on here???
(Dammit...Sanis could safely say being carried around like a suitcase was the most humiliating thing he'd ever experienced. As the two Cizerack began to walk, Sanis tapped the muscular alien on the arm.)
Uh....Big you think you could let me down?
(Sanis smiled pleadingly. He felt like a rag doll next to this freak)
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