View Full Version : Alpha walks in...
Satine Capashen
Apr 14th, 2001, 10:45:24 PM
dropping his weapons off in a locker at the front. He sits in a darkened corner of the bar, and orders a bottle of good Corellian Brandy, and a Traladon steak.
The Young Jedi is positively hyper, hoping he is accepted back in the JEdi Order. If not, then he will remain forever a Rogue Jedi, running from those who would hunt him down, yet helping the Jedi out in anything needed.
As the meal is deposited on his table, Alpha throws a couple coins into the droid's outstretched hand, and takes a sip of the brandy first, taking a look around.
Nobby Nuss
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:05:45 PM
(Nobby dances around the B&G waving his hands frantically. He jumps from one table to another until reaching Satine's table. Nobby lands in front of the table)
"Jedi Alpha what a surprise
You are back, tis a demise.
Nobby knows thou uses hate
Is the Jedi your true fate?
Perhaps the Sith would suit you more
Nobby's head is very sore.
Graem is a Sith,
whom you sided with.
Ist this Jedi Behavior, Nobby dost not think so
Let the Dark Side in you, flow."
(Nobby began to cackle, dancing around Satine)
Satine Capashen
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:15:56 PM
Alpha recoils from the song that this stranger sings.
"Who in Ginfu's Nine Hells are you? And Graem is not truly a sith. Besides, she allied with me, to try and help me save a family from Sorsha the Kat," Alpha uses his own name for Sith Kat, "and Hobgoblin."
Nobby Nuss
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:23:45 PM
"The name's Nobby, Nobby Nuss
Not to be a mistakened wuss.
If ye should doubt me
I'm sure you'll see
that I am as solid as a tree."
(Nobby kicks a glass on the floor, causing it to smash)
"Methinks your tactics involve anger like Sith
I've separated the fact from myth.
For I am Nobby the rhyming creature
Some people find it an annoying feature."
Satine Capashen
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:34:27 PM
Alpha looks at Nobby, his face not showing a trace of emotion.
"I don't care who you are. I don't use anger anymore. Not in a while...Ad as for seperating fact from need to do a better job."
Nobby Nuss
Apr 14th, 2001, 11:42:31 PM
"Dost thou doubt Nobby's facts
With a scratch I make thee lax!"
(Nobby's hand shot out and scratched Satine in the face with his sharp nails striking blood. The creature slunked backwards somewhat)
"Jedi Alpha retaliate!
Tis your fate!
Hurt me now
Dark Side cow!
Ye are mad no?
Retaliate with a mighty blow.
I beg thee do it quickly
So Nobby can then flee.
After thou does it my job is done
Really though it has been fun."
(Nobby watches Satine wondering what he would do)
Satine Capashen
Apr 15th, 2001, 05:18:02 PM
The Young Jedi sneers, and uses a Force trick to heal the small wound.
"I won't attack...Not until you give me a god enough reason to."
Alpha delights in annoying Nobby so much.
Fire Hazzard
Apr 15th, 2001, 05:37:31 PM
OOC: *throws peas* You annoy me, Satine
Nobby Nuss
Apr 15th, 2001, 06:12:33 PM
"Ye actually think ye bother me?
I have the power to smite thee flea!
Maybe not directly!"
(Nobby begins to dance around the tables once again)
"Jedi Failure is all that you are
Failing that child you wear like a scar
Too weak were you to save him
Your future looks rather dim
Nobby thinks thou is a lost case
Your face is such a disgrace!"
(Nob sticks his tongue out at Satine, taunting him with another maniacal laugh)
Apr 15th, 2001, 11:24:22 PM
Ami walked by the humorous scene, trying to keep from laughing hysterically at the knobby-looking poet.
"A strange creature this seems to be;
Peculiar is the word, maybe?
All that rhyming seems such a bother,
But he does it like none other.
I must admit, I am impressed.
But now I'm off to find something of more interest..."
*smiles sillily and wanders off*
Nobby Nuss
Apr 15th, 2001, 11:34:54 PM
(Nobby sees the new face, able to rhyme as he does. Intrigued by her words, he decides to test her abilities even further.
Nobby flips over her and lands in front of her, blocking her way with his two bony arms)
"Thou rhymes with ease
Is it to tease?
Now we will see,
if thou ist worthy
of talking to me."
(Nobby clears his throat)
"Prepare for a riddle
Not hard, not easy, in the middle.
If thou guesses right,
Nobby promises to take flight."
(He gives her a toothy grin)
"What has roots as nobody sees,
Is taller then trees,
Up, up it goes,
And yet never grows?"
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 15th, 2001, 11:55:48 PM
Sarrtarroa overhears the whole exchange, clapping with appreciation.
Mjy mjy mjy...tjisss a deljight jindeed to be grrraced bjy Hjyuu-mannsss wjith sssuch affjinjitjy forrr verrrssse.
Sarrtarroa salutes in respect, placing a fisted right hand over the left side of his chest.
jI sssalute jyourrr talentsss, and offerrr up mjy own.
Twasss a sssound jI hearrrd qujite clearrrljy,
Hjyuu-mannsss chantjing verrrsssesss frrreeljy.
The Musssesss' honejy-potjion jin thejirrr earrrsss,
Thejirrr gajy arrrt calmsss thejirrr wjildessst fearrrsss.
Thejy chant unbeknownssst jin a Hunterrr'sss ejyesss,
Forrr whom flesssh and blood hold hjighessst prrrjize.
Frrrjiends orrr feasssts, the barrrdsss exjissst.
To quench the Hunterrr'sss thjirrrssst forrr Bljissssss.
A quarrrtet forrr a quarrrt of blood,
One orrr the otherrr to wet the flood!
And whjilssst thessse poetsss do wjith otherrrsss conssspjirrre,
Doth thou knowssst thoussst ljife mjight expjirrre?
To conssspjirrre or expjirrre, not forrr Man to decjide,
The Hunterrr lapsss at one when the otherrr jisss drrrjied.
Satine Capashen
Apr 16th, 2001, 08:47:07 AM
Alpha listens to all the rhymes with interest, and a little bit of relief for Nobby finally letting him be.
Nobby Nuss
Apr 16th, 2001, 09:56:33 AM
(Nobby turns around and claps for the Cizerack. He dares another toothy grin, staring at all these people rhyming like he did)
"If I had a dime,
For every rhmye,
I could eat, for all time.
Your rhyming is very true
Wouldst thou like a riddle too?"
(Nobby sits down)
"I can supply ye with one
If not for challenge, then for fun.
What dost thou say?
Come on and play!"
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 16th, 2001, 10:00:09 AM
But of courrrssse. Anjy opporrrtunjitjy to sssharrrpen mjy rrrapjierrr wjit. jI accept wjith brrravado!
Nobby Nuss
Apr 16th, 2001, 10:18:28 AM
"Thank ye for playing with me
Lukily I charge no fee, for 'tis free.
I'll give you a riddle,
'T'will not be piddle.
It's fun, Nobby swears,
Now Nobby prepares."
(Nobby clears his throat)
"Kingdom soldiers will look like it,
When the headsman gives them a lop.
For then, like it, they'll have a neck,
But not a head on top."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 16th, 2001, 10:22:52 AM
jYou ssspeak of a bottle, perrrhapsss?
Nobby Nuss
Apr 16th, 2001, 10:37:11 AM
(Nobby claps in delight)
"Thou hast guessed right
You are the first! Oooooh what a night.
Nobby wants thee to stay in the game
I promise the next t'will not be so lame!"
(Nobby again clears his throat)
"Don't grow too attached to this thing.
Without it you will never even know it
is gone. But be careful friend, it is
much easier to lose on Kingdom soil."
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Apr 16th, 2001, 10:43:36 AM
jYourrr ljife, of courrrssse.
Nobby Nuss
Apr 16th, 2001, 10:50:00 AM
"Thou hast guessed correctly again!
What is it with you cat men?
Heaven Forfend you should guess incorrectly
Then ye'd have to pay a suitable fee.
Nobby ist hungry, buy food for me!
Though if ye should guess right for a third time
Then I shall use me dime
and buy ye something to eat
Hopefully it's a suitable treat."
(Nobby prepares for the last riddle, searching through his mind. A smile crept across his face, once finding the best one he could think of)
"When it comes in,
From sea to shore,
Twenty paces you'll see,
No less, no more!"
Apr 16th, 2001, 09:51:21 PM
Ami thought long and hard about this riddle. She finally thought of an answer.
"I believe the answer you're looking for
Is a mountain - no less, no more."
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