View Full Version : (Story) Testing Times

Jul 21st, 2001, 06:42:13 PM
OOC: Just a quick short I wrote, to try to get me back in the writing mood. If you read it, please give a comment, thankee

:: Leaning against a wall, Fett begins to take deep breaths. After some time, he resumes normal breathing, and walks round the corner, the door straght ahead of him. Reaching onto his gunbelt, he pulls out two slugthrowers. Not his normal 1911s though, these had been left behind. Taking one final deep breath, Fett strides towards the door, and kicks it in....

* * * * Spinning right, he fires at a suprised man at the door, who dies without the time to pull out a gun. Fett then turns round and drops to one knee, taking out another man with a well aimed shot to the head. Hearing a loud grunt, he turns to see a particularly large Gamorrean bearing down at him, a chair poised to swing at Fetts head. Quickly, he drops to the floor to avoid the clumsy swing, and empties both guns in the attackers midsection, dropping him to the floor. Slowly, Fett gets up, reloading the guns as he does so. seeing that the room is now empty, he walks through a door into another room. As he does, his instincts drop him to the floor into a roll, narrowly missing a blaster bolt flying by. Landing in a crouch, Fett brings a gun up, and fires at the offending shooter. He then rolls backwards to his feet, and checks the room. FInding this was now empty, he proceeds up the stairs, to the goal of the mission.

* * * * Checking for anyone waiting, Fett slowly walks up to a wall, and stands fat against it. Side stepping, he
slowly reaches an opening through to another room. Checking the bullets in his guns, Fett steps into the room, and opens fire. He counts five in the room, all spread out. Crossing his arms across his chest, he fires both guns, each taking one man out. He then dives over a table, guns blazing, taking another man out. Realizing both pistols were empty, he scrambles behind the table fully, and puts a clip into each. Sliding the tops forward with a satisying CLICK, he jumps to his feet, and fires at both the remaining men, taking both out.

"Very nice. A new time I believe" A voice says behind him, causing Fett to smile. Slowly, everything in the room fades away, leaving only a large green room. He turns to see the man who had spoken. A hardened looking man in his fifties, he was the sort you wouldnt want to have an argument with, unless you enjoyed intensive care.

"So, what do you think?" He asks

"Suguth, youre a genius. These two babies are the best youve done yet. Ill take them" Fett says, spinning both of the DLMK-23s into their holsters

"Good grief! Could this mean the great Ash Longbaugh could finally be hanging his 1911s up?" He asks in mock suprisment

"Heh, why? A man can always use a backup" He said, causing both men to laugh.

"So, how you paying? Normal way"

"Yeah, as always. Thanks for the work" Fett says, as he slowly leaves the room::

Guri HRD
Jul 21st, 2001, 06:46:55 PM
The hand of Woo annointeth you :)

Good stuff.

Jul 21st, 2001, 09:12:52 PM
yeah, shame noone actually bothers to comment though, the unhelpful gits

Nichos Marr
Jul 21st, 2001, 09:22:51 PM
That was awesome. One of your best shorts yet.

Gurney Devries
Jul 21st, 2001, 09:34:28 PM
the unhelpful gitsBut of course!

A *helpful* git would just be too strange. :)

Nichos Marr
Jul 21st, 2001, 09:40:49 PM
It strikes me odd when instead of replying with a comment about Fett's story, Gurney nitpicks one of his posts. Has this thread lost meaning already?

Jul 21st, 2001, 09:42:17 PM
at least he commented

Gurney Devries
Jul 21st, 2001, 09:51:38 PM
It strikes me odd when instead of replying with a comment about Fett's story, Gurney nitpicks one of his posts.Fett knows that I'm a wise-ass, and I'm sure that he didn't take it in the wrong way.

And other than that: It was pretty well written, and I overall liked it. But it gave me the impression that it was going to carry on, and that something more was going to happen.

Jul 21st, 2001, 10:18:04 PM
I might be extending it, thats why:)

Arya Ravenwing
Jul 22nd, 2001, 02:57:36 AM
I heard the movie was better, but the story is pretty good. ;)

Nice work, Fett :lol:

Jul 23rd, 2001, 03:10:02 AM
I like.

I thought at first it was a guy and his guns in override and then the room fades to the green and it dawns on the reader what was actaully taking place.

I like to be thrown off when I read and proved I in fact did not see the next step coming.

you did that.

Master Yoghurt
Aug 11th, 2001, 01:19:19 PM
I like this one :)