View Full Version : How Fett Got His Stripes(New Story)

Aug 2nd, 2001, 05:44:29 PM
OOC: I got bored, so decided to try some new things for the character. Being as the two halves of this are quite different, I am writing this in two. IF YOU READ THIS, PLEASE COMMENT! PART TWO FURTHER DOWN THE THREAD

"And after that, we settled down back home"

Fett smiled at the mans story. They had been travelling in realspace for some time now, due to a nearby asteroid field. It had been decided that the Corellian politicion onboard the Corvette was too important to risk. They had nearly reached the end of the danger now, then just one more jump, and theyd be home. That thought made Fett glad. he hated helping Corellia out, but he had to do it. For noone but himself. After giving up as a hitman, hed decided that he had to do something to repay Corellia. So, hed done volunteer missions for them. This was the final one. He was escorting some important dignitary from Coruscant to Corellia, as one of the escort ships. Apart from him, there was a full squadron of X-Wings, as well as the Dignitaries personal ship, the Cruiser The Defiant.

"So, what about you Ash? You got anyone back home?" The man asked over the comms.

"No, not a soul" Fett replied.

"Noone at all?"

"Nope. Anyone I had, I lost"

"I'm sorry to hear that"

"Me too" came his reply. Of all the things there was to talk about, this was worse for him. It brought back memories of that day...

Sitting at the table, Fett smiled to see Jana walking towards him. She wore simple clothes, just trousers, shirt and a nerfhide jacket. To him though, she could have been wearing a Hutts winter gear. To him, she was still the best thing he had seen in weeks. Getting up, he saw her jog over to him, and kiss him slowly on the lips. They had known each other for years, but only recently had they realised there was something more between them. Unfortunately for both of them, due to Fett's work as a Hitman and Jasa's job as a snubfighter escort for a pleasure cruiser, the two were often apart. Because of this, they had to make the most of the time they had together. But not any more. Fett had retired now, it was over for him. He'd promised her he would get a job on the cruiser with her, as a pilot of an escort or something, so they could stay together.

"From the welcome, Id guess you were happy to see me" he said jokingly, as he slowly put his arms round her.

"Mildly pleased" she replied, gently knocking some of her brown hair away from her face, before resting her hands on his hips.

"Is that it? All I do for you is mildly pleased?" replied Fett, faking hurt

"Well, you're going to have to make me change my opinion, arent you?"

"Its what I do best" he replied, as he passionately kissed her, and he felt like he had died and gone to heaven. It was then that he heard two sharp noises, and Jana's body jerked forward...

Pulling her down behind a booth, he looked down to see two large blaster marks in her back, burned deep into her. Fett swallowed hard, as he realised the truth. Jana was dying, and it was because of a man after him. Looking back up to her face, he leant forward to hear her speak.

"I'm........gone........arent I?" She said, struggling to speak

"I'm sorry" he replied, fighting back the tears.

"Dont.......be...............I....love...." said Jana, before going silent.

Fett buried his head in his arm and began to breath heavily, before slowly looking back up, and closing her eyes. Slowly getting up, he saw a man at the other end of the room, holding a blaster, slowly walking away. Pulling out his pistols, he ran at the man, firing both wildly.


Fett bolted up as he heard the comm come to life, from The Defiant

"All craft listen up. We are now leaving the asteroid area. Prepare for hyperspace on my mark"

Fett spun into a better position, and strapped himself in, still thinking about Jana. In one day, I'd lost almost everything, because of one man. I took care of him, but there would be others. Never again he thought, as he pulled the hyperspace throttle, watching the stars turn into lines, and then blue...

...Only to reappear moments later, with ships in front

"Pirates!" Came a voice from one of the X-Wings

Cracking his neck, Fett got hold of the control stick, and shouted back to Nacho, his R2 unit.

"Get plugged in and power up the Quad, I think we're in for a rough ride!"

He slowed down The Chainsaw, as did the X-Wings, waiting to see what happened. For a long time, they remeained still. Fett believed they were using a modified Star Destroyer, now updated with a gravity well, as well as many Uglies. After a long while of waiting, Fett allowed his mind to drift...

Facing Mortyr Rann, the man who had killed Jana, had brought many memories into his mind, the main one being why he had hunted him down. Now, Fett had a Slugthrower pointed at his head, and Mortyr was trapped.

"You know, when I killed her, I felt sorry at first. But now, having met you, I just think she must have been a pathetic excuse for a human to have settled for you, so deserved to die" said Rann, smiling.

Anger visible on his face, Fett aimed lower, and shot the man in the crotch. He doubled over in agony, and dropped to the floor. Fett walked to a railing, and looked down. They were at a very high point of Coruscant, and the drop was unbelevable. Pulling a small container off his belt, he spread the contents on the railing. He then walked up to Rann, kicking him in the ribs until he heard a crack, before picking him up. He swung him over the railing, and dropped one of the mans fingers on one of his hands in the substance, leaving him hanging over the drop.

"Industrial strength glue. Now, this should be interesting. You see, without medical attention, which you arent going to get, you should die of your wounds slowly and painfully. However, there is a long drop for you now, which will take a while to reach the bottom of. Now, which one do you think will kill you first?" Fett said, before pulling a vibroblade out of his boot.

"Lets find out" he says, and stabs the blade into one of his fingers, severing it, causing Rann to squeal out in pain.

"This little Mynock went to market"


"This little Mynock stayed at home"


"And this little Mynock went thousands of miles down to the bottom of Coruscant, bleeding all the way down"


Smiling, Fett watched the man plummet downwards, his face a picture of pain, fear and shock. Walking away, Fett suddenly stopped as he realised what he had done. That wasn't for money. That was for pleasure. Should I have done that?

He stood where he was for a long period of time, before nodding to himself

Course it was, it was payback. Let someone else care about morals for now

And with that, he left

Opening his eyes, he saw that the Uglies were now approaching at high speeds, while the Star Destroyer stayed still.

"Get ready" Came the response from The Defiant

Tsaak Vootuh
Aug 2nd, 2001, 05:53:05 PM

That was excellent...for an infidel :)

Keep up the good work.

Liam Jinn
Aug 2nd, 2001, 06:14:08 PM
It was good, though I don't get why you let your mind drift while under attack. It could've corresponded with the actual events better. Maybe have some of the X-Wing people explode and say something like 'the explosion was like the end of my career as a hit man.'-(give some more thought into it though.) But I liked the way you got the romance down ;) Also I don't like it when you cut stories off in the middle like that! That means I'm gonna have to come back and read this thread again! :p Well, come on write the rest already!! :)

Aug 2nd, 2001, 06:18:03 PM
It was good, though I don't get why you let your mind drift while under attack.
Might have wrote that bad, but it was meant to be at a standoff

It could've corresponded with the actual events better. Maybe have some of the X-Wing people explode and say something like 'the explosion was like the end of my career as a hit man.'-(give some more thought into it though.)
Going to try that in the next part, if it reads ok

But I liked the way you got the romance down
You wouldnt believe how hard that was to write:)

Also I don't like it when you cut stories off in the middle like that! That means I'm gonna have to come back and read this thread again!
heh heh heh... :)

Teka Kenobi
Aug 2nd, 2001, 06:21:16 PM
Cool Fett :)

Nice story. A bit unfair on the guy at the end, but he bloody well deserved it ;)

Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 2nd, 2001, 06:25:13 PM
Nicely done, Mr. Fett. I may even let you clean the chainsaw blade in the shrine of the "Cult of Ash."

Aug 2nd, 2001, 08:05:11 PM
I like it Fett.

Dont know what else to comment really :)

Milom Sargast
Aug 2nd, 2001, 08:07:46 PM
Something about the way you took that guy out reminded me of Homer Johnston putting a bullet through a Basque terrorist's stomach in Rainbow Six....

I like :)

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 2nd, 2001, 10:49:18 PM
Very nicely done! I really like it but..ok..coming from a girl..I don't think my character would die this way:

"I'm........gone........arent I?" She said, struggling to speak

"I'm sorry" he replied, fighting back the tears.

"Dont.......be...............I....love...." said Jana, before going silent.

I think the last two sentences work well..its just the "I'm ....gone..aren't I?" I think she would say something else...not sure what. But I think you are trying to have her come across like a strong girl like one in the forces. If that is the case. It works.

Keep up the great work:)

Aug 3rd, 2001, 09:49:17 AM
OOC: Heres part two. I'm a bit dissapointed with it, so might end up redoing it. Here we go:


Checking his scanners, Fett counted twenty four Uglies. Normally being that outnumbered was bad, but not on this occasion. An Ugly is a snub fighter, made out of pieces of other ones. The ones on this case were known as DIE-Fighters, for obvious reasons. They mixed the slowness of a Y-Wings engines with the unshielded hull of a TIE fighter. Most pilots would have been better off getting out and floating, they would be more dangerous then. twenty four was still enough to swarm them though, and there was a modified Star Destroyer nearby. Thinking, he turned on his comm channel.

" Defiant, this is Chainsaw" He said

"Copy" came the reply

"Listen, I have an idea of how to get out of this, but you must listen to me. Will you?"

"Negative. We have contingency plans, just follow us out"

"Have you ever fought off pirates?"


"I have. Trust me, you cant follow some plan and expect results"

"Sorry sir" The lead of the X-Wings interrupted "But I think we should listen"

There was a long pause, before The Defiant's reply

"Very well. Whats the plan?" The man said resignedly

"OK. Defiant, gold position, back off is the Destroyer gets closer. Lead, can you spilt into flights?"

"Yes sir"

"Do you have missiles?"

"No sir, no snubs aren equipped with them"

Sithspit Fett thought to himself. Got to do it myself

"Ok, all fighters hold their ground"

"What? We're sitting ducks here?" One of the pilots exclaimed

"Just trust me, I know what I'm doing" I hope

Grudgingly, all did as was said, and waiting. Looking down at the sensors, he saw the Uglies approaching steadily

"Stay ready Defiant" he said, still watching, as the ships got closer

"X-Wings, slowly increase speed to 50%"

as a group, they all edge forward, close to firing range. Looking up, he could now clearly see the Uglies, almost ready to fire...

"Pull up!" he shouted, and threw his ship into maximum thrust, speeding upwards. The X-Wings followe suit, as the Uglies flew under, having lost their targets. And leaving them for the Defiant. From the volleys of fire, half the enemy craft were turned into space dust in seconds. The rest puleld out, only to be engaged by the X-Wings.

" Defiant, you have torps, right?" Fett asked

"Yes, but we arent in range for the Destory..."

"Fire at me"

"Beg your pardon, but..."

"On my word, fire" He said, hoping they were mad wnough to do it. Seeing an opening, he broke out of the dogfight, straght at the Destoryer in the distance. A light flashed in the cockpit, telling him they had locked on.


On his word, six torpedoes came flying out at him. Switching power from his shields and lasers to the engines, Fett barely managed to keep his ship at a distance from them. Looking out, he could see the Star Destroyer looming closer and closer. As laser fire shot out from it at him, he started taking evasive maneuvers, but not once changing course. The hull of the capital ship was now all he could see, as he continued at it....

...at the last minute, Fett pulled up, skimming the surface. The torpedoes couldnt rediect in time, slamming into the hull of the star destroyer. Explosions rippled along, as Fett pulled out, and started to break away. Checking his navicomp, he gave a smile to himself,

" Defiant, you reading that?"

"You cut the gravity wells!" the man said, his voice slightly hoarse, no doubt from cheering

"Thats right. Get out of here. X-Wings, wait till it has gone, then follow"


Looking behind, he saw the Star Destroyer. It was still moving, but with a gaping hole in it. It would last for another day, he didnt have time to finish the job. Instead, he piled The Chainsaw into the dogfight, vaping one of the Uglies that was chasing an X-Wing. A small ping came from the computer, indicating The Defiant's escape.

"Ok guys, lets move"

Not wasting any time, Fett inputted the directions into the navicomp, then hit the hyperspace throttle, taking him the the familiar blueness of travelling this way. ANd with a sigh, he realised he was safe.


Fett walked into the main area of The Chainsaw, and sat down, looking down at what he had been given. Second level Bloodstripes, an expensive golden colour. Only given to those who had performed a truly brave feat in military combat, few were ever given these. He could put this on his trouser leg, and people would see he was a man who risked his life for Corellia. Smiling, he wondered what Jana would have said. I wish she was here to see this. It was then he started drifting again...

Fett sat on the main seat, cleaning one of his pistols. Hearing a noise, he looked up, and saw Jana at the doorway, wearing a nightshirt.

"Just woke up?" He asked her. She nodded, before walking over and kissing him on the cheek. She sat down next to him, and leaning up against him. Putting down the gun, Fett leant back to let her get more comfy, and ran his hand down her back. Looking down, he saw her looking down at the table.

"Another job?" She said

"Yes. The last one" he replied. She sat up straght, and looked straght at him

"You mean that? This is it?" she said suprised, as Fett nodded, smiling. She put her arms round his neck, and kissing him on the lips.

"Thankyou" she whispered in his ear. She hated Fett doing this. Not just because of what it was, but because of the danger he was in

"We'll do exactly what we said we'd do. I'll get that job as a pilot escorting the cruiser. Well leave this all behind. I promise. It'll be like we said it would be like" he said, as he kissed her again

"No, more ReaperFett, no more killings. Just me, you and a geat future"

His smile quickly dissapeared, as realisation hit him. I was only there as some way to give something back to Corellia after what I did he thought. And thats what killed her, what I did. Looking down in his hand, his heart filled with anger. I don't want a reminder of what I was. I want to forget it. He got up, and opened a large containment hatch on the wall, and opened it up. Screwing up the Bloodstripes. He threw them in and shut the hatch, before heading off for the cockpit


Teka Kenobi
Aug 3rd, 2001, 09:59:55 AM
I like this one too. What were you thinking of changing? I personally think it was great :) Good work!

Selena Kyle
Aug 3rd, 2001, 10:31:19 AM
Hmm..nicely done. I always like the flashback scenes.

Like Teka said..I really don't see what you want to change about it. Keep up the good work! :)

Nichos Marr
Aug 3rd, 2001, 10:37:37 AM
Excellent. Keep it up Reaper. =)

Teka Kenobi
Aug 3rd, 2001, 12:01:34 PM
Heh, he changed it since my reply :) Even better!

Liam Jinn
Aug 3rd, 2001, 07:56:12 PM
I honestly can't think of anything that needs changing..except some spelling..

Gav Mortis
Aug 3rd, 2001, 08:42:48 PM
I thought both halves to the short story were excellent!

You have a very well balanced writing style and know when to use descriptive language and when to skim over the lasser important events. I really look forward to reading more of your work because your writing is skillfully natural.

the use of memory and the way the flashbacks were presented was very effective and allowed an enlighteneing insight into the man that ReaperFett once was. The romance and sentiment involved were really touching too - and how you perceieved things and how you were tormented really gets you thinking!

Over-all I say congrats on a great job! :)

Master Yoghurt
Aug 11th, 2001, 01:32:18 PM
Great stuff!! :)