View Full Version : The Past Brought Back (New Short Story, complete)

Aug 15th, 2001, 06:10:08 PM
OOC: Quick story development type thing. May help to read pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm17.showMessage?topicID=106.topic (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm17.showMessage?topicID=106.topic) first. This is also a sort of prologue to another story. Here we go:


"So where are we going?" Asked Kyt, picking at his dinner. The food on The Chainsaw wasn't great, but could be a whole lot worse.

"Ramja VIII" Fett replied, cleaning some grease off his saber.

"Oh, Ramja VIII. That famous hotspot of the galaxy"

"No, I've never been there either"

"So why exactly are we going?"

"Because some local princess called Mynna has to do some diplomatic function"

"Princess?" Kyt said, now sounding more interested.

"Yes Kyt, a princess"

"She single?"

"For all I know, she could have three arms and a tail"

"Well, we'll see. Should be fun finding out" Kyt said, smiling, earning a glance from Fett.

"I pity whoever you settle down with"

"I Dont" Kyt replies, before getting up. "Hey, you know where my jacket is? I left it somewhere"

Fett points to a large compartment of the wall, not looking up. Opening it up, Kyt sees his jacket on a hook, he takes it, before seeing something in the pile of things on the floor. Picking it up, he turns to Fett.

"Ash?" He asked


"What are these?"

Fett looked up, to see him holding a long, thin strip of yellow/gold material, rolled up. His bloodstripes. He winced on the inside.


"They're Bloodstripes Kyt" He said, trying to sound calm.



" Why do you have Bloodstripes in you wall compartment?" Kyt asked. Fett put his saber down, and looked up at him.

"Remember when I was helping out the Corellian military? It was the final mission. I saved some Dignitry from pirates. I had his ship fire all their missiles at me, and I headed straght for the pirate's ship, which had gravity wells. They all hit spot on where they were needed, and he could escape" He said, thinking back to the day.

"So you earnt them. Why not wear them?"

"I didn't help the military for glory. I didn't help them for rewards. I did it to give something back to Correllia"

"Thats it? You dont wear them because you didn't join for them?"

"No, not just that"

"Then what?"

"Jana" Fett said, and saw a wave of emotions wash over Kyt. He had been close to her too. The three did a lot together, always being there for each other.

"I joined because I had been a hitman. Being a hitman got Jana killed. How can I go round wearing a reminder that I killed her" Fett continued. He could see Kyt get visably angry

"You're right about one thing. You dont deserve them" Kyt said, getting more annoyed

"Bloodstripes are given to people who dont hide away from their fears. They face them. But you don't. No, you hide away. You're a disgrace to those Bloodstripes, and to Jana too " Kyt continued, before beginning to leave the room. Fett got up, and started to walk up to him.

"Hey, that's not.." was as far as he got, before Kyt swung round, and hit him square on the jaw, knocking him back onto the bench. He sits there for a short time, rubbing his jaw, before getting up, and walking straght back up to him.

"That make you feel better?" Fett asked

"Yeah, it did actually" Kyt replied

"Good, then do it again" He said. Kyt looked at him slightly confused

"Go on, do it again. Do it. I want you, to hit me" Fett continued, before pushing Kyt's shoulder back. Kyt didn't reply, instead continuing out of the room. Fett sat back on the bench, deep in thought.

He's right. I'm a disgrace to her he thought, as his mind began to drift back...

Sitting in the Merry Mynock bar on Nar Shadaa, Fett leant over to Jana, and kissed her gently on the cheek.

"I'm just going for a drink. Want one?" He asked

"Can I have a water?" she replied. He nodded, and got up from the table.

Leaning at the bar, Fett looked round at the various patrons. Despite this being one of the better places on the smuggler's moon, it was still full of scum. Almost everyone on this planet did something illegal, and most that didn't were here to exploit them. After some time, the bartender finally got to him, and served him. Paying the man, Fett turned round to see there were two men standing at the table. One was a Rodian, the other a human. Jana looked troubled by the two. Fett walked over, and tapped the man on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, I'm breathing here. Leave now" Fett said

"You talking to me little man?" The man replied

"Congratulations. At least that means that some of you braincells are working"

"Listen punk, I have death marks on more planets than you could meet in a lifetime"

"And I can balance a plate on my nose. Now, I'd love to stand here all day and discuss each others skills and quirks, but I was having a quiet drink with my girl here. Quiet means that I can't smell you, which would be a fair distance away" Fett said. Angered, the man grabbed off his belt, and pulled a knife out. Calmly, Fett runs his hand across his belt, until his jacket is back enough to allow the man to see his Blastech DL-44 pistol, tucked into his belt. He slowly puts his hand on the handle, and flashes a half smile at the two men

"Now, f**k off" he said, and slowly, the two edged back, before turning and leaving the bar at a fair pace. He crouches slightly, and puts his hand on Jana's shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked. She replied with a nod

"Come on, lets go" Fett said, and the two slowly got up, and left the bar

That night, Fett didn't sleep a bit, thinking about what he'd done with his life.

The next day, The Chainsaw landed in the spaceport of Ramja VIII without problems. Lowering the landing ramp, Kyt walked out of the ship, and turned back.

"You coming or what?" He shouted. Almost on cue, Fett appeared. He was wearing a white shirt, black jacket, gunbelt and trousers, slightly altered. He was wearing his Bloodstripes.

"You were right" Fett said, continuing to walk out into the spaceport proper, Kyt matching his pace.

"I didn't mean..." Kyt began

"Sure you did. Just took someone to knock some sense into me. By the way, you wont be getting the pleasure of seeing my perfect face bruised" Fett said, a half smile on his face

"Oh, I don't know. The day has only just began" Kyt replied, laughing.

Aug 16th, 2001, 04:01:26 AM
you guys have a great way to meke me feel unwanted. Thanks a bunch

Master Yoghurt
Aug 16th, 2001, 04:56:24 AM
Dont say that! It was a good story! :)

Aug 17th, 2001, 03:08:04 AM
suppose Ill bump this one more time

Teka Kenobi
Aug 17th, 2001, 05:23:37 AM
Nice, although you may want to include some of the [/i] tags nearer the end of the story. Cool though.

Seth Darkserpent
Aug 17th, 2001, 06:59:44 PM
I thought the dialogue was excellent and it drew you into the story. The part that I didn't like was the use of: "Now, f**k off". I just can't imagine ReaperFett swearing like that, hitman or not. Other then that, I give it a 4 out of 5.

Aug 18th, 2001, 12:42:34 PM
It was my little homage to Snatch :)

Still, no idea why I put the *s in. Id offend more people if I stuck my middle finger up in a room full of people sleeping