View Full Version : :: A General enters::

Captain Tohmahawk
May 6th, 2001, 07:43:47 PM
He was greying a bit, but the years had been kind to him. Still a fairly beefy and pwoerful man, his unform spick and knife edged, he was every inch military. He was stopped by a trooper who asked for his weapon.

"I dont think so soldier"

"Sir, I must insist.."

"My ID soldier"

The grunt scanned the id, his eyes bugging and snapping to attention with incredible speed.

"SAH! Orders for disarmanent of all beings..."

"Does not include me"

"SAH! But reports of your death..."

"Are incorrect. You may resume you post Private."


Sometimes it was good to pull rank. He went up the stairs and looked around from the entrance wiht much interest. Odd place for the Jedi, even odder the riff raff who also came here. He stepped to the middle of the floor, looking around, stopping a barwaiter

"Good evening. My name is Major General James T Tohmahawk and I'm looking for a Nathan West. If he is not about, a man by the name of Hunter will do. If he is not availible, then I will appreciate a table for myself and a drink. "

Artemis Jinn
May 6th, 2001, 09:49:00 PM
*Artemis smiled at the Gen.*

Well, I don't know if any of them are here now, but if you stay awhile I'm sure you'll find them. Please follow me and I'll find you a table.

*Artemis showed the Gen. to a table and he sat down.*

What can I get for you sir?

Captain Tohmahawk
May 6th, 2001, 10:38:18 PM
"I will have a Correllian brandy. Thank you"

The General took a seat

Artemis Jinn
May 7th, 2001, 08:08:52 AM
*Artemis left and returned a few moments later with the brandy.*

Is there anything else you would like?

Nathan W3st
May 7th, 2001, 06:34:53 PM

No, it wasn't possible. Tohmahawk should be deader than ferrocrete. People didn't return from the core of a star.

I saw him launched from the ship. I saw his coffin drift into space. He is dead. This is an illusion.

Still, as hard as it slammed into the former NRSF officer, he was human, and therefore curiosity could overwhelm other impulses. West turned neatly on his heel, marched straight up to his table and sat.

He glared at the man, eyes narrowed and malevolent, lips pursed together.

"Who the frell are you?"

Captain Tohmahawk
May 7th, 2001, 07:45:30 PM
:: The General raised an eyeborw at the rather rude person. He didn't really appreciate that... but a flash of recognition came to him. Ahhh, now that was a WTF. What was one of the NRSF's best doing here? Tohmahawk's voice assumed the familiar tones of command.

"COMMANDER WEST GET ON YOUR FEET AND SALUTE! If you speak to me like that again I'll ream you like we did the kaffians! Now why the hell are you here and not leading your squad... do you want a courtmatial?"::

Nathan W3st
May 7th, 2001, 07:54:02 PM
West neatly saluted. It was Tohmahawk, or a terrifyingly effective impersonator.

"Sir, former NRSF." It was spoken quietly, like an unpleasant secret.

"And I've already been court marshaled," he added, voice still soft.

Captain Tohmahawk
May 7th, 2001, 08:57:11 PM
:: Tohahawk's eyes nearly became stalks::

"You....were cortmartialled? Blazing stars, what the frell for? what did you do, kill my replacement?"

Nathan W3st
May 7th, 2001, 09:08:12 PM
"No sir. I turned down a suicide mission. Estimated casualty rate for a normal NR unit was 100%. DZ was hot, the odds were thirty to one, no air support, and and extraction was dubious at best." West stiffend.

"I won't ever lead a squad to die, sir. Your substitute thought I should do otherwise."

Captain Tohmahawk
May 7th, 2001, 09:20:28 PM
"I'm sorry to hear that Commader West. I too disagreed with the way the NR wanted to move ahead and said so to the High Council. I disagreed with their alliance of convienience with the Empire and I disagree with their pacificst regime. The NRSF were bought into being as you well know to stifle rogue Force users and for operations that need the elite, so why were we doing nothing or being sent on stupid missions?! I swore to defend the Republic and so I will, even if I had to take the steps I did.

So how did you end up here h0cake? Feel like kicking some -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR- again?"

Nathan W3st
May 7th, 2001, 09:31:07 PM
Anything would be welcome at this point. h0cake. Nathan chuckled to himself at the NRSF joke. Now that was something to remember. Trel Torhin, fresh recruit, dropping out of the ceiling in the middle of an officers confrence, screaming "h0cake!" at the top of his lungs.

West snapped neatly to attetion, saluting with perfection. "Yess SIR!"

Captain Tohmahawk
May 7th, 2001, 09:51:16 PM
:: Tohmahawk stands and returns the salute. "At ease soldier. First things first, we get security in this place shaped up. These Jedi dont know the first thing about protecting home base like we do, so we make ourselves useful. Second, I'm calling the old squadron leaders and we are reforming NRSF once again right here. The Senate wont need to know, especially as I dont trust those sleezes. Last thing... you get yourself some Jedi training young man. For that, you will be helping me train these peace loving freaks into real fighters. Understand?"::

Nathan W3st
May 7th, 2001, 10:20:26 PM
Nathan smiled genuinely, relaxing his posture.

"Perfectly, General. But may I ask a question?"

"Go on, Commander."

"What happend that led you away from the force for so long?"

Captain Tohmahawk
May 7th, 2001, 10:54:22 PM
"Good question son. I had to go under cover as I saw what was coming. I dont trust the New Republic high ups right now.... plus, you heard of a Force Master Hunter killing off a Jedi or two? Dont be fooled - that was my hand in reality. Being undercover gives me a freedom of movement that I would not have now and I intend to keep a lowish profile. Understand?

Oh.... I remember you rather liked hand guns" He presented the rail gun - the rather oversized pistol - to Nathan. "New standard issue. 20 shot clip, uses explosive tip bullets and cant be blocked by a sabre. Ranges in muzzle velocity up to 2000 m/s, .505 calibre. Frigging mean kickback, but leaves no smoke or powder and can blow holes in hull armour. Converts to carbine for extra punch with a .8 calibre, accurate to 250 meters. Full auto mag. Nice balance. Either this or we use that other one you were good wth... what was it again?"

Nathan W3st
May 7th, 2001, 11:13:41 PM
Nathan's eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, tearing goodies open. He hefted the firearm carefully, testing it's balance after checking the saftey. No round chambered either. Good.

It was a beauty, for sure. West dropped the clip out, noting the action and the time it took. After examing the contents of the long clip, he slid it back in, stopping with a very satisfying click.

But there were a few problems. One was concealment. The thing was frellin' HUGE. Other issue was reload speed. The clips were massive, and would take extra time to reload. Still, with the carbine conversion... now that would do the trick.

"Siggaphen p245 semi-auto." It was a smaller weapon, .45 caliber, and muzzle velocity was a comparative 1650 m/s. However, Nathan had proved time and time again he could put 13 of 13 in the red, at 50 meters with it, rapid fire.